-- | cabal-clean -- -- Remove build artefacts of outdated versions from `dist-newstyle`. {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Main where import Data.Monoid ( Sum(..) ) import Options.Applicative ( Parser , action, execParser, footerDoc, headerDoc, help, helper, hidden , info, infoOption, long, metavar, short, strArgument, switch, value ) import Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty ( vcat, text ) import System.Console.Pretty ( supportsPretty ) import System.IO ( hPutStr, hPutStrLn, stderr ) import License ( copyright, license ) import Options import Structure ( Entry(..), foldMapEntry, getBuildTree, markObsolete, printBuildTree ) import Util import Version self :: String self = "cabal-clean" homepage :: String homepage = concat [ "https://github.com/andreasabel/", self ] defaultRoot :: FilePath defaultRoot = "dist-newstyle" main :: IO () main = do -- Parse options. opts@Options{..} <- options -- print opts let buildDir = optRoot "build" -- Get build tree. chatLn opts $ unwords [ "Reading", buildDir, "..." ] unlessM (doesDirectoryExist buildDir) $ do die $ unwords [ "No such directory:", buildDir ] (tree0, warns) <- getBuildTree buildDir forM_ warns $ putStrLn . ("warning: " ++) let tree = markObsolete tree0 printBuildTree opts tree -- Count obsolete directories let nObs :: Integer nObs = getSum $ foldMapEntry ((\ x -> if x then Sum 1 else Sum 0) . obsolete) tree if nObs <= 0 then putStrLn ("Nothing to clean!") else if not optDelete then putStrLn $ unwords [ show nObs, "directories can be removed (supply option --remove)." ] -- Remove obsolete directories else do putStrLn $ unwords [ "Removing", show nObs, "obsolete directories..." ] flip foldMapEntry tree $ \ (Entry dir obsolete) -> do if obsolete then do chatLn opts $ unwords [ "Removing", dir ] removeDirectoryRecursive dir else chatLn opts $ unwords [ "Keeping", dir ] -- Done. chatLn opts $ unwords [ self, "terminated successfully." ] -- * Option parsing and handling options :: IO Options options = do opts <- execParser $ info parser infoMod supportsPretty >>= \case True -> return opts False -> return opts{ optNoColors = True } where parser = programOptions <**> (versionOption <*> numericVersionOption <*> licenseOption <*> helper) infoMod = headerDoc header <> footerDoc footer versionOption = infoOption versionLong $ long "version" <> short 'V' <> help "Show version info." <> hidden versionText = unwords [ self, "version", version ] versionLong = intercalate "\n" $ [ versionText , copyright , "This is free software under the BSD-3-clause license." ] numericVersionOption = infoOption version $ long "numeric-version" <> help "Show just version number." <> hidden -- Newline at the end: -- <> helpDoc (Just $ text "Show just version number." <$$> text "") licenseOption = infoOption license $ long "license" -- <> long "licence" <> help "Show the license text." <> hidden -- Obs: match the order with Options.Options! programOptions = Options <$> oDelete <*> oNoColors <*> oVerbose <*> oRoot oDelete = switch $ long "delete" <> long "remove" -- <> short 'D' <> help "Actually clean up on disk." oVerbose = switch $ long "verbose" <> short 'v' <> help "Comment on what is happening." oNoColors = switch $ long "no-colors" <> help "Disable colorized output. Automatic if terminal does not support colors." oRoot :: Parser FilePath oRoot = do strArgument $ metavar "ROOT" <> value defaultRoot <> action "directory" <> help (concat ["The root of the build tree. Default: ", show defaultRoot, "."]) -- Note: @header@ does not respect line breaks, so we need @headerDoc@. header = Just $ vcat $ map text [ unwords [ versionText, homepage ] , "" , concat [ "Clean superseded build artefacts from directory ROOT (typically " , show defaultRoot , ")." ] , unwords [ "A package build is considered superseded if there is a local build" , "of either a newer version of the package or with a newer minor version" , "of the Haskell compiler." ] ] footer = Just $ vcat $ map (text . unwords) [ [ unwords ["Without option --delete,", self, "does not actually clean out anything,"] , "just shows prefixed with '---' and in red what would be removed and prefixed with '+++' and in green what is kept." ] , [ "" ] , [ "Warning: there is check whether the to-be-deleted contents are actually garbage." , "(E.g., there could be symlinks to executables stored there.)" ] ] -- * Verbosity functionality. chat :: Options -> String -> IO () chat = chatGen $ hPutStr stderr chatLn :: Options -> String -> IO () chatLn = chatGen $ hPutStrLn stderr chatGen :: (String -> IO ()) -> Options -> String -> IO () chatGen prt o msg = when (optVerbose o) $ prt $ styleOpt o Faint $ unwords ["info:", msg]