  Network server library to handle over 10,000 connections. Since
  GHC 6.12 or earlier uses select(), it cannot handle connections over
  1,024. This library uses the \"prefork\" technique to get over the
  barrier. Each process handles 'threadNumberPerProcess' connections.
  'preforkProcessNumber' child server processes are preforked. So, this
  server can handle 'preforkProcessNumber' * 'threadNumberPerProcess'

  Programs complied by GHC 6.10 or earlier with the -threaded option
  kill the IO thread when forkProcess is used. So, don't specify
  the -threaded option to use this library.

  Even if GHC 6.14 supports kqueue or epoll(), it is difficult for RTS
  to balance over multi-cores. So, this library can be used to
  make a process for each core and to set limitation of the number
  to accept connections.

  To stop all server, send SIGTERM to the parent process.
  (e.g. @kill `cat PIDFILE`@ where the PID file name is
  specified by 'pidFile')
module Network.C10kServer (
  , C10kServer,  runC10kServer
  , C10kServerH, runC10kServerH
  ) where

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import System.IO
import Network.BSD
import Network.Socket
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import Network.TCPInfo hiding (accept)
import qualified Network.TCPInfo as T (accept)
import System.Exit
import System.Posix.Process
import System.Posix.Signals
import System.Posix.Types
import System.Posix.User


  The type of the first argument of 'runC10kServer'.
type C10kServer = Socket -> IO ()

  The type of the first argument of 'runC10kServerH'.
type C10kServerH = Handle -> TCPInfo -> IO ()

  The type of configuration given to 'runC10kServer' as the second
data C10kConfig = C10kConfig {
  -- | A hook called initialization time. This is used topically to
  --   initialize syslog.
    initHook :: IO ()
  -- | A hook called when the server exits due to an error.
  , exitHook :: String -> IO ()
  -- | A hook to be called in the parent process when all child
  --   process are preforked successfully.
  , parentStartedHook :: IO ()
  -- | A hook to be called when each child process is started
  --   successfully.
  , startedHook :: IO ()
  -- | The time in seconds that a main thread of each child process
  --   to sleep when the number of connection reaches
  --   'threadNumberPerProcess'.
  , sleepTimer :: Int
  -- | The number of child process.
  , preforkProcessNumber :: Int
  -- | The number of thread which a process handle.
  , threadNumberPerProcess :: Int
  -- | A port name. e.g. \"http\" or \"80\"
  , portName :: ServiceName
  -- | A numeric IP address. e.g. \"\"
  , ipAddr :: Maybe HostName
  -- | A file where the process ID of the parent process is written.
  , pidFile :: FilePath
  -- | A user name. When the program linked with this library runs
  --   in the root privilege, set user to this value. Otherwise,
  --   this value is ignored.
  , user :: String
  -- | A group name. When the program linked with this library runs
  --   in the root privilege, set group to this value. Otherwise,
  --   this value is ignored.
  , group :: String


  Run 'C10kServer' with 'C10kConfig'.
runC10kServer :: C10kServer -> C10kConfig -> IO ()
runC10kServer srv cnf = runC10kServer' (dispatchS srv) cnf `catch` errorHandle cnf

  Run 'C10kServerH' with 'C10kConfig'.
runC10kServerH :: C10kServerH -> C10kConfig -> IO ()
runC10kServerH srv cnf = runC10kServer' (dispatchH srv) cnf `catch` errorHandle cnf

errorHandle :: C10kConfig -> SomeException -> IO ()
errorHandle cnf e = do
    exitHook cnf (show e)


runC10kServer' :: (Socket -> Dispatch) -> C10kConfig -> IO ()
runC10kServer' sDispatch cnf = do
    initHook cnf `catch` ignore
    if onlyOne
       then stay sDispatch cnf
       else prefork sDispatch cnf
    onlyOne = preforkProcessNumber cnf == 1


stay :: (Socket -> Dispatch) -> C10kConfig -> IO ()
stay sDispatch cnf = do
    parentStartedHook cnf `catch` ignore
    s <- listenTo addr port
    writePidFile cnf
    setGroupUser cnf
    runServer (sDispatch s) cnf
    sClose s
    port = portName cnf
    addr = ipAddr cnf


prefork :: (Socket -> Dispatch) -> C10kConfig -> IO ()
prefork sDispatch cnf = do
    cids <- doPrefork sDispatch cnf
    parentStartedHook cnf `catch` ignore
    handleSignal cids
    terminateChildren cids
    handleSignal cids = do
        mapM_ (terminator cids) [sigTERM,sigINT]
    pause = awaitSignal Nothing >> yield
    initHandler func sig = installHandler sig func Nothing
    ignoreSigChild = initHandler Ignore sigCHLD
    terminator cids = initHandler (Catch (terminateChildren cids))
    terminateChildren cids = do
        mapM_ terminateChild cids
    terminateChild cid = signalProcess sigTERM cid `catch` ignore


doPrefork :: (Socket -> Dispatch) -> C10kConfig -> IO [ProcessID]
doPrefork sDispatch cnf = do
    s <- listenTo addr port
    writePidFile cnf
    setGroupUser cnf
    cids <- fork (sDispatch s)
    sClose s
    return cids
    port = portName cnf
    addr = ipAddr cnf
    n = preforkProcessNumber cnf
    fork dispatch = replicateM n . forkProcess $ runServer dispatch cnf


setGroupUser :: C10kConfig -> IO ()
setGroupUser cnf = do
    uid <- getRealUserID
    when (uid == 0) $ do
        getGroupEntryForName (group cnf) >>= setGroupID . groupID
        getUserEntryForName (user cnf) >>= setUserID . userID

writePidFile :: C10kConfig -> IO ()
writePidFile cnf = do
    pid <- getProcessID
    writeFile (pidFile cnf) $ show pid ++ "\n"


runServer :: Dispatch -> C10kConfig -> IO ()
runServer dispatch cnf = do
    startedHook cnf
    mvar <- newMVar 0
    dispatchOrSleep mvar dispatch cnf

dispatchOrSleep :: MVar Int -> Dispatch -> C10kConfig -> IO ()
dispatchOrSleep mvar dispatch cnf = do
    n <- howMany
    if n > threadNumberPerProcess cnf
        then sleep (sleepTimer cnf * microseconds)
        else dispatch increase decrease
    dispatchOrSleep mvar dispatch cnf
    howMany = readMVar mvar
    increase = modifyMVar_ mvar (return . succ)
    decrease = modifyMVar_ mvar (return . pred)
    sleep = threadDelay


type Dispatch = IO () -> IO () -> IO ()

dispatchS :: C10kServer -> Socket -> Dispatch
dispatchS srv sock inc dec = do
    (connsock,_) <- accept sock
    forkIO $ srv connsock `finally` (dec >> sClose connsock)
    return ()

dispatchH :: C10kServerH -> Socket -> Dispatch
dispatchH srv sock inc dec = do
    (hdl,tcpi) <- T.accept sock
    forkIO $ srv hdl tcpi `finally` (dec >> hClose hdl)
    return ()


ignore :: SomeException -> IO ()
ignore _ = return ()

microseconds :: Int
microseconds = 1000000


listenTo :: Maybe HostName -> ServiceName -> IO Socket
listenTo maddr serv = do
    proto <- getProtocolNumber "tcp"
    let hints = defaultHints {
            addrFlags = [ AI_ADDRCONFIG, AI_NUMERICHOST
                        , AI_NUMERICSERV, AI_PASSIVE
          , addrSocketType = Stream
          , addrProtocol = proto
    ais <- getAddrInfo (Just hints) maddr (Just serv)
    let ai = head ais
    sock <- socket (addrFamily ai) (addrSocketType ai) (addrProtocol ai)
    setSocketOption sock ReuseAddr 1
    bindSocket sock (addrAddress ai)
    listen sock maxListenQueue
    return sock