module Camfort.Transformation.EquivalenceElim where
import Data.Data
import Data.List
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Operations
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Language.Fortran
import Camfort.Output
import Camfort.Traverse
import Camfort.Helpers
import Language.Fortran.Pretty
import Camfort.Analysis.Annotations
import Camfort.Analysis.Syntax
import Camfort.Analysis.Types
import Camfort.Transformation.DeadCode
import Camfort.Transformation.Syntax
import Debug.Trace
type RfEqState = ([[Expr Annotation]], Int, Report)
refactorEquivalences :: (Filename, Program Annotation) -> (Report, (Filename, Program Annotation))
refactorEquivalences (fname, p) =
let ?fname = fname
in do p' <- mapM (transformBiM equivalences) p
deadCode True (fname, p')
where equivalences :: (?fname :: String) => Block Annotation -> (Report, Block Annotation)
equivalences b = let equiv = do b' <- rmEquivalences b
transformBiM (addCopy (typeEnv b)) b'
(b', (_, _, r)) = runState equiv ([], 0, "")
in (r, b')
addCopy :: (?fname :: String) => TypeEnv Annotation -> Fortran Annotation -> State RfEqState (Fortran Annotation)
addCopy tys x@(Assg a sp@(s1, s2) e1 e2) | not (pRefactored a) =
do eqs <- equivalents e1
if (length eqs > 1) then
let a' = a { refactored = Just s1 }
sp' = refactorSpan sp
eqs' = deleteBy (\x -> \y -> (af x) == (af y)) e1 eqs
mkCopy (n, e') = let sp' = refactorSpanN n sp
case ((varExprToVariable e1) >>= (\v1' -> varExprToVariable e' >>= (\v' -> return $ eqType v1' v' tys))) of
Nothing -> Assg a' sp' e' e1
Just False -> Assg a' sp' e' (Var a' sp' [(VarName a' "transfer", [e1, e'])])
Just True -> Assg a' sp' e' e1
eqs'' = map mkCopy (zip [0..(length eqs')] eqs')
(l, c) = srcLineCol s1
reportF (e', i) = ?fname ++ show (l + i, c) ++ ": addded copy: " ++ (pprint e') ++ " due to refactored equivalence\n"
report n = concatMap reportF (zip eqs'' [n..(n + length eqs'')])
in do
(equivs, n, r) <- get
put (equivs, n + (length eqs'), r ++ (report n))
return $ FSeq a sp x (foldl1 (FSeq a' sp') eqs'')
return x
addCopy tys x = return x
rmEquivalences :: (?fname :: String) => (Block Annotation) -> State RfEqState (Block Annotation)
rmEquivalences = transformBiM rmEquiv'
where rmEquiv' :: Decl Annotation -> State RfEqState (Decl Annotation)
rmEquiv' f@(Equivalence a sp equivs) =
do (ess, n, r) <- get
put (equivs:ess, n 1, r ++ ?fname ++ (show . srcLineCol . fst $ sp) ++ ": removed equivalence \n")
return (NullDecl (a { refactored = (Just $ fst sp) }) (dropLine sp))
rmEquiv' f = return f
equivalents :: (?fname :: String) => Expr Annotation -> State RfEqState [Expr Annotation]
equivalents x = let inGroup x [] = []
inGroup x (xs:xss) = if (AnnotationFree x `elem` (map AnnotationFree xs)) then xs
else inGroup x xss
in do (equivs, _, _) <- get
return (inGroup x equivs)