{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-name-shadowing #-} -- | Dependency filtering is removing all nodes that are not part of a certain dependency tree module Calligraphy.Phases.DependencyFilter ( DependencyFilterConfig, DependencyFilterError (..), ppFilterError, dependencyFilter, pDependencyFilterConfig, ) where import Calligraphy.Util.Optparse (boolFlags) import Calligraphy.Util.Printer import Calligraphy.Util.Types import Control.Monad.State.Strict import Data.Bifunctor (bimap) import Data.EnumMap (EnumMap) import qualified Data.EnumMap as EnumMap import Data.EnumSet (EnumSet) import qualified Data.EnumSet as EnumSet import Data.Foldable (toList) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty, nonEmpty) import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Monoid import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Tree import Data.Tuple (swap) import Options.Applicative import Prelude hiding (filter) data DependencyFilterConfig = DependencyFilterConfig { _depRoot :: Maybe (NonEmpty String), _revDepRoot :: Maybe (NonEmpty String), _depDepth :: Maybe Int, _followParent :: Bool, _followChildren :: Bool, _followCalls :: Bool, _followTypes :: Bool } pDependencyFilterConfig :: Parser DependencyFilterConfig pDependencyFilterConfig = DependencyFilterConfig <$> (fmap nonEmpty . many) ( strOption ( long "forward-root" <> short 'f' <> metavar "NAME" <> help "Name of a dependency filter root. Specifying a dependency filter root hides everything that's not a (transitive) dependency of a root. The name can be qualified. This argument can be repeated." ) ) <*> (fmap nonEmpty . many) ( strOption ( long "reverse-root" <> short 'r' <> metavar "NAME" <> help "Name of a reverse dependency filter root. Specifying a dependency filter root hides everything that's not a reverse (transitive) dependency of a root. The name can be qualified. This argument can be repeated." ) ) <*> optional (option auto (long "max-depth" <> help "Maximum search depth for transitive dependencies.")) <*> boolFlags True "follow-parent" "In calculating (transitive) dependencies, follow edges to from a child to its parent." mempty <*> boolFlags True "follow-child" "In calculating (transitive) dependencies, follow edges from a parent to its children." mempty <*> boolFlags True "follow-value" "In calculating (transitive) dependencies, follow normal edges." mempty <*> boolFlags False "follow-type" "In calculating (transitive) dependencies, follow type edges." mempty newtype DependencyFilterError = UnknownRootName String ppFilterError :: Prints DependencyFilterError ppFilterError (UnknownRootName root) = strLn $ "Unknown root name: " <> root pruneModules :: (Decl -> Bool) -> CallGraph -> CallGraph pruneModules p (CallGraph modules calls types) = removeDeadCalls $ CallGraph modules' calls types where modules' = over (traverse . modForest) (>>= go) modules go :: Tree Decl -> [Tree Decl] go (Node decl children) = do let children' = children >>= go in if p decl then pure (Node decl children') else children' -- | Remove all calls and typings (i.e. edges) where one end is not present in the graph. -- This is intended to be used after an operation that may have removed nodes from the graph. removeDeadCalls :: CallGraph -> CallGraph removeDeadCalls (CallGraph mods calls types) = CallGraph mods calls' types' where outputKeys = execState (forT_ (traverse . modDecls) mods (modify . EnumSet.insert . declKey)) mempty calls' = Set.filter (\(a, b) -> EnumSet.member a outputKeys && EnumSet.member b outputKeys) calls types' = Set.filter (\(a, b) -> EnumSet.member a outputKeys && EnumSet.member b outputKeys) types dependencyFilter :: DependencyFilterConfig -> CallGraph -> Either DependencyFilterError CallGraph dependencyFilter (DependencyFilterConfig mfw mbw maxDepth useParent useChild useCalls useTypes) mods@(CallGraph modules calls types) = do fwFilter <- forM mfw $ flip mkDepFilter edges bwFilter <- forM mbw $ flip mkDepFilter (Set.map swap edges) pure $ let p = case (fwFilter, bwFilter) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> const True (Just fa, Nothing) -> fa (Nothing, Just fb) -> fb (Just fa, Just fb) -> \decl -> fa decl || fb decl in pruneModules p mods where names :: Map String (EnumSet Key) names = Map.unionsWith mappend (fmap resolveNames modules) mkDepFilter :: NonEmpty String -> Set (Key, Key) -> Either DependencyFilterError (Decl -> Bool) mkDepFilter rootNames edges = do rootKeys <- forM rootNames $ \name -> maybe (Left $ UnknownRootName name) (pure . EnumSet.toList) (Map.lookup name names) let ins = transitives maxDepth (mconcat $ toList rootKeys) edges pure $ \decl -> EnumSet.member (declKey decl) ins edges = mconcat [ if useParent then parentEdges else mempty, if useChild then childEdges else mempty, if useCalls then calls else mempty, if useTypes then types else mempty ] parentEdges, childEdges :: Set (Key, Key) (parentEdges, childEdges) = execState (forT_ (traverse . modForest . traverse) modules go) mempty where go :: Tree Decl -> State (Set (Key, Key), Set (Key, Key)) () go (Node parent children) = forM_ children $ \childNode@(Node child _) -> do let kParent = declKey parent kChild = declKey child modify $ bimap (Set.insert (kParent, kChild)) (Set.insert (kChild, kParent)) go childNode -- | Create a map of all names, and the keys they correspond to. -- For every name in the source, this introduces two entries; one naked, and one qualified with the module name. resolveNames :: Module -> Map String (EnumSet Key) resolveNames (Module modName _ forest) = flip execState mempty $ flip forestT forest $ \(Decl name key _ _ _ _) -> modify $ Map.insertWith (<>) (modName <> "." <> name) (EnumSet.singleton key) . Map.insertWith (<>) name (EnumSet.singleton key) transitives :: forall a. Enum a => Maybe Int -> [a] -> Set (a, a) -> EnumSet a transitives maxDepth roots deps = go 0 mempty (EnumSet.fromList roots) where go :: Int -> EnumSet a -> EnumSet a -> EnumSet a go depth old new | EnumSet.null new = old | maybe False (< depth) maxDepth = old | otherwise = let old' = old <> new new' = EnumSet.foldr (\a -> maybe id mappend $ EnumMap.lookup a adjacencies) mempty new in go (depth + 1) old' (new' EnumSet.\\ old') adjacencies :: EnumMap a (EnumSet a) adjacencies = foldr (\(from, to) -> EnumMap.insertWith (<>) from (EnumSet.singleton to)) mempty deps