{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Crypto.Noise.Hash
-- Maintainer  : John Galt <centromere@users.noreply.github.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : POSIX

module Crypto.Noise.Hash
  ( -- * Classes
  ) where

import Crypto.Noise.Types

-- | Typeclass for hashes.
class Hash h where
  -- | Represents a chaining key used as part of HKDF.
  data ChainingKey h :: *

  -- | Represents a hash digest.
  data Digest      h :: *

  -- | Returns the name of the hash. This is used when generating the
  --   handshake name.
  hashName      :: proxy h -> ScrubbedBytes

  -- | Returns the length of the hash output in bytes.
  hashLength    :: proxy h -> Int

  -- | Hashes data.
  hash          :: ScrubbedBytes -> Digest h

  -- | Performs HKDF.
  hashHKDF      :: ChainingKey h -> ScrubbedBytes -> (ChainingKey h, ScrubbedBytes)

  -- | Converts a series of bytes to a chaining key.
  hashBytesToCK :: ScrubbedBytes -> ChainingKey h

  -- | Converts a chaining key to a series of bytes.
  hashCKToBytes :: ChainingKey h -> ScrubbedBytes

  -- | Converts a hash digest to a series of bytes.
  hashToBytes   :: Digest h -> ScrubbedBytes