module Distribution.Solver.Modular.Assignment ( Assignment(..) , FAssignment , SAssignment , PreAssignment(..) , extend , toCPs ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Data.Array as A import Data.List as L import Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe import Prelude hiding (pi) import Language.Haskell.Extension (Extension, Language) import Distribution.PackageDescription (FlagAssignment) -- from Cabal import Distribution.Solver.Types.ComponentDeps (ComponentDeps, Component) import qualified Distribution.Solver.Types.ComponentDeps as CD import Distribution.Solver.Types.OptionalStanza import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackagePath import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Configured import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Dependency import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Flag import Distribution.Solver.Modular.LabeledGraph import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Package import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Version -- | A (partial) package assignment. Qualified package names -- are associated with instances. type PAssignment = Map QPN I -- | A (partial) package preassignment. Qualified package names -- are associated with constrained instances. Constrained instances -- record constraints about the instances that can still be chosen, -- and in the extreme case fix a concrete instance. type PPreAssignment = Map QPN (CI QPN) type FAssignment = Map QFN Bool type SAssignment = Map QSN Bool -- | A (partial) assignment of variables. data Assignment = A PAssignment FAssignment SAssignment deriving (Show, Eq) -- | A preassignment comprises knowledge about variables, but not -- necessarily fixed values. data PreAssignment = PA PPreAssignment FAssignment SAssignment -- | Extend a package preassignment. -- -- Takes the variable that causes the new constraints, a current preassignment -- and a set of new dependency constraints. -- -- We're trying to extend the preassignment with each dependency one by one. -- Each dependency is for a particular variable. We check if we already have -- constraints for that variable in the current preassignment. If so, we're -- trying to merge the constraints. -- -- Either returns a witness of the conflict that would arise during the merge, -- or the successfully extended assignment. extend :: (Extension -> Bool) -- ^ is a given extension supported -> (Language -> Bool) -- ^ is a given language supported -> (PkgconfigName -> VR -> Bool) -- ^ is a given pkg-config requirement satisfiable -> Var QPN -> PPreAssignment -> [Dep QPN] -> Either (ConflictSet, [Dep QPN]) PPreAssignment extend extSupported langSupported pkgPresent var = foldM extendSingle where extendSingle :: PPreAssignment -> Dep QPN -> Either (ConflictSet, [Dep QPN]) PPreAssignment extendSingle a (Ext ext ) = if extSupported ext then Right a else Left (varToConflictSet var, [Ext ext]) extendSingle a (Lang lang) = if langSupported lang then Right a else Left (varToConflictSet var, [Lang lang]) extendSingle a (Pkg pn vr) = if pkgPresent pn vr then Right a else Left (varToConflictSet var, [Pkg pn vr]) extendSingle a (Dep is_exe qpn ci) = let ci' = M.findWithDefault (Constrained []) qpn a in case (\ x -> M.insert qpn x a) <$> merge ci' ci of Left (c, (d, d')) -> Left (c, (Dep is_exe qpn) (simplify (P qpn) d d')) Right x -> Right x -- We're trying to remove trivial elements of the conflict. If we're just -- making a choice pkg == instance, and pkg => pkg == instance is a part -- of the conflict, then this info is clear from the context and does not -- have to be repeated. simplify v (Fixed _ var') c | v == var && var' == var = [c] simplify v c (Fixed _ var') | v == var && var' == var = [c] simplify _ c d = [c, d] -- | Delivers an ordered list of fully configured packages. -- -- TODO: This function is (sort of) ok. However, there's an open bug -- w.r.t. unqualification. There might be several different instances -- of one package version chosen by the solver, which will lead to -- clashes. toCPs :: Assignment -> RevDepMap -> [CP QPN] toCPs (A pa fa sa) rdm = let -- get hold of the graph g :: Graph Component vm :: Vertex -> ((), QPN, [(Component, QPN)]) cvm :: QPN -> Maybe Vertex -- Note that the RevDepMap contains duplicate dependencies. Therefore the nub. (g, vm, cvm) = graphFromEdges ( (\ (x, xs) -> ((), x, nub xs)) (M.toList rdm)) tg :: Graph Component tg = transposeG g -- Topsort the dependency graph, yielding a list of pkgs in the right order. -- The graph will still contain all the installed packages, and it might -- contain duplicates, because several variables might actually resolve to -- the same package in the presence of qualified package names. ps :: [PI QPN] ps = ((\ (_, x, _) -> PI x (pa M.! x)) . vm) $ topSort g -- Determine the flags per package, by walking over and regrouping the -- complete flag assignment by package. fapp :: Map QPN FlagAssignment fapp = M.fromListWith (++) $ (\ ((FN (PI qpn _) fn), b) -> (qpn, [(fn, b)])) $ M.toList $ fa -- Stanzas per package. sapp :: Map QPN [OptionalStanza] sapp = M.fromListWith (++) $ (\ ((SN (PI qpn _) sn), b) -> (qpn, if b then [sn] else [])) $ M.toList $ sa -- Dependencies per package. depp :: QPN -> [(Component, PI QPN)] depp qpn = let v :: Vertex v = fromJust (cvm qpn) dvs :: [(Component, Vertex)] dvs = tg A.! v in (\ (comp, dv) -> case vm dv of (_, x, _) -> (comp, PI x (pa M.! x))) dvs -- Translated to PackageDeps depp' :: QPN -> ComponentDeps [PI QPN] depp' = CD.fromList . (\(comp, d) -> (comp, [d])) . depp in (\ pi@(PI qpn _) -> CP pi (M.findWithDefault [] qpn fapp) (M.findWithDefault [] qpn sapp) (depp' qpn)) ps