-- | -- Copyright : (c) 2011 Simon Meier -- License : BSD3-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : Simon Meier -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : tested on GHC only -- {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} module Main (main) where import Data.Foldable (foldMap) import Data.Monoid import Data.String import Test.Tasty.Bench import Prelude hiding (words) import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import Data.ByteString.Builder import Data.ByteString.Builder.Extra (byteStringCopy, byteStringInsert, intHost) import Data.ByteString.Builder.Internal (ensureFree) import Data.ByteString.Builder.Prim (BoundedPrim, FixedPrim, (>$<)) import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder.Prim as P import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder.Prim.Internal as PI import Foreign import System.Random import BenchBoundsCheckFusion import BenchCount import BenchCSV import BenchIndices ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Benchmark support ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ countToZero :: Int -> Maybe (Int, Int) countToZero 0 = Nothing countToZero n = Just (n, n - 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Benchmark ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- input data (NOINLINE to ensure memoization) ---------------------------------------------- -- | Few-enough repetitions to avoid making GC too expensive. nRepl :: Int nRepl = 10000 {-# NOINLINE intData #-} intData :: [Int] intData = [1..nRepl] {-# NOINLINE smallIntegerData #-} smallIntegerData :: [Integer] smallIntegerData = map fromIntegral intData {-# NOINLINE largeIntegerData #-} largeIntegerData :: [Integer] largeIntegerData = map (* (10 ^ (100 :: Integer))) smallIntegerData {-# NOINLINE floatData #-} floatData :: [Float] floatData = map (\x -> (3.14159 * fromIntegral x) ^ (3 :: Int)) intData {-# NOINLINE doubleData #-} doubleData :: [Double] doubleData = map (\x -> (3.14159 * fromIntegral x) ^ (3 :: Int)) intData {-# NOINLINE byteStringData #-} byteStringData :: S.ByteString byteStringData = S.pack $ map fromIntegral intData {-# NOINLINE lazyByteStringData #-} lazyByteStringData :: L.ByteString lazyByteStringData = case S.splitAt (nRepl `div` 2) byteStringData of (bs1, bs2) -> L.fromChunks [bs1, bs2] {-# NOINLINE byteStringChunksData #-} byteStringChunksData :: [S.ByteString] byteStringChunksData = map (S.pack . replicate (4 ) . fromIntegral) intData {-# NOINLINE loremIpsum #-} loremIpsum :: S.ByteString loremIpsum = S8.unlines $ map S8.pack [ " Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor" , "incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis" , "nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat." , "Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu" , "fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in" , "culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum." ] -- benchmark wrappers --------------------- {-# INLINE benchB #-} benchB :: String -> a -> (a -> Builder) -> Benchmark benchB name x b = bench (name ++" (" ++ show nRepl ++ ")") $ whnf (L.length . toLazyByteString . b) x {-# INLINE benchB' #-} benchB' :: String -> a -> (a -> Builder) -> Benchmark benchB' name x b = bench name $ whnf (L.length . toLazyByteString . b) x {-# INLINE benchBInts #-} benchBInts :: String -> ([Int] -> Builder) -> Benchmark benchBInts name = benchB name intData -- | Benchmark a 'FixedPrim'. Full inlining to enable specialization. {-# INLINE benchFE #-} benchFE :: String -> FixedPrim Int -> Benchmark benchFE name = benchBE name . P.liftFixedToBounded -- | Benchmark a 'BoundedPrim'. Full inlining to enable specialization. {-# INLINE benchBE #-} benchBE :: String -> BoundedPrim Int -> Benchmark benchBE name e = bench (name ++" (" ++ show nRepl ++ ")") $ whnfIO (benchIntEncodingB nRepl e) -- We use this construction of just looping through @n,n-1,..,1@ to ensure that -- we measure the speed of the encoding and not the speed of generating the -- values to be encoded. {-# INLINE benchIntEncodingB #-} benchIntEncodingB :: Int -- ^ Maximal 'Int' to write -> BoundedPrim Int -- ^ 'BoundedPrim' to execute -> IO () -- ^ 'IO' action to benchmark benchIntEncodingB n0 w | n0 <= 0 = return () | otherwise = do fpbuf <- mallocForeignPtrBytes (n0 * PI.sizeBound w) withForeignPtr fpbuf (loop n0) >> return () where loop !n !op | n <= 0 = return op | otherwise = PI.runB w n op >>= loop (n - 1) hashInt :: Int -> Int hashInt x = iterate step x !! 10 where step a = e where b = (a `xor` 61) `xor` (a `shiftR` 16) c = b + (b `shiftL` 3) d = c `xor` (c `shiftR` 4) e = d * 0x27d4eb2d f = e `xor` (e `shiftR` 15) w :: Int -> Word8 w = fromIntegral hashWord8 :: Word8 -> Word8 hashWord8 = fromIntegral . hashInt . fromIntegral partitionStrict p = nf (S.partition p) . randomStrict $ mkStdGen 98423098 where randomStrict = fst . S.unfoldrN 10000 (Just . random) partitionLazy p = nf (L.partition p) . randomLazy $ (0, mkStdGen 98423098) where step (k, g) | k >= 10000 = Nothing | otherwise = let (x, g') = random g in Just (x, (k + 1, g')) randomLazy = L.unfoldr step easySubstrings, randomSubstrings :: Int -> Int -> (S.ByteString, S.ByteString) hardSubstrings, pathologicalSubstrings :: Int -> Int -> (S.ByteString, S.ByteString) {-# INLINE easySubstrings #-} easySubstrings n h = (S.replicate n $ w 1, S.replicate h $ w 0) {-# INLINE randomSubstrings #-} randomSubstrings n h = (f 48278379 n, f 98403980 h) where next' g = let (x, g') = next g in (w x, g') f g l = fst $ S.unfoldrN l (Just . next') (mkStdGen g) {-# INLINE hardSubstrings #-} hardSubstrings n h = (f 48278379 n, f 98403980 h) where next' g = let (x, g') = next g in (w $ x `mod` 4, g') f g l = fst $ S.unfoldrN l (Just . next') (mkStdGen g) {-# INLINE pathologicalSubstrings #-} pathologicalSubstrings n h = (S.replicate n (w 0), S.concat . replicate (h `div` n) $ S.replicate (n - 1) (w 0) `S.snoc` w 1) htmlSubstrings :: S.ByteString -> Int -> Int -> IO (S.ByteString, S.ByteString) htmlSubstrings s n h = do i <- randomRIO (0, l - n) return (S.take n . S.drop i $ s', s') where s' = S.take h s l = S.length s' -- benchmarks ------------- sortInputs :: [S.ByteString] sortInputs = map (`S.take` S.pack [122, 121 .. 32]) [10..25] foldInputs :: [S.ByteString] foldInputs = map (\k -> S.pack $ if k <= 6 then take (2 ^ k) [32..95] else concat (replicate (2 ^ (k - 6)) [32..95])) [0..16] foldInputsLazy :: [L.ByteString] foldInputsLazy = map (\k -> L.pack $ if k <= 6 then take (2 ^ k) [32..95] else concat (replicate (2 ^ (k - 6)) [32..95])) [0..16] zeroes :: L.ByteString zeroes = L.replicate 10000 0 zeroOneRepeating :: L.ByteString zeroOneRepeating = L.take 10000 (L.cycle (L.pack [0,1])) largeTraversalInput :: S.ByteString largeTraversalInput = S.concat (replicate 10 byteStringData) smallTraversalInput :: S.ByteString smallTraversalInput = S8.pack "The quick brown fox" main :: IO () main = do defaultMain [ bgroup "Data.ByteString.Builder" [ bgroup "Small payload" [ benchB' "mempty" () (const mempty) , benchB' "ensureFree 8" () (const (ensureFree 8)) , benchB' "intHost 1" 1 intHost , benchB' "UTF-8 String (naive)" "hello world\0" fromString , benchB' "UTF-8 String" () $ \() -> P.cstringUtf8 "hello world\0"# , benchB' "String (naive)" "hello world!" fromString , benchB' "String" () $ \() -> P.cstring "hello world!"# ] , bgroup "Encoding wrappers" [ benchBInts "foldMap word8" $ foldMap (word8 . fromIntegral) , benchBInts "primMapListFixed word8" $ P.primMapListFixed (fromIntegral >$< P.word8) , benchB "primUnfoldrFixed word8" nRepl $ P.primUnfoldrFixed (fromIntegral >$< P.word8) countToZero , benchB "primMapByteStringFixed word8" byteStringData $ P.primMapByteStringFixed P.word8 , benchB "primMapLazyByteStringFixed word8" lazyByteStringData $ P.primMapLazyByteStringFixed P.word8 ] , bgroup "ByteString insertion" $ let dataName = " byteStringChunks" ++ show (S.length (head byteStringChunksData)) ++ "Data" in [ benchB ("foldMap byteStringInsert" ++ dataName) byteStringChunksData (foldMap byteStringInsert) , benchB ("foldMap byteString" ++ dataName) byteStringChunksData (foldMap byteString) , benchB ("foldMap byteStringCopy" ++ dataName) byteStringChunksData (foldMap byteStringCopy) ] , bgroup "Non-bounded encodings" [ benchB "byteStringHex" byteStringData $ byteStringHex , benchB "lazyByteStringHex" lazyByteStringData $ lazyByteStringHex , benchB "foldMap floatDec" floatData $ foldMap floatDec , benchB "foldMap doubleDec" doubleData $ foldMap doubleDec -- Note that the small data corresponds to the intData pre-converted -- to Integer. , benchB "foldMap integerDec (small)" smallIntegerData $ foldMap integerDec , benchB "foldMap integerDec (large)" largeIntegerData $ foldMap integerDec ] ] , bgroup "Data.ByteString.Builder.Prim" [ benchFE "char7" $ toEnum >$< P.char7 , benchFE "char8" $ toEnum >$< P.char8 , benchBE "charUtf8" $ toEnum >$< P.charUtf8 -- binary encoding , benchFE "int8" $ fromIntegral >$< P.int8 , benchFE "word8" $ fromIntegral >$< P.word8 -- big-endian , benchFE "int16BE" $ fromIntegral >$< P.int16BE , benchFE "int32BE" $ fromIntegral >$< P.int32BE , benchFE "int64BE" $ fromIntegral >$< P.int64BE , benchFE "word16BE" $ fromIntegral >$< P.word16BE , benchFE "word32BE" $ fromIntegral >$< P.word32BE , benchFE "word64BE" $ fromIntegral >$< P.word64BE , benchFE "floatBE" $ fromIntegral >$< P.floatBE , benchFE "doubleBE" $ fromIntegral >$< P.doubleBE -- little-endian , benchFE "int16LE" $ fromIntegral >$< P.int16LE , benchFE "int32LE" $ fromIntegral >$< P.int32LE , benchFE "int64LE" $ fromIntegral >$< P.int64LE , benchFE "word16LE" $ fromIntegral >$< P.word16LE , benchFE "word32LE" $ fromIntegral >$< P.word32LE , benchFE "word64LE" $ fromIntegral >$< P.word64LE , benchFE "floatLE" $ fromIntegral >$< P.floatLE , benchFE "doubleLE" $ fromIntegral >$< P.doubleLE -- host-dependent , benchFE "int16Host" $ fromIntegral >$< P.int16Host , benchFE "int32Host" $ fromIntegral >$< P.int32Host , benchFE "int64Host" $ fromIntegral >$< P.int64Host , benchFE "intHost" $ fromIntegral >$< P.intHost , benchFE "word16Host" $ fromIntegral >$< P.word16Host , benchFE "word32Host" $ fromIntegral >$< P.word32Host , benchFE "word64Host" $ fromIntegral >$< P.word64Host , benchFE "wordHost" $ fromIntegral >$< P.wordHost , benchFE "floatHost" $ fromIntegral >$< P.floatHost , benchFE "doubleHost" $ fromIntegral >$< P.doubleHost ] , bgroup "Data.ByteString.Builder.Prim.ASCII" [ -- decimal number benchBE "int8Dec" $ fromIntegral >$< P.int8Dec , benchBE "int16Dec" $ fromIntegral >$< P.int16Dec , benchBE "int32Dec" $ fromIntegral >$< P.int32Dec , benchBE "int64Dec" $ fromIntegral >$< P.int64Dec , benchBE "intDec" $ fromIntegral >$< P.intDec , benchBE "word8Dec" $ fromIntegral >$< P.word8Dec , benchBE "word16Dec" $ fromIntegral >$< P.word16Dec , benchBE "word32Dec" $ fromIntegral >$< P.word32Dec , benchBE "word64Dec" $ fromIntegral >$< P.word64Dec , benchBE "wordDec" $ fromIntegral >$< P.wordDec -- hexadecimal number , benchBE "word8Hex" $ fromIntegral >$< P.word8Hex , benchBE "word16Hex" $ fromIntegral >$< P.word16Hex , benchBE "word32Hex" $ fromIntegral >$< P.word32Hex , benchBE "word64Hex" $ fromIntegral >$< P.word64Hex , benchBE "wordHex" $ fromIntegral >$< P.wordHex -- fixed-width hexadecimal numbers , benchFE "int8HexFixed" $ fromIntegral >$< P.int8HexFixed , benchFE "int16HexFixed" $ fromIntegral >$< P.int16HexFixed , benchFE "int32HexFixed" $ fromIntegral >$< P.int32HexFixed , benchFE "int64HexFixed" $ fromIntegral >$< P.int64HexFixed , benchFE "word8HexFixed" $ fromIntegral >$< P.word8HexFixed , benchFE "word16HexFixed" $ fromIntegral >$< P.word16HexFixed , benchFE "word32HexFixed" $ fromIntegral >$< P.word32HexFixed , benchFE "word64HexFixed" $ fromIntegral >$< P.word64HexFixed , benchFE "floatHexFixed" $ fromIntegral >$< P.floatHexFixed , benchFE "doubleHexFixed" $ fromIntegral >$< P.doubleHexFixed ] , bgroup "intersperse" [ bench "intersperse" $ whnf (S.intersperse 32) byteStringData , bench "intersperse (unaligned)" $ whnf (S.intersperse 32) (S.drop 1 byteStringData) ] , bgroup "partition" [ bgroup "strict" [ bench "mostlyTrueFast" $ partitionStrict (< (w 225)) , bench "mostlyFalseFast" $ partitionStrict (< (w 10)) , bench "balancedFast" $ partitionStrict (< (w 128)) , bench "mostlyTrueSlow" $ partitionStrict (\x -> hashWord8 x < w 225) , bench "mostlyFalseSlow" $ partitionStrict (\x -> hashWord8 x < w 10) , bench "balancedSlow" $ partitionStrict (\x -> hashWord8 x < w 128) ] , bgroup "lazy" [ bench "mostlyTrueFast" $ partitionLazy (< (w 225)) , bench "mostlyFalseFast" $ partitionLazy (< (w 10)) , bench "balancedFast" $ partitionLazy (< (w 128)) , bench "mostlyTrueSlow" $ partitionLazy (\x -> hashWord8 x < w 225) , bench "mostlyFalseSlow" $ partitionLazy (\x -> hashWord8 x < w 10) , bench "balancedSlow" $ partitionLazy (\x -> hashWord8 x < w 128) ] ] , bgroup "sort" $ map (\s -> bench (S8.unpack s) $ nf S.sort s) sortInputs , bgroup "words" [ bench "lorem ipsum" $ nf S8.words loremIpsum , bench "one huge word" $ nf S8.words byteStringData ] , bgroup "folds" [ bgroup "strict" [ bgroup "foldl'" $ map (\s -> bench (show $ S.length s) $ nf (S.foldl' (\acc x -> acc + fromIntegral x) (0 :: Int)) s) foldInputs , bgroup "foldr'" $ map (\s -> bench (show $ S.length s) $ nf (S.foldr' (\x acc -> fromIntegral x + acc) (0 :: Int)) s) foldInputs , bgroup "foldr1'" $ map (\s -> bench (show $ S.length s) $ nf (S.foldr1' (\x acc -> fromIntegral x + acc)) s) foldInputs , bgroup "unfoldrN" $ map (\s -> bench (show $ S.length s) $ nf (S.unfoldrN (S.length s) (\a -> Just (a, a + 1))) 0) foldInputs , bgroup "mapAccumL" $ map (\s -> bench (show $ S.length s) $ nf (S.mapAccumL (\acc x -> (acc + fromIntegral x, succ x)) (0 :: Int)) s) foldInputs , bgroup "mapAccumR" $ map (\s -> bench (show $ S.length s) $ nf (S.mapAccumR (\acc x -> (fromIntegral x + acc, succ x)) (0 :: Int)) s) foldInputs , bgroup "scanl" $ map (\s -> bench (show $ S.length s) $ nf (S.scanl (+) 0) s) foldInputs , bgroup "scanr" $ map (\s -> bench (show $ S.length s) $ nf (S.scanr (+) 0) s) foldInputs , bgroup "filter" $ map (\s -> bench (show $ S.length s) $ nf (S.filter odd) s) foldInputs ] , bgroup "lazy" [ bgroup "foldl'" $ map (\s -> bench (show $ L.length s) $ nf (L.foldl' (\acc x -> acc + fromIntegral x) (0 :: Int)) s) foldInputsLazy , bgroup "foldr'" $ map (\s -> bench (show $ L.length s) $ nf (L.foldr' (\x acc -> fromIntegral x + acc) (0 :: Int)) s) foldInputsLazy , bgroup "foldr1'" $ map (\s -> bench (show $ L.length s) $ nf (L.foldr1' (\x acc -> fromIntegral x + acc)) s) foldInputsLazy , bgroup "mapAccumL" $ map (\s -> bench (show $ L.length s) $ nf (L.mapAccumL (\acc x -> (acc + fromIntegral x, succ x)) (0 :: Int)) s) foldInputsLazy , bgroup "mapAccumR" $ map (\s -> bench (show $ L.length s) $ nf (L.mapAccumR (\acc x -> (fromIntegral x + acc, succ x)) (0 :: Int)) s) foldInputsLazy , bgroup "scanl" $ map (\s -> bench (show $ L.length s) $ nf (L.scanl (+) 0) s) foldInputsLazy , bgroup "scanr" $ map (\s -> bench (show $ L.length s) $ nf (L.scanr (+) 0) s) foldInputsLazy ] ] , bgroup "findIndexOrLength" [ bench "takeWhile" $ nf (L.takeWhile even) zeroes , bench "dropWhile" $ nf (L.dropWhile even) zeroes , bench "break" $ nf (L.break odd) zeroes , bench "group zeroes" $ nf L.group zeroes , bench "group zero-one" $ nf L.group zeroOneRepeating , bench "groupBy (>=)" $ nf (L.groupBy (>=)) zeroes , bench "groupBy (>)" $ nf (L.groupBy (>)) zeroes ] , bgroup "findIndex_" [ bench "findIndices" $ nf (sum . S.findIndices (\x -> x == 129 || x == 72)) byteStringData , bench "find" $ nf (S.find (>= 198)) byteStringData ] , bgroup "findIndexEnd" [ bench "findIndexEnd" $ nf (S.findIndexEnd (<= 57)) byteStringData , bench "elemIndexInd" $ nf (S.elemIndexEnd 42) byteStringData ] , bgroup "traversals" [ bench "map (+1) large" $ nf (S.map (+ 1)) largeTraversalInput , bench "map (+1) small" $ nf (S.map (+ 1)) smallTraversalInput ] , benchBoundsCheckFusion , benchCount , benchCSV , benchIndices ]