module Camfort.Specification.Units.Environment where
import qualified Data.Label
import Data.Label.Mono (Lens)
import Data.Label.Monadic hiding (modify)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict hiding (gets)
import qualified Language.Fortran.AST as F
import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis as FA
import qualified Language.Fortran.Util.Position as FU
import Camfort.Specification.Units.Parser
import qualified Camfort.Specification.Units.Parser as P
import Data.Char
import Data.Data
import Data.List
import Data.Matrix
import Data.Ratio
data UnitInfo
= Parametric (String, Int)
| ParametricUse (String, Int, Int)
| UnitName String
| Undetermined String
| UnitlessI
| UnitMul UnitInfo UnitInfo
| UnitPow UnitInfo Double
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)
type EqualityConstrained = Bool
data Solver = LAPACK | Custom deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Data)
data AssumeLiterals = Poly | Unitless | Mixed deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Data)
data UnitConstant =
Unitful [(F.Name, Rational)]
| UnitlessC Rational
deriving (Eq, Show, Data)
newtype VarCol = VarCol Col deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype VarBinder = VarBinder (F.Name, FU.SrcSpan) deriving Show
type VarColEnv = [(VarBinder, (VarCol, [VarCol]))]
data UnitVarCategory =
Literal EqualityConstrained
| Temporary
| Variable
| Argument
| Magic
deriving (Eq, Show)
type DerivedUnitEnv = [(F.Name, UnitConstant)]
type ProcedureNames = (String, Maybe F.Name, [F.Name])
type Procedure = (Maybe VarCol, [VarCol])
type ProcedureEnv = [(String, Procedure)]
type LinearSystem = (Matrix Rational, [UnitConstant])
type Row = Int
type Col = Int
type DebugInfo = [(Col, (FU.SrcSpan, String))]
data UnitAnnotation a = UnitAnnotation {
prevAnnotation :: a,
unitSpec :: Maybe UnitStatement,
unitInfo :: Maybe UnitInfo,
unitBlock :: Maybe (F.Block (FA.Analysis (UnitAnnotation a))) }
deriving (Data, Typeable, Show)
dbgUnitAnnotation (UnitAnnotation _ x y z) =
"{ unitSpec = " ++ show x ++ ", unitInfo = " ++ show y ++ ", unitBlock = " ++
(case z of
Nothing -> "Nothing"
Just (F.BlStatement _ span _ (F.StDeclaration {})) -> "Just {decl}@" ++ show span
Just (F.BlStatement _ span _ _) -> "Just {stmt}@" ++ show span
Just _ -> "Just ...")
++ "}"
mkUnitAnnotation :: a -> UnitAnnotation a
mkUnitAnnotation a = UnitAnnotation a Nothing Nothing Nothing
data UnitEnv = UnitEnv {
_report :: [String],
_varColEnv :: VarColEnv,
_derivedUnitEnv :: DerivedUnitEnv,
_procedureEnv :: ProcedureEnv,
_calls :: ProcedureEnv,
_unitVarCats :: [UnitVarCategory],
_reorderedCols :: [Int],
_underdeterminedCols :: [Int],
_linearSystem :: LinearSystem,
_debugInfo :: DebugInfo,
_tmpRowsAdded :: [Int],
_tmpColsAdded :: [Int],
_success :: Bool,
_evUnitsAdded :: (Int, [String]),
_evCriticals :: [Int],
_puname :: Maybe F.ProgramUnitName,
_hasDeclaration :: [F.Name]
} deriving Show
emptyUnitEnv = UnitEnv { _report = [],
_varColEnv = [],
_derivedUnitEnv = [],
_procedureEnv = [],
_calls = [],
_unitVarCats = [Magic],
_reorderedCols = [],
_underdeterminedCols = [],
_linearSystem = (fromLists [[1]], [Unitful []]),
_debugInfo = [],
_tmpRowsAdded = [],
_tmpColsAdded = [],
_success = True,
_evUnitsAdded = (0, []),
_evCriticals = [],
_puname = Nothing,
_hasDeclaration = []
Data.Label.mkLabels [''UnitEnv]
unitMult :: UnitConstant -> UnitConstant -> UnitConstant
unitMult (Unitful us) (Unitful us') = Unitful (us ++ us')
unitMult (UnitlessC r) (Unitful us) = Unitful (map (\(n, u) -> (n, r * u)) us)
unitMult (Unitful us) (UnitlessC r) = Unitful (map (\(n, u) -> (n, u * r)) us)
unitMult (UnitlessC r) (UnitlessC r') = UnitlessC (r * r')
unitScalarMult :: Rational -> UnitConstant -> UnitConstant
unitScalarMult r (UnitlessC r') = UnitlessC (r * r')
unitScalarMult r (Unitful us) = Unitful (map (\(n, u) -> (n, r * u)) us)
convertUnit :: UnitInfo -> State UnitEnv UnitConstant
convertUnit p@(Parametric {}) = error $ "Can't use parametric yet: " ++ show p
convertUnit p@(ParametricUse {}) = error $ "Can't use parameteric yet" ++ show p
convertUnit (UnitName u) = do
denv <- gets derivedUnitEnv
case lookup u denv of
Just uc -> return uc
Nothing -> do let u1 = Unitful [(u, 1)]
derivedUnitEnv << (u, u1)
return $ u1
convertUnit (Undetermined s) = return $ Unitful []
convertUnit UnitlessI = return $ UnitlessC 1
convertUnit (UnitMul u1 u2) = do
u1' <- convertUnit u1
u2' <- convertUnit u2
return $ unitMult u1' u2'
convertUnit (UnitPow u r) = do
u' <- convertUnit u
return $ unitScalarMult (toRational r) u'
toUnitInfo :: UnitOfMeasure -> UnitInfo
toUnitInfo (UnitProduct u1 u2) =
UnitMul (toUnitInfo u1) (toUnitInfo u2)
toUnitInfo (UnitQuotient u1 u2) =
UnitMul (toUnitInfo u1) (UnitPow (toUnitInfo u2) (1))
toUnitInfo (UnitExponentiation u1 p) =
UnitPow (toUnitInfo u1) (toDouble p)
toDouble :: UnitPower -> Double
toDouble (UnitPowerInteger i) = fromInteger i
toDouble (UnitPowerRational x y) = fromRational (x % y)
toUnitInfo (UnitBasic str) =
UnitName str
toUnitInfo (P.Unitless) =
infix 2 <<
(<<) :: MonadState f m => Lens (->) f [o] -> o -> m ()
(<<) lens o = lens =. (o:)
infix 2 <<++
(<<++) lens o = lens =. (++ [o])
addCol :: UnitVarCategory -> State UnitEnv Int
addCol category =
do (matrix, vector) <- gets linearSystem
let m = ncols matrix + 1
linearSystem =: (extendTo 0 0 m matrix, vector)
unitVarCats <<++ category
tmpColsAdded << m
return m
addRow :: State UnitEnv Int
addRow = addRow' (Unitful [])
addRow' :: UnitConstant -> State UnitEnv Int
addRow' uc =
do (matrix, vector) <- gets linearSystem
let n = nrows matrix + 1
linearSystem =: (extendTo 0 n 0 matrix, vector ++ [uc])
tmpRowsAdded << n
return n
liftUnitEnv :: (Matrix Rational -> Matrix Rational) -> UnitEnv -> UnitEnv
liftUnitEnv f = Data.Label.modify linearSystem $ \(matrix, vector) -> (f matrix, vector)
resetTemps :: State UnitEnv ()
resetTemps = do tmpRowsAdded =: []
tmpColsAdded =: []
lookupCaseInsensitive :: String -> [(String, a)] -> Maybe a
lookupCaseInsensitive x m = let x' = map toUpper x in (find (\(k, v) -> (map toUpper k) == x') m) >>= (return . snd)
lookupWithoutSrcSpan :: F.Name -> [(VarBinder, a)] -> Maybe a
lookupWithoutSrcSpan v env = snd `fmap` find f env
f (VarBinder (w, _), _) = map toUpper w == v'
v' = map toUpper v
lookupWithSrcSpan :: F.Name -> FU.SrcSpan -> [(VarBinder, a)] -> Maybe a
lookupWithSrcSpan v s env = snd `fmap` find f env
f (VarBinder (w, t), _) = map toUpper w == v' && s == t
v' = map toUpper v
trim = filter $ \(unit, r) -> r /= 0
instance Num UnitConstant where
(Unitful u1) + (Unitful u2) = Unitful $ trim $ merge u1 u2
where merge [] u2 = u2
merge u1 [] = u1
merge ((unit1, r1) : u1) ((unit2, r2) : u2)
| unit1 == unit2 = (unit1, r1 + r2) : merge u1 u2
| unit1 < unit2 = (unit1, r1) : merge u1 ((unit2, r2) : u2)
| otherwise = (unit2, r2) : merge ((unit1, r1) : u1) u2
(UnitlessC n1) + (UnitlessC n2) = UnitlessC (n1 + n2)
(Unitful units) * (UnitlessC n) = Unitful $ trim [(unit, r * n) | (unit, r) <- units]
(UnitlessC n) * (Unitful units) = Unitful $ trim [(unit, n * r) | (unit, r) <- units]
(UnitlessC n1) * (UnitlessC n2) = UnitlessC (n1 * n2)
negate (Unitful units) = Unitful [(unit, r) | (unit, r) <- units]
negate (UnitlessC n) = UnitlessC (n)
abs (Unitful units) = Unitful [(unit, abs r) | (unit, r) <- units]
abs (UnitlessC n) = UnitlessC $ abs n
signum (Unitful units) = Unitful [(unit, signum r) | (unit, r) <- units]
signum (UnitlessC n) = UnitlessC $ signum n
fromInteger = UnitlessC . fromInteger
instance Fractional UnitConstant where
(Unitful units) / (UnitlessC n) = Unitful [(unit, r / n) | (unit, r) <- units]
(UnitlessC n1) / (UnitlessC n2) = UnitlessC (n1 / n2)
fromRational = UnitlessC . fromRational
data Consistency a = Ok a | Bad a Int (UnitConstant, [Rational]) deriving Show
efmap :: (a -> a) -> Consistency a -> Consistency a
efmap f (Ok x) = Ok (f x)
efmap f (Bad x l msg) = Bad x l msg
ifDebug :: (?debug :: Bool, Monad m) => m a -> m ()
ifDebug e = if ?debug then e >> return () else return ()