{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-} module Properties (testSuite) where import Foreign.C.String (withCString) import Foreign.Storable import Foreign.ForeignPtr import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc import Foreign.Marshal.Array import GHC.Ptr import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception import System.Posix.Internals (c_unlink) import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Char import Data.Word import Data.Maybe import Data.Int (Int64) import Data.Semigroup import GHC.Exts (Int(..), newPinnedByteArray#, unsafeFreezeByteArray#) import GHC.ST (ST(..), runST) import Text.Printf import Data.String import System.Environment import System.IO import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString(..), pack , unpack) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal (ByteString(..)) import qualified Data.ByteString as P import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as P import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as P import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as Short import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LC import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as D import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal as L import Prelude hiding (abs) import QuickCheckUtils import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import qualified Properties.ByteString as PropBS import qualified Properties.ByteStringChar8 as PropBS8 import qualified Properties.ByteStringLazy as PropBL import qualified Properties.ByteStringLazyChar8 as PropBL8 prop_unsafeIndexBB xs = not (null xs) ==> forAll indices $ \i -> (xs !! i) == P.pack xs `P.unsafeIndex` i where indices = choose (0, length xs -1) prop_bijectionBB (Char8 c) = (P.w2c . P.c2w) c == id c prop_bijectionBB' w = (P.c2w . P.w2c) w == id w prop_head2BB xs = (not (null xs)) ==> head xs == (P.unsafeHead . P.pack) xs prop_tail1BB xs = (not (null xs)) ==> tail xs == (P.unpack . P.unsafeTail. P.pack) xs prop_last1BB xs = (not (null xs)) ==> last xs == (P.unsafeLast . P.pack) xs prop_init1BB xs = (not (null xs)) ==> init xs == (P.unpack . P.unsafeInit . P.pack) xs prop_lines_lazy1 = head (LC.lines (LC.append (LC.pack "a\nb\n") undefined)) == LC.pack "a" prop_lines_lazy2 = head (tail (LC.lines (LC.append (LC.pack "a\nb\n") undefined))) == LC.pack "b" prop_strip x = C.strip x == (C.dropSpace . C.reverse . C.dropSpace . C.reverse) x -- Ensure that readInt and readInteger over lazy ByteStrings are not -- excessively strict. prop_readIntSafe = (fst . fromJust . D.readInt) (Chunk (C.pack "1z") Empty) == 1 prop_readIntUnsafe = (fst . fromJust . D.readInt) (Chunk (C.pack "2z") undefined) == 2 prop_readIntegerSafe = (fst . fromJust . D.readInteger) (Chunk (C.pack "1z") Empty) == 1 prop_readIntegerUnsafe = (fst . fromJust . D.readInteger) (Chunk (C.pack "2z") undefined) == 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ prop_packUptoLenBytes cs = forAll (choose (0, length cs + 1)) $ \n -> let (bs, cs') = P.packUptoLenBytes n cs in P.length bs == min n (length cs) && take n cs == P.unpack bs && P.pack (take n cs) == bs && drop n cs == cs' prop_packUptoLenChars (String8 cs) = forAll (choose (0, length cs + 1)) $ \n -> let (bs, cs') = P.packUptoLenChars n cs in P.length bs == min n (length cs) && take n cs == C.unpack bs && C.pack (take n cs) == bs && drop n cs == cs' prop_unpackAppendBytesLazy cs' = forAll (sized $ \n -> resize (n * 10) arbitrary) $ \cs -> forAll (choose (0, 2)) $ \n -> P.unpackAppendBytesLazy (P.drop n $ P.pack cs) cs' == drop n cs ++ cs' prop_unpackAppendCharsLazy (String8 cs') = forAll (sized $ \n -> resize (n * 10) arbitrary) $ \(String8 cs) -> forAll (choose (0, 2)) $ \n -> P.unpackAppendCharsLazy (P.drop n $ C.pack cs) cs' == drop n cs ++ cs' prop_unpackAppendBytesStrict cs cs' = forAll (choose (0, length cs)) $ \n -> P.unpackAppendBytesStrict (P.drop n $ P.pack cs) cs' == drop n cs ++ cs' prop_unpackAppendCharsStrict (String8 cs) (String8 cs') = forAll (choose (0, length cs)) $ \n -> P.unpackAppendCharsStrict (P.drop n $ C.pack cs) cs' == drop n cs ++ cs' ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Unsafe functions -- Test unsafePackAddress prop_unsafePackAddress (CByteString x) = ioProperty $ do let (p,_,_) = P.toForeignPtr (x `P.snoc` 0) y <- withForeignPtr p $ \(Ptr addr) -> P.unsafePackAddress addr return (y == x) -- Test unsafePackAddressLen prop_unsafePackAddressLen x = ioProperty $ do let i = P.length x (p,_,_) = P.toForeignPtr (x `P.snoc` 0) y <- withForeignPtr p $ \(Ptr addr) -> P.unsafePackAddressLen i addr return (y == x) prop_unsafeUseAsCString x = ioProperty $ do let n = P.length x y <- P.unsafeUseAsCString x $ \cstr -> sequence [ do a <- peekElemOff cstr i let b = x `P.index` i return (a == fromIntegral b) | i <- [0.. n-1] ] return (and y) prop_unsafeUseAsCStringLen x = ioProperty $ do let n = P.length x y <- P.unsafeUseAsCStringLen x $ \(cstr,_) -> sequence [ do a <- peekElemOff cstr i let b = x `P.index` i return (a == fromIntegral b) | i <- [0.. n-1] ] return (and y) prop_useAsCString x = ioProperty $ do let n = P.length x y <- P.useAsCString x $ \cstr -> sequence [ do a <- peekElemOff cstr i let b = x `P.index` i return (a == fromIntegral b) | i <- [0.. n-1] ] return (and y) prop_packCString (CByteString x) = ioProperty $ do y <- P.useAsCString x $ P.unsafePackCString return (y == x) prop_packCString_safe (CByteString x) = ioProperty $ do y <- P.useAsCString x $ P.packCString return (y == x) prop_packCStringLen x = ioProperty $ do y <- P.useAsCStringLen x $ P.unsafePackCStringLen return (y == x && P.length y == P.length x) prop_packCStringLen_safe x = ioProperty $ do y <- P.useAsCStringLen x $ P.packCStringLen return (y == x && P.length y == P.length x) prop_packMallocCString (CByteString x) = ioProperty $ do let (fp,_,_) = P.toForeignPtr x ptr <- mallocArray0 (P.length x) :: IO (Ptr Word8) forM_ [0 .. P.length x] $ \n -> pokeElemOff ptr n 0 withForeignPtr fp $ \qtr -> copyArray ptr qtr (P.length x) y <- P.unsafePackMallocCString (castPtr ptr) let !z = y == x free ptr `seq` return z prop_unsafeFinalize x = P.length x > 0 ==> ioProperty $ do x <- P.unsafeFinalize x return (x == ()) prop_packCStringFinaliser x = ioProperty $ do y <- P.useAsCString x $ \cstr -> P.unsafePackCStringFinalizer (castPtr cstr) (P.length x) (return ()) return (y == x) prop_fromForeignPtr x = (let (a,b,c) = (P.toForeignPtr x) in P.fromForeignPtr a b c) == x ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- IO prop_read_write_file_P x = ioProperty $ do (fn, h) <- openTempFile "." "prop-compiled.tmp" hClose h P.writeFile fn x y <- P.readFile fn removeFile fn return (x == y) prop_read_write_file_C x = ioProperty $ do (fn, h) <- openTempFile "." "prop-compiled.tmp" hClose h C.writeFile fn x y <- C.readFile fn removeFile fn return (x == y) prop_read_write_file_L x = ioProperty $ do (fn, h) <- openTempFile "." "prop-compiled.tmp" hClose h L.writeFile fn x y <- L.readFile fn L.length y `seq` removeFile fn return (x == y) prop_read_write_file_D x = ioProperty $ do (fn, h) <- openTempFile "." "prop-compiled.tmp" hClose h D.writeFile fn x y <- D.readFile fn D.length y `seq` removeFile fn return (x == y) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ prop_append_file_P x y = ioProperty $ do (fn, h) <- openTempFile "." "prop-compiled.tmp" hClose h P.writeFile fn x P.appendFile fn y z <- P.readFile fn removeFile fn return (z == x `P.append` y) prop_append_file_C x y = ioProperty $ do (fn, h) <- openTempFile "." "prop-compiled.tmp" hClose h C.writeFile fn x C.appendFile fn y z <- C.readFile fn removeFile fn return (z == x `C.append` y) prop_append_file_L x y = ioProperty $ do (fn, h) <- openTempFile "." "prop-compiled.tmp" hClose h L.writeFile fn x L.appendFile fn y z <- L.readFile fn L.length y `seq` removeFile fn return (z == x `L.append` y) prop_append_file_D x y = ioProperty $ do (fn, h) <- openTempFile "." "prop-compiled.tmp" hClose h D.writeFile fn x D.appendFile fn y z <- D.readFile fn D.length y `seq` removeFile fn return (z == x `D.append` y) prop_packAddress = C.pack "this is a test" == C.pack "this is a test" prop_isSpaceWord8 w = isSpace c == P.isSpaceChar8 c where c = chr (fromIntegral (w :: Word8)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ByteString.Short -- prop_short_pack_unpack xs = (Short.unpack . Short.pack) xs == xs prop_short_toShort_fromShort bs = (Short.fromShort . Short.toShort) bs == bs prop_short_toShort_unpack bs = (Short.unpack . Short.toShort) bs == P.unpack bs prop_short_pack_fromShort xs = (Short.fromShort . Short.pack) xs == P.pack xs prop_short_empty = Short.empty == Short.toShort P.empty && Short.empty == Short.pack [] && Short.null (Short.toShort P.empty) && Short.null (Short.pack []) && Short.null Short.empty prop_short_null_toShort bs = P.null bs == Short.null (Short.toShort bs) prop_short_null_pack xs = null xs == Short.null (Short.pack xs) prop_short_length_toShort bs = P.length bs == Short.length (Short.toShort bs) prop_short_length_pack xs = length xs == Short.length (Short.pack xs) prop_short_index_pack xs = all (\i -> Short.pack xs `Short.index` i == xs !! i) [0 .. length xs - 1] prop_short_index_toShort bs = all (\i -> Short.toShort bs `Short.index` i == bs `P.index` i) [0 .. P.length bs - 1] prop_short_eq xs ys = (xs == ys) == (Short.pack xs == Short.pack ys) prop_short_ord xs ys = (xs `compare` ys) == (Short.pack xs `compare` Short.pack ys) prop_short_mappend_empty_empty = Short.empty `mappend` Short.empty == Short.empty prop_short_mappend_empty xs = Short.empty `mappend` Short.pack xs == Short.pack xs && Short.pack xs `mappend` Short.empty == Short.pack xs prop_short_mappend xs ys = (xs `mappend` ys) == Short.unpack (Short.pack xs `mappend` Short.pack ys) prop_short_mconcat xss = mconcat xss == Short.unpack (mconcat (map Short.pack xss)) prop_short_fromString s = fromString s == Short.fromShort (fromString s) prop_short_show xs = show (Short.pack xs) == show (map P.w2c xs) prop_short_show' xs = show (Short.pack xs) == show (P.pack xs) prop_short_read xs = read (show (Short.pack xs)) == Short.pack xs prop_short_pinned :: NonNegative Int -> Property prop_short_pinned (NonNegative (I# len#)) = runST $ ST $ \s -> case newPinnedByteArray# len# s of (# s', mba# #) -> case unsafeFreezeByteArray# mba# s' of (# s'', ba# #) -> let sbs = Short.SBS ba# in (# s'', sbs === Short.toShort (Short.fromShort sbs) #) short_tests = [ testProperty "pack/unpack" prop_short_pack_unpack , testProperty "toShort/fromShort" prop_short_toShort_fromShort , testProperty "toShort/unpack" prop_short_toShort_unpack , testProperty "pack/fromShort" prop_short_pack_fromShort , testProperty "empty" prop_short_empty , testProperty "null/toShort" prop_short_null_toShort , testProperty "null/pack" prop_short_null_pack , testProperty "length/toShort" prop_short_length_toShort , testProperty "length/pack" prop_short_length_pack , testProperty "index/pack" prop_short_index_pack , testProperty "index/toShort" prop_short_index_toShort , testProperty "Eq" prop_short_eq , testProperty "Ord" prop_short_ord , testProperty "mappend/empty/empty" prop_short_mappend_empty_empty , testProperty "mappend/empty" prop_short_mappend_empty , testProperty "mappend" prop_short_mappend , testProperty "mconcat" prop_short_mconcat , testProperty "fromString" prop_short_fromString , testProperty "show" prop_short_show , testProperty "show'" prop_short_show' , testProperty "read" prop_short_read , testProperty "pinned" prop_short_pinned ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Strictness checks. explosiveTail :: L.ByteString -> L.ByteString explosiveTail = (`L.append` error "Tail of this byte string is undefined!") ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The entry point testSuite :: TestTree testSuite = testGroup "Properties" [ testGroup "StrictWord8" PropBS.tests , testGroup "StrictChar8" PropBS8.tests , testGroup "LazyWord8" PropBL.tests , testGroup "LazyChar8" PropBL8.tests , testGroup "Misc" misc_tests , testGroup "IO" io_tests , testGroup "Short" short_tests , testGroup "Strictness" strictness_checks ] io_tests = [ testProperty "readFile.writeFile" prop_read_write_file_P , testProperty "readFile.writeFile" prop_read_write_file_C , testProperty "readFile.writeFile" prop_read_write_file_L , testProperty "readFile.writeFile" prop_read_write_file_D , testProperty "appendFile " prop_append_file_P , testProperty "appendFile " prop_append_file_C , testProperty "appendFile " prop_append_file_L , testProperty "appendFile " prop_append_file_D , testProperty "packAddress " prop_packAddress ] misc_tests = [ testProperty "packUptoLenBytes" prop_packUptoLenBytes , testProperty "packUptoLenChars" prop_packUptoLenChars , testProperty "unpackAppendBytesLazy" prop_unpackAppendBytesLazy , testProperty "unpackAppendCharsLazy" prop_unpackAppendCharsLazy , testProperty "unpackAppendBytesStrict"prop_unpackAppendBytesStrict , testProperty "unpackAppendCharsStrict"prop_unpackAppendCharsStrict , testProperty "unsafe pack address" prop_unsafePackAddress , testProperty "unsafe pack address len"prop_unsafePackAddressLen , testProperty "unsafeUseAsCString" prop_unsafeUseAsCString , testProperty "unsafeUseAsCStringLen" prop_unsafeUseAsCStringLen , testProperty "useAsCString" prop_useAsCString , testProperty "packCString" prop_packCString , testProperty "packCString safe" prop_packCString_safe , testProperty "packCStringLen" prop_packCStringLen , testProperty "packCStringLen safe" prop_packCStringLen_safe , testProperty "packCStringFinaliser" prop_packCStringFinaliser , testProperty "packMallocString" prop_packMallocCString , testProperty "unsafeFinalise" prop_unsafeFinalize , testProperty "fromForeignPtr" prop_fromForeignPtr , testProperty "w2c . c2w" prop_bijectionBB , testProperty "c2w . w2c" prop_bijectionBB' , testProperty "unsafeHead" prop_head2BB , testProperty "unsafeTail" prop_tail1BB , testProperty "unsafeLast" prop_last1BB , testProperty "unsafeInit" prop_init1BB , testProperty "unsafeIndex" prop_unsafeIndexBB , testProperty "lines_lazy1" prop_lines_lazy1 , testProperty "lines_lazy2" prop_lines_lazy2 , testProperty "strip" prop_strip , testProperty "isSpace" prop_isSpaceWord8 , testProperty "readIntSafe" prop_readIntSafe , testProperty "readIntUnsafe" prop_readIntUnsafe , testProperty "readIntegerSafe" prop_readIntegerSafe , testProperty "readIntegerUnsafe" prop_readIntegerUnsafe ] strictness_checks = [ testGroup "Lazy Word8" [ testProperty "foldr is lazy" $ \ xs -> List.genericTake (L.length xs) (L.foldr (:) [ ] (explosiveTail xs)) === L.unpack xs , testProperty "foldr' is strict" $ expectFailure $ \ xs ys -> List.genericTake (L.length xs) (L.foldr' (:) [ ] (explosiveTail (xs <> ys))) === L.unpack xs , testProperty "foldr1 is lazy" $ \ xs -> L.length xs > 0 ==> L.foldr1 const (explosiveTail (xs <> L.singleton 1)) === L.head xs , testProperty "foldr1' is strict" $ expectFailure $ \ xs ys -> L.length xs > 0 ==> L.foldr1' const (explosiveTail (xs <> L.singleton 1 <> ys)) === L.head xs , testProperty "scanl is lazy" $ \ xs -> L.take (L.length xs + 1) (L.scanl (+) 0 (explosiveTail (xs <> L.singleton 1))) === (L.pack . fmap (L.foldr (+) 0) . L.inits) xs , testProperty "scanl1 is lazy" $ \ xs -> L.length xs > 0 ==> L.take (L.length xs) (L.scanl1 (+) (explosiveTail (xs <> L.singleton 1))) === (L.pack . fmap (L.foldr1 (+)) . tail . L.inits) xs ] , testGroup "Lazy Char" [ testProperty "foldr is lazy" $ \ xs -> List.genericTake (D.length xs) (D.foldr (:) [ ] (explosiveTail xs)) === D.unpack xs , testProperty "foldr' is strict" $ expectFailure $ \ xs ys -> List.genericTake (D.length xs) (D.foldr' (:) [ ] (explosiveTail (xs <> ys))) === D.unpack xs , testProperty "foldr1 is lazy" $ \ xs -> D.length xs > 0 ==> D.foldr1 const (explosiveTail (xs <> D.singleton 'x')) === D.head xs , testProperty "foldr1' is strict" $ expectFailure $ \ xs ys -> D.length xs > 0 ==> D.foldr1' const (explosiveTail (xs <> D.singleton 'x' <> ys)) === D.head xs , testProperty "scanl is lazy" $ \ xs -> let char1 +. char2 = toEnum (fromEnum char1 + fromEnum char2) in D.take (D.length xs + 1) (D.scanl (+.) '\NUL' (explosiveTail (xs <> D.singleton '\SOH'))) === (D.pack . fmap (D.foldr (+.) '\NUL') . D.inits) xs , testProperty "scanl1 is lazy" $ \ xs -> D.length xs > 0 ==> let char1 +. char2 = toEnum (fromEnum char1 + fromEnum char2) in D.take (D.length xs) (D.scanl1 (+.) (explosiveTail (xs <> D.singleton '\SOH'))) === (D.pack . fmap (D.foldr1 (+.)) . tail . D.inits) xs ] ] removeFile :: String -> IO () removeFile fn = void $ withCString fn c_unlink