Name: cabal2nix Version: 1.31 Copyright: Peter Simons, Andres Loeh License: BSD3 License-File: LICENSE Author: Peter Simons , Andres Loeh Maintainer: Nix Developers Homepage: Category: Distribution Synopsis: Convert Cabal files into Nix build instructions Cabal-Version: >= 1.8 Build-Type: Custom Tested-With: GHC == 6.12.3, GHC == 7.0.4, GHC == 7.4.1 Data-files: Description: The @cabal2nix@ utility converts Cabal files into Nix build instructions. The commandline syntax is: . > Usage: cabal2nix [options] url-to-cabal-file > -h --help show this help text > --sha256=HASH sha256 hash of source tarball > -m MAINTAINER --maintainer=MAINTAINER maintainer of this package (may be specified multiple times) > -p PLATFORM --platform=PLATFORM supported build platforms (may be specified multiple times) > > Recognized URI schemes: > > cabal://pkgname-pkgversion download the specified package from Hackage > http://host/path fetch the Cabal file via HTTP > file:///local/path load the Cabal file from the local disk > /local/path abbreviated version of file URI . The only required argument is the path to the cabal file. For example: . > cabal2nix > cabal2nix cabal://cabal2nix-1.31 . If the @--sha256@ option has not been specified, cabal2nix calls @nix-prefetch-url@ to determine the hash automatically. This causes network traffic, obviously. Source-Repository head Type: git Location: git:// Executable cabal2nix main-is: Cabal2Nix.hs hs-source-dirs: src Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5, regex-posix, pretty, Cabal >= 1.8, filepath, directory, process, HTTP Extensions: PatternGuards, RecordWildCards, CPP Ghc-Options: -Wall other-modules: Cabal2Nix.CorePackages Cabal2Nix.Flags Cabal2Nix.Generate Cabal2Nix.Hackage Cabal2Nix.License Cabal2Nix.Name Cabal2Nix.Normalize Cabal2Nix.PostProcess Distribution.NixOS.Derivation.Cabal Distribution.NixOS.Derivation.License Distribution.NixOS.Derivation.Meta Distribution.NixOS.PrettyPrinting Executable hackage4nix main-is: Hackage4Nix.hs hs-source-dirs: src Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5, regex-posix, pretty, Cabal >= 1.8, mtl, containers, directory, filepath, hackage-db Extensions: PatternGuards, RecordWildCards, CPP Ghc-Options: -Wall other-modules: Cabal2Nix.CorePackages Cabal2Nix.Flags Cabal2Nix.Generate Cabal2Nix.License Cabal2Nix.Name Cabal2Nix.Normalize Cabal2Nix.PostProcess Distribution.NixOS.Derivation.Cabal Distribution.NixOS.Derivation.License Distribution.NixOS.Derivation.Meta Distribution.NixOS.PrettyPrinting