cabal-version: 3.0 name: cabal-plan-bounds version: 0.1.5 synopsis: Derives cabal bounds from build plans description: Manually curated dependency version ranges tend to become a lie: They likely include versions of your the dependencies that are neither longer tested by your CI system, or implied by compatibility with the tested versions. So the conclusion must be to __not write build-depends ranges by hand!__ Which is an unpleaseant chore instead. Instead, __derive the build-depends from your actual CI builds!__ This tool helps with that. See the README for more information. license: BSD-2-Clause license-file: LICENSE author: Joachim Breitner maintainer: homepage: copyright: 2023 category: Distribution build-type: Simple extra-doc-files: common warnings ghc-options: -Wall executable cabal-plan-bounds import: warnings main-is: cabal-plan-bounds.hs other-modules: ReplaceDependencies build-depends: base ^>=4.14.3 || ^>=4.15.1 || ^>=4.16.3 || ^>=4.17.0 || ^>=4.18.0, bytestring ^>=0.10.12 || ^>=0.11.3 || ^>=0.12.0, containers ^>=0.6.4, text ^>=1.2.4 || ^>=2.0.1, Cabal-syntax ^>=3.8.1 || ^>=3.10.1, cabal-plan ^>=0.7.2, optparse-applicative ^>=0.17.0 || ^>=0.18.1, pretty ^>=1.1.3 hs-source-dirs: src/ default-language: Haskell2010 source-repository head type: git location: