   Copyright 2016, Dominic Orchard, Andrew Rice, Mistral Contrastin, Matthew Danish

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  Units of measure extension to Fortran

 * Deal with variable shadowing in "contained" functions.
 * Better errors with line number info


{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, ImplicitParams, DoAndIfThenElse,
             PatternGuards, ConstraintKinds #-}

module Camfort.Specification.Units
          (Solver, removeUnits, checkUnits
                 , inferUnits, synthesiseUnits
                 , inferCriticalVariables)  where

import Data.Data
import Data.Char (isNumber)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Label.Mono (Lens)
import qualified Data.Label
import Data.Label.Monadic hiding (modify)
import Data.Function
import Data.Matrix
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Operations
import Control.Monad.State.Strict hiding (gets)
import Control.Monad.Identity

import Camfort.Helpers
import Camfort.Output
import Camfort.Analysis.Annotations hiding (Unitless)
import Camfort.Analysis.Syntax
import Camfort.Analysis.Types

import Camfort.Input
import Camfort.Specification.Units.Debug
import Camfort.Specification.Units.InferenceBackend
import Camfort.Specification.Units.InferenceFrontend
import qualified Camfort.Specification.Units.Synthesis as US
import Camfort.Specification.Units.Strip

-- Provides the types and data accessors used in this module
import Camfort.Specification.Units.Environment
-- Solvers for the Gaussian matrix
import Camfort.Specification.Units.Solve

import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis.Renaming as FAR
import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis.BBlocks as FAB
import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis as FA
import qualified Language.Fortran.AST as F
import Camfort.Transformation.Syntax

-- For debugging and development purposes
import qualified Debug.Trace as D

-- Set the default options for the inference

instance Default Solver where
    defaultValue = Custom
instance Default AssumeLiterals where
    defaultValue = Poly

{- START HERE! Two main functions of this file: inferUnits and removeUnits -}

-- Deprecated
removeUnits ::
    (Filename, F.ProgramFile Annotation) -> (Report, (Filename, F.ProgramFile Annotation))
removeUnits (fname, x) = undefined
  {-  let ?criticals = False
    in ("", (fname, map (descendBi removeUnitsInBlock) x)) -}

-- *************************************
--   Unit inference (top - level)
-- *************************************

type Params = (?solver :: Solver, ?assumeLiterals :: AssumeLiterals)

{-| Infer one possible set of critical variables for a program -}
inferCriticalVariables ::
    => (Filename, F.ProgramFile Annotation)
    -> (Report, (Filename, F.ProgramFile Annotation))
inferCriticalVariables (fname, pf) = (r, (fname, pf))
    -- Format report
    r = concat [fname ++ ": " ++ r ++ "\n" | r <- Data.Label.get report env]

    -- Run the infer procedure with empty unit environment, retunring
    -- the updated unit environment, matching variables to their units
    env = let ?criticals = True
              ?debug     = False
              ?nameMap   = nameMap
              ?argumentDecls = False
          in  flip execState emptyUnitEnv
                 doInferUnits . FAB.analyseBBlocks $ pf'
                 vars <- criticalVars nameMap
                 case vars of
                   [] -> report <<++ "No critical variables. Appropriate annotations."
                   _  -> report <<++ "Critical variables: "
                                ++ (concat $ intersperse "," vars)
                 ifDebug debugGaussian)

    pf' = FAR.analyseRenames . FA.initAnalysis $ (fmap mkUnitAnnotation pf)
    nameMap = FAR.extractNameMap pf'
    -- Core infer procedure
    --infer :: (Params, ?argumentDecls :: Bool) => State UnitEnv ()

{-| Check units-of-measure for a program -}
checkUnits ::
    => (Filename, F.ProgramFile Annotation)
    -> (Report, (Filename, F.ProgramFile Annotation))
checkUnits (fname, pf) = (r, (fname, pf))
    -- Format report
    r = concat [fname ++ ": " ++ r ++ "\n" | r <- Data.Label.get report env, not (null r)]
        ++ fname ++ ": checked " ++ show n ++ " user variables\n"

    -- Count number of checked and inferred variables
    n = countVariables (_varColEnv env) (_debugInfo env) (_procedureEnv env)
                                    (fst $ _linearSystem env) (_unitVarCats env)

    pf' = FAB.analyseBBlocks . FAR.analyseRenames . FA.initAnalysis $ (fmap mkUnitAnnotation pf)
    nameMap = FAR.extractNameMap pf'
    -- Apply inferences
    env = let ?criticals = False
              ?debug     = False
              ?nameMap   = nameMap
              ?argumentDecls = False
          in execState (doInferUnits pf') emptyUnitEnv

{-| Check and infer units-of-measure for a program
     This produces an output of all the unit information for a program -}
inferUnits ::
    => (Filename, F.ProgramFile Annotation)
    -> (Report, (Filename, F.ProgramFile Annotation))
inferUnits (fname, pf) = (r, (fname, pf))
    -- Format report
    r = fname ++ ":\n" ++
        concat [ r ++ "\n" | r <- Data.Label.get report env, not (null r)]
        ++ fname ++ ": checked/inferred " ++ show n ++ " user variables\n"

    -- Count number of checked and inferred variables
    n = countVariables (_varColEnv env) (_debugInfo env) (_procedureEnv env)
                                    (fst $ _linearSystem env) (_unitVarCats env)
    -- Apply inference and synthesis
    (_, env) = runState inferAndSynthesise emptyUnitEnv
    inferAndSynthesise =
        let ?criticals = False
            ?debug     = False
            ?nameMap   = nameMap
            ?argumentDecls = False
        in do
          doInferUnits pf'
          succeeded <- gets success
          if succeeded
            then US.synthesiseUnits True pf'
            else return pf'
    pf' = FAB.analyseBBlocks
        . FAR.analyseRenames
        . FA.initAnalysis
        . fmap mkUnitAnnotation $ pf
    nameMap = FAR.extractNameMap pf'

{-| Synthesis unspecified units for a program (after checking) -}
synthesiseUnits ::
    => (Filename, F.ProgramFile Annotation)
    -> (Report, (Filename, F.ProgramFile Annotation))
synthesiseUnits (fname, pf) = (r, (fname, fmap (prevAnnotation . FA.prevAnnotation) pf3))
    -- Format report
    r = concat [fname ++ ": " ++ r ++ "\n" | r <- Data.Label.get report env, not (null r)]
        ++ fname ++ ": checked/inferred " ++ show n ++ " user variables\n"
    -- Count number of checked and inferred variables
    n = countVariables (_varColEnv env) (_debugInfo env) (_procedureEnv env)
                                    (fst $ _linearSystem env) (_unitVarCats env)
    -- Apply inference and synthesis
    pf' = FAB.analyseBBlocks . FAR.analyseRenames . FA.initAnalysis $ (fmap mkUnitAnnotation pf)
    (pf3, env) = runState inferAndSynthesise emptyUnitEnv
    nameMap = FAR.extractNameMap pf'
    inferAndSynthesise =
        let ?criticals = False
            ?debug     = False
            ?nameMap   = nameMap
            ?argumentDecls = False
        in do
          doInferUnits pf'
          succeeded <- gets success
          if succeeded
            then do
              p <- US.synthesiseUnits False pf'
              (n, _) <- gets evUnitsAdded
              report <<++ ("Added " ++ (show n) ++ " annotations")
              return p
            else return pf'

-- Count number of variables for which a spec has been checked
countVariables vars debugs procs matrix ucats =
    length $ filter (\c -> case (ucats !! (c - 1)) of
                             Variable -> case (lookupVarsByCols vars [c]) of
                                           [] -> False
                                           _  -> True
                             Argument -> case (lookupVarsByCols vars [c]) of
                                           [] -> False
                                           _  -> True
                             _        -> False) [1..ncols matrix]

-- Critical variables analysis
criticalVars :: FAR.NameMap -> State UnitEnv [String]
criticalVars nameMap = do
    uvarenv     <- gets varColEnv
    (matrix, vector) <- gets linearSystem
    ucats       <- gets unitVarCats
    dbgs        <- gets debugInfo
    -- debugGaussian
    let cv1 = criticalVars' uvarenv ucats matrix 1 dbgs
    let cv2 = [] -- criticalVars
    return (map realName (cv1 ++ cv2))
      where realName v = v `fromMaybe` (v `M.lookup` nameMap)

criticalVars' :: VarColEnv
              -> [UnitVarCategory]
              -> Matrix Rational
              -> Row
              -> DebugInfo -> [String]
criticalVars' varenv ucats matrix i dbgs =
  let m = firstNonZeroCoeff matrix ucats
    if (i == nrows matrix) then
      if (m i) /= (ncols matrix)
      then lookups [((m i) + 1)..(ncols matrix)] dbgs
      else []
      if (m (i + 1)) /= ((m i) + 1)
      then (lookups [((m i) + 1)..(m (i + 1) - 1)] dbgs)
        ++ (criticalVars' varenv ucats matrix (i + 1) dbgs)
      else criticalVars' varenv ucats matrix (i + 1) dbgs
    lookups = lookupVarsByColsFilterByArg matrix varenv ucats