{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Cabal2Nix.PostProcess ( postProcess ) where import Data.List import Distribution.NixOS.Derivation.Cabal postProcess :: Derivation -> Derivation postProcess deriv@(MkDerivation {..}) | pname == "aeson" && version > Version [0,7] [] = deriv { buildDepends = "blazeBuilder":buildDepends } | pname == "Agda" = deriv { buildTools = "emacs":buildTools, phaseOverrides = agdaPostInstall } | pname == "alex" && version < Version [3,1] [] = deriv { buildTools = "perl":buildTools } | pname == "alex" && version >= Version [3,1] [] = deriv { buildTools = "perl":"happy":buildTools } | pname == "bindings-GLFW" = deriv { extraLibs = "libXext":"libXfixes":extraLibs } | pname == "bits-extras" = deriv { configureFlags = "--ghc-option=-lgcc_s":configureFlags, extraLibs = filter (/= "gcc_s") extraLibs } | pname == "cabal2nix" = deriv { doCheck = True, phaseOverrides = cabal2nixDoCheckHook } | pname == "cabal-bounds" = deriv { buildTools = "cabalInstall":buildTools } | pname == "cabal-install" && version >= Version [0,14] [] = deriv { phaseOverrides = cabalInstallPostInstall } | pname == "cairo" = deriv { extraLibs = "pkgconfig":"libc":"cairo":"zlib":extraLibs } | pname == "cookie" = deriv { phaseOverrides = cookieDoCheckHook } | pname == "cuda" = deriv { phaseOverrides = cudaConfigurePhase, extraLibs = "cudatoolkit":"nvidia_x11":"self.stdenv.gcc":extraLibs } | pname == "darcs" = deriv { phaseOverrides = darcsInstallPostInstall } | pname == "dns" = deriv { testTarget = "spec" } | pname == "doctest" = deriv { runHaddock = True, phaseOverrides = doctestNoHaddock } | pname == "editline" = deriv { extraLibs = "libedit":extraLibs } | pname == "epic" = deriv { extraLibs = "gmp":"boehmgc":extraLibs, buildTools = "happy":buildTools } | pname == "either" = deriv { runHaddock = True, phaseOverrides = eitherNoHaddock } | pname == "ghc-heap-view" = deriv { phaseOverrides = ghciPostInstall } | pname == "ghc-mod" = deriv { phaseOverrides = ghcModPostInstall, buildTools = "emacs":"makeWrapper":buildTools } | pname == "ghc-parser" = deriv { buildTools = "cpphs":"happy":buildTools, phaseOverrides = ghcParserPatchPhase } | pname == "ghc-paths" = deriv { phaseOverrides = ghcPathsPatches } | pname == "ghc-vis" = deriv { phaseOverrides = ghciPostInstall } | pname == "git-annex" = deriv { phaseOverrides = gitAnnexOverrides, buildTools = "git":"rsync":"gnupg1":"curl":"lsof":"openssh":"which":"bup":"perl":buildTools } | pname == "github-backup" = deriv { buildTools = "git":buildTools } | pname == "glade" = deriv { extraLibs = "pkgconfig":"libc":extraLibs, pkgConfDeps = "gtkC":delete "gtk" pkgConfDeps } | pname == "glib" = deriv { extraLibs = "pkgconfig":"libc":extraLibs } | pname == "gloss-raster" = deriv { extraLibs = "llvm":extraLibs } | pname == "GLUT" = deriv { extraLibs = "glut":"libSM":"libICE":"libXmu":"libXi":"mesa":extraLibs } | pname == "graphviz" = deriv { testDepends = "systemGraphviz":testDepends } | pname == "gtk" = deriv { extraLibs = "pkgconfig":"libc":extraLibs } | pname == "gtkglext" = deriv { pkgConfDeps = "pangox_compat":pkgConfDeps } | pname == "gtk2hs-buildtools"= deriv { buildDepends = "hashtables":buildDepends } | pname == "gtksourceview2" = deriv { extraLibs = "pkgconfig":"libc":extraLibs } | pname == "haddock" && version < Version [2,14] [] = deriv { buildTools = "alex":"happy":buildTools } | pname == "haddock" = deriv { phaseOverrides = haddockPreCheck } | pname == "hakyll" = deriv { testDepends = "utillinux":testDepends } | pname == "happy" = deriv { buildTools = "perl":buildTools } | pname == "haskeline" = deriv { buildDepends = "utf8String":buildDepends } | pname == "haskell-src" = deriv { buildTools = "happy":buildTools } | pname == "haskell-src-meta" = deriv { buildDepends = "uniplate":buildDepends } | pname == "HFuse" = deriv { phaseOverrides = hfusePreConfigure } | pname == "highlighting-kate"= highlightingKatePostProcessing deriv | pname == "hlibgit2" = deriv { testDepends = "git":testDepends } | pname == "HList" = deriv { buildTools = "diffutils":buildTools } | pname == "hmatrix" = deriv { extraLibs = "liblapack":"blas": filter (/= "lapack") extraLibs } | pname == "hmatrix-special" = deriv { extraLibs = "gsl":extraLibs } | pname == "hoogle" = deriv { testTarget = "--test-option=--no-net" } | pname == "hspec" = deriv { doCheck = False } | pname == "hsyslog" = deriv { phaseOverrides = hsyslogNoHaddock } | pname == "HTTP" && version >= Version [4000,2,14] [] = deriv { runHaddock = True, phaseOverrides = httpNoHaddock } | pname == "GlomeVec" = deriv { buildTools = "llvm":buildTools } | pname == "idris" = deriv { buildTools = "happy":buildTools, extraLibs = "gmp":"boehmgc":extraLibs } | pname == "language-c-quote" = deriv { buildTools = "alex":"happy":buildTools } | pname == "language-java" = deriv { buildDepends = "syb":buildDepends } | pname == "leksah-server" = deriv { buildDepends = "process-leksah":buildDepends } | pname == "lhs2tex" = deriv { extraLibs = "texLive":extraLibs, phaseOverrides = lhs2texPostInstall } | pname == "libffi" = deriv { extraLibs = delete "ffi" extraLibs } | pname == "llvm-base" = deriv { extraLibs = "llvm":extraLibs } | pname == "llvm-general" = deriv { doCheck = False } | pname == "llvm-general-pure"= deriv { doCheck = False } | pname == "MFlow" = deriv { buildTools = "cpphs":buildTools } | pname == "markdown-unlit" = deriv { runHaddock = True, phaseOverrides = markdownUnlitNoHaddock } | pname == "multiarg" = deriv { buildDepends = "utf8String":buildDepends } | pname == "mime-mail" = deriv { extraFunctionArgs = ["sendmail ? \"sendmail\""], phaseOverrides = mimeMailConfigureFlags } | pname == "mysql" = deriv { buildTools = "mysqlConfig":buildTools, extraLibs = "zlib":extraLibs } | pname == "ncurses" = deriv { phaseOverrides = ncursesPatchPhase } | pname == "OpenAL" = deriv { extraLibs = "openal":extraLibs } | pname == "OpenGL" = deriv { extraLibs = "mesa":"libX11":extraLibs } | pname == "pandoc" = deriv { buildDepends = "alex":"happy":buildDepends } | pname == "pango" = deriv { extraLibs = "pkgconfig":"libc":extraLibs } | pname == "pcap" = deriv { extraLibs = "libpcap":extraLibs } | pname == "persistent" = deriv { extraLibs = "sqlite3":extraLibs } | pname == "poppler" = deriv { extraLibs = "libc":extraLibs } | pname == "QuickCheck" && version >= Version [2,7,3] [] = deriv { runHaddock = True, phaseOverrides = quickCheckNoHaddock } | pname == "repa-algorithms" = deriv { extraLibs = "llvm":extraLibs } | pname == "repa-examples" = deriv { extraLibs = "llvm":extraLibs } | pname == "saltine" = deriv { extraLibs = map (\x -> if x == "sodium" then "libsodium" else x) extraLibs } | pname == "SDL-image" = deriv { extraLibs = "SDL_image":extraLibs } | pname == "SDL-mixer" = deriv { extraLibs = "SDL_mixer":extraLibs } | pname == "SDL-ttf" = deriv { extraLibs = "SDL_ttf":extraLibs } | pname == "sloane" = deriv { phaseOverrides = sloanePostInstall } | pname == "split" && version == Version [0,2,2] [] = deriv { doCheck = True, phaseOverrides = splitDoCheck } | pname == "structured-haskell-mode" = deriv { buildTools = "emacs":buildTools, phaseOverrides = structuredHaskellModePostInstall } | pname == "svgcairo" = deriv { extraLibs = "libc":extraLibs } | pname == "syb" && version == Version [0,4,2] [] = deriv { doCheck = True, phaseOverrides = sybDoCheck } | pname == "tar" = deriv { runHaddock = True, phaseOverrides = tarNoHaddock } | pname == "terminfo" = deriv { extraLibs = "ncurses":extraLibs } | pname == "threadscope" = deriv { configureFlags = "--ghc-options=-rtsopts":configureFlags } | pname == "thyme" = deriv { buildTools = "cpphs":buildTools } | pname == "transformers" && version >= Version [0,4,1] [] = deriv { runHaddock = True, phaseOverrides = transformersNoHaddock } | pname == "tz" = deriv { extraFunctionArgs = ["pkgs_tzdata"], phaseOverrides = "preConfigure = \"export TZDIR=${pkgs_tzdata}/share/zoneinfo\";" } | pname == "vacuum" = deriv { extraLibs = "ghcPaths":extraLibs } | pname == "vector" = deriv { configureFlags = "${self.stdenv.lib.optionalString self.stdenv.isi686 \"--ghc-options=-msse2\"}":configureFlags } | pname == "wxc" = deriv { extraLibs = "wxGTK":"mesa":"libX11":extraLibs, phaseOverrides = wxcPostInstall } | pname == "wxcore" = deriv { extraLibs = "wxGTK":"mesa":"libX11":extraLibs } | pname == "X11" && version >= Version [1,6] [] = deriv { extraLibs = "libXinerama":"libXext":"libXrender":extraLibs } | pname == "X11" = deriv { extraLibs = "libXinerama":"libXext":extraLibs } | pname == "X11-xft" = deriv { extraLibs = "pkgconfig":"freetype":"fontconfig":extraLibs , configureFlags = "--extra-include-dirs=${freetype}/include/freetype2":configureFlags } | pname == "xmonad" = deriv { phaseOverrides = xmonadPostInstall } | pname == "yi" = deriv { runHaddock = True, phaseOverrides = yiFixHaddock } | otherwise = deriv cudaConfigurePhase :: String cudaConfigurePhase = unlines [ "# Perhaps this should be the default in cabal.nix ..." , "#" , "# The cudatoolkit provides both 64 and 32-bit versions of the" , "# library. GHC's linker fails if the wrong version is found first." , "# We solve this by eliminating lib64 from the path on 32-bit" , "# platforms and putting lib64 first on 64-bit platforms." , "libPaths = if self.stdenv.is64bit then \"lib64 lib\" else \"lib\";" , "configurePhase = ''" , " for i in Setup.hs Setup.lhs; do" , " test -f $i && ghc --make $i" , " done" , " for p in $extraBuildInputs $propagatedNativeBuildInputs; do" , " if [ -d \"$p/include\" ]; then" , " extraLibDirs=\"$extraLibDirs --extra-include-dir=$p/include\"" , " fi" , " for d in $libPaths; do" , " if [ -d \"$p/$d\" ]; then" , " extraLibDirs=\"$extraLibDirs --extra-lib-dir=$p/$d\"" , " fi" , " done" , " done" , " ./Setup configure --verbose --prefix=\"$out\" $libraryProfiling $extraLibDirs $configureFlags" , "'';" ] ghcModPostInstall :: String ghcModPostInstall = unlines [ "configureFlags = \"--datasubdir=${self.pname}-${self.version}\";" , "postInstall = ''" , " cd $out/share/$pname-$version" , " make" , " rm Makefile" , " cd .." , " ensureDir \"$out/share/emacs\"" , " mv $pname-$version emacs/site-lisp" , " wrapProgram $out/bin/ghc-mod --add-flags \\" , " \"\\$(${self.ghc.GHCGetPackages} ${self.ghc.version} \\\"\\$(dirname \\$0)\\\" \\\"-g -package-db -g\\\")\"" , " wrapProgram $out/bin/ghc-modi --add-flags \\" , " \"\\$(${self.ghc.GHCGetPackages} ${self.ghc.version} \\\"\\$(dirname \\$0)\\\" \\\"-g -package-db -g\\\")\"" , "'';" ] wxcPostInstall :: String wxcPostInstall = unlines [ "postInstall = ''" , " cp -v dist/build/libwxc.so.${self.version} $out/lib/libwxc.so" , "'';" ] cabalInstallPostInstall :: String cabalInstallPostInstall = unlines [ "postInstall = ''" , " mkdir $out/etc" , " mv bash-completion $out/etc/bash_completion.d" , "'';" ] darcsInstallPostInstall :: String darcsInstallPostInstall = unlines [ "postInstall = ''" , " mkdir -p $out/etc/bash_completion.d" , " mv contrib/darcs_completion $out/etc/bash_completion.d/darcs" , "'';" ] highlightingKatePostProcessing :: Derivation -> Derivation highlightingKatePostProcessing deriv@(MkDerivation {..}) = deriv { phaseOverrides = "prePatch = \"sed -i -e 's|regex-pcre-builtin >= .*|regex-pcre|' highlighting-kate.cabal\";" , buildDepends = "regex-pcre" : filter (/="regex-pcre-builtin") buildDepends } xmonadPostInstall :: String xmonadPostInstall = unlines [ "postInstall = ''" , " shopt -s globstar" , " mkdir -p $out/share/man/man1" , " mv \"$out/\"**\"/man/\"*.1 $out/share/man/man1/" , "'';" , "patches = [" , " # Patch to make xmonad use XMONAD_{GHC,XMESSAGE} (if available)." , " ./xmonad_ghc_var_0.11.patch" , "];" ] yiFixHaddock :: String yiFixHaddock = "noHaddock = self.stdenv.lib.versionOlder self.ghc.version \"7.8\";" gitAnnexOverrides :: String gitAnnexOverrides = unlines [ "preConfigure = \"export HOME=$TEMPDIR\";" , "installPhase = \"./Setup install\";" , "checkPhase = ''" , " cp dist/build/git-annex/git-annex git-annex" , " ./git-annex test" , "'';" , "propagatedUserEnvPkgs = [git lsof];" ] ghciPostInstall :: String ghciPostInstall = unlines [ "postInstall = ''" , " ensureDir \"$out/share/ghci\"" , " ln -s \"$out/share/$pname-$version/ghci\" \"$out/share/ghci/$pname\"" , "'';" ] hfusePreConfigure :: String hfusePreConfigure = unlines [ "preConfigure = ''" , " sed -i -e \"s@ Extra-Lib-Dirs: /usr/local/lib@ Extra-Lib-Dirs: ${fuse}/lib@\" HFuse.cabal" , "'';" ] ghcPathsPatches :: String ghcPathsPatches = "patches = [ ./ghc-paths-nix.patch ];" lhs2texPostInstall :: String lhs2texPostInstall = unlines [ "postInstall = ''" , " mkdir -p \"$out/share/doc/$name\"" , " cp doc/Guide2.pdf $out/share/doc/$name" , " mkdir -p \"$out/nix-support\"" , "'';" ] ncursesPatchPhase :: String ncursesPatchPhase = "patchPhase = \"find . -type f -exec sed -i -e 's|ncursesw/||' {} \\\\;\";" doctestNoHaddock, markdownUnlitNoHaddock :: String markdownUnlitNoHaddock = "noHaddock = self.stdenv.lib.versionOlder self.ghc.version \"7.4\";" doctestNoHaddock = markdownUnlitNoHaddock cabal2nixDoCheckHook :: String cabal2nixDoCheckHook = "doCheck = self.stdenv.lib.versionOlder \"7.8\" self.ghc.version;" cookieDoCheckHook :: String cookieDoCheckHook = "doCheck = self.stdenv.lib.versionOlder \"7.8\" self.ghc.version;" eitherNoHaddock :: String eitherNoHaddock = "noHaddock = self.stdenv.lib.versionOlder self.ghc.version \"7.6\";" httpNoHaddock, quickCheckNoHaddock, tarNoHaddock, transformersNoHaddock, hsyslogNoHaddock :: String httpNoHaddock = "noHaddock = self.stdenv.lib.versionOlder self.ghc.version \"6.11\";" quickCheckNoHaddock = httpNoHaddock tarNoHaddock = httpNoHaddock transformersNoHaddock = httpNoHaddock hsyslogNoHaddock = httpNoHaddock agdaPostInstall :: String agdaPostInstall = unlines [ "postInstall = ''" , " $out/bin/agda -c --no-main $(find $out/share -name Primitive.agda)" , " $out/bin/agda-mode compile" , "'';" ] structuredHaskellModePostInstall :: String structuredHaskellModePostInstall = unlines [ "postInstall = ''" , " emacs -L elisp --batch -f batch-byte-compile \"elisp/\"*.el" , " install -d $out/share/emacs/site-lisp" , " install \"elisp/\"*.el \"elisp/\"*.elc $out/share/emacs/site-lisp" , "'';" ] sloanePostInstall :: String sloanePostInstall = unlines [ "postInstall = ''" , " mkdir -p $out/share/man/man1" , " cp sloane.1 $out/share/man/man1/" , "'';" ] mimeMailConfigureFlags :: String mimeMailConfigureFlags = unlines [ "configureFlags = \"--ghc-option=-DMIME_MAIL_SENDMAIL_PATH=\\\"${sendmail}\\\"\";" ] sybDoCheck, splitDoCheck :: String sybDoCheck = "doCheck = self.stdenv.lib.versionOlder self.ghc.version \"7.9\";" splitDoCheck = sybDoCheck haddockPreCheck :: String haddockPreCheck = "preCheck = \"unset GHC_PACKAGE_PATH\";" ghcParserPatchPhase :: String ghcParserPatchPhase = unlines [ "patchPhase = ''" , " substituteInPlace build-parser.sh --replace \"/bin/bash\" \"$SHELL\"" , "'';" ]