{-#LANGUAGE BangPatterns#-}

module Test.Cabal.Path (
, getExeDir
, ProjectRootDir
, BinaryName  
) where

import Numeric
import Data.Word
import Data.List
import Data.Char (ord,isSpace)
import Data.Bits
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Applicative
import System.Posix.Files
import System.Posix.Types
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath

-- copy from https://github.com/haskell/cabal/blob/master/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Sandbox.hs
sandboxBuildDir :: FilePath -> FilePath
sandboxBuildDir sandboxDir = "dist/dist-sandbox-" ++ showHex sandboxDirHash ""
    sandboxDirHash = jenkins sandboxDir

    -- See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jenkins_hash_function
    jenkins :: String -> Word32
    jenkins str = loop_finish $ foldl' loop 0 str
        loop :: Word32 -> Char -> Word32
        loop hash key_i' = hash'''
            key_i   = toEnum . ord $ key_i'
            hash'   = hash + key_i
            hash''  = hash' + (shiftL hash' 10)
            hash''' = hash'' `xor` (shiftR hash'' 6)

        loop_finish :: Word32 -> Word32
        loop_finish hash = hash'''
            hash'   = hash + (shiftL hash 3)
            hash''  = hash' `xor` (shiftR hash' 11)
            hash''' = hash'' + (shiftL hash'' 15)

-- copy from https://hackage.haskell.org/package/cab-0.2.14/docs/src/Distribution-Cab-Sandbox.html#getSandbox
configFile :: String
configFile = "cabal.sandbox.config"

pkgDbKey :: String
pkgDbKey = "package-db:"

pkgDbKeyLen :: Int
pkgDbKeyLen = length pkgDbKey

-- | Find a sandbox config file by tracing ancestor directories,
--   parse it and return the package db path
getSandbox :: IO (Maybe FilePath)
getSandbox = (Just <$> getPkgDb) `E.catch` handler
    getPkgDb = getCurrentDirectory >>= getSandboxConfigFile >>= getPackageDbDir
    handler :: E.SomeException -> IO (Maybe String)
    handler _ = return Nothing

-- | Find a sandbox config file by tracing ancestor directories.
--   Exception is thrown if not found
getSandboxConfigFile :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
getSandboxConfigFile dir = do
    let cfile = dir </> configFile
    exist <- doesFileExist cfile
    if exist then
        return cfile
      else do
        let dir' = takeDirectory dir
        if dir == dir' then
            E.throwIO $ userError "sandbox config file not found"
            getSandboxConfigFile dir'

-- | Extract a package db directory from the sandbox config file.
--   Exception is thrown if the sandbox config file is broken.
getPackageDbDir :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
getPackageDbDir sconf = do
    -- Be strict to ensure that an error can be caught.
    !path <- extractValue . parse <$> readFile sconf
    return path
    parse = head . filter ("package-db:" `isPrefixOf`) . lines
    extractValue = fst . break isSpace . dropWhile isSpace . drop pkgDbKeyLen

type ProjectRootDir = FilePath
type BinaryName = FilePath

getTimeStamp :: FilePath -> IO (Either E.SomeException EpochTime)
getTimeStamp path = do
  stat <- E.try $ getFileStatus path
  return $ fmap modificationTime stat

getExePath :: ProjectRootDir -> BinaryName -> IO FilePath
getExePath rdir name = do
  timeT <- getTimeStamp distTBin
  msdir <- getSandbox
  case msdir of
    Just sdir -> do
      let distS = sandboxBuildDir $ takeDirectory sdir
      let distSBin = rdir </> distS </> "build" </> name </> name
      timeS <- getTimeStamp distSBin
      case (timeS,timeT) of
        (Right s,Right t) -> return $ if t <= s then distSBin else distTBin
        (Right _,Left _) -> return distSBin
        (Left _,Right _) -> return distTBin
        _ -> errorHandler [distSBin,distTBin]
    Nothing -> do
      case timeT of
        (Right _) -> return distTBin
        _ -> errorHandler [distTBin]
    distTBin = rdir </> "dist" </> "build" </> name </> name
    errorHandler paths = E.throwIO $ userError $
      (foldr (\path msg -> msg ++ "Check:" ++ path ++ "\n") "\n" paths)
      ++ "Can not find exe-file:" ++ name ++ "\n"
getExeDir :: ProjectRootDir -> BinaryName -> IO FilePath
getExeDir rdir name = do
  binpath <- getExePath rdir name
  return $ takeDirectory binpath