{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, OverloadedStrings, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {- Bustle.Renderer: render nice Cairo diagrams from a list of D-Bus messages Copyright (C) 2008 Collabora Ltd. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -} module Bustle.Renderer ( -- * Processing entire logs process , processWithFilters -- * Processing logs incrementally , RendererState , rendererStateNew , processSome -- * Output of processing , RendererResult(..) , Participants , sessionParticipants ) where import Prelude hiding (log) import Bustle.Types import Bustle.Diagram import Bustle.Regions import Bustle.Util (maybeM, NonEmpty(..)) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Map (Map) import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), (<$>), (<*>)) import Control.Arrow ((***)) import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Monad.Identity import Control.Monad.State import Control.Monad.Writer import Data.List (sort, sortBy) import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, catMaybes) import Data.Ord (comparing) data Bus = SessionBus | SystemBus deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) describeBus :: Bus -> String describeBus SessionBus = "session" describeBus SystemBus = "system" -- We keep the column in the map to allow the Monoid instance to preserve the -- ordering returned by sessionParticipants, which is the only view on this -- type exported. data Participants = Participants { pSession , _pSystem :: Map (Double, UniqueName) (Set OtherName) } deriving (Show, Eq) instance Monoid Participants where mempty = Participants Map.empty Map.empty mappend (Participants sess1 sys1) (Participants sess2 sys2) = Participants (f sess1 sess2) (f sys1 sys2) where f = Map.unionWith Set.union sessionParticipants :: Participants -> [(UniqueName, Set OtherName)] -- ^ sorted by column sessionParticipants = map (snd *** id) . Map.toAscList . pSession data RendererResult apps = RendererResult { rrCentreOffset :: Double , rrTopOffset :: Double -- ^ you shouldn't really need this outside of here. , rrShapes :: [Shape] , rrRegions :: Regions (Detailed Message) , rrApplications :: apps , rrWarnings :: [String] } deriving (Show, Functor, Eq) -- Using Functor is a slight hack really -- Yikes. -- -- When combining two segments of a diagram, we may need to translate -- one or other segment in either axis. For instance, if the first message -- involves a service with only one bus name, but the second involves a service -- with a hundred names, we're going to need a massive downwards translation to -- shift the first set of messages down to match the second. -- -- This is extremely unpleasant but it's a Monday. There's a test case in -- Test/Renderer.hs because I don't trust myself. instance Monoid apps => Monoid (RendererResult apps) where mempty = RendererResult 0 0 [] [] mempty [] mappend rr1 rr2 = RendererResult centreOffset topOffset shapes regions applications warnings where centreOffset = rrCentreOffset rr1 `max` rrCentreOffset rr2 topOffset = rrTopOffset rr1 `max` rrTopOffset rr2 shapes = shapes1 ++ shapes2 versus x y = if x < y then Just (y - x) else Nothing translation rr = ( rrCentreOffset rr `versus` centreOffset , rrTopOffset rr `versus` topOffset ) translateShapes rr = case translation rr of -- Hooray for premature optimization (Nothing, Nothing) -> rrShapes rr (mx, my) -> translateDiagram (fromMaybe 0 mx, fromMaybe 0 my) $ rrShapes rr shapes1 = translateShapes rr1 shapes2 = translateShapes rr2 translatedRegions rr = case snd $ translation rr of Nothing -> rrRegions rr Just y -> translateRegions y $ rrRegions rr regions = translatedRegions rr1 ++ translatedRegions rr2 applications = rrApplications rr1 `mappend` rrApplications rr2 warnings = rrWarnings rr1 `mappend` rrWarnings rr2 processWithFilters :: (Log, Set UniqueName) -> (Log, Set UniqueName) -> RendererResult () processWithFilters (sessionBusLog, sessionFilter) (systemBusLog, systemFilter ) = fmap (const ()) $ fst $ processSome sessionBusLog systemBusLog rs where rs = initialState sessionFilter systemFilter process :: Log -> Log -> RendererResult Participants process sessionBusLog systemBusLog = fst $ processSome sessionBusLog systemBusLog rendererStateNew -- Doesn't let you filter rendererStateNew :: RendererState rendererStateNew = initialState Set.empty Set.empty buildResult :: RendererOutput -> RendererState -> RendererResult Participants buildResult (RendererOutput diagram messageRegions warnings) rs = RendererResult x y diagram' regions' participants warnings where (_translation@(x, y), diagram') = topLeftJustifyDiagram diagram regions' = translateRegions y messageRegions stripApps bs = Map.fromList [ ((column, u), aiEverNames ai) | (u, ai) <- Map.assocs (apps bs) , Just column <- [everColumn $ aiColumn ai] ] sessionApps = stripApps $ sessionBusState rs systemApps = stripApps $ systemBusState rs participants = Participants sessionApps systemApps processSome :: Log -- ^ freshly-arrived session bus messages -> Log -- ^ freshly-arrived system bus messages -> RendererState -- ^ the saved state from last time -> ( RendererResult Participants -- ^ the output from these messages , RendererState -- ^ state to re-use later ) processSome sessionBusLog systemBusLog rs = (buildResult output rs', rs') where log' = combine sessionBusLog systemBusLog (output, rs') = runRenderer (mapM_ (uncurry processOne) log') rs -- Combines a series of messages on the session bus and system bus into a -- single ordered list, annotated by timestamp. Assumes both the source lists -- are sorted. combine :: Log -- ^ session bus messages -> Log -- ^ system bus messages -> [(Bus, DetailedEvent)] combine [] [] = [] combine xs [] = zip (repeat SessionBus) xs combine [] ys = zip (repeat SystemBus) ys combine xs@(x:xs') ys@(y:ys') = if deTimestamp x < deTimestamp y then (SessionBus, x):combine xs' ys else (SystemBus, y):combine xs ys' newtype Renderer a = Renderer (WriterT RendererOutput (StateT RendererState Identity) a) deriving ( Functor , Monad , MonadState RendererState , MonadWriter RendererOutput ) instance Applicative Renderer where pure = return (<*>) = ap runRenderer :: Renderer () -> RendererState -> ( RendererOutput , RendererState ) runRenderer (Renderer act) st = runIdentity $ runStateT (execWriterT act) st data RendererOutput = RendererOutput ![Shape] !(Regions (Detailed Message)) ![String] deriving (Show) instance Monoid RendererOutput where mempty = RendererOutput [] [] [] mappend (RendererOutput s1 r1 w1) (RendererOutput s2 r2 w2) = RendererOutput (s1 ++ s2) (r1 ++ r2) (w1 ++ w2) data BusState = BusState { apps :: Applications , firstColumn :: Double , nextColumn :: Double , columnsInUse :: Set Double , pending :: Pending , bsIgnoredNames :: Set UniqueName } data RendererState = RendererState { sessionBusState :: BusState , systemBusState :: BusState , row :: Double , mostRecentLabels :: Double , startTime :: Microseconds } initialBusState :: Set UniqueName -> Double -> BusState initialBusState ignore first = BusState { apps = Map.empty , firstColumn = first , nextColumn = first , columnsInUse = Set.empty , pending = Map.empty , bsIgnoredNames = ignore } initialSessionBusState, initialSystemBusState :: Set UniqueName -> BusState initialSessionBusState f = initialBusState f $ timestampAndMemberWidth + firstColumnOffset initialSystemBusState f = initialBusState f $ negate firstColumnOffset initialState :: Set UniqueName -> Set UniqueName -> RendererState initialState sessionFilter systemFilter = RendererState { sessionBusState = initialSessionBusState sessionFilter , systemBusState = initialSystemBusState systemFilter , row = 0 , mostRecentLabels = 0 , startTime = 0 } -- Maps unique connection name to the column representing that name, if -- allocated, and a set of non-unique names for the connection, if any. data Column = NoColumn | CurrentColumn Double | FormerColumn (Maybe Double) deriving Show currentColumn :: Column -> Maybe Double currentColumn (CurrentColumn x) = Just x currentColumn _ = Nothing everColumn :: Column -> Maybe Double everColumn NoColumn = Nothing everColumn (CurrentColumn x) = Just x everColumn (FormerColumn mx) = mx data ApplicationInfo = ApplicationInfo { aiColumn :: Column , aiCurrentNames :: Set OtherName , aiEverNames :: Set OtherName } deriving Show aiCurrentColumn :: ApplicationInfo -> Maybe Double aiCurrentColumn = currentColumn . aiColumn type Applications = Map UniqueName ApplicationInfo -- Map from a method call message to the coordinates at which the arc to its -- return should start. type Pending = Map (Detailed Message) (Double, Double) getBusState :: Bus -> Renderer BusState getBusState = getsBusState id getsBusState :: (BusState -> a) -> Bus -> Renderer a getsBusState f SessionBus = gets (f . sessionBusState) getsBusState f SystemBus = gets (f . systemBusState) modifyBusState :: Bus -> (BusState -> BusState) -> Renderer () modifyBusState bus f = case bus of SessionBus -> modify $ \rs -> rs { sessionBusState = f (sessionBusState rs) } SystemBus -> modify $ \rs -> rs { systemBusState = f (systemBusState rs) } getApps :: Bus -> Renderer Applications getApps bus = apps <$> getBusState bus getsApps :: (Applications -> a) -> Bus -> Renderer a getsApps f = getsBusState (f . apps) lookupUniqueName :: Bus -> UniqueName -> Renderer ApplicationInfo lookupUniqueName bus u = do thing <- getsApps (Map.lookup u) bus case thing of Just nameInfo -> return nameInfo -- This happens with pcap logs where we don't (currently) have -- explicit change notification for unique names in the stream of -- DetailedEvents. Nothing -> addUnique bus u lookupOtherName :: Bus -> OtherName -> Renderer (UniqueName, ApplicationInfo) lookupOtherName bus o = do as <- getApps bus case filter (Set.member o . aiCurrentNames . snd) (Map.assocs as) of [details] -> return details -- No matches indicates a corrupt log, which we try to recover from … [] -> do warn $ concat [ "'" , unOtherName o , "' appeared unheralded on the " , describeBus bus , " bus; making something up..." ] let namesInUse = Map.keys as candidates = map (fakeUniqueName . show) ([1..] :: [Integer]) u = head $ filter (not . (`elem` namesInUse)) candidates addUnique bus u addOther bus o u ai <- lookupUniqueName bus u return (u, ai) -- … but more than one match means we've messed up. This can happen -- with logs generated by dbus-monitor --pcap, which doesn't perform -- an initial dump of all names on the bus. (d:ds) -> do warn $ concat [ unOtherName o , " owned by several apps: " , show (d:ds) ] return d -- Finds a TaggedBusName in a map of applications lookupApp :: Bus -> TaggedBusName -> Renderer (UniqueName, ApplicationInfo) lookupApp bus name = case name of U u -> do details <- lookupUniqueName bus u return (u, details) O o -> lookupOtherName bus o -- Finds a TaggedBusName in the current state, yielding its column if it exists. If -- it exists, but previously lacked a column, a column is allocated. appCoordinate :: Bus -> TaggedBusName -> Renderer Double appCoordinate bus n = do (u, details) <- lookupApp bus n case aiColumn details of NoColumn -> assignColumn u (aiCurrentNames details) CurrentColumn x -> return x FormerColumn c -> do warn $ show n ++ "(owned by " ++ show u ++ ") spontaneously reappeared" case c of Just x -> return x Nothing -> assignColumn u (aiCurrentNames details) where assignColumn :: UniqueName -> Set OtherName -> Renderer Double assignColumn u os = do x <- nextColumn <$> getBusState bus -- FIXME: ick let f = case bus of SessionBus -> (+ columnWidth) SystemBus -> subtract columnWidth modifyBusState bus $ \bs -> bs { nextColumn = f x , columnsInUse = Set.insert x (columnsInUse bs) } modifyApps bus $ Map.adjust (\ai -> ai { aiColumn = CurrentColumn x }) u -- FIXME: Does this really live here? currentRow <- gets row let ns = bestNames u os h = headerHeight ns shape $ Header ns x (currentRow - (10 + h)) shape $ ClientLines (x :| []) (currentRow - 5) (currentRow + 15) return x -- Modify the application table directly. modifyApps :: Bus -> (Applications -> Applications) -> Renderer () modifyApps bus f = modifyBusState bus $ \bs -> bs { apps = f (apps bs) } -- Updates the current set of applications in response to a well-known name's -- owner changing. updateApps :: Bus -- ^ bus on which a name's owner has changed -> OtherName -- name whose owner has changed. -> Change -- details of the change -> Renderer () updateApps bus n c = case c of Claimed new -> addOther bus n new Stolen old new -> remOther bus n old >> addOther bus n new Released old -> remOther bus n old -- Adds a new unique name addUnique :: Bus -> UniqueName -> Renderer ApplicationInfo addUnique bus n = do let ai = ApplicationInfo NoColumn Set.empty Set.empty existing <- getsApps (Map.lookup n) bus case existing of Nothing -> return () Just _ -> warn $ concat [ "Unique name '" , unUniqueName n , "' apparently connected to the bus twice" ] modifyApps bus $ Map.insert n ai return ai -- Removes a unique name from the diagram. If we ever try to reuse columns -- we'll have to revisit the FormerColumn concept to include a range of time. remUnique :: Bus -> UniqueName -> Renderer () remUnique bus n = do ai <- lookupUniqueName bus n let mcolumn = aiCurrentColumn ai modifyApps bus $ Map.insert n (ai { aiColumn = FormerColumn mcolumn }) maybeM mcolumn $ \x -> modifyBusState bus $ \bs -> bs { columnsInUse = Set.delete x (columnsInUse bs) } addOther, remOther :: Bus -> OtherName -> UniqueName -> Renderer () -- Add a new well-known name to a unique name. addOther bus n u = do ai <- lookupUniqueName bus u let ai' = ai { aiCurrentNames = Set.insert n (aiCurrentNames ai) , aiEverNames = Set.insert n (aiEverNames ai) } modifyApps bus $ Map.insert u ai' -- Remove a well-known name from a unique name remOther bus n u = do ai <- lookupUniqueName bus u let ai' = ai { aiCurrentNames = Set.delete n (aiCurrentNames ai) } modifyApps bus $ Map.insert u ai' shape :: Shape -> Renderer () shape s = tellShapes [s] tellShapes :: [Shape] -> Renderer () tellShapes ss = tell $ RendererOutput ss [] [] region :: Stripe -> Detailed Message -> Renderer () region r m = tell $ RendererOutput [] [(r, m)] [] warn :: String -> Renderer () warn warning = tell $ RendererOutput [] [] [warning] modifyPending :: Bus -> (Pending -> Pending) -> Renderer () modifyPending bus f = modifyBusState bus $ \bs -> bs { pending = f (pending bs) } addPending :: Bus -> Detailed Message -> Renderer () addPending bus m = do x <- destinationCoordinate bus m y <- gets row modifyPending bus $ Map.insert m (x, y) findCallCoordinates :: Bus -> Maybe (Detailed Message) -> Renderer (Maybe (Detailed Message, (Double, Double))) findCallCoordinates bus = maybe (return Nothing) $ \m -> do ret <- getsBusState (Map.lookup m . pending) bus modifyPending bus $ Map.delete m return $ fmap ((,) m) ret -- The adjustments here leave space for a new app's headers to be drawn -- without overlapping the rule. getLeftMargin, getRightMargin :: Renderer Double getLeftMargin = maybe 0 (subtract 35) <$> edgemostApp SystemBus getRightMargin = maybe timestampAndMemberWidth (+ 35) <$> edgemostApp SessionBus advanceBy :: Double -> Renderer () advanceBy d = do lastLabelling <- gets mostRecentLabels current' <- gets row when (current' - lastLabelling > 400) $ do xs <- (++) <$> getsApps Map.toList SessionBus <*> getsApps Map.toList SystemBus let xs' = [ (x, bestNames u os) | (u, ApplicationInfo (CurrentColumn x) os _) <- xs ] let (height, ss) = headers xs' (current' + 20) tellShapes ss modify $ \bs -> bs { mostRecentLabels = (current' + height + 10) , row = row bs + height + 10 } current <- gets row modify (\bs -> bs { row = row bs + d }) next <- gets row leftMargin <- getLeftMargin rightMargin <- getRightMargin shape $ Rule leftMargin rightMargin (current + 15) let appColumns :: Applications -> [Double] appColumns = catMaybes . Map.foldr ((:) . aiCurrentColumn) [] xs <- (++) <$> getsApps appColumns SessionBus <*> getsApps appColumns SystemBus case xs of (x:xs') -> shape $ ClientLines (x :| xs') (current + 15) (next + 15) _ -> return () bestNames :: UniqueName -> Set OtherName -> [String] bestNames u os | Set.null os = [unUniqueName u] | otherwise = reverse . sortBy (comparing length) . map readable $ Set.toList os where readable = reverse . takeWhile (/= '.') . reverse . unOtherName edgemostApp :: Bus -> Renderer (Maybe Double) edgemostApp bus = do columns <- getsBusState columnsInUse bus return $ if Set.null columns then Nothing else Just $ findMinMax columns where findMinMax = case bus of SessionBus -> Set.findMax SystemBus -> Set.findMin senderCoordinate :: Bus -> Detailed Message -> Renderer Double senderCoordinate bus de = appCoordinate bus . sender $ deEvent de destinationCoordinate :: Bus -> Detailed Message -> Renderer Double destinationCoordinate bus de = appCoordinate bus . destination $ deEvent de signalDestinationCoordinate :: Bus -> Detailed Message -> Renderer (Maybe Double) signalDestinationCoordinate bus m = case signalDestination $ deEvent m of Nothing -> return Nothing Just n -> Just <$> appCoordinate bus n memberName :: Detailed Message -> Bool -> Renderer () memberName message isReturn = do current <- gets row let Member p i m = member $ deEvent message shape $ memberLabel p i m isReturn current getTimeOffset :: Microseconds -> Renderer Microseconds getTimeOffset µs = do base <- gets startTime if base == 0 then do modify (\s -> s { startTime = µs }) return 0 else return (µs - base) relativeTimestamp :: Detailed a -> Renderer () relativeTimestamp dm = do relative <- getTimeOffset (deTimestamp dm) current <- gets row shape $ timestampLabel (show (µsToMs relative) ++ "ms") current returnArc :: Bus -> Detailed Message -> Double -> Double -> Microseconds -> Renderer () returnArc bus mr callx cally duration = do destinationx <- destinationCoordinate bus mr currentx <- senderCoordinate bus mr currenty <- gets row shape $ Arc { topx = callx, topy = cally , bottomx = currentx, bottomy = currenty , arcside = if (destinationx > currentx) then L else R , caption = show (µsToMs duration) ++ "ms" } addMessageRegion :: Detailed Message -> Renderer () addMessageRegion m = do newRow <- gets row -- FIXME: wtf. "row" points to the ... middle ... of the current row. region (Stripe (newRow - eventHeight / 2) (newRow + eventHeight / 2)) m shouldShow :: Bus -> Message -> Renderer Bool shouldShow bus m = do ignored <- getsBusState bsIgnoredNames bus names <- mapM (fmap fst . lookupApp bus) (mentionedNames m) return $ Set.null (ignored `Set.intersection` Set.fromList names) processOne :: Bus -> Detailed Event -> Renderer () processOne bus de = case deEvent de of NOCEvent n -> processNOC bus n MessageEvent m -> processMessage bus (fmap (const m) de) processMessage :: Bus -> Detailed Message -> Renderer () processMessage bus dm@(Detailed _ m _ _) = do orly <- shouldShow bus m when orly $ case m of Signal {} -> do advance relativeTimestamp dm memberName dm False signal bus dm addMessageRegion dm MethodCall {} -> do advance relativeTimestamp dm memberName dm False methodCall bus dm addPending bus dm addMessageRegion dm MethodReturn {} -> returnOrError $ methodReturn bus Error {} -> returnOrError $ errorReturn bus where advance = advanceBy eventHeight -- FIXME: use some function of timestamp? returnOrError f = do call <- findCallCoordinates bus (inReplyTo m) case call of Nothing -> return () Just (dm', (x,y)) -> do advance relativeTimestamp dm memberName dm' True f dm let duration = deTimestamp dm - deTimestamp dm' returnArc bus dm x y duration addMessageRegion dm processNOC :: Bus -> NOC -> Renderer () processNOC bus noc = case noc of Connected { actor = u } -> addUnique bus u >> return () Disconnected { actor = u } -> remUnique bus u NameChanged { changedName = n , change = c } -> updateApps bus n c methodCall, methodReturn, errorReturn :: Bus -> Detailed Message -> Renderer () methodCall = methodLike Nothing Above methodReturn = methodLike Nothing Below errorReturn = methodLike (Just $ Colour 1 0 0) Below methodLike :: Maybe Colour -> Arrowhead -> Bus -> Detailed Message -> Renderer () methodLike colour a bus dm = do sc <- senderCoordinate bus dm dc <- destinationCoordinate bus dm t <- gets row shape $ Arrow colour a sc dc t signal :: Bus -> Detailed Message -> Renderer () signal bus dm = do t <- gets row emitter <- senderCoordinate bus dm mtarget <- signalDestinationCoordinate bus dm case mtarget of Just target -> do shape $ DirectedSignalArrow emitter target t Nothing -> do -- fromJust is safe here because we must have an app to have a -- signal. It doesn't make me very happy though. outside <- fromJust <$> edgemostApp bus inside <- getsBusState firstColumn bus let [x1, x2] = sort [outside, inside] shape $ SignalArrow (x1 - 20) emitter (x2 + 20) t -- vim: sw=2 sts=2