module StreamPatch.Patch.Linearize where import StreamPatch.Patch import GHC.Generics ( Generic ) import Numeric.Natural import GHC.Natural ( minusNaturalMaybe ) import Data.Vinyl import Control.Monad.State import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.Text ( Text ) import StreamPatch.Util ( traverseM ) class HasLength a where getLength :: a -> Natural instance HasLength BS.ByteString where getLength = fromIntegral . BS.length instance HasLength Text where getLength = fromIntegral . Text.length instance HasLength String where getLength = fromIntegral . List.length data Error fs a = ErrorOverlap -- ^ Two edits wrote to the same offset. (SeekRep 'AbsSeek) -- ^ absolute position in stream (Patch 'AbsSeek fs a) -- ^ overlapping patch (Patch 'AbsSeek fs a) -- ^ previous patch deriving (Generic) deriving instance (Eq a, Eq (Patch 'AbsSeek fs a)) => Eq (Error fs a) deriving instance (Show a, ReifyConstraint Show (Flap a) fs, RMap fs, RecordToList fs) => Show (Error fs a) deriving instance (Functor (Patch 'AbsSeek fs)) => Functor (Error fs) deriving instance (Foldable (Patch 'AbsSeek fs)) => Foldable (Error fs) deriving instance (Traversable (Patch 'AbsSeek fs)) => Traversable (Error fs) linearize :: HasLength a => [Patch 'AbsSeek fs a] -> Either (Error fs a) [Patch 'FwdSeek fs a] linearize ps = evalState (traverseM go (List.sortBy comparePatchSeeks ps)) (0, undefined) where go p@(Patch a s _) = do (cursor, pPrev) <- get case s `minusNaturalMaybe` cursor of -- next absolute seek is before cursor: current patch overlaps prev Nothing -> return $ Left $ ErrorOverlap cursor p pPrev Just skip -> do let cursor' = cursor + skip + getLength a p' = p { patchSeek = skip } put (cursor', p) return $ Right p' comparePatchSeeks :: Ord (SeekRep s) => Patch s fs a -> Patch s fs a -> Ordering comparePatchSeeks p1 p2 = compare (patchSeek p1) (patchSeek p2)