{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Main where import GHC import GHC.Paths (libdir) import DynFlags import qualified Control.Exception as E import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Data.List import Data.Version import System.Environment (getArgs) import System.Exit import System.FilePath (()) import System.Directory import System.IO import System.IO.Temp import System.Process (rawSystem, readProcess) import Distribution.Helper import CabalHelper.Shared.Common main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs topdir <- getCurrentDirectory res <- mapM (setup topdir test) $ case args of [] -> [ ("tests/exelib" , parseVer "1.10", parseVer "0") , ("tests/exeintlib", parseVer "2.0", parseVer "0") , ("tests/fliblib" , parseVer "2.0", parseVer "0") , ("tests/bkpregex" , parseVer "2.0", parseVer "8.1") -- min Cabal lib ver -^ min GHC ver -^ ] xs -> map (, parseVer "0", parseVer "0") xs if any (==False) $ concat res then exitFailure else exitSuccess cabalInstallVersion :: IO Version cabalInstallVersion = parseVer . trim <$> readProcess "cabal" ["--numeric-version"] "" ghcVersion :: IO Version ghcVersion = parseVer . trim <$> readProcess "ghc" ["--numeric-version"] "" cabalInstallBuiltinCabalVersion :: IO Version cabalInstallBuiltinCabalVersion = parseVer . trim <$> readProcess "cabal" ["act-as-setup", "--", "--numeric-version"] "" setup :: FilePath -> (FilePath -> IO [Bool]) -> (FilePath, Version, Version) -> IO [Bool] setup topdir act (srcdir, min_cabal_ver, min_ghc_ver) = do ci_ver <- cabalInstallVersion c_ver <- cabalInstallBuiltinCabalVersion g_ver <- ghcVersion let mreason | (ci_ver < parseVer "1.24") = Just $ "cabal-install-" ++ showVersion ci_ver ++ " is too old" | c_ver < min_cabal_ver = Just $ "Cabal-" ++ showVersion c_ver ++ " < " ++ showVersion min_cabal_ver | g_ver < min_ghc_ver = Just $ "ghc-" ++ showVersion g_ver ++ " < " ++ showVersion min_ghc_ver | otherwise = Nothing case mreason of Just reason -> do putStrLn $ "Skipping test '" ++ srcdir ++ "' because " ++ reason ++ "." return [] Nothing -> do putStrLn $ "Running test '" ++ srcdir ++ "' ------------------------------" withSystemTempDirectory "cabal-helper.ghc-session.test" $ \dir -> do setCurrentDirectory $ topdir srcdir run "cabal" [ "sdist", "--output-dir", dir ] setCurrentDirectory dir run "cabal" [ "configure" ] act dir run :: String -> [String] -> IO () run x xs = do print $ x:xs ExitSuccess <- rawSystem x xs return () test :: FilePath -> IO [Bool] test dir = do let qe = mkQueryEnv dir (dir "dist") cs <- runQuery qe $ components $ (,,,) <$> entrypoints <.> ghcOptions <.> needsBuildOutput forM cs $ \(ep, opts, nb, cn) -> do putStrLn $ "\n" ++ show cn ++ ":::: " ++ show nb when (nb == ProduceBuildOutput) $ do run "cabal" [ "build" ] let opts' = "-Werror" : opts let sopts = intercalate " " $ map formatArg $ "\nghc" : opts' putStrLn $ "\n" ++ show cn ++ ": " ++ sopts hFlush stdout compileModule nb ep opts' where formatArg x | "-" `isPrefixOf` x = "\n "++x | otherwise = x compileModule :: NeedsBuildOutput -> ChEntrypoint -> [String] -> IO Bool compileModule nb ep opts = do putStrLn $ "compiling:" ++ show ep ++ " (" ++ show nb ++ ")" E.handle (\(ec :: ExitCode) -> print ec >> return False) $ do defaultErrorHandler defaultFatalMessager defaultFlushOut $ do runGhc (Just libdir) $ do handleSourceError (\e -> GHC.printException e >> return False) $ do let target = case nb of ProduceBuildOutput -> HscNothing -- AZ: what should this be? NoBuildOutput -> HscInterpreted dflags0 <- getSessionDynFlags let dflags1 = dflags0 { ghcMode = CompManager , ghcLink = LinkInMemory , hscTarget = target , optLevel = 0 } (dflags2, _, _) <- parseDynamicFlags dflags1 (map noLoc opts) _ <- setSessionDynFlags dflags2 ts <- mapM (\t -> guessTarget t Nothing) $ case ep of ChLibEntrypoint ms ms' ss -> map unChModuleName $ ms ++ ms' ++ ss ChExeEntrypoint m' ms -> let -- The options first clear out includes, then put in the build dir. We want the -- first one after that, so "regex-example" in the following case -- -- ,"-i" -- ,"-idist/build/regex-example" -- ,"-iregex-example" firstInclude = drop 2 $ head $ drop 2 $ filter (isPrefixOf "-i") opts m = firstInclude m' in [m] ++ map unChModuleName ms ChSetupEntrypoint -> ["Setup.hs"] let ts' = case nb of NoBuildOutput -> map (\t -> t { targetAllowObjCode = False }) ts ProduceBuildOutput -> ts setTargets ts' _ <- load LoadAllTargets when (nb == NoBuildOutput) $ do setContext $ case ep of ChLibEntrypoint ms ms' ss -> map (IIModule . mkModuleName . unChModuleName) $ ms ++ ms' ++ ss ChExeEntrypoint _ ms -> map (IIModule . mkModuleName . unChModuleName) $ ChModuleName "Main" : ms ChSetupEntrypoint -> map (IIModule . mkModuleName) ["Main"] liftIO $ print ExitSuccess return True unChModuleName :: ChModuleName -> String unChModuleName (ChModuleName mn) = mn