/* * Copyright (c) 2003 David Roundy * Copyright (c) 2005-6 Don Stewart * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the names of the authors or the names of any contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "fpstring.h" #if defined(__x86_64__) #include #include #endif #include #include #ifndef __STDC_NO_ATOMICS__ #include #endif /* copy a string in reverse */ void fps_reverse(unsigned char *q, unsigned char *p, size_t n) { p += n-1; while (n-- != 0) *q++ = *p--; } /* duplicate a string, interspersing the character through the elements of the duplicated string */ void fps_intersperse(unsigned char *q, unsigned char *p, size_t n, unsigned char c) { #if defined(__x86_64__) { const __m128i separator = _mm_set1_epi8(c); const unsigned char *const p_begin = p; const unsigned char *const p_end = p_begin + n - 9; while (p < p_end) { const __m128i eight_src_bytes = _mm_loadl_epi64((__m128i *)p); const __m128i sixteen_dst_bytes = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(eight_src_bytes, separator); _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)q, sixteen_dst_bytes); p += 8; q += 16; } n -= p - p_begin; } #endif while (n > 1) { *q++ = *p++; *q++ = c; n--; } if (n == 1) *q = *p; } /* find maximum char in a packed string */ unsigned char fps_maximum(unsigned char *p, size_t len) { unsigned char *q, c = *p; for (q = p; q < p + len; q++) if (*q > c) c = *q; return c; } /* find minimum char in a packed string */ unsigned char fps_minimum(unsigned char *p, size_t len) { unsigned char *q, c = *p; for (q = p; q < p + len; q++) if (*q < c) c = *q; return c; } int fps_compare(const void *a, const void *b) { return (int)*(unsigned char*)a - (int)*(unsigned char*)b; } void fps_sort(unsigned char *p, size_t len) { return qsort(p, len, 1, fps_compare); } /* count the number of occurences of a char in a string */ size_t fps_count_naive(unsigned char *str, size_t len, unsigned char w) { size_t c; for (c = 0; len-- != 0; ++str) if (*str == w) ++c; return c; } #if defined(__x86_64__) && (__GNUC__ >= 6 || defined(__clang_major__)) && !defined(__STDC_NO_ATOMICS__) #define USE_SIMD_COUNT #endif #ifdef USE_SIMD_COUNT __attribute__((target("sse4.2"))) size_t fps_count_cmpestrm(unsigned char *str, size_t len, unsigned char w) { const __m128i pat = _mm_set1_epi8(w); size_t res = 0; size_t i = 0; for (; i < len && (intptr_t)(str + i) % 64; ++i) { res += str[i] == w; } for (size_t end = len - 128; i < end; i += 128) { __m128i p0 = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i*)(str + i + 16 * 0)); __m128i p1 = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i*)(str + i + 16 * 1)); __m128i p2 = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i*)(str + i + 16 * 2)); __m128i p3 = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i*)(str + i + 16 * 3)); __m128i p4 = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i*)(str + i + 16 * 4)); __m128i p5 = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i*)(str + i + 16 * 5)); __m128i p6 = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i*)(str + i + 16 * 6)); __m128i p7 = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i*)(str + i + 16 * 7)); // Here, cmpestrm compares two strings in the following mode: // * _SIDD_SBYTE_OPS: interprets the strings as consisting of 8-bit chars, // * _SIDD_CMP_EQUAL_EACH: computes the number of `i`s // for which `p[i]`, a part of `str`, is equal to `pat[i]` // (the latter being always equal to `w`). // // q.v. https://software.intel.com/sites/landingpage/IntrinsicsGuide/#text=_mm_cmpestrm&expand=835 #define MODE _SIDD_SBYTE_OPS | _SIDD_CMP_EQUAL_EACH __m128i r0 = _mm_cmpestrm(p0, 16, pat, 16, MODE); __m128i r1 = _mm_cmpestrm(p1, 16, pat, 16, MODE); __m128i r2 = _mm_cmpestrm(p2, 16, pat, 16, MODE); __m128i r3 = _mm_cmpestrm(p3, 16, pat, 16, MODE); __m128i r4 = _mm_cmpestrm(p4, 16, pat, 16, MODE); __m128i r5 = _mm_cmpestrm(p5, 16, pat, 16, MODE); __m128i r6 = _mm_cmpestrm(p6, 16, pat, 16, MODE); __m128i r7 = _mm_cmpestrm(p7, 16, pat, 16, MODE); #undef MODE res += _popcnt64(_mm_extract_epi64(r0, 0)); res += _popcnt64(_mm_extract_epi64(r1, 0)); res += _popcnt64(_mm_extract_epi64(r2, 0)); res += _popcnt64(_mm_extract_epi64(r3, 0)); res += _popcnt64(_mm_extract_epi64(r4, 0)); res += _popcnt64(_mm_extract_epi64(r5, 0)); res += _popcnt64(_mm_extract_epi64(r6, 0)); res += _popcnt64(_mm_extract_epi64(r7, 0)); } for (; i < len; ++i) { res += str[i] == w; } return res; } __attribute__((target("avx2"))) size_t fps_count_avx2(unsigned char *str, size_t len, unsigned char w) { __m256i pat = _mm256_set1_epi8(w); size_t prefix = 0, res = 0; size_t i = 0; for (; i < len && (intptr_t)(str + i) % 64; ++i) { prefix += str[i] == w; } for (size_t end = len - 128; i < end; i += 128) { __m256i p0 = _mm256_load_si256((const __m256i*)(str + i + 32 * 0)); __m256i p1 = _mm256_load_si256((const __m256i*)(str + i + 32 * 1)); __m256i p2 = _mm256_load_si256((const __m256i*)(str + i + 32 * 2)); __m256i p3 = _mm256_load_si256((const __m256i*)(str + i + 32 * 3)); __m256i r0 = _mm256_cmpeq_epi8(p0, pat); __m256i r1 = _mm256_cmpeq_epi8(p1, pat); __m256i r2 = _mm256_cmpeq_epi8(p2, pat); __m256i r3 = _mm256_cmpeq_epi8(p3, pat); res += _popcnt64(_mm256_extract_epi64(r0, 0)); res += _popcnt64(_mm256_extract_epi64(r0, 1)); res += _popcnt64(_mm256_extract_epi64(r0, 2)); res += _popcnt64(_mm256_extract_epi64(r0, 3)); res += _popcnt64(_mm256_extract_epi64(r1, 0)); res += _popcnt64(_mm256_extract_epi64(r1, 1)); res += _popcnt64(_mm256_extract_epi64(r1, 2)); res += _popcnt64(_mm256_extract_epi64(r1, 3)); res += _popcnt64(_mm256_extract_epi64(r2, 0)); res += _popcnt64(_mm256_extract_epi64(r2, 1)); res += _popcnt64(_mm256_extract_epi64(r2, 2)); res += _popcnt64(_mm256_extract_epi64(r2, 3)); res += _popcnt64(_mm256_extract_epi64(r3, 0)); res += _popcnt64(_mm256_extract_epi64(r3, 1)); res += _popcnt64(_mm256_extract_epi64(r3, 2)); res += _popcnt64(_mm256_extract_epi64(r3, 3)); } // _mm256_cmpeq_epi8(p, pat) returns a SIMD vector // with `i`th byte consisting of eight `1`s if `p[i] == pat[i]`, // and of eight `0`s otherwise, // hence each matching byte is counted 8 times by popcnt. // Dividing by 8 corrects for that. res /= 8; res += prefix; for (; i < len; ++i) { res += str[i] == w; } return res; } typedef size_t (*fps_impl_t) (unsigned char*, size_t, unsigned char); fps_impl_t select_fps_simd_impl() { uint32_t eax = 0, ebx = 0, ecx = 0, edx = 0; uint32_t ecx1 = 0; if (__get_cpuid(1, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx)) { ecx1 = ecx; } const bool has_xsave = ecx1 & (1 << 26); const bool has_popcnt = ecx1 & (1 << 23); if (__get_cpuid_count(7, 0, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx)) { const bool has_avx2 = has_xsave && (ebx & (1 << 5)); if (has_avx2 && has_popcnt) { return &fps_count_avx2; } } const bool has_sse42 = ecx1 & (1 << 19); if (has_sse42 && has_popcnt) { return &fps_count_cmpestrm; } return &fps_count_naive; } #endif size_t fps_count(unsigned char *str, size_t len, unsigned char w) { #ifndef USE_SIMD_COUNT return fps_count_naive(str, len, w); #else // 1024 is a rough guesstimate of the string length // for which the extra performance of the main SIMD loop // starts to compensate the extra work and extra branching outside the SIMD loop. // The real optimal number depends on the specific μarch // and isn't worth optimizing for in this context, // since counting characters in shorter strings is unlikely to be a hot spot. if (len <= 1024) { return fps_count_naive(str, len, w); } static _Atomic fps_impl_t s_impl = (fps_impl_t)NULL; fps_impl_t impl = atomic_load_explicit(&s_impl, memory_order_relaxed); if (!impl) { impl = select_fps_simd_impl(); atomic_store_explicit(&s_impl, impl, memory_order_relaxed); } return (*impl)(str, len, w); #endif }