-- | Convert a Debianization into a list of files that can then be
-- written out.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Debian.Debianize.Finalize
    ( finalizeDebianization
    ) where

import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 (fromString)
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Digest.Pure.MD5 (md5)
import Data.Lens.Lazy (setL, getL, modL)
import Data.List as List (map)
import Data.Map as Map (insertWith, foldWithKey, elems)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid (mempty, (<>))
import Data.Set as Set (Set, difference, fromList, null, insert, toList, filter, fold, map, union, singleton)
import Data.Text as Text (pack, unlines, unpack)
import Debian.Debianize.Atoms as Atoms
    (Atoms, packageDescription, control, binaryArchitectures, rulesFragments, website, serverInfo, link,
     backups, executable, sourcePriority, sourceSection, binaryPriorities, binarySections, description,
     install, installTo, installData, installCabalExecTo, noProfilingLibrary, noDocumentationLibrary,
     utilsPackageNames, extraDevDeps, installData, installCabalExec, file, apacheSite, installDir, buildDir,
     dataDir, intermediateFiles)
import Debian.Debianize.ControlFile as Debian (SourceDebDescription(..), BinaryDebDescription(..), PackageRelations(..),
                                               newBinaryDebDescription, modifyBinaryDeb,
                                               PackageType(Exec, Development, Profiling, Documentation, Utilities))
import Debian.Debianize.Dependencies (debianName, binaryPackageDeps, binaryPackageConflicts, binaryPackageProvides, binaryPackageReplaces, putBuildDeps)
import Debian.Debianize.Goodies (describe, siteAtoms, serverAtoms, backupAtoms, execAtoms)
import Debian.Debianize.Types (InstallFile(..))
import Debian.Policy (PackageArchitectures(Any, All), Section(..))
import Debian.Relation (Relation(Rel), BinPkgName(BinPkgName))
import Distribution.Package (PackageName(PackageName), PackageIdentifier(..))
import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as Cabal
import Prelude hiding (init, unlines, writeFile, map, log)
import System.FilePath ((</>), (<.>), makeRelative, splitFileName, takeDirectory, takeFileName)
import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen (pretty)

-- | Now that we know the build and data directories, we can expand
-- some atoms into sets of simpler atoms which can eventually be
-- turned into the files of the debianization.  The original atoms are
-- not removed from the list because they may contribute to the
-- debianization in other ways, so be careful not to do this twice,
-- this function is not idempotent.  (Exported for use in unit tests.)
finalizeDebianization  :: Atoms -> Atoms
finalizeDebianization atoms0 =
    g $ finalizeAtoms $ makeUtilsPackage $ librarySpecs $ putBuildDeps $ f $ finalizeAtoms $ atoms0

      -- Create the binary packages for the web sites, servers, backup packges, and other executables
      f :: Atoms -> Atoms
      f atoms = (\ atoms' -> Map.foldWithKey (\ b _ atoms'' -> cabalExecBinaryPackage b atoms'') atoms' (getL website atoms)) .
                (\ atoms' -> Map.foldWithKey (\ b _ atoms'' -> cabalExecBinaryPackage b atoms'') atoms' (getL serverInfo atoms)) .
                (\ atoms' -> Map.foldWithKey (\ b _ atoms'' -> modL binaryArchitectures (Map.insertWith (flip const) b Any) . cabalExecBinaryPackage b $ atoms'') atoms' (getL backups atoms)) .
                (\ atoms' -> Map.foldWithKey (\ b _ atoms'' -> cabalExecBinaryPackage b atoms'') atoms' (getL executable atoms)) $ atoms
      -- Turn atoms related to priority, section, and description into debianization elements
      g :: Atoms -> Atoms
      g atoms = (\ atoms' -> maybe atoms' (\ x -> modL control (\ y -> y {priority = Just x}) atoms') (getL sourcePriority atoms)) .
                (\ atoms' -> maybe atoms' (\ x -> modL control (\ y -> y {section = Just x}) atoms') (getL sourceSection atoms)) .
                (\ atoms' -> Map.foldWithKey (\ b x atoms'' -> modL control (\ y -> modifyBinaryDeb b ((\ bin -> bin {architecture = x}) . fromMaybe (newBinaryDebDescription b Any)) y) atoms'') atoms' (getL binaryArchitectures atoms)) .
                (\ atoms' -> Map.foldWithKey (\ b x atoms'' -> modL control (\ y -> modifyBinaryDeb b ((\ bin -> bin {binaryPriority = Just x}) . fromMaybe (newBinaryDebDescription b Any)) y) atoms'') atoms' (getL binaryPriorities atoms)) .
                (\ atoms' -> Map.foldWithKey (\ b x atoms'' -> modL control (\ y -> modifyBinaryDeb b ((\ bin -> bin {binarySection = Just x}) . fromMaybe (newBinaryDebDescription b Any)) y) atoms'') atoms' (getL binarySections atoms)) .
                (\ atoms' -> Map.foldWithKey (\ b x atoms'' -> modL control (\ y -> modifyBinaryDeb b ((\ bin -> bin {Debian.description = x}) . fromMaybe (newBinaryDebDescription b Any)) y) atoms'') atoms' (getL Atoms.description atoms)) $ atoms

cabalExecBinaryPackage :: BinPkgName -> Atoms -> Atoms
cabalExecBinaryPackage b deb =
    modL control (\ y -> y {binaryPackages = bin : binaryPackages y}) deb
      bin = BinaryDebDescription
            { Debian.package = b
            , architecture = Any
            , binarySection = Just (MainSection "misc")
            , binaryPriority = Nothing
            , essential = False
            , Debian.description = describe deb Exec (Cabal.package pkgDesc)
            , relations = binaryPackageRelations b Exec deb
      pkgDesc = fromMaybe (error "cabalExecBinaryPackage: no PackageDescription") $ getL packageDescription deb

binaryPackageRelations :: BinPkgName -> PackageType -> Atoms -> PackageRelations
binaryPackageRelations b typ deb =
    { Debian.depends = [anyrel "${shlibs:Depends}", anyrel "${haskell:Depends}", anyrel "${misc:Depends}"] ++
                       (if typ == Development then List.map (: []) (toList (getL extraDevDeps deb)) else []) ++
                       binaryPackageDeps b deb
    , recommends = [anyrel "${haskell:Recommends}"]
    , suggests = [anyrel "${haskell:Suggests}"]
    , preDepends = []
    , breaks = []
    , conflicts = [anyrel "${haskell:Conflicts}"] ++ binaryPackageConflicts b deb
    , provides_ = [anyrel "${haskell:Provides}"] ++ binaryPackageProvides b deb
    , replaces_ = [anyrel "${haskell:Replaces}"] ++ binaryPackageReplaces b deb
    , builtUsing = []

-- debLibProf haddock binaryPackageDeps extraDevDeps extraLibMap
librarySpecs :: Atoms -> Atoms
librarySpecs deb | isNothing (getL packageDescription deb) = deb
librarySpecs deb =
    (if doc
     then modL link (Map.insertWith Set.union debName (singleton ("/usr/share/doc" </> show (pretty debName) </> "html" </> cabal <.> "txt", "/usr/lib/ghc-doc/hoogle" </> hoogle <.> "txt")))
     else id) $
    modL control
         (\ y -> y { binaryPackages =
                               (if dev then [librarySpec deb Any Development (Cabal.package pkgDesc)] else []) ++
                               (if prof then [librarySpec deb Any Profiling (Cabal.package pkgDesc)] else []) ++
                               (if doc then [docSpecsParagraph deb (Cabal.package pkgDesc)] else []) ++
                               (binaryPackages y) })
      doc = dev && not (getL noDocumentationLibrary deb)
      prof = dev && not (getL noProfilingLibrary deb)
      dev = isJust (Cabal.library pkgDesc)
      pkgDesc = fromMaybe (error "librarySpecs: no PackageDescription") $ getL packageDescription deb
      PackageName cabal = pkgName (Cabal.package pkgDesc)
      debName :: BinPkgName
      debName = debianName deb Documentation (Cabal.package pkgDesc)
      hoogle = List.map toLower cabal

docSpecsParagraph :: Atoms -> PackageIdentifier -> BinaryDebDescription
docSpecsParagraph atoms pkgId =
            { Debian.package = debianName atoms Documentation pkgId
            , architecture = All
            , binarySection = Just (MainSection "doc")
            , binaryPriority = Nothing
            , essential = False
            , Debian.description = describe atoms Documentation pkgId
            , relations = binaryPackageRelations (debianName atoms Documentation pkgId) Development atoms

librarySpec :: Atoms -> PackageArchitectures -> PackageType -> PackageIdentifier -> BinaryDebDescription
librarySpec atoms arch typ pkgId =
            { Debian.package = debianName atoms typ pkgId
            , architecture = arch
            , binarySection = Nothing
            , binaryPriority = Nothing
            , essential = False
            , Debian.description = describe atoms typ pkgId
            , relations = binaryPackageRelations (debianName atoms typ pkgId) Development atoms

-- | Create a package to hold any executables and data files not
-- assigned to some other package.
makeUtilsPackage :: Atoms -> Atoms
makeUtilsPackage deb | isNothing (getL packageDescription deb) = deb
makeUtilsPackage deb =
    case (Set.difference availableData installedData, Set.difference availableExec installedExec) of
      (datas, execs) | Set.null datas && Set.null execs -> deb
      (datas, execs) ->
          let ps = fromMaybe (singleton (debianName deb Utilities (Cabal.package pkgDesc))) (getL utilsPackageNames deb)
              deb' = Set.fold (h datas execs) deb ps in
              -- deb' = setL packageDescription (Just pkgDesc) (makeUtilsAtoms p datas execs deb) in
          Set.fold (g execs) deb' ps
          -- modL control (\ y -> modifyBinaryDeb p (f deb' p (if Set.null execs then All else Any)) y) deb'
      h datas execs p deb' = setL packageDescription (Just pkgDesc) (makeUtilsAtoms p datas execs deb')
      g execs p deb' = modL control (\ y -> modifyBinaryDeb p (f deb' p (if Set.null execs then All else Any)) y) deb'
      f _ _ _ (Just bin) = bin
      f deb' p arch Nothing =
          let bin = newBinaryDebDescription p arch in
          bin {binarySection = Just (MainSection "misc"),
               relations = binaryPackageRelations p Utilities deb'}
      pkgDesc = fromMaybe (error "makeUtilsPackage: no PackageDescription") $ getL packageDescription deb
      availableData = Set.fromList (Cabal.dataFiles pkgDesc)
      availableExec = Set.map Cabal.exeName (Set.filter (Cabal.buildable . Cabal.buildInfo) (Set.fromList (Cabal.executables pkgDesc)))
      installedData :: Set FilePath
      installedData = Set.fromList ((List.map fst . concat . List.map toList . elems $ getL install deb) <>
                                    (List.map fst . concat . List.map toList . elems $ getL installTo deb) <>
                                    (List.map fst . concat . List.map toList . elems $ getL installData deb))
      installedExec :: Set String
      installedExec = Set.fromList ((List.map fst . concat . List.map toList . elems $ getL installCabalExec deb) <>
                                    (List.map fst . concat . List.map toList .  elems $ getL installCabalExecTo deb) <>
                                    (List.map ename . elems $ getL executable deb))
          where ename i =
                    case sourceDir i of
                      (Nothing) -> execName i
                      (Just s) ->  s </> execName i
      -- installedExec = foldCabalExecs (Set.insert :: String -> Set String -> Set String) (Set.empty :: Set String) deb

makeUtilsAtoms :: BinPkgName -> Set FilePath -> Set String -> Atoms -> Atoms
makeUtilsAtoms p datas execs atoms0 =
    if Set.null datas && Set.null execs
    then atoms0
    else modL rulesFragments (Set.insert (pack ("build" </> show (pretty p) ++ ":: build-ghc-stamp\n"))) . g $ atoms0
      g :: Atoms -> Atoms
      g atoms = Set.fold execAtom (Set.fold dataAtom atoms datas) execs
      dataAtom path atoms = modL installData (insertWith union p (singleton (path, path))) atoms
      execAtom name atoms = modL installCabalExec (insertWith union p (singleton (name, "usr/bin"))) atoms

anyrel :: String -> [Relation]
anyrel x = anyrel' (BinPkgName x)

anyrel' :: BinPkgName -> [Relation]
anyrel' x = [Rel x Nothing Nothing]

finalizeAtoms :: Atoms -> Atoms
finalizeAtoms atoms | atoms == mempty = atoms
finalizeAtoms atoms = atoms <> finalizeAtoms (expandAtoms atoms)

expandAtoms :: Atoms -> Atoms
expandAtoms old =
    expandApacheSite .
    expandInstallCabalExec .
    expandInstallCabalExecTo .
    expandInstallData .
    expandInstallTo .
    expandFile .
    expandWebsite .
    expandServer .
    expandBackups .
    expandExecutable $
      expandApacheSite :: Atoms -> Atoms
      expandApacheSite new =
          foldWithKey (\ b (dom, log, text) atoms ->
                           modL link (Map.insertWith Set.union b (singleton ("/etc/apache2/sites-available/" ++ dom, "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/" ++ dom))) .
                           modL installDir (Map.insertWith Set.union b (singleton log)) .
                           modL file (Map.insertWith Set.union b (singleton ("/etc/apache2/sites-available" </> dom, text))) $
                      (getL apacheSite old)

      expandInstallCabalExec :: Atoms -> Atoms
      expandInstallCabalExec new =
          foldWithKey (\ b pairs atoms -> Set.fold (\ (name, dst) atoms' -> modL install (Map.insertWith Set.union b (singleton (builddir </> name </> name, dst))) atoms')
                      (getL installCabalExec old)
            builddir = fromMaybe {-(error "finalizeAtoms: no buildDir")-} "dist-ghc/build" (getL buildDir old)

      expandInstallCabalExecTo :: Atoms -> Atoms
      expandInstallCabalExecTo new =
          foldWithKey (\ b pairs atoms ->
                           Set.fold (\ (n, d) atoms' ->
                                         modL rulesFragments (Set.insert (Text.unlines
                                                                          [ pack ("binary-fixup" </> show (pretty b)) <> "::"
                                                                          , "\tinstall -Dps " <> pack (builddir </> n </> n) <> " " <> pack ("debian" </> show (pretty b) </> makeRelative "/" d) ])) atoms')
                      (getL installCabalExecTo old)
            builddir = fromMaybe {-(error "finalizeAtoms: no buildDir")-} "dist-ghc/build" (getL buildDir old)

      expandInstallData :: Atoms -> Atoms
      expandInstallData new =
          foldWithKey (\ b pairs atoms ->
                           Set.fold (\ (s, d) atoms' ->
                                         if takeFileName s == takeFileName d
                                         then modL install (Map.insertWith Set.union b (singleton (s, datadir </> makeRelative "/" (takeDirectory d)))) atoms'
                                         else modL installTo (Map.insertWith Set.union b (singleton (s, datadir </> makeRelative "/" d))) atoms')
                      (getL installData old)
            datadir = fromMaybe (error "finalizeAtoms: no dataDir") $ getL dataDir old

      expandInstallTo :: Atoms -> Atoms
      expandInstallTo new =
          foldWithKey (\ p pairs atoms ->
                           Set.fold (\ (s, d) atoms' ->
                                         modL rulesFragments (Set.insert (Text.unlines
                                                                          [ pack ("binary-fixup" </> show (pretty p)) <> "::"
                                                                          , "\tinstall -Dp " <> pack s <> " " <> pack ("debian" </> show (pretty p) </> makeRelative "/" d) ])) atoms') atoms pairs)
                      (getL installTo old)

      expandFile :: Atoms -> Atoms
      expandFile new =
          foldWithKey (\ p pairs atoms ->
                           Set.fold (\ (path, s) atoms' ->
                                         let (destDir', destName') = splitFileName path
                                             tmpDir = "debian/cabalInstall" </> show (md5 (fromString (unpack s)))
                                             tmpPath = tmpDir </> destName' in
                                         modL intermediateFiles (Set.insert (tmpPath, s)) .
                                         modL install (Map.insertWith Set.union p (singleton (tmpPath, destDir'))) $
                      (getL file old)

      expandWebsite :: Atoms -> Atoms
      expandWebsite new = foldWithKey siteAtoms new (getL website old)

      expandServer :: Atoms -> Atoms
      expandServer new = foldWithKey (\ b x atoms -> serverAtoms b x False atoms) new (getL serverInfo old)

      expandBackups :: Atoms -> Atoms
      expandBackups new = foldWithKey backupAtoms new (getL backups old)

      expandExecutable :: Atoms -> Atoms
      expandExecutable new = foldWithKey execAtoms new (getL executable old)