   Copyright 2016, Dominic Orchard, Andrew Rice, Mistral Contrastin, Matthew Danish

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at


   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, KindSignatures,
             FlexibleContexts, GADTs, DeriveGeneric #-}


This module provides a number of helper functions for working with Fortran syntax that are useful
between different analyses and transformations.

module Camfort.Analysis.Syntax where

-- Standard imports 
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Debug.Trace

-- Data-type generics imports
import Data.Data
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Operations
import Data.Generics.Zipper
import Data.Typeable

-- CamFort specific functionality
import Camfort.Analysis.Annotations
import Camfort.Analysis.IntermediateReps
import Camfort.Traverse
import Language.Fortran

-- * Comparison and ordering

{-|  'AnnotationFree' is a data type that wraps other types and denotes terms which should 
     be compared for equality modulo their annotations and source location information -}
data AnnotationFree t = AnnotationFree { annotationBound :: t } deriving Show

{-| short-hand constructor for 'AnnotationFree' -}
af = AnnotationFree
{-| short-hand deconstructor for 'AnnotationFree' -}
unaf = annotationBound

{-| A helpful function, used by the 'Eq AnnotationFree' instance that resets and source 
    location information -}
eraseSrcLocs :: (Typeable (t a), Data (t a)) => t a -> t a
eraseSrcLocs = transformBi erase' 
                    where erase' :: SrcLoc -> SrcLoc
                          erase' _ = SrcLoc { srcFilename = "", srcLine = 0, srcColumn = 0 }

{-| Sets the @SrcLoc@ information to have the filename "compact" which triggers a special 
  compact form of pretty printing in the @Show SrcLoc@ instances -}
setCompactSrcLocs :: (Typeable (t a), Data (t a)) => t a -> t a
setCompactSrcLocs = transformBi cmpact' 
                    where cmpact' :: SrcLoc -> SrcLoc
                          cmpact' (SrcLoc _ l c) = SrcLoc { srcFilename = "compact", srcLine = l, srcColumn = c }

lower = map toLower

-- Here begins varioous 'Eq' instances for instantiations of 'AnnotationFree'

instance Eq (AnnotationFree a) => Eq (AnnotationFree [a]) where
    (AnnotationFree xs) == (AnnotationFree xs') =
               if (length xs == length xs')
               then foldl (\b -> \(x, x') -> ((af x) == (af x')) && b) True (zip xs xs')
               else False 

instance Eq (AnnotationFree Int) where
    x == y = (unaf x) == (unaf y)

instance Eq (AnnotationFree Char) where
    x == y = (unaf x) == (unaf y)

instance Eq (AnnotationFree (AccessP ())) where
    x == y = (unaf x) == (unaf y)

instance (Eq (AnnotationFree a), Eq (AnnotationFree b)) => Eq (AnnotationFree (a, b)) where
    (AnnotationFree (x, y)) == (AnnotationFree (x', y')) = ((af x) == (af x')) && ((af y) == (af y'))

instance Eq (AnnotationFree (Expr a)) where
    -- Compute variable equality modulo annotations and spans
    (AnnotationFree (Var _ _ vs)) == (AnnotationFree (Var _ _ vs'))
          = cmp vs vs' where cmp [] [] = True
                             cmp ((VarName _ v,es):vs) ((VarName _ v',es'):vs') =

                                  -- Since whether variable names are upper or lower case is irrelevant
                                  -- in Fortran, we must compare variables for equality by normalising first
                                  -- (here to lower case)

                                  if (lower v) == (lower v') then 
                                         (and (map (\(e, e') -> (af e) == (af e'))
                                                 (zip es es'))) && (cmp vs vs')
                                  else False

                             cmp _ _ = False

    -- For other expressions we can get away with reseting their annotations are erasing their source locs
    (AnnotationFree e1) == (AnnotationFree e2) = (eraseSrcLocs $ fmap (const ()) e1) == 
                                                 (eraseSrcLocs $ fmap (const ()) e2)

instance Eq (AnnotationFree (Type a)) where
    (AnnotationFree (BaseType _ b attrs e1 e2)) == (AnnotationFree (BaseType _ b' attrs' e1' e2')) = 
       (af b == af b') && (af attrs == af attrs') && (af e1 == af e1') && (af e2 == af e2')

    (AnnotationFree (ArrayT _ eps b attrs e1 e2)) == (AnnotationFree (ArrayT _ eps' b' attrs' e1' e2')) =
       (af eps == af eps') && (af b == af b') && (af attrs == af attrs') && (af e1 == af e1') && (af e2 == af e2')

instance Eq (AnnotationFree (Attr p)) where
    (AnnotationFree (Dimension _ es)) == (AnnotationFree (Dimension _ es')) = af es == af es'
    (AnnotationFree x) == (AnnotationFree y) = (fmap (const ()) x) == (fmap (const ()) y)

instance Eq (AnnotationFree (BaseType p)) where
    (AnnotationFree (DerivedType _ s)) == (AnnotationFree (DerivedType _ s')) = (af s) == (af s')
    (AnnotationFree x) == (AnnotationFree y) = (fmap (const ()) x) == (fmap (const ()) y)

instance Eq (AnnotationFree (SubName p)) where
    (AnnotationFree (SubName _ s)) == (AnnotationFree (SubName _ s')) = (lower s) == (lower s')
    (AnnotationFree (NullSubName _)) == (AnnotationFree (NullSubName _)) = True
    _ == _ = False

instance Eq (AnnotationFree (IntentAttr p)) where
    (AnnotationFree x) == (AnnotationFree y) = (fmap (const ()) x) == (fmap (const ()) y)

instance Eq (AnnotationFree (MeasureUnitSpec p)) where
    (AnnotationFree (UnitProduct _ u)) == (AnnotationFree (UnitProduct _ u')) = (af u) == (af u')
    (AnnotationFree (UnitQuotient _ u1 u2)) == (AnnotationFree (UnitQuotient _ u1' u2')) =
       (af u1 == af u1') && (af u2 == af u2')
    (AnnotationFree (UnitNone _)) == (AnnotationFree (UnitNone _)) = True
    _ == _ = False

instance Eq (AnnotationFree (Fraction p)) where
    (AnnotationFree (IntegerConst _ n)) == (AnnotationFree (IntegerConst _ n')) = (af n) == (af n')
    (AnnotationFree (FractionConst _ p q)) == (AnnotationFree (FractionConst _ p' q')) =
       (af p == af p') && (af q == af q')
    (AnnotationFree (NullFraction _)) == (AnnotationFree (NullFraction _)) = True
    _ == _ = False

{-| Ordering on accessor syntax -}
instance Ord (AccessP ()) where
    (VarA s1) <= (VarA s2)           = s1 <= s2
    (ArrayA s1 e1) <= (ArrayA s2 e2) = if (s1 == s2) then e1 <= e2 else s1 <= s2 
    (VarA s1) <= (ArrayA s2 e1)      = True
    _ <= _                           = False

{-| Partial-ordering for expressions (constructors only so far), ignores annotations -}
instance Eq p => Ord (Expr p) where
    (Con _ _ c) <= (Con  _ _ c') = c <= c'
    e <= e'                      = error "Ordering on expressions only for constructors so far"

-- * Accessor functions for extracting various pieces of information out of syntax trees

{-| Extracts the subprocedure name from a program unit -}
getSubName :: ProgUnit p -> Maybe String
getSubName (Main _ _ (SubName _ s) _ _ _)       = Just s
getSubName (Sub _ _ _ (SubName _ s) _ _)        = Just s
getSubName (Function _ _ _ (SubName _ s) _ _ _) = Just s
getSubName (Module _ _ (SubName _ s) _ _ _ _)   = Just s
getSubName (BlockData _ _ (SubName _ s) _ _ _)  = Just s
getSubName _                                    = Nothing

{-| Extracts all accessors (variables and array indexing) from a piece of syntax -}
accesses f = nub $  [VarA (lower v) | (AssgExpr _ _ v _) <- (universeBi f)::[Expr Annotation]]
                     ++ concat [varExprToAccesses ve | ve@(Var _ _ _) <- (universeBi f)::[Expr Annotation]]

{-| Extracts a string of the (root) variable name from a variable expression (if it is indeed a variable
    expression -}
varExprToVariable :: Expr a -> Maybe Variable
varExprToVariable (Var _ _ ((VarName _ v, es):_)) = Just v
varExprToVariable _                               = Nothing

{-| Extracts an 'accessor' form a variable from a variable expression -}
varExprToAccess :: Expr a -> Maybe Access
varExprToAccess v = varExprToVariable v >>= (Just . VarA)

{-| Extracts all 'accessors' from a variable expression e.g.,
     @varExprToAccess@ on the syntax tree coming from @a(i, j)@ returns a list of @[VarA "a", VarA "i", VarA "j"]@ -}
varExprToAccesses :: Expr a -> [Access]
varExprToAccesses (Var _ _ ves) = [mkAccess v es | (VarName _ v, es) <- ves, all isConstant es] 
                                     where mkAccess v [] = VarA v
                                           mkAccess v es = ArrayA v (map (fmap (const ())) es)
varExprToAccesses _             = [] 

class Successors t where
    {-| Computes the 'root' successor from the current -}
    successorsRoot :: t a -> [t a]
    {-| Computes the successors nodes of a CFG (described by a zipper) for certain node types -}
    successors :: (Eq a, Typeable a) => Zipper (ProgUnit a) -> [t a]  

instance Successors Fortran where
    successorsRoot (FSeq _ _ f1 f2)          = [f1]
    successorsRoot (For _ _ _ _ _ _ f)       = [f]
    successorsRoot (If _ _ _ f efs f')       = [f]
    successorsRoot (Forall _ _ _ f)          = [f]
    successorsRoot (Where _ _ _ f Nothing)   = [f]
    successorsRoot (Where _ _ _ f (Just f')) = [f, f']
    successorsRoot (Label _ _ _ f)           = [f]
    successorsRoot _                         = []

    successors = 
          successorsF :: forall a . (Eq a, Typeable a) => Zipper (ProgUnit a) -> [Fortran a]
          successorsF z = maybe [] id 
                           (do f <- (getHole z)::(Maybe (Fortran a))
                               ss <- return $ successorsRoot f
                               return $ ss ++ seekUp f (Just z))

          seekUp :: forall a . (Eq a, Typeable a) => Fortran a -> Maybe (Zipper (ProgUnit a)) -> [Fortran a]
          seekUp f z = case (z >>= up >>= getHole)::(Maybe (Fortran a)) of
                         Just uf -> 
                             case uf of
                               (FSeq _ _ f1 f2)     -> if (f == f1) then [f2]
                                                       else seekUp uf (z >>= up)
                               (For _ _ _ _ _ _ f') -> seekUp uf (z >>= up)
                               (If _ _ _ gf efs f') -> if (f == gf) then (maybe [] (:[]) f') ++ (map snd efs) 
                                                       else seekUp uf (z >>= up) 
                               (Forall _ _ _ f')    -> seekUp uf (z >>= up)
                               (Where _ _ _ f' _)   -> seekUp uf (z >>= up)
                               (Label _ _ _ f')     -> seekUp uf (z >>= up)
                               _                    -> []
                         Nothing -> [] 

{-| extract all 'right-hand side' expressions e.g. 
      @rhsExpr (parse "x = e") = parse "e"@ -}
rhsExpr :: Fortran Annotation -> [Expr Annotation]
rhsExpr (Assg _ _ _ e2)        = (universeBi e2)::[Expr Annotation]

rhsExpr (For _ _ v e1 e2 e3 _) = ((universeBi e1)::[Expr Annotation]) ++
                                  ((universeBi e2)::[Expr Annotation]) ++
                                  ((universeBi e3)::[Expr Annotation])

rhsExpr (If _ _ e f1 fes f3)    = ((universeBi e)::[Expr Annotation])
rhsExpr (Allocate x sp e1 e2)   = ((universeBi e1)::[Expr Annotation]) ++
                                   ((universeBi e2)::[Expr Annotation])

rhsExpr (Call _ _ e as)         = ((universeBi e)::[Expr Annotation]) ++ 
                                   ((universeBi as)::[Expr Annotation])

rhsExpr (Deallocate _ _ es e)   = (concatMap (\e -> (universeBi e)::[Expr Annotation]) es) ++
                                    ((universeBi e)::[Expr Annotation])

rhsExpr (Forall _ _ (es, e) f)  = concatMap (\(_, e1, e2, e3) -> -- TODO: maybe different here
                                               ((universeBi e1)::[Expr Annotation]) ++
                                               ((universeBi e2)::[Expr Annotation]) ++
                                               ((universeBi e3)::[Expr Annotation])) es ++
                                    ((universeBi e)::[Expr Annotation])

rhsExpr (Nullify _ _ es)        = concatMap (\e -> (universeBi e)::[Expr Annotation]) es

rhsExpr (Inquire _ _ s es)      = concatMap (\e -> (universeBi e)::[Expr Annotation]) es
rhsExpr (Stop _ _ e)            = (universeBi e)::[Expr Annotation]
rhsExpr (Where _ _ e f _)       = (universeBi e)::[Expr Annotation]

rhsExpr (Write _ _ s es)        = concatMap (\e -> (universeBi e)::[Expr Annotation]) es

rhsExpr (PointerAssg _ _ _ e2)  = (universeBi e2)::[Expr Annotation]

rhsExpr (Return _ _ e)          = (universeBi e)::[Expr Annotation]
rhsExpr (Print _ _ e es)        = ((universeBi e)::[Expr Annotation]) ++ 
                                   (concatMap (\e -> (universeBi e)::[Expr Annotation]) es)
rhsExpr (ReadS _ _ s es)        = concatMap (\e -> (universeBi e)::[Expr Annotation]) es
-- rhsExpr (Label x sp s f)        = rhsExpr f
rhsExpr _                     = []

{-| extract all 'left-hand side' expressions e.g. 
      @rhsExpr (parse "x = e") = parse "x"@ -}
lhsExpr :: Fortran Annotation -> [Expr Annotation]
lhsExpr (Assg _ _ e1 e2)        = ((universeBi e1)::[Expr Annotation])
lhsExpr (For x sp v e1 e2 e3 fs) = [Var x sp [(v, [])]]
lhsExpr (PointerAssg _ _ e1 e2) = ((universeBi e1)::[Expr Annotation])
lhsExpr t                        = concatMap lhsExpr ((children t)::[Fortran Annotation])

-- * Various simple analyses

{-| Set a default monoid instances for Int -}
instance Monoid Int where
    mempty = 0
    mappend = (+)

{-| Counts the number of declarations (of variables) in a whole program -}
countVariableDeclarations :: Program Annotation -> Int
countVariableDeclarations x = sum [length xs | (Decl _ _ xs _) <- (universeBi x)::[Decl Annotation]]

{-| Numbers all the statements in a program unit (successively) which is useful for analysis output -}
numberStmts :: ProgUnit Annotation -> ProgUnit Annotation
numberStmts x = let 
                  numberF :: Fortran Annotation -> State Int (Fortran Annotation)
                  numberF = descendBiM number'

                  numberD :: Decl Annotation -> State Int (Decl Annotation)
                  numberD = descendBiM number'

                  number' :: Annotation -> State Int Annotation
                  -- actually numbers more than just statements, but this doesn't matter 
                  number' x = do n <- get 
                                 put (n + 1)
                                 return $ x { number = n }

                  (x', n)  = runState (descendBiM numberD x) 0
                  (x'', _) = runState (descendBiM numberF x') n

                in x''

{-| All variables from a Fortran syntax tree -}
variables f = nub $ map (map toLower) $ [v | (AssgExpr _ _ v _) <- (universeBi f)::[Expr Annotation]]
                 ++ [v | (VarName _ v) <- (universeBi f)::[VarName Annotation]] 

{-| A predicate on whether an expression is actually a constant constructor -}
isConstant :: Expr p -> Bool
isConstant (Con _ _ _)  = True
isConstant (ConL _ _ _ _) = True
isConstant (ConS _ _ _) = True
isConstant _            = False
{-| Free-variables in a piece of Fortran syntax -}
freeVariables :: (Data (t a), Data a) => t a -> [String]
freeVariables f = (variables f) \\ (binders f)

{-| All variables from binders -}
binders :: forall a t . (Data (t a), Typeable (t a), Data a, Typeable a) => t a -> [String]
binders f = nub $
               [v | (ArgName _ v) <- (universeBi f)::[ArgName a]] 
            ++ [v | (VarName _ v) <- (universeBi ((universeBi f)::[Decl a]))::[VarName a]]
            ++ [v | (For _ _ (VarName _ v) _ _ _ _) <- (universeBi f)::[Fortran a]]

{-| Tests whether an expression is an affine transformation (without scaling) 
  on some variable, if so returns the variable and the translation factor -}
affineMatch (Bin _ _ (Plus _) (Var _ _ [(VarName _ v, _)]) (Con _ _ n)) = Just (v, read n)
affineMatch (Bin _ _ (Plus _) (Con _ _ n) (Var _ _ [(VarName _ v, _)]))   = Just (v, read n)
affineMatch (Bin _ _ (Minus _) (Var _ _ [(VarName _ v, _)]) (Con _ _ n))    = Just (v, - read n)
affineMatch (Bin _ _ (Minus _) (Con _ _ n) (Var _  _ [(VarName _ v, _)])) = Just (v, - read n)
affineMatch (Var _ _  [(VarName _ v, _)])                               = Just (v, 0)
affineMatch _                                                           = Nothing

-- * An embedded domain-specific language for describing syntax tree queries 

{-| 'QueryCmd' provides 'commands' of which pieces of syntax to find -}

data QueryCmd t where
    Exprs  :: QueryCmd (Expr Annotation)
    Blocks :: QueryCmd (Block Annotation)
    Decls  :: QueryCmd (Decl Annotation)
    Locs   :: QueryCmd Access
    Vars   :: QueryCmd (Expr Annotation)

{-| 'from' takes a command as its first parameter, a piece of syntax as its second, and
     returns all pieces of syntax matching the query request.
     For example: @from Decls x@ returns a list of all declarations in @x@, of type @[Decl Annotation]@ 
     If @x@ is itself a declaration then this is returned as well (so be careful with recursive functions
     over things defined in turns of 'from'. See 'topFrom' for a solution to this.
from :: forall t synTyp . (Data t, Data synTyp) => QueryCmd synTyp -> t -> [synTyp]
from Locs x = accesses x
from Vars x = [v | v@(Var _ _ _) <- (universeBi x)::[Expr Annotation]]
from _ x = (universeBi x)::[synTyp]

{-| 'topFrom' takes a command as first parameter, a piece of syntax as its second, and
     returns all pieces of syntax matching the query request that are *children* of the current
     piece of syntax. This means that it will not return itself. -}

topFrom :: forall t synTyp . (Data t, Data synTyp) => QueryCmd synTyp -> t -> [synTyp]
topFrom Locs x = accesses x
topFrom _ x = (childrenBi x)::[synTyp]