module Calculator.Prim.Definitions ( binaryOps , defVars , defFuns , defBinds ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Calculator.Prim.Bindings (Bindings, mkBind) import Calculator.Prim.Expr (Operator (..)) import Calculator.Prim.Function (Function, oneArg) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Control.Arrow (second) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Binary Operators binaryOps :: [(Char, Operator)] binaryOps = [ ('+', BinaryOp (+)) , ('-', BinaryOp (-)) , ('*', BinaryOp (*)) , ('/', BinaryOp (/)) , ('^', BinaryOp (**)) ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | List of pre-defined @Functions@ defFuns :: [(String, Function Double)] defFuns = map (second oneArg) [ ("sin", sin) , ("cos", cos) , ("tan", tan) , ("asin", asin) , ("acos", acos) , ("atan", atan) , ("sinh", sinh) , ("cosh", cosh) , ("tanh", tanh) , ("exp", exp) , ("log", log) , ("log10", logBase 10) , ("sqrt", sqrt) , ("ceil", fromInteger . ceiling) , ("floor", fromInteger . floor) , ("abs", abs) ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | List of provided variables defVars :: [(String, Double)] defVars = [ ("pi", pi) , ("e", exp 1) ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Default bindings, created using defVars and defFuns defBinds :: Bindings defBinds = mkBind defVars defFuns --------------------------------------------------------------------------------