module CalLayout (CalLayout(..), Dimension, getDimensions) where import Data.List import Data.Tree type TimeUnit = Int -- | Main interface for events. class (Eq a) => CalLayout a where start :: a -> TimeUnit end :: a -> TimeUnit -- | Dimension data type. data Dimension = Dimension { top :: Double , left :: Double , width :: Double , height :: Double } deriving (Show) -- | Insert an event into a tree by calculating intersections. insertEvent :: (CalLayout a) => a -> Tree a -> Tree a insertEvent e n@(Node t t') = if e `intersects` t then Node t (insertEventForest e t') else n where -- | Given two events, check if they intersect. intersects :: (CalLayout a) => a -> a -> Bool intersects e e' = (start e >= start e' && start e < end e') || ((start e' == start e) || (end e' == end e)) -- | Given an event and a tree, check if the tree contains it. treeContains :: (CalLayout a) => a -> Tree a -> Bool treeContains e (Node e' []) = e == e' treeContains e (Node e' trs) = e == e' || any (treeContains e) trs -- | Insert an event in a forest. insertEventForest :: (CalLayout a) => a -> Forest a -> Forest a insertEventForest e [] = [Node e []] insertEventForest e (x:xs) = let newx = insertEvent e x in if treeContains e newx then newx : xs else x : insertEventForest e xs -- | Make intersections forest by recursively using `insertEvent`. -- we need to provide an initial member since a `Data.Tree` cannot be empty. mkIntersectionsForest :: (CalLayout a) => [a] -> a -> Forest a mkIntersectionsForest events initial = go (sortBy startSort events) initialTree where -- | The initial tree contains a root node with least and most start/end times -- for capturing all intersections. initialTree = Node initial [] -- | startSort first sorts by start time, then length of events startSort e1 e2 | start e1 == start e2 = lengthSort e1 e2 | start e1 < start e2 = LT | otherwise = GT -- | Sorts by length of events lengthSort e1 e2 | end e2 < end e1 = LT | otherwise = GT -- | Iterative function for constructing the forest go [] (Node r f) = f -- skip `initial` root go (e:es) forest = go es (insertEvent e forest) -- | For a given forest, populate max depth and depth -- we need those for calculating width/left respectively. populateDepths :: Forest a -> [(a, Int, Int)] populateDepths = concatMap populateDepth where calcDepth :: Tree a -> Int calcDepth (Node _ []) = 0 calcDepth (Node _ x) = 1 + maximum (map calcDepth x) squish :: Int -> Tree a -> [(a, Int, Int)] -> [(a, Int, Int)] squish maxDepth n@(Node x ts) xs = (x, maxDepth, calcDepth n) : foldr (squish maxDepth) xs ts populateDepth :: Tree a -> [(a, Int, Int)] populateDepth t = squish (calcDepth t) t [] -- | Calculate dimensions for a forest. calculateDimensions :: (CalLayout a) => Forest a -> [(a, Dimension)] calculateDimensions forest = go (populateDepths forest) where go [] = [] go ((e, maxDepth, depth) : xs) = (e, Dimension top left width height) : go xs where -- top is straightforward. top = fromIntegral $ start e -- left is a little more complex, since it relies on depth. left = width * fromIntegral depth -- width is a little more complex, since it relies on max depth. width = 100 / (1 + fromIntegral maxDepth) -- height is straightforward. height = fromIntegral $ end e - start e -- | Helper wrapper for getting dimensions. getDimensions :: (CalLayout a) => [a] -> a -> [(a, Dimension)] getDimensions events initial = calculateDimensions $ mkIntersectionsForest events initial