-- | Things that seem like they could be clients of this library, but -- are instead included as part of the library. {-# LANGUAGE CPP, FlexibleContexts, OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-do-bind #-} module Debian.Debianize.Goodies ( tightDependencyFixup , doServer , doWebsite , doBackups , doExecutable , describe , watchAtom , oldClckwrksSiteFlags , oldClckwrksServerFlags , siteAtoms , logrotate , serverAtoms , backupAtoms , execAtoms ) where import Control.Lens import Control.Monad.State (MonadState) import Data.Char (isSpace) import Data.List as List (dropWhileEnd, intercalate, intersperse, map) import Data.Map as Map (insert, insertWith) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) import Data.Monoid (mappend) #endif import Data.Set as Set (insert, singleton, union) import Data.Text as Text (pack, Text, unlines) import qualified Debian.Debianize.DebInfo as D import Debian.Debianize.Monad (CabalInfo, CabalT, DebianT, execCabalM) import Debian.Debianize.Prelude (stripWith) import qualified Debian.Debianize.CabalInfo as A import qualified Debian.Debianize.BinaryDebDescription as B import Debian.Orphans () import Debian.Policy (apacheAccessLog, apacheErrorLog, apacheLogDirectory, databaseDirectory, dataDirectory, serverAccessLog, serverAppLog) import Debian.Pretty (ppShow, ppText) import Debian.Relation (BinPkgName(BinPkgName), Relation(Rel)) #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0) import Distribution.Package (PackageName, unPackageName) #else import Distribution.Package (PackageName(PackageName)) #endif import Distribution.PackageDescription as Cabal (PackageDescription(package, synopsis, description)) import Distribution.Simple.Build.PathsModule (pkgPathEnvVar) import Prelude hiding (init, log, map, unlines, writeFile) import System.FilePath (()) showCommand :: String -> [String] -> String showCommand cmd args = unwords (map translate (cmd : args)) translate :: String -> String translate str = '"' : foldr escape "\"" str where escape '"' = showString "\\\"" escape c = showChar c -- | Create equals dependencies. For each pair (A, B), use dpkg-query -- to find out B's version number, version B. Then write a rule into -- P's .substvar that makes P require that that exact version of A, -- and another that makes P conflict with any older version of A. tightDependencyFixup :: Monad m => [(BinPkgName, BinPkgName)] -> BinPkgName -> DebianT m () tightDependencyFixup [] _ = return () tightDependencyFixup pairs p = D.rulesFragments %= Set.insert (Text.unlines $ ([ "binary-fixup/" <> name <> "::" , "\techo -n 'haskell:Depends=' >> debian/" <> name <> ".substvars" ] ++ intersperse ("\techo -n ', ' >> debian/" <> name <> ".substvars") (List.map equals pairs) ++ [ "\techo '' >> debian/" <> name <> ".substvars" , "\techo -n 'haskell:Conflicts=' >> debian/" <> name <> ".substvars" ] ++ intersperse ("\techo -n ', ' >> debian/" <> name <> ".substvars") (List.map newer pairs) ++ [ "\techo '' >> debian/" <> name <> ".substvars" ])) where equals (installed, dependent) = "\tdpkg-query -W -f='" <> display' dependent <> " (=$${Version})' " <> display' installed <> " >> debian/" <> name <> ".substvars" newer (installed, dependent) = "\tdpkg-query -W -f='" <> display' dependent <> " (>>$${Version})' " <> display' installed <> " >> debian/" <> name <> ".substvars" name = display' p display' = ppText -- | Add a debian binary package to the debianization containing a cabal executable file. doExecutable :: Monad m => BinPkgName -> D.InstallFile -> CabalT m () doExecutable p f = (A.debInfo . D.executable) %= Map.insert p f -- | Add a debian binary package to the debianization containing a cabal executable file set up to be a server. doServer :: Monad m => BinPkgName -> D.Server -> CabalT m () doServer p s = (A.debInfo . D.serverInfo) %= Map.insert p s -- | Add a debian binary package to the debianization containing a cabal executable file set up to be a web site. doWebsite :: Monad m => BinPkgName -> D.Site -> CabalT m () doWebsite p w = (A.debInfo . D.website) %= Map.insert p w -- | Add a debian binary package to the debianization containing a cabal executable file set up to be a backup script. doBackups :: Monad m => BinPkgName -> String -> CabalT m () doBackups bin s = do (A.debInfo . D.backups) %= Map.insert bin s (A.debInfo . D.binaryDebDescription bin . B.relations . B.depends) %= (++ [[Rel (BinPkgName "anacron") Nothing Nothing]]) -- depends +++= (bin, Rel (BinPkgName "anacron") Nothing Nothing) describe :: Monad m => CabalT m Text describe = do p <- use A.packageDescription return $ debianDescriptionBase p {- <> "\n" <> case typ of Just B.Profiling -> Text.intercalate "\n" [" .", " This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language, compiled", " for profiling. See http:///www.haskell.org/ for more information on Haskell."] Just B.Development -> Text.intercalate "\n" [" .", " This package provides a library for the Haskell programming language.", " See http:///www.haskell.org/ for more information on Haskell."] Just B.Documentation -> Text.intercalate "\n" [" .", " This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell", " programming language.", " See http:///www.haskell.org/ for more information on Haskell." ] Just B.Exec -> Text.intercalate "\n" [" .", " An executable built from the " <> pack (display (pkgName (Cabal.package p))) <> " package."] {- ServerPackage -> Text.intercalate "\n" [" .", " A server built from the " <> pack (display (pkgName pkgId)) <> " package."] -} _ {-Utilities-} -> Text.intercalate "\n" [" .", " Files associated with the " <> pack (display (pkgName (Cabal.package p))) <> " package."] -- x -> error $ "Unexpected library package name suffix: " ++ show x -} -- | The Cabal package has one synopsis and one description field -- for the entire package, while in a Debian package there is a -- description field (of which the first line is synopsis) in -- each binary package. So the cabal description forms the base -- of the debian description, each of which is amended. debianDescriptionBase :: PackageDescription -> Text debianDescriptionBase p = pack $ List.intercalate "\n " $ (synop' : desc) where -- If we have a one line description and no synopsis, use -- the description as the synopsis. synop' = if null synop && length desc /= 1 then "WARNING: No synopsis available for package " ++ ppShow (package p) else synop synop :: String -- I don't know why (unwords . words) was applied here. Maybe I'll find out when -- this version goes into production. :-/ Ok, now I know, because sometimes the -- short cabal description has more than one line. synop = intercalate " " $ map (dropWhileEnd isSpace) $ lines $ Cabal.synopsis p desc :: [String] desc = List.map addDot . stripWith null $ map (dropWhileEnd isSpace) $ lines $ Cabal.description p addDot line = if null line then "." else line oldClckwrksSiteFlags :: D.Site -> [String] oldClckwrksSiteFlags x = [ -- According to the happstack-server documentation this needs a trailing slash. "--base-uri", "http://" ++ D.domain x ++ "/" , "--http-port", show (D.port (D.server x))] oldClckwrksServerFlags :: D.Server -> [String] oldClckwrksServerFlags x = [ -- According to the happstack-server documentation this needs a trailing slash. "--base-uri", "http://" ++ D.hostname x ++ ":" ++ show (D.port x) ++ "/" , "--http-port", show (D.port x)] watchAtom :: PackageName -> Text #if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(2,0,0) watchAtom pkgname = pack $ "version=3\nhttp://hackage.haskell.org/package/" ++ unPackageName pkgname ++ "/distro-monitor .*-([0-9\\.]+)\\.(?:zip|tgz|tbz|txz|(?:tar\\.(?:gz|bz2|xz)))\n" #else watchAtom (PackageName pkgname) = pack $ "version=3\nhttp://hackage.haskell.org/package/" ++ pkgname ++ "/distro-monitor .*-([0-9\\.]+)\\.(?:zip|tgz|tbz|txz|(?:tar\\.(?:gz|bz2|xz)))\n" #endif siteAtoms :: PackageDescription -> BinPkgName -> D.Site -> CabalInfo -> CabalInfo siteAtoms pkgDesc b site = execCabalM (do (A.debInfo . D.atomSet) %= (Set.insert $ D.InstallDir b "/etc/apache2/sites-available") (A.debInfo . D.atomSet) %= (Set.insert $ D.Link b ("/etc/apache2/sites-available/" ++ D.domain site ++ ".conf") ("/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/" ++ D.domain site ++ ".conf")) (A.debInfo . D.atomSet) %= (Set.insert $ D.File b ("/etc/apache2/sites-available" D.domain site ++ ".conf") apacheConfig) (A.debInfo . D.atomSet) %= (Set.insert $ D.InstallDir b (apacheLogDirectory b)) {-logrotate b-}) . serverAtoms pkgDesc b (D.server site) True where -- An apache site configuration file. This is installed via a line -- in debianFiles. apacheConfig = Text.unlines $ [ "" , " ServerAdmin " <> pack (D.serverAdmin site) , " ServerName www." <> pack (D.domain site) , " ServerAlias " <> pack (D.domain site) , "" , " ErrorLog " <> pack (apacheErrorLog b) , " CustomLog " <> pack (apacheAccessLog b) <> " combined" , "" , " ProxyRequests Off" , " AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode" , "" , " " , " AddDefaultCharset off" , " Order deny,allow" , " #Allow from .example.com" , " Deny from all" , " #Allow from all" , " " , "" , " port' <> "/*>" , " AddDefaultCharset off" , " Order deny,allow" , " #Allow from .example.com" , " #Deny from all" , " Allow from all" , " " , "" , " SetEnv proxy-sendcl 1" , "" , " ProxyPass /" <> port' <> "/ nocanon" , " ProxyPassReverse /" <> port' <> "/" , "" ] port' = pack (show (D.port (D.server site))) -- | Install configuration files to do log rotation. This does not -- work well with the haskell logging library, so it is no longer -- called in siteAtoms. logrotate :: MonadState CabalInfo m => BinPkgName -> m () logrotate b = do (A.debInfo . D.logrotateStanza) %= Map.insertWith mappend b (singleton (Text.unlines $ [ pack (apacheAccessLog b) <> " {" , " copytruncate" -- hslogger doesn't notice when the log is rotated, maybe this will help , " weekly" , " rotate 5" , " compress" , " missingok" , "}"])) (A.debInfo . D.logrotateStanza) %= Map.insertWith mappend b (singleton (Text.unlines $ [ pack (apacheErrorLog b) <> " {" , " copytruncate" , " weekly" , " rotate 5" , " compress" , " missingok" , "}" ])) serverAtoms :: PackageDescription -> BinPkgName -> D.Server -> Bool -> CabalInfo -> CabalInfo serverAtoms pkgDesc b server' isSite = over (A.debInfo . D.postInst) (insertWith failOnMismatch b debianPostinst) . over (A.debInfo . D.installInit) (Map.insertWith failOnMismatch b debianInit) . serverLogrotate' b . execAtoms b exec where -- Combine two values (for insertWith) when there should only be -- one. If it happens twice with different values we should -- really find out why. failOnMismatch old new = if old /= new then error ("serverAtoms: " ++ show old ++ " -> " ++ show new) else old exec = D.installFile server' debianInit = Text.unlines $ [ "#! /bin/sh -e" , "" , ". /lib/lsb/init-functions" , "test -f /etc/default/" <> pack (D.destName exec) <> " && . /etc/default/" <> pack (D.destName exec) , "" , "case \"$1\" in" , " start)" , " test -x /usr/bin/" <> pack (D.destName exec) <> " || exit 0" , " log_begin_msg \"Starting " <> pack (D.destName exec) <> "...\"" , " mkdir -p " <> pack (databaseDirectory b) , " export " <> pack (pkgPathEnvVar pkgDesc "datadir") <> "=" <> pack (dataDirectory pkgDesc) , " " <> startCommand , " log_end_msg $?" , " ;;" , " stop)" , " log_begin_msg \"Stopping " <> pack (D.destName exec) <> "...\"" , " " <> stopCommand , " log_end_msg $?" , " ;;" , " *)" , " log_success_msg \"Usage: ${0} {start|stop}\"" , " exit 1" , "esac" , "" , "exit 0" ] startCommand = pack $ showCommand "start-stop-daemon" (startOptions ++ commonOptions ++ ["--"] ++ D.serverFlags server') stopCommand = pack $ showCommand "start-stop-daemon" (stopOptions ++ commonOptions) commonOptions = ["--pidfile", "/var/run/" ++ D.destName exec] startOptions = ["--start", "-b", "--make-pidfile", "-d", databaseDirectory b, "--exec", "/usr/bin" D.destName exec] stopOptions = ["--stop", "--oknodo"] ++ if D.retry server' /= "" then ["--retry=" ++ D.retry server' ] else [] debianPostinst = Text.unlines $ ([ "#!/bin/sh" , "" , "case \"$1\" in" , " configure)" ] ++ (if isSite then [ " # Apache won't start if this directory doesn't exist" , " mkdir -p " <> pack (apacheLogDirectory b) , " # Restart apache so it sees the new file in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled" , " /usr/sbin/a2enmod proxy" , " /usr/sbin/a2enmod proxy_http" , " service apache2 restart" ] else []) ++ [ -- This gets done by the #DEBHELPER# code below. {- " service " <> pack (show (pPrint b)) <> " start", -} " ;;" , "esac" , "" , "#DEBHELPER#" , "" , "exit 0" ]) -- | A configuration file for the logrotate facility, installed via a line -- in debianFiles. serverLogrotate' :: BinPkgName -> CabalInfo -> CabalInfo serverLogrotate' b = over (A.debInfo . D.logrotateStanza) (insertWith Set.union b (singleton (Text.unlines $ [ pack (serverAccessLog b) <> " {" , " weekly" , " rotate 5" , " compress" , " missingok" , "}" ]))) . over (A.debInfo . D.logrotateStanza) (insertWith Set.union b (singleton (Text.unlines $ [ pack (serverAppLog b) <> " {" , " weekly" , " rotate 5" , " compress" , " missingok" , "}" ]))) backupAtoms :: BinPkgName -> String -> CabalInfo -> CabalInfo backupAtoms b name = over (A.debInfo . D.postInst) (insertWith (\ old new -> if old /= new then error $ "backupAtoms: " ++ show old ++ " -> " ++ show new else old) b (Text.unlines $ [ "#!/bin/sh" , "" , "case \"$1\" in" , " configure)" , " " <> pack ("/etc/cron.hourly" name) <> " --initialize" , " ;;" , "esac" ])) . execAtoms b (D.InstallFile { D.execName = name , D.destName = name , D.sourceDir = Nothing , D.destDir = Just "/etc/cron.hourly" }) execAtoms :: BinPkgName -> D.InstallFile -> CabalInfo -> CabalInfo execAtoms b ifile r = over (A.debInfo . D.rulesFragments) (Set.insert (pack ("build" ppShow b ++ ":: build-ghc-stamp\n"))) . fileAtoms b ifile $ r fileAtoms :: BinPkgName -> D.InstallFile -> CabalInfo -> CabalInfo fileAtoms b installFile' r = fileAtoms' b (D.sourceDir installFile') (D.execName installFile') (D.destDir installFile') (D.destName installFile') r fileAtoms' :: BinPkgName -> Maybe FilePath -> String -> Maybe FilePath -> String -> CabalInfo -> CabalInfo fileAtoms' b sourceDir' execName' destDir' destName' r = case (sourceDir', execName' == destName') of (Nothing, True) -> execCabalM ((A.debInfo . D.atomSet) %= (Set.insert $ D.InstallCabalExec b execName' d)) r (Just s, True) -> execCabalM ((A.debInfo . D.atomSet) %= (Set.insert $ D.Install b (s execName') d)) r (Nothing, False) -> execCabalM ((A.debInfo . D.atomSet) %= (Set.insert $ D.InstallCabalExecTo b execName' (d destName'))) r (Just s, False) -> execCabalM ((A.debInfo . D.atomSet) %= (Set.insert $ D.InstallTo b (s execName') (d destName'))) r where d = fromMaybe "usr/bin" destDir'