{- Copyright 2016, Dominic Orchard, Andrew Rice, Mistral Contrastin, Matthew Danish Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} module Camfort.Reprint where import Data.Generics.Zipper import Camfort.PrettyPrint import Camfort.Analysis.Annotations import Camfort.Helpers import Camfort.Traverse import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import Data.Functor.Identity import Data.Data import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy import Language.Fortran import Camfort.Analysis.Syntax -- Start of GLORIOUS REFACTORING ALGORITHM! -- FIXME: Use ByteString! (Or Data.Text, at least) reprint :: (Data (p Annotation), PrettyPrint (p Annotation)) => (forall a . Typeable a => [String] -> SrcLoc -> a -> State Int (String, SrcLoc, Bool)) -> SourceText -> Filename -> p Annotation -> String reprint refactoring input f p -- If the inupt is null then switch into pretty printer | B.null input = prettyPrint p -- Otherwise go with the normal algorithm | otherwise = pn ++ pe where input' = map B.unpack $ B.lines input len = Prelude.length input' start = SrcLoc f 1 0 end = SrcLoc f len (1 + (Prelude.length $ Prelude.last input')) (pn, cursorn) = evalState (reprintC refactoring start input' (toZipper p)) 0 (_, inpn) = takeBounds (start, cursorn) input' (pe, _) = takeBounds (cursorn, end) inpn reprintC :: (forall b . (Typeable b) => [String] -> SrcLoc -> b -> State Int (String, SrcLoc, Bool)) -> SrcLoc -> [String] -> Zipper a -> State Int (String, SrcLoc) reprintC refactoring cursor inp z = do (p1, cursor', flag) <- query (refactoring inp cursor) z (_, inp') <- return $ takeBounds (cursor, cursor') inp (p2, cursor'') <- if flag then return ("", cursor') else enterDown refactoring cursor' inp' z (_, inp'') <- return $ takeBounds (cursor', cursor'') inp' (p3, cursor''') <- enterRight refactoring cursor'' inp'' z return (p1 ++ p2 ++ p3, cursor''') enterDown, enterRight :: (forall b . (Typeable b) => [String] -> SrcLoc -> b -> State Int (String, SrcLoc, Bool)) -> SrcLoc -> [String] -> Zipper a -> State Int (String, SrcLoc) enterDown refactoring cursor inp z = case (down' z) of Just dz -> reprintC refactoring cursor inp dz Nothing -> return $ ("", cursor) enterRight refactoring cursor inp z = case (right z) of Just rz -> reprintC refactoring cursor inp rz Nothing -> return $ ("", cursor) takeBounds (l, u) inp = takeBounds' (lineCol l, lineCol u) [] inp takeBounds' ((ll, lc), (ul, uc)) tk inp = if (ll == ul && lc == uc) || (ll > ul) then (Prelude.reverse tk, inp) else case inp of [] -> (Prelude.reverse tk, inp) ([]:[]) -> (Prelude.reverse tk, inp) ([]:ys) -> takeBounds' ((ll+1, 0), (ul, uc)) ('\n':tk) ys ((x:xs):ys) -> takeBounds' ((ll, lc+1), (ul, uc)) (x:tk) (xs:ys) -- End of GLORIOUS REFACTORING ALGORITHM