{-# Language PatternGuards #-} module Main where import qualified Test.Tasty as T import qualified Test.Tasty.Golden as G import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr) import System.FilePath ((</>), (<.>)) import System.FilePath.Glob (glob) import qualified System.Directory as Dir import qualified System.Process as Proc import CabalBounds.Args import CabalBounds.Main (cabalBounds) import CabalBounds.VersionComp (VersionComp(..)) import Control.Exception (finally) data LibsSource = SetupConfig | PlanFile deriving (Show, Eq) main :: IO () main = do buildSource SetupConfig T.defaultMain tests buildSource :: LibsSource -> IO () buildSource source = do curDir <- Dir.getCurrentDirectory build source curDir `finally` cleanUp source curDir where build SetupConfig curDir = do let inputFiles = curDir </> "tests" </> "inputFiles" let buildDir = inputFiles </> "setup-config-build-env" let libsDir = buildDir </> "libs" Dir.setCurrentDirectory buildDir Proc.runCommand "cabal sandbox init" >>= Proc.waitForProcess Proc.runCommand ("cabal sandbox add-source " ++ (libsDir </> "A")) >>= Proc.waitForProcess Proc.runCommand ("cabal sandbox add-source " ++ (libsDir </> "B")) >>= Proc.waitForProcess Proc.runCommand ("cabal sandbox add-source " ++ (libsDir </> "C")) >>= Proc.waitForProcess Proc.runCommand ("cabal sandbox add-source " ++ (libsDir </> "D")) >>= Proc.waitForProcess Proc.runCommand "cabal install" >>= Proc.waitForProcess [distDir] <- glob $ "dist" </> "dist-sandbox-*" Dir.copyFile (distDir </> "setup-config") (inputFiles </> "setup-config") build PlanFile _ = return () cleanUp SetupConfig curDir = do let buildDir = curDir </> "tests" </> "inputFiles" </> "setup-config-build-env" Dir.setCurrentDirectory buildDir Proc.runCommand "cabal sandbox delete" >>= Proc.waitForProcess Proc.runCommand "cabal clean" >>= Proc.waitForProcess Dir.setCurrentDirectory curDir cleanUp PlanFile _ = return () tests :: T.TestTree tests = T.testGroup "Tests" [ T.testGroup "Sourceless Tests" [dropTests, dumpTests, formatTests] , T.testGroup "SetupConfig Tests" [updateTests SetupConfig, libsTests SetupConfig] , T.testGroup "PlanFile Tests" [updateTests PlanFile, libsTests PlanFile] ] dropTests :: T.TestTree dropTests = T.testGroup "Drop Tests" [ test Nothing "DropBothOfAll" defaultDrop , test Nothing "DropUpperOfAll" $ defaultDrop { upper = True } , test Nothing "DropBothOfLib" $ defaultDrop { library = True } , test Nothing "DropUpperOfLib" $ defaultDrop { upper = True, library = True } , test Nothing "DropBothOfExe" $ defaultDrop { executable = ["cabal-bounds"] } , test Nothing "DropUpperOfExe" $ defaultDrop { upper = True, executable = ["cabal-bounds"] } , test Nothing "DropBothOfOtherExe" $ defaultDrop { executable = ["other-exe"] } , test Nothing "DropUpperOfOtherExe" $ defaultDrop { upper = True, executable = ["other-exe"] } , test Nothing "DropBothOfAllExes" $ defaultDrop { executable = ["cabal-bounds", "other-exe"] } , test Nothing "DropUpperOfAllExes" $ defaultDrop { upper = True, executable = ["cabal-bounds", "other-exe"] } , test Nothing "DropBothOfTest" $ defaultDrop { testSuite = ["some-test"] } , test Nothing "DropUpperOfTest" $ defaultDrop { upper = True, testSuite = ["some-test"] } , test Nothing "DropBothOnlyBase" $ defaultDrop { only = ["base"] } , test Nothing "DropUpperOnlyBase" $ defaultDrop { upper = True, only = ["base"] } , test Nothing "DropBothIgnoreA" $ defaultDrop { ignore = ["A"] } , test Nothing "DropUpperIgnoreA" $ defaultDrop { upper = True, ignore = ["A"] } ] updateTests :: LibsSource -> T.TestTree updateTests source = T.testGroup "Update Tests" [ test (Just source) "UpdateBothOfAll" defaultUpdate , test (Just source) "UpdateBothOfAll" $ defaultUpdate { lower = True, upper = True } , test (Just source) "UpdateBothOfAllExes" $ defaultUpdate { executable = ["cabal-bounds", "other-exe"] } , test (Just source) "UpdateBothOfExe" $ defaultUpdate { executable = ["cabal-bounds"] } , test (Just source) "UpdateBothOfLibrary" $ defaultUpdate { library = True } , test (Just source) "UpdateBothOfOtherExe" $ defaultUpdate { executable = ["other-exe"] } , test (Just source) "UpdateBothOfTest" $ defaultUpdate { testSuite = ["some-test"] } , test (Just source) "UpdateLowerOfAll" $ defaultUpdate { lower = True } , test (Just source) "UpdateLowerOfAllExes" $ defaultUpdate { lower = True, executable = ["cabal-bounds", "other-exe"] } , test (Just source) "UpdateLowerOfExe" $ defaultUpdate { lower = True, executable = ["cabal-bounds"] } , test (Just source) "UpdateLowerOfLibrary" $ defaultUpdate { lower = True, library = True } , test (Just source) "UpdateLowerOfOtherExe" $ defaultUpdate { lower = True, executable = ["other-exe"] } , test (Just source) "UpdateLowerOfTest" $ defaultUpdate { lower = True, testSuite = ["some-test"] } , test (Just source) "UpdateUpperOfAll" $ defaultUpdate { upper = True } , test (Just source) "UpdateUpperOfAllExes" $ defaultUpdate { upper = True, executable = ["cabal-bounds", "other-exe"] } , test (Just source) "UpdateUpperOfExe" $ defaultUpdate { upper = True, executable = ["cabal-bounds"] } , test (Just source) "UpdateUpperOfLibrary" $ defaultUpdate { upper = True, library = True } , test (Just source) "UpdateUpperOfOtherExe" $ defaultUpdate { upper = True, executable = ["other-exe"] } , test (Just source) "UpdateUpperOfTest" $ defaultUpdate { upper = True, testSuite = ["some-test"] } , test (Just source) "UpdateBothIgnoreA" $ defaultUpdate { ignore = ["A"] } , test (Just source) "UpdateMinorLower" $ defaultUpdate { lowerComp = Just Minor } , test (Just source) "UpdateMajor2Lower" $ defaultUpdate { lowerComp = Just Major2 } , test (Just source) "UpdateMajor1Lower" $ defaultUpdate { lowerComp = Just Major1 } , test (Just source) "UpdateMinorUpper" $ defaultUpdate { upperComp = Just Minor } , test (Just source) "UpdateMajor2Upper" $ defaultUpdate { upperComp = Just Major2 } , test (Just source) "UpdateMajor1Upper" $ defaultUpdate { upperComp = Just Major1 } , test (Just source) "UpdateMinorLowerAndUpper" $ defaultUpdate { lowerComp = Just Minor, upperComp = Just Minor } , test (Just source) "UpdateMajor1LowerAndUpper" $ defaultUpdate { lowerComp = Just Major1, upperComp = Just Major1 } , test (Just source) "UpdateOnlyMissing" $ defaultUpdate { missing = True } , test (Just source) "UpdateByHaskellPlatform" $ defaultUpdate { haskellPlatform = "2013.2.0.0" } , test (Just source) "UpdateUpperFromFile" $ defaultUpdate { upper = True, fromFile = "tests" </> "inputFiles" </> "FromFile.hs" } ] dumpTests :: T.TestTree dumpTests = T.testGroup "Dump Tests" [ test Nothing "Dump" defaultDump ] formatTests :: T.TestTree formatTests = T.testGroup "Format Tests" [ test Nothing "Format" defaultFormat ] libsTests :: LibsSource -> T.TestTree libsTests source = T.testGroup "Libs Tests" [ test (Just source) "Libs" defaultLibs ] test :: Maybe LibsSource -> String -> Args -> T.TestTree test source testName args = G.goldenVsFileDiff testName diff goldenFile outputFile command where command = do error <- cabalBounds argsWithFiles case error of Just err -> hPutStrLn stderr ("cabal-bounds: " ++ err) _ -> return () argsWithFiles = case args of Drop {} -> args { cabalFile = Just inputFile , output = Just outputFile , ignore = ["base"] ++ ignore args } Update {} -> args { cabalFile = Just inputFile , output = Just outputFile , setupConfigFile = setupConfigFile , planFile = planFile , ignore = ["base"] ++ ignore args } Dump {} -> args { cabalFiles = [inputFile] , output = Just outputFile , ignore = ["base"] ++ ignore args } Libs {} -> args { cabalFile = Just inputFile , output = Just outputFile , setupConfigFile = setupConfigFile , planFile = planFile , ignore = ["base", "ghc-prim", "integer-gmp", "rts"] ++ ignore args } Format {} -> args { cabalFile = Just inputFile , output = Just outputFile } diff ref new = ["diff", "-u", ref, new] goldenFile | Just src <- source , src == PlanFile , testName == "Libs" = "tests" </> "goldenFiles" </> (show src) </> "Libs.hs" | otherwise = "tests" </> "goldenFiles" </> testName <.> (if hasHsOutput then "hs" else "cabal") outputFile = case source of Nothing -> "tests" </> "outputFiles" </> testName <.> (if hasHsOutput then "hs" else "cabal") Just src -> "tests" </> "outputFiles" </> (show src) </> testName <.> (if hasHsOutput then "hs" else "cabal") inputFile = "tests" </> "inputFiles" </> (inputFileName testName) where inputFileName "UpdateByHaskellPlatform" = "hp-original.cabal" inputFileName "UpdateOnlyMissing" = "missing-original.cabal" inputFileName _ = "original.cabal" setupConfigFile = case source of Just SetupConfig -> Just $ "tests" </> "inputFiles" </> "setup-config" _ -> Nothing planFile = case source of Just PlanFile -> Just $ "tests" </> "inputFiles" </> "plan.json" _ -> Nothing hasHsOutput = case args of Dump {} -> True Libs {} -> True _ -> False