module Package ( Revision, readTar, unitsMapFromList, scanIndex, ) where import qualified Retrieve import qualified Cabal.Plan as Plan import qualified Codec.Compression.GZip as GZip import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar as Tar import Codec.Archive.Tar.Entry (fromTarPathToPosixPath, entryTarPath) import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256 import qualified System.Path.PartClass as PartClass import qualified System.Path as Path import Control.Applicative (liftA2, (<$>)) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Either.HT as EitherHT import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Tuple.HT (mapFst, mapSnd) readTar :: (PartClass.AbsRel absRel) => Path.File absRel -> IO (Tar.Entries Tar.FormatError) readTar idxTar = do let idxTarStr = Path.toString idxTar stream <- BL.readFile idxTarStr case Path.takeExtensions idxTar of ".tar.gz" -> return $ $ GZip.decompress stream ".tar" -> return $ stream _ -> fail $ "unknown extension of " ++ idxTarStr type SHA256 = B.ByteString type Revision = Int unitsMapFromList :: [Plan.Unit] -> Map (String,String) Plan.Unit unitsMapFromList = Map.fromList . map (\unit -> let (Plan.PkgId (Plan.PkgName name) version) = Plan.uPId unit in ((Text.unpack name, Retrieve.formatVersion version), unit)) maybeFile :: Tar.EntryContent -> Maybe BL.ByteString maybeFile entry = case entry of Tar.NormalFile content _size -> Just content _ -> Nothing type Id a = a -> a forcePair :: a -> b -> (a,b) forcePair a b = ((,) $! a) $! b forceNested :: Id ((Map Plan.PkgId Revision, Map Plan.PkgId Revision), SHA256) forceNested ((count,found), mainHash) = forcePair (forcePair count found) mainHash updateMaps :: (Ord k) => Map k Plan.Unit -> k -> (Map Plan.PkgId Revision, Map Plan.PkgId Revision) -> Maybe SHA256 -> (Map Plan.PkgId Revision, Map Plan.PkgId Revision) updateMaps units pkgNameVer (count,found) maybeHash = case Map.lookup pkgNameVer units of Nothing -> (count,found) Just unit -> let pkgId = Plan.uPId unit in (Map.insertWith (+) pkgId 1 count, if Just True == liftA2 (==) maybeHash (Plan.sha256ToByteString <$> Plan.uCabalSha256 unit) then Map.insert pkgId (Map.findWithDefault 0 pkgId count) found else found) scanIndex :: Tar.Entries Tar.FormatError -> (String,String) -> Map (String,String) Plan.Unit -> Either String (Map Plan.PkgId Revision, SHA256) scanIndex tar mainPkg units = EitherHT.mapRight (mapFst $ \(count,found) -> maybe found id $ do pkgId <- Plan.uPId <$> Map.lookup mainPkg units numRevs <- Map.lookup pkgId count return $ Map.insert pkgId (numRevs-1) found) $ EitherHT.mapLeft (show.fst) $ Tar.foldlEntries (\(maps,mainHash) entry -> let path = fromTarPathToPosixPath $ entryTarPath entry pkgNameVer = mapSnd (takeWhile ('/'/=) . drop 1) $ break ('/'==) path maybeHash = fmap SHA256.hashlazy $ maybeFile $ Tar.entryContent entry in forceNested $ (if List.isSuffixOf ".cabal" path then updateMaps units pkgNameVer maps maybeHash else maps, case (pkgNameVer == mainPkg, maybeHash) of (True, Just hash) -> hash _ -> mainHash)) ((Map.empty, Map.empty), B.empty) tar