Want to get involved? Great! ============================ Grab the latest code from git: git clone https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/bustle/bustle.git and get stuck in! Please file bugs and merge requests at . In new code, try to follow . The author did not follow it in the past but it seems like a good kind of thing to aim for. Releasing Bustle ================ * Ideally, automate the steps below * Write news in `NEWS.md` and `data/org.freedesktop.Bustle.appdata.xml.in` * Update `po/messages.pot` * Update version number in `bustle.cabal` ```sh # Tag release, build and sign the tarballs make maintainer-make-release # Stick source and binaries on freedesktop.org mkdir x.y.z cp dist/bustle-x.y.z* x.y.z/ scp -r x.y.z annarchy.freedesktop.org:/srv/www.freedesktop.org/www/software/bustle/ # Upload source to Hackage cabal upload git push origin --tags master ```