name: lambdabot-social-plugins version: license: GPL license-file: LICENSE author: Don Stewart maintainer: James Cook category: Development, Web synopsis: Social plugins for Lambdabot description: Lambdabot is an IRC bot written over several years by those on the #haskell IRC channel. . Provided plugins: . [activity] Check where and how much is lambdabot used. . [karma] Track who's been good and who's been naughty. . [poll] Let the people vote. . [seen] Track who was around when. . [tell] Leave messages for other users. homepage: build-type: Simple cabal-version: >= 1.8 tested-with: GHC == 7.8.4, GHC == 7.10.3 source-repository head type: git location: library hs-source-dirs: src ghc-options: -Wall -funbox-strict-fields exposed-modules: Lambdabot.Plugin.Social other-modules: Lambdabot.Plugin.Social.Activity Lambdabot.Plugin.Social.Karma Lambdabot.Plugin.Social.Poll Lambdabot.Plugin.Social.Seen Lambdabot.Plugin.Social.Seen.StopWatch Lambdabot.Plugin.Social.Seen.UserStatus Lambdabot.Plugin.Social.Tell Lambdabot.Util.NickEq build-depends: base >= 4.4 && < 5, binary >= 0.5, bytestring >= 0.9, containers >= 0.4, lambdabot-core >= 5.1 && < 5.2, mtl >= 2, split >= 0.2, time >= 1.4