module Camfort.Specification.Units.InferenceBackend where
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Data
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Function
import Data.Matrix
import Data.List
import Data.Matrix
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Operations
import Data.Label.Monadic hiding (modify)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict hiding (gets)
import Control.Monad
import qualified Language.Fortran.Util.Position as FU
import Camfort.Analysis.Annotations hiding (Unitless)
import Camfort.Specification.Units.Debug
import Camfort.Specification.Units.Environment
import Camfort.Specification.Units.Solve
import Camfort.Specification.Units.Synthesis
import Camfort.Transformation.Syntax
pprint _ = ""
debugInfoForNonZeros :: [Rational] -> State UnitEnv String
debugInfoForNonZeros row = do debugs <- gets debugInfo
let cSpots = concatMap (getInfo debugs) (zip [1..] row)
return $ if (cSpots == []) then "" else (" arising from \n" ++ cSpots)
getInfo debugs (n, 0) = ""
getInfo debugs (n, r) =
case lookup n debugs of
(Just (span, s)) -> "\t" ++ (showSrcSpan span) ++ " - " ++ s ++ "\n"
_ -> ""
errorMessage :: (?debug :: Bool) => Row -> UnitConstant -> [Rational] -> State UnitEnv String
errorMessage row unit rowCoeffs =
let ?num = 0 in
do uvarEnv <- gets varColEnv
debugs <- gets debugInfo
let unitStr = pprintUnitConstant unit
let varCols = map (+1) (findIndices (\n -> n /= 0) rowCoeffs)
if varCols == [] then
case unit of
Unitful xs | length xs > 1 ->
do let xs' = map (\(v, r) -> (v, r * (1))) (tail xs)
let uR = pprintUnitConstant (Unitful $ xs')
let uL = pprintUnitConstant (Unitful [head xs])
success =: False
conflictInfo <- debugInfoForNonZeros rowCoeffs
return $
let unitStrL = pprint uL
unitStrR = pprint uR
msg = "Conflict since " ++ unitStrL ++ " != " ++ unitStrR
in msg ++ conflictInfo
Unitful xs | length xs == 1 ->
do let xs' = map (\(v, r) -> (v, r * (1))) xs
let uL = pprintUnitConstant (Unitful xs')
let unitStrL = pprint uL
ifDebug debugGaussian
conflictInfo <- debugInfoForNonZeros rowCoeffs
return $ "Conflict since " ++ unitStrL ++ " != 1" ++ conflictInfo
_ -> do debugGaussian
return "Sorry, I can't give a better error."
let varColsAndNames = zip varCols (lookupVarsByCols uvarEnv varCols)
exprStr' = map (\(k,v) -> if (rowCoeffs !! (k 1)) == 1
then v
else (showRational (rowCoeffs !! (k 1))) ++ "*" ++ v) varColsAndNames
exprStr = concat $ intersperse "*" exprStr'
msg = "Conflict arising from " ++ exprStr ++ " of unit " ++ unitStr
in do conflictInfo <- debugInfoForNonZeros rowCoeffs
return $ msg ++ conflictInfo
reportInconsistency :: (?debug :: Bool) => LinearSystem -> [Int] -> State UnitEnv ()
reportInconsistency (m, v) ns = do
uvarEnv <- gets varColEnv
debugs <- gets debugInfo
let srcLineCompare = compare `on` (fst . lineCol . (\(FU.SrcSpan l _) -> l) . fst)
let nonZeroVectorIndices = V.toList . (+1) . V.findIndices (/= 0)
vs <- fmap (sortBy srcLineCompare . concat) . forM ns $ \ n -> do
let colsOfInterest = nonZeroVectorIndices (getRow n m)
vs <- forM colsOfInterest $ \ i -> do
let rowsOfInterest = nub . (i:) . nonZeroVectorIndices $ getCol i m
let colDebugs = mapMaybe (flip lookup debugs) $ rowsOfInterest
let vs = map (\ (VarBinder (v, s)) -> (s, v)) $ lookupVarBindersByCols uvarEnv [i]
return $ vs ++ colDebugs
return (concat vs)
report <<++ "Caused by at least one of the following terms:"
forM_ (nub vs) $ \ (s1@(FU.SrcSpan l _), str) -> do
unless (all (\ x -> isNumber x || x == '.' || x == '-') str) $
report <<++ "line " ++ show (lineCol l) ++ ": " ++ str
extendConstraints :: [UnitConstant] -> State UnitEnv ()
extendConstraints units =
do (matrix, vector) <- gets linearSystem
let n = nrows matrix + 1
m = ncols matrix + 1
linearSystem =: case units of
[] -> do (extendTo 0 0 m matrix, vector)
_ -> (setElem 1 (n, m) $ extendTo 0 n m matrix, vector ++ [last units])
tmpColsAdded << m
tmpRowsAdded << n
return ()
swapUnitVarCats x n xs = swapUnitVarCats' x n xs xs 1
swapUnitVarCats' x n [] ys c = []
swapUnitVarCats' x n (z:zs) ys c | c == x = (ys !! (n 1)) : (swapUnitVarCats' x n zs ys (c + 1))
| c == n = (ys !! (x 1)) : (swapUnitVarCats' x n zs ys (c + 1))
| otherwise = z : (swapUnitVarCats' x n zs ys (c + 1))
swapCols :: Int -> Int -> State UnitEnv ()
swapCols x n = do
varColEnv =. updateColInfo x n
procedureEnv =. updateColInfo x n
calls =. updateColInfo x n
unitVarCats =. swapUnitVarCats x n
linearSystem =. (\(m, v) -> (switchCols x n m, v))
debugInfo =. map (updateColInfo x n)
tmpColsAdded =. map (updateColInfo x n)
return ()
class UpdateColInfo t where
updateColInfo :: Col -> Col -> t -> t
instance UpdateColInfo VarCol where
updateColInfo x n (VarCol y) | y == x = VarCol n
| y == n = VarCol x
| otherwise = VarCol y
instance UpdateColInfo VarColEnv where
updateColInfo _ _ [] = []
updateColInfo x n ((v, (uv, uvs)):ys) = (v, (updateColInfo x n uv, map (updateColInfo x n) uvs)) : (updateColInfo x n ys)
instance UpdateColInfo Procedure where
updateColInfo x n (Nothing, ps) = (Nothing, map (updateColInfo x n) ps)
updateColInfo x n (Just p, ps) = (Just $ updateColInfo x n p, map (updateColInfo x n) ps)
instance UpdateColInfo ProcedureEnv where
updateColInfo x n = map (\(s, p) -> (s, updateColInfo x n p))
instance UpdateColInfo (Int, a) where
updateColInfo x n (y, s) | y == x = (n, s)
| y == n = (x, s)
| otherwise = (y, s)
instance UpdateColInfo Int where
updateColInfo x n y | y == x = x
| y == n = n
| otherwise = y
reorderVarCols :: State UnitEnv ()
reorderVarCols = do ucats <- gets unitVarCats
(matrix, _) <- gets linearSystem
reorderVarCols' (ncols matrix) 1
where correctEnd :: Int -> State UnitEnv Int
correctEnd 0 = return 0
correctEnd end = do ucats <- gets unitVarCats
case (ucats !! (end 1)) of
Variable -> correctEnd (end 1)
_ -> return $ end
reorderVarCols' :: Int -> Int -> State UnitEnv ()
reorderVarCols' end c | c >= end = return ()
reorderVarCols' end c = do ucats <- gets unitVarCats
case (ucats !! (c 1)) of
Variable -> do end' <- correctEnd end
swapCols end' c
reorderVarCols' (end' 1) (c+1)
_ -> reorderVarCols' end (c+1)
reduceRows :: Col -> LinearSystem -> LinearSystem
reduceRows m (matrix, vector)
| m > ncols matrix = (matrix, vector)
| otherwise =
case (find (\n -> matrix ! (n, m) /= 0) [1..nrows matrix]) of
Just r1 ->
case (find (\n -> matrix ! (n, m) /= 0) [(r1 + 1)..nrows matrix]) of
Just r2 ->
case (elimRow (matrix, vector) (Just r1) m r2) of
Ok (matrix', vector') -> reduceRows m (cutSystem r2 (matrix', vector'))
Bad _ _ _ -> reduceRows (m+1) (matrix, vector)
Nothing ->
reduceRows (m+1) (matrix, vector)
Nothing -> reduceRows (m+1) (matrix, vector)
solveSystemM :: (?solver :: Solver, ?debug :: Bool) => String -> State UnitEnv Bool
solveSystemM adjective = do
system <- gets linearSystem
ifDebug debugGaussian
case (solveSystemH_Either system) of
Right system' -> do
linearSystem =: system'
ifDebug (report <<++ "After solve")
ifDebug (debugGaussian)
return True
Left ns -> do
report <<++ (adjective ++ " units of measure")
reportInconsistency system ns
return False
checkUnderdeterminedM :: State UnitEnv ()
checkUnderdeterminedM = do ucats <- gets unitVarCats
system <- gets linearSystem
varenv <- gets varColEnv
debugs <- gets debugInfo
procenv <- gets procedureEnv
let badCols = checkUnderdetermined ucats system
uenv <- gets varColEnv
if not (null badCols) then
do let exprs = map (showExprLines ucats varenv procenv debugs) badCols
let exprsL = concat $ intersperse "\n\t" exprs
report <<++ "Underdetermined units of measure. Try adding units to: \n\t" ++ exprsL
return ()
else return ()
underdeterminedCols =: badCols
checkUnderdetermined :: [UnitVarCategory] -> LinearSystem -> [Int]
checkUnderdetermined ucats system@(matrix, vector) =
fixValue (propagateUnderdetermined matrix) $ checkUnderdetermined' ucats system 1
lookupVarsByColsFilterByArg :: Matrix Rational -> VarColEnv -> [UnitVarCategory] -> [Int] -> DebugInfo -> [String]
lookupVarsByColsFilterByArg matrix uenv ucats cols dbgs =
mapMaybe (\j -> lookupEnv j uenv) cols
where lookupEnv j [] = --Nothing
if (ucats !! (j 1) == Temporary && (not (all (==0) (V.toList (getCol j matrix))))) then
case (lookup j dbgs) of
Just (srcSpan, info) -> Just ("[expr: " ++ (showSrcSpan srcSpan) ++ "@" ++ info ++ "]")
Nothing -> Nothing
else Nothing
lookupEnv j ((VarBinder (v, _), (VarCol i, _)):uenv)
| i == j = if (j <= length ucats) then
case (ucats !! (j 1)) of
Argument -> Nothing
_ -> if (all (==0) (V.toList (getCol j matrix)))
then Nothing
else Just v
else Nothing
| otherwise = lookupEnv j uenv
firstNonZeroCoeff :: Matrix Rational -> [UnitVarCategory] -> Row -> Col
firstNonZeroCoeff matrix ucats row =
case (V.findIndex (/= 0) (getRow row matrix)) of
Nothing -> ncols matrix
Just i -> i + 1
checkUnderdetermined' :: [UnitVarCategory] -> LinearSystem -> Int -> [Int]
checkUnderdetermined' ucats system@(matrix, vector) n
| n > nrows matrix = []
| not ((drop 1 ms) == []) && vector !! (n 1) /= Unitful [] = ms ++ rest
| otherwise = rest
where ms = filter significant [2 .. ncols matrix]
significant m = matrix ! (n, m) /= 0 && ucats !! (m 1) `notElem` [Literal False, Literal True, Argument, Temporary]
rest = checkUnderdetermined' ucats system (n + 1)
propagateUnderdetermined :: Matrix Rational -> [Int] -> [Int]
propagateUnderdetermined matrix list =
nub $ do m <- list
n <- filter (\n -> matrix ! (n, m) /= 0) [1 .. nrows matrix]
filter (\m -> matrix ! (n, m) /= 0) [1 .. ncols matrix]
intrinsicsDict :: (?assumeLiterals :: AssumeLiterals) => [(String, String -> State UnitEnv ())]
intrinsicsDict =
++ map (\x -> (x, addPlain2ArgIntrinsic)) ["ALL", "ANY", "IALL", "IANY", "CHAR", "CMPLX", "DCOMPLX", "DIM", "HYPOT", "IAND", "IEOR", "IOR", "MAX", "MIN", "MAXVAL", "MINVAL","MODULO", "MOD"]
++ map (\x -> (x, addPlain1Arg1ExtraIntrinsic)) ["CSHIFT", "EOSHIFT", "IBCLR", "IBSET", "NEAREST", "PACK", "REPEAT", "RESHAPE", "SHIFTA", "SHIFTL", "SHIFTR", "SIGN"]
++ map (\x -> (x, addPlain2Arg1ExtraIntrinsic)) ["DSHIFTL", "DSHIFTR", "ISHFT", "ISHFTC", "MERGE", "MERGE_BITS"]
++ map (\x -> (x, addProductIntrinsic)) ["DOT_PRODUCT", "DPROD", "MATMUL"]
++ map (\x -> (x, addPowerIntrinsic)) ["SCALE", "SET_EXPONENT"]
++ map (\x -> (x, addUnitlessIntrinsic)) ["ACOS", "ACOSH", "ASIN", "ASINH", "ATAN", "ATANH", "BESSEL_J0", "BESSEL_J1", "BESSEL_Y0", "BESSEL_Y1", "COS", "COSH", "ERF", "ERFC", "ERFC_SCALED", "EXP", "EXPONENT", "GAMMA", "LOG", "ALOG", "LOG10", "LOG_GAMMA", "PRODUCT", "SIN", "SINH", "TAN", "TANH"]
++ map (\x -> (x, addUnitlessSubIntrinsic)) ["CPU_TIME", "RANDOM_NUMBER"]
++ map (\x -> (x, addUnitlessResult0ArgIntrinsic)) ["COMMAND_ARGUMENT_COUNT", "COMPILER_OPTIONS", "COMPILER_VERSION"]
++ map (\x -> (x, addUnitlessResult2SameArgIntrinsic)) ["ATAN2", "BGE", "BGT", "BLE", "BLT", "INDEX", "LGE", "LGT", "LLE", "LLT", "SCAN", "VERIFY"]
++ map (\x -> (x, addUnitlessResult2AnyArgIntrinsic)) ["BTEST", "EXTENDS_TYPE_OF", "SAME_TYPE_AS"]
addPlain1ArgIntrinsic :: (?assumeLiterals :: AssumeLiterals) => String -> State UnitEnv ()
addPlain1ArgIntrinsic name =
do result <- anyUnits Variable
arg <- anyUnits Argument
mustEqual False result arg
procedureEnv << (name, (Just result, [arg]))
addPlain2ArgIntrinsic :: (?assumeLiterals :: AssumeLiterals) => String -> State UnitEnv ()
addPlain2ArgIntrinsic name =
do result <- anyUnits Variable
arg1 <- anyUnits Argument
arg2 <- anyUnits Argument
mustEqual False result arg1
mustEqual False result arg2
procedureEnv << (name, (Just result, [arg1, arg2]))
addPlain1Arg1ExtraIntrinsic :: (?assumeLiterals :: AssumeLiterals) => String -> State UnitEnv ()
addPlain1Arg1ExtraIntrinsic name =
do result <- anyUnits Variable
arg1 <- anyUnits Argument
arg2 <- anyUnits Argument
mustEqual False result arg1
procedureEnv << (name, (Just result, [arg1, arg2]))
addPlain2Arg1ExtraIntrinsic :: (?assumeLiterals :: AssumeLiterals) => String -> State UnitEnv ()
addPlain2Arg1ExtraIntrinsic name =
do result <- anyUnits Variable
arg1 <- anyUnits Argument
arg2 <- anyUnits Argument
arg3 <- anyUnits Argument
mustEqual False result arg1
mustEqual False result arg2
procedureEnv << (name, (Just result, [arg1, arg2, arg3]))
addProductIntrinsic :: (?assumeLiterals :: AssumeLiterals) => String -> State UnitEnv ()
addProductIntrinsic name =
do result <- anyUnits Variable
arg1 <- anyUnits Argument
arg2 <- anyUnits Argument
temp <- mustAddUp arg1 arg2 1 1
mustEqual False result temp
procedureEnv << (name, (Just result, [arg1, arg2]))
addPowerIntrinsic :: (?assumeLiterals :: AssumeLiterals) => String -> State UnitEnv ()
addPowerIntrinsic name =
do result <- anyUnits Variable
arg1 <- anyUnits Argument
arg2 <- anyUnits Argument
mustEqual False result arg1
mustEqual False arg2 (VarCol 1)
procedureEnv << (name, (Just result, [arg1, arg2]))
addUnitlessIntrinsic :: (?assumeLiterals :: AssumeLiterals) => String -> State UnitEnv ()
addUnitlessIntrinsic name =
do result <- anyUnits Variable
arg <- anyUnits Argument
mustEqual False result (VarCol 1)
mustEqual False arg (VarCol 1)
procedureEnv << (name, (Just result, [arg]))
addUnitlessSubIntrinsic :: (?assumeLiterals :: AssumeLiterals) => String -> State UnitEnv ()
addUnitlessSubIntrinsic name =
do arg <- anyUnits Variable
mustEqual False arg (VarCol 1)
procedureEnv << (name, (Nothing, [arg]))
addUnitlessResult0ArgIntrinsic :: (?assumeLiterals :: AssumeLiterals) => String -> State UnitEnv ()
addUnitlessResult0ArgIntrinsic name =
do result <- anyUnits Variable
mustEqual False result (VarCol 1)
procedureEnv << (name, (Just result, []))
addUnitlessResult1ArgIntrinsic :: (?assumeLiterals :: AssumeLiterals) => String -> State UnitEnv ()
addUnitlessResult1ArgIntrinsic name =
do result <- anyUnits Variable
arg <- anyUnits Argument
mustEqual False result (VarCol 1)
procedureEnv << (name, (Just result, [arg]))
addUnitlessResult2AnyArgIntrinsic :: (?assumeLiterals :: AssumeLiterals) => String -> State UnitEnv ()
addUnitlessResult2AnyArgIntrinsic name =
do result <- anyUnits Variable
arg1 <- anyUnits Argument
arg2 <- anyUnits Argument
mustEqual False result (VarCol 1)
procedureEnv << (name, (Just result, [arg1, arg2]))
addUnitlessResult2SameArgIntrinsic :: (?assumeLiterals :: AssumeLiterals) => String -> State UnitEnv ()
addUnitlessResult2SameArgIntrinsic name =
do result <- anyUnits Variable
arg1 <- anyUnits Argument
arg2 <- anyUnits Argument
mustEqual False result (VarCol 1)
mustEqual False arg1 arg2
procedureEnv << (name, (Just result, [arg1, arg2]))
mustEqual :: (?assumeLiterals :: AssumeLiterals)
=> Bool -> VarCol -> VarCol -> State UnitEnv VarCol
mustEqual flagAsUnitlessIfLit (VarCol uv1) (VarCol uv2) =
do n <- addRow
modify $ liftUnitEnv $ incrElem (1) (n, uv1) . incrElem 1 (n, uv2)
ucats <- gets unitVarCats
if flagAsUnitlessIfLit then
case ?assumeLiterals of
Mixed -> unitVarCats =: (map (\(n, cat) -> if ((n == uv1 || n == uv2) && ((cat == Literal True) || (cat == Literal False)))
then Literal True
else cat) (zip [1..] ucats))
_ -> return ()
else return ()
return $ VarCol uv1
mustAddUp :: VarCol -> VarCol -> Rational -> Rational -> State UnitEnv VarCol
mustAddUp (VarCol uv1) (VarCol uv2) k1 k2 =
do m <- addCol Temporary
n <- addRow
modify $ liftUnitEnv $ incrElem (1) (n, m) . incrElem k1 (n, uv1) . incrElem k2 (n, uv2)
return $ VarCol m
sqrtUnits :: VarCol -> State UnitEnv VarCol
sqrtUnits (VarCol uv) =
do m <- addCol Temporary
n <- addRow
modify $ liftUnitEnv $ incrElem (1) (n, m) . incrElem 0.5 (n, uv)
return $ VarCol m
anyUnits :: UnitVarCategory -> State UnitEnv VarCol
anyUnits category =
do m <- addCol category
return $ VarCol m
inverse :: [Int] -> [Int]
inverse perm = [j + 1 | Just j <- map (flip elemIndex perm) [1 .. length perm]]
fixValue :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> a -> a
fixValue f x = snd $ until (uncurry (==)) (\(x, y) -> (y, f y)) (x, f x)
moveElem :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
moveElem i j [] = []
moveElem i j xs | i > j = moveElem j i xs
| otherwise = moveElemA i j xs Nothing
where moveElemA i j [] (Just z) = [z]
moveElemA i j [] Nothing = []
moveElemA 1 j (x:xs) (Just z) = x : moveElemA 1 (j 1) xs (Just z)
moveElemA 1 j (x:xs) Nothing = moveElemA 1 j xs (Just x)
moveElemA i j (x:xs) Nothing = x : moveElemA (i 1) j xs Nothing
incrElem :: Num a => a -> (Int, Int) -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
incrElem value pos matrix = setElem (matrix ! pos + value) pos matrix
moveCol :: Int -> Int -> Matrix a -> Matrix a
moveCol i j m
| i > j = moveCol j i m
| otherwise = matrix (nrows m) (ncols m)
$ \(r, c) -> if (c < i || c > j) then m ! (r, c)
else if (c >= i && c < j) then m ! (r, c+1)
else m ! (r, i)