# `call-alloy` [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/marcellussiegburg/call-alloy.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/marcellussiegburg/call-alloy) This is a simple library to call [Alloy](http://alloytools.org) given a specification. This package includes a simple Java Library to make an API call to the Alloy Library. Alloy is included (as JAR file) within this library as well. ## Requriements - Java Runtime Environment: There is currently no warning if you have not set up any Java Runtime Environment. However, you will get runtime errors if it is not available when a call to Alloy happens. If you want to force a check, perform the test cases. ## Please note The Java interface to get Alloy instances as well as the [Alloy Jar](https://github.com/AlloyTools/org.alloytools.alloy/releases/download/v5.1.0/org.alloytools.alloy.dist.jar) file are backed into this library. On every call the application checks the [`XdgDirectory`](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/directory/docs/System-Directory.html#t:XdgDirectory) if the libraries exist in a current version. If not they are placed there together with a version identifier. ## The library in action This is a basic description on how to use the library. ### A specification example Consider this Alloy specification of a simple Graph: ```Alloy abstract sig Node { flow : Node -> lone Int, stored : one Int } { stored >= 0 all n : Node | some flow[n] implies flow[n] >= 0 no flow[this] } fun currentFlow(x, y : one Node) : Int { let s = x.stored, f = x.flow[y] | s < f implies s else f } pred withFlow[x, y : one Node] { currentFlow[x, y] > 0 } pred show {} run withFlow for 3 Int, 2 Node ``` The graph is consisting of `Node`s, which might have some goods `stored` and may deliver them to other `Node`s (via `flow`). `Node`s do not have `flow` to themselves. The `currentFlow` is the minimum between the flow from the starting `Node` to the end `Node` and the currently `stored` goods at the starting `Node` (note: intermediate `Node`s are not allowed). We call two `Nodes` `x` and `y` `withFlow` if `currentFlow` from `x` to `y` is greater than `0`. We restrict our search to `3`-Bit signed `Int` values and `2` `Nodes`. ### An instance example Calling Alloy using `getInstances` and the above program, could return the following (abbreviated) instance: ``` Haskell [(Signature { scope = Nothing, sigName = "$withFlow_x" }, Entry { annotation = Just Skolem, relation = fromList [ ("",Single (fromList [Object {objSig = "Node", identifier = 1}])) ] }), (Signature { scope = Nothing, sigName = "$withFlow_y" }, Entry { annotation = Just Skolem, relation = fromList [ ("",Single (fromList [Object {objSig = "Node", identifier = 0}])) ] }), ... (Signature { scope = Just "this", sigName = "Node" }, Entry { annotation = Nothing, relation = fromList [ ("",Single (fromList [ Object {objSig = "Node", identifier = 0}, Object {objSig = "Node", identifier = 1} ])), ("flow",Triple (fromList [ (Object {objSig = "Node", identifier = 0},Object {objSig = "Node", identifier = 1},NumberObject {number = 0}), (Object {objSig = "Node", identifier = 1},Object {objSig = "Node", identifier = 0},NumberObject {number = 3}) ])), ("stored",Double (fromList [ (Object {objSig = "Node", identifier = 0},NumberObject {number = 0}), (Object {objSig = "Node", identifier = 1},NumberObject {number = 1}) ])) ] }) ] ``` ### A retrieval example Using this library we may retrieve returned signature values using `lookupSig`, then query parameter variables of the queried predicate using `unscoped`, and query signature sets and relations using `getSingleAs`, `getDoubleAs`, and `getTripleAs`. The following Code might for instance be used for the graph example: ``` Haskell newtype Node = Node Int deriving (Eq, Show, Ord) instanceToNames :: AlloyInstance -> Either String (Set Node, Set (Node, Int), Set (Node, Node, Int), Set (Node), Set (Node)) instanceToNames insta = do let node :: String -> Int -> Either String Node node = object "Node" Node n <- lookupSig (scoped "this" "Node") insta nodes <- getSingleAs "" node n store <- getDoubleAs "stored" node int n flow <- getTripleAs "flow" node node int n x <- lookupSig (unscoped "$withFlow_x") insta >>= getSingleAs "" node y <- lookupSig (unscoped "$withFlow_y") insta >>= getSingleAs "" node return (nodes, store, flow, x, y) ``` Calling `instanceToNames` on the above instance would result in the following expression: ``` Haskell Right ( fromList [Node 0,Node 1], fromList [(Node 0,0),(Node 1,1)], fromList [(Node 0,Node 1,0),(Node 1,Node 0,3)], fromList [Node 1], fromList [Node 0] ) ```