   Copyright 2016, Dominic Orchard, Andrew Rice, Mistral Contrastin, Matthew Danish

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  Units of measure extension to Fortran

 * Deal with variable shadowing in "contained" functions.
 * Better errors with line number info


{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

module Camfort.Specification.Units.InferenceFrontend (doInferUnits) where

import Data.Data
import Data.Char
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import Data.Matrix
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Operations
import Data.Label.Monadic hiding (modify)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict hiding (gets)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict
import GHC.Prim

import qualified Language.Fortran.AST as F
import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis as FA
import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis.Types as FAT
import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis.Renaming as FAR
import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis.BBlocks as FAB
import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis.DataFlow as FAD
import qualified Language.Fortran.Util.Position as FU
import qualified Language.Fortran.Util.SecondParameter as FUS

import Camfort.Analysis.CommentAnnotator
import Camfort.Analysis.Annotations hiding (Unitless)
import Camfort.Analysis.Types
import Camfort.Specification.Units.Debug
import Camfort.Specification.Units.Environment
import Camfort.Specification.Units.InferenceBackend
import Camfort.Specification.Units.Solve
import qualified Camfort.Specification.Units.Parser as Parser
import Camfort.Transformation.Syntax

import qualified Debug.Trace as D

type A1 = FA.Analysis (UnitAnnotation A)
type Params = (?criticals      :: Bool,
               ?solver         :: Solver,
               ?debug          :: Bool,
               ?assumeLiterals :: AssumeLiterals,
               ?nameMap        :: FAR.NameMap,
               ?argumentDecls  :: Bool)

realName :: (?nameMap :: FAR.NameMap) => F.Name -> F.Name
realName v = v `fromMaybe` (v `M.lookup` ?nameMap)
plumb f x = do { f x ; return x }

-- Helper for transforming the 'previous' annotation
onPrev :: (a -> a) -> FA.Analysis a -> FA.Analysis a
onPrev f ann = ann { FA.prevAnnotation = f (FA.prevAnnotation ann) }

-- Instances for embedding parsed specifications into the AST
instance ASTEmbeddable A1 Parser.UnitStatement where
  annotateWithAST ann ast =
    onPrev (\ann -> ann { unitSpec = Just ast }) ann

-- Link annotaiton comments to declaration statements
instance Linkable A1 where
  link ann (b@(F.BlStatement _ _ _ (F.StDeclaration {}))) =
      onPrev (\ann -> ann { unitBlock = Just b }) ann
  link ann b = ann

-- Core procedure for inferring units
doInferUnits ::
    Params => F.ProgramFile A1
           -> State UnitEnv ()
doInferUnits pf = do
    (pf', parserReport) <- return $ runWriter (annotateComments Parser.unitParser pf)
    report <<++ (intercalate "\n" parserReport)
    let ?argumentDecls = False in descendBiM perProgramUnit pf'
    ifDebug (report <<++ "Finished inferring prog units")
    ifDebug debugGaussian
    inferInterproceduralUnits pf'
    return ()

-- ***************************************
-- *  Unit inference (main, over all AST)
-- ***************************************

-- Check units per program unit, with special handling of functions and subroutines
-- which need adding to the set of constraints
perProgramUnit :: Params
    => F.ProgramUnit A1
    -> State UnitEnv (F.ProgramUnit A1)
perProgramUnit p@(F.PUMain _ _ _ body subprogs) = do
    descendBiM perBlock body
    descendBiM perProgramUnit subprogs
    return p

perProgramUnit p@(F.PUModule _ _ _ body subprogs) = do
    puname =: (Just $ FA.puName p)
    descendBiM perBlock p
    descendBiM perProgramUnit subprogs
    return p

perProgramUnit p@(F.PUSubroutine ann span rec name args body subprogs) = do
    addProcedure rec name Nothing args body span
    descendBiM perProgramUnit subprogs
    return p

perProgramUnit p@(F.PUFunction ann span retTy rec name args result
                                                     body subprogs) = do
    addProcedure rec name (Just name) args body span
    descendBiM perProgramUnit subprogs
    return p

perProgramUnit p = do
    descendBiM perBlock p
    return p

addProcedure :: Params
    => Bool -- Recursive or not
    -> F.Name
    -> Maybe F.Name -- Maybe return name
    -> (Maybe (F.AList F.Expression A1)) -- Arguments
    -> [F.Block A1] -- Body
    -> FU.SrcSpan
    -> State UnitEnv ()
addProcedure rec name rname args body span = do
    -- Do just the declarations first
    let ?argumentDecls = True in mapM_ perStatement [s | s@(F.StDeclaration {}) <- universeBi body :: [F.Statement A1]]
    --descendBiM perBlock body
    uenv <- gets varColEnv
    resultVar <- case rname of
                   Just rname ->
                     case (lookupWithoutSrcSpanRealName rname uenv) of
                        Just (uvar, _) -> return $ Just uvar
                        Nothing        -> do m <- addCol Variable
                                             varColEnv << (VarBinder (rname, span), (VarCol m, []))
                                             return $ (Just (VarCol m))
                   Nothing -> return Nothing

    let argVars = fromMaybe [] (fmap (map (lookupUnitByName uenv) . F.aStrip) args)

    procedureEnv << (name, (resultVar, argVars))
    descendBiM perBlock body
    if rec
      then do descendBiM perBlock body
              return ()
      else return ()
    -- Intermediate solve for procedures (subroutines & functions)
    ifDebug (report <<++ "Pre doing row reduce")
    consistent <- solveSystemM ""
    success =: consistent

    linearSystem =. reduceRows 1
    ifDebug (report <<++ "Post doing reduce")
    ifDebug (debugGaussian)
    return ()
    lookupUnitByName uenv ve@(F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValVariable _)) =
        maybe (VarCol 1) fst $ lookupWithoutSrcSpan v uenv
          where v = FA.varName ve

-- Check units per block
perBlock :: Params
         => F.Block A1
         -> State UnitEnv (F.Block A1)
perBlock b@(F.BlComment ann span _) = do
    case (unitSpec (FA.prevAnnotation ann), unitBlock (FA.prevAnnotation ann)) of
      -- Found a unit comment associated to a block
      (Just (Parser.UnitAssignment (Just vars) unitsAST), Just block) -> do
         let units = toUnitInfo unitsAST
         unitsConverted <- convertUnit units
         case block of
              bl@(F.BlStatement ann span _ (F.StDeclaration _ _ _ _ decls)) ->
                flip mapM_ vars (\var ->
                  mapM_ (processVar' (Just var) [unitsConverted]) (getNamesAndInits decls))
              _ -> return ()
      -- Found a derived unit declaration
      (Just (Parser.UnitAlias name unitsAST), _) -> do
         let unitInfo = toUnitInfo unitsAST
         learnDerivedUnit (name, unitInfo)
      _ -> return ()
    return b

    processVar' varReal unitC (var, init, span) = do
       if (Just (realName var) == varReal) then hasDeclaration <<++ var else return ()
       processVar varReal unitC (var, init, span)
    learnDerivedUnit (name, spec) =
          do denv <- gets derivedUnitEnv
             when (isJust $ lookup name denv) $ error "Redeclared unit of measure"
             unit <- convertUnit spec
             denv <- gets derivedUnitEnv
             when (isJust $ lookup name denv) $ error "Recursive unit-of-measure definition"
             derivedUnitEnv << (name, unit)
    -- Note we get the real names here since we are working with a user-specified
    -- variable which is associated to this decl
    getNamesAndInits x =
        [(FA.varName e, i, s) | (F.DeclVariable _ _ e@(F.ExpValue _ s (F.ValVariable v)) _ i) <-
                    (universeBi (F.aStrip x) :: [F.Declarator A1])]
     ++ [(FA.varName e, i, s) | (F.DeclArray _ _ e@(F.ExpValue _ s (F.ValVariable v)) _ _ i) <-
                    (universeBi (F.aStrip x) :: [F.Declarator A1])]
     -- TODO: generate constraints for indices
    dimDeclarators x = concat
         [F.aStrip dims | (F.DeclArray _ _ _ dims _ _) <-
                    (universeBi (F.aStrip x) :: [F.Declarator A1])]

{- TODO: investigate
    unitVarCat :: Variable -> Maybe ProcedureNames -> UnitVarCategory
    unitVarCat v proc | Just (n, r, args) <- proc, v `elem` args = Argument
                  | otherwise                                = Variable

perBlock b@(F.BlStatement _ _ _ s) = do
    perStatement s
    return b

perBlock b = do
    mapM_ perDoSpecification (universeBi b)
    mapM_ perExpr (universeBi b)
    descendBiM (plumb perBlock) b
    return b

processVar :: Params
           => Maybe F.Name
           -> [UnitConstant]
           -> (F.Name, Maybe (F.Expression A1), FU.SrcSpan)
           -> State UnitEnv ()
processVar (Just dvar) units (v, initExpr, span) | dvar == (realName v) = do
      system <- gets linearSystem
      let m = ncols (fst system) + 1
      unitVarCats <<++ (if ?argumentDecls then Argument else Variable) -- TODO: check how much we need this: (unitVarCat v proc)
      extendConstraints units
      varColEnv << (VarBinder (v, span), (VarCol m, []))
      uv <- gets varColEnv
      -- If the declaration has a null expression, do not create a unifying variable
      case initExpr of
          Nothing -> return ()
          Just e  -> do
            uv <- perExpr e
            mustEqual False (VarCol m) uv
            return ()
processVar dvar units (v, initExpr, span) | otherwise = return ()

-- Do specifications (e.g. i = 1, n, s) enforces an equality constraint on the
-- units between each component (all must have the same unit)
perDoSpecification ::
  => F.DoSpecification A1 -> State UnitEnv ()
perDoSpecification (F.DoSpecification _ _
                      st@(F.StExpressionAssign _ _ ei e0) en step) = do
   uiv <- perExpr ei
   e0v <- perExpr e0
   env <- perExpr en
   mustEqual True uiv e0v
   mustEqual True e0v env
   case step of
     Nothing    -> return ()
     Just stepE -> do stepv <- perExpr stepE
                      mustEqual True env stepv
                      return ()

-- TODO: see if we need to insert anymore statement-specific constraints here
perStatement ::
   => F.Statement A1 -> State UnitEnv ()
perStatement (F.StDeclaration _ span spec atr decls) = do
    uenv <- gets varColEnv
    mapM_ (\(v, i, s) -> if notAlreadyDeclared uenv v
                           then processVar (Just (realName v)) [] (v, i, s)
                           else return ())  (getNamesAndInits decls)
    -- Variable may have been declared already due to link with comment
    notAlreadyDeclared uenv v =
      case lookupWithoutSrcSpan v uenv of
        Nothing -> True
        Just _  -> False

    getNamesAndInits x =
        [(FA.varName e, i, s) |
           (F.DeclVariable _ _ e@(F.ExpValue _ s (F.ValVariable _)) _ i)
              <- (universeBi (F.aStrip x) :: [F.Declarator A1])]
     ++ [(FA.varName e, i, s) |
           (F.DeclArray _ _ e@(F.ExpValue _ s (F.ValVariable _)) _ _ i)
              <- (universeBi (F.aStrip x) :: [F.Declarator A1])]

perStatement (F.StExpressionAssign _ span e1 e2) = do
    uv1 <- perExpr e1
    uv2 <- perExpr e2
    mustEqual False uv1 uv2
    return ()

perStatement (F.StPointerAssign _ _ e1 e2) = do
    uv1 <- perExpr e1
    uv2 <- perExpr e2
    mustEqual False uv1 uv2
    return ()

perStatement (F.StCall _ _ e@(F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValVariable vReal)) args) = do
    uvs <- fromMaybe (return []) (fmap (mapM perArgument . F.aStrip) args)
    case (lookup (map toUpper vReal) intrinsicsDict) of
       Just fun -> fun vReal
       Nothing  -> return ()
    uv@(VarCol uvn) <- anyUnits Temporary
    --uvs <- inferArgUnits
    --let uvs' = justArgUnits args uvs
    calls << (vReal, (Just uv, uvs))

perStatement s = do
    mapM_ perDoSpecification (universeBi s)
    descendBiM (plumb perExpr) s
    return ()

inferInterproceduralUnits ::
    Params => F.ProgramFile A1 -> State UnitEnv ()
inferInterproceduralUnits x =
  do --reorderColumns
     if ?criticals then reorderVarCols else return ()
     consistent <- solveSystemM "inconsistent"
     if consistent then
         do system <- gets linearSystem
            let dontAssumeLiterals = case ?assumeLiterals of
                                       Poly     -> True
                                       Unitless -> False
                                       Mixed    -> False
            inferInterproceduralUnits' x dontAssumeLiterals system -- edited
            return ()
         return ()

inferInterproceduralUnits' ::
    Params => F.ProgramFile A1 -> Bool -> LinearSystem
           -> State UnitEnv (F.ProgramFile A1)
inferInterproceduralUnits' x haveAssumedLiterals system1 =
  do addInterproceduralConstraints x
     consistent <- solveSystemM "inconsistent"
     if not consistent then
          do  linearSystem =: system1
              return x
      else do
        system2 <- gets linearSystem
        if system1 == system2
          then if ?criticals then nextStep else checkUnderdeterminedM >> nextStep
          else inferInterproceduralUnits' x haveAssumedLiterals system2
  where nextStep | haveAssumedLiterals = return x
                 | otherwise           = do consistent <- assumeLiteralUnits
                                            if not consistent
                                             then return x
                                             else do system3 <- gets linearSystem
                                                     inferInterproceduralUnits' x True system3

assumeLiteralUnits :: (?solver :: Solver, ?debug :: Bool) => State UnitEnv Bool
assumeLiteralUnits =
  do system@(matrix, vector) <- gets linearSystem
     mapM_ assumeLiteralUnits' [1 .. ncols matrix]
     consistent <- solveSystemM "underdetermined"
     when (not consistent) $ linearSystem =: system
     return consistent

assumeLiteralUnits' m =
      do (matrix, vector) <- gets linearSystem
         ucats <- gets unitVarCats
         let n = find (\n -> matrix ! (n, m) /= 0) [1 .. nrows matrix]
             m' = n >>= (\n -> find (\m -> matrix ! (n, m) /= 0) [1 .. ncols matrix])
             nonLiteral n m = matrix ! (n, m) /= 0 && ucats !! (m - 1) /= (Literal True)
             m's = n >>= (\n -> find (nonLiteral n) [1 .. ncols matrix])
         when (ucats !! (m - 1) == (Literal True) && (m' /= Just m || isJust m's)) $ do
           n' <- addRow
           modify $ liftUnitEnv $ setElem 1 (n', m)

addInterproceduralConstraints ::
    (?debug :: Bool) => F.ProgramFile A1 -> State UnitEnv ()
addInterproceduralConstraints x =
    cs <- gets calls
    penv <- gets procedureEnv
    mapM_ (addCall penv) cs
    addCall penv (name, (result, args)) =
      do case lookup name penv of
           Just (r, as) -> let (r1, r2) = decodeResult result r
                           in handleArgs (args ++ r1) (as ++ r2)
           Nothing      -> return ()

    handleArgs actualVars dummyVars =
      do order <- gets reorderedCols
         let actual = map (\(VarCol uv) -> uv) actualVars
             dummy = map (\(VarCol uv) -> uv) dummyVars
         mapM_ (handleArg $ zip dummy actual) dummy

    -- experimentation but now deprecated.
    handleArgNew dummyToActual dummy =
        do grid0 <- debugGaussian'
           mapM (\(l, r) -> do n <- addRow
                               modify $ liftUnitEnv $ setElem 1 (n, l)
                               modify $ liftUnitEnv $ setElem (-1) (n, r)
                ) dummyToActual
           grid1 <- debugGaussian'
           if (grid0 == grid1) then
               return ()
             do report <<++ "HANDLED AND DIFFERENT!"
                report <<++ ("\n" ++ grid0)
                report <<++ ("\n" ++ grid1)
                return ()-}

    -- TODO: this can be optimised
    handleArg dummyToActual dummy =
      do (matrix, vector) <- gets linearSystem
         --grid0 <- debugGaussian'
         ifDebug (debugGaussian)

         ifDebug (report <<++ ("hArg - " ++ show dummyToActual ++ "-" ++ show dummy))

         let -- find the first row with a non-zero column for the variable
             n = maybe 1 id $ find (\n -> matrix ! (n, dummy) /= 0) [1 .. nrows matrix]

             -- find the first non-zero column on the row just selected
             Just m = find (\m -> matrix ! (n, m) /= 0) [1 .. ncols matrix]

         ifDebug (report <<++ ("n = " ++ show n ++ ", m = " ++ show m))

         if (m == dummy) then
           do  let -- Get list of columns with non-zero coefficients to the right of the focus
                   ms = filter (\m -> matrix ! (n, m) /= 0) [m .. ncols matrix]

                   -- Get the list of columns to which the non-zero coeffecients
                   -- are paired by 'dummyToActual' relation.
                   m's = mapMaybe (flip lookup dummyToActual) ms
                   pairs = --if (length m's == 1) then -- i.e. there is not a
                           --  --direct relationship between variable and return
                           --    zip ms (repeat (head m's))
                               (zip ms m's)

               ifDebug (report <<++ ("ms = " ++ show ms ++ ", m's' = "
                               ++ show m's
                               ++ ", their zip = " ++ show pairs
                               ++ " dA = " ++ show dummyToActual))

               if (True) -- length m's == length ms)
                 then do { newRow <- addRow' $ vector !! (n - 1);
--                           mapM_ (handleArgPair matrix n newRow) pairs ; }
                           mapM_ (handleArgPair matrix n newRow) dummyToActual ; }
                 else return ()
             return ()

    -- Copy the row
    handleArgPair matrix n newRow (m, m') = do
        modify $ liftUnitEnv $ setElem (matrix ! (n, m)) (newRow, m')

    decodeResult (Just r1) (Just r2) = ([r1], [r2])
    decodeResult Nothing Nothing = ([], [])
    decodeResult (Just _) Nothing = error "Subroutine used as a function!"
    decodeResult Nothing (Just _) = error "Function used as a subroutine!"

data BinOpKind = AddOp | MulOp | DivOp | PowerOp | LogicOp | RelOp
binOpKind :: F.BinaryOp -> BinOpKind
binOpKind F.Addition         = AddOp
binOpKind F.Subtraction      = AddOp
binOpKind F.Multiplication   = MulOp
binOpKind F.Division         = DivOp
binOpKind F.Exponentiation   = PowerOp
binOpKind F.Concatenation    = AddOp
binOpKind F.GT               = RelOp
binOpKind F.GTE              = RelOp
binOpKind F.LT               = RelOp
binOpKind F.LTE              = RelOp
binOpKind F.EQ               = RelOp
binOpKind F.NE               = RelOp
binOpKind F.Or               = LogicOp
binOpKind F.And              = LogicOp
binOpKind F.Equivalent       = RelOp
binOpKind F.NotEquivalent    = RelOp
binOpKind (F.BinCustom _)    = RelOp

(<**>) :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
Nothing <**> x = x
(Just x) <**> y = (Just x)

{- OLD
    uenv <- gets varColEnv
    case lookupWithoutSrcSpan v uenv of
    let (VarName _ v, args) = head names

    case lookupWithoutSrcSpan v uenv of
       -- array variable?
       Just (uv, uvs@(_:_)) -> inferArgUnits' uvs >> return uv
       -- function call?
       Nothing | not (null args) -> do case (lookup (map toUpper v) intrinsicsDict) of
                                          Just fun -> fun v
                                          Nothing  -> return () -- error $ "I don't know the intrinsic " ++ v -- return ()
                                       uv@(VarCol uvn) <- anyUnits Temporary
                                       debugInfo << (uvn, (srcSpan ve, pprint ve))
                                       uvs <- inferArgUnits
                                       let uvs' = justArgUnits args uvs
                                       calls << (v, (Just uv, uvs'))
                                       return uv
       -- scalar variable or external function call?
       Just (uv, []) -> inferArgUnits >> return uv
       -- default specifier
       _ | v == "*" -> inferLiteral ve
       -- just bad code
       x -> case lookupCaseInsensitive v penv of
              Just (Just uv, argUnits) ->
                   if (null args) then inferArgUnits' argUnits >> return uv
                   else  do uv <- anyUnits Tempgit orary
                            uvs <- inferArgUnits
                            let uvs' = justArgUnits args uvs
                            calls << (v, (Just uv, uvs'))
                            return uv

              Nothing -> error $ "\n" ++ (showSrcFile . srcSpan $ ve) ++ ": undefined variable " ++ v ++ " at " ++ (showSrcSpan . srcSpan $ ve)
  where inferArgUnits = sequence [mapM perExpr exprs | (_, exprs) <- names]
        inferArgUnits' uvs = sequence [(perExpr expr) >>= (\uv' -> mustEqual True uv' uv) | ((_, exprs), uv) <- zip names uvs, expr <- exprs, not (nullF.Expression [expr])]

        justArgUnits [NullF.Expression _ _] _ = []  -- zero-argument function call
        justArgUnits _ uvs = head uvs

-- TODO, create unit vars for every index and make sure consistent
perIndex :: Params => F.Name -> F.Index A1 -> State UnitEnv ()
perIndex v (F.IxSingle _ _ _ e) = return ()
  uenv <- gets varColEnv
  arrV <- case lookpuWithoutSrcSpan v env
           Nothing -> do
              uv@(ValCol uvn) <- anyUnits Temporary
              return uv
           Just (uv, uvs) ->

perExpr :: Params => F.Expression A1 -> State UnitEnv VarCol
perExpr e@(F.ExpValue _ span (F.ValVariable _)) = do
    let v = FA.varName e
    uenv <- gets varColEnv
    case lookupWithoutSrcSpan v uenv of
      Nothing ->
        case lookupWithoutSrcSpanRealName (realName v) uenv of
           Nothing -> do uv@(VarCol uvn) <- anyUnits Temporary
                         return uv
           Just (uv, _) -> return uv
      Just (uv, _) -> return uv

perExpr e@(F.ExpValue _ span v) = perLiteral v
    perLiteral :: Params => F.Value A1 -> State UnitEnv VarCol
    perLiteral val = do
      uv@(VarCol uvn) <- anyUnits (Literal (?assumeLiterals /= Mixed))
      debugInfo << (uvn, (span, show val))
      return uv

perExpr e@(F.ExpBinary _ _ op e1 e2) = do
    uv1 <- perExpr e1
    uv2 <- perExpr e2
    (VarCol n) <- case binOpKind op of
                    AddOp   -> mustEqual True uv1 uv2
                    MulOp   -> mustAddUp uv1 uv2 1 1
                    DivOp   -> mustAddUp uv1 uv2 1 (-1)
                    PowerOp -> powerUnits uv1 e2
                    LogicOp -> mustEqual True uv1 uv2
                    RelOp   -> do mustEqual True uv1 uv2
                                  return $ VarCol 1
    debugInfo << (n, (FU.getSpan e, pprint e))
    return (VarCol n)
    pprint e = "" -- TODO pprint

perExpr (F.ExpUnary _ _ _ e) = perExpr e
perExpr (F.ExpSubscript _ _ e alist) = do
    descendBiM (plumb (perIndex (FA.varName e))) alist
    perExpr e

perExpr f@(F.ExpFunctionCall _ span e@(F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValVariable vReal)) args) = do
    uv <- anyUnits Temporary
    argsU <- fromMaybe (return []) (fmap (mapM perArgument . F.aStrip) args)
    calls << (vReal, (Just uv, argsU))
    return uv

perExpr f@(F.ExpDataRef _ _ e1 e2) = do
    perExpr e2
    perExpr e1
perExpr f@(F.ExpImpliedDo _ _ exprs spec) = do
    perDoSpecification spec
    uv <- anyUnits Temporary
    exprsU <- mapM perExpr (F.aStrip exprs)
    mapM_ (mustEqual True uv) exprsU
    return uv
perExpr f@(F.ExpInitialisation _ _ exprs) = do
    uv <- anyUnits Temporary
    exprsU <- mapM perExpr (F.aStrip exprs)
    mapM_ (mustEqual True uv) exprsU
    return uv
perExpr f@(F.ExpReturnSpec _ _ e) = do
    perExpr e

perArgument :: Params =>
    F.Argument A1 -> State UnitEnv VarCol
perArgument (F.Argument _ _ _ expr) = perExpr expr

handleExpression :: Params
    => F.Expression A1
    -> State UnitEnv (F.Expression A1)
handleExpression x = do
    perExpr x
    return x

-- TODO: error handling in powerUnits
powerUnits :: Params
           => VarCol -> F.Expression A1 -> State UnitEnv VarCol

powerUnits (VarCol uv) (F.ExpValue _ _ (F.ValInteger powerString)) =
  case fmap (fromInteger . fst) $ listToMaybe $ reads powerString of
    Just power -> do
      m <- addCol Temporary
      n <- addRow
      modify $ liftUnitEnv $ incrElem (-1) (n, m) . incrElem power (n, uv)
      return $ VarCol m
    Nothing -> mustEqual False (VarCol uv) (VarCol 1)
powerUnits uv e =
  do mustEqual False uv (VarCol 1)
     uv <- perExpr e
     mustEqual False uv (VarCol 1)

lookupWithoutSrcSpanRealName :: Params => F.Name -> [(VarBinder, a)] -> Maybe a
lookupWithoutSrcSpanRealName v env = snd `fmap` find f env
        f (VarBinder (w, _), _) = (map toUpper (realName w)) == map toUpper v