{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-} -- | Parse webforms out of webpages module Text.HTML.Form (Form(..), Input(..), OptionGroup(..), Option(..), FileSelector(..), defaultFileData, ImageData(..), defaultImageData, TextArea(..), defaultTextArea, parseElement, parseDocument, ensureButtons) where import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Txt import Text.XML.Cursor import Text.XML (Document, Name(..), Node(..)) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, listToMaybe, mapMaybe) import Data.List (singleton) import Text.Read (readMaybe) import Data.Function (on) import Network.URI (parseURIReference, URI, nullURI) import Text.Regex.TDFA (Regex, defaultCompOpt, defaultExecOpt) import Text.Regex.TDFA.Text (compile) -- | A collection of controls intended to be handle by a particular URL endpoint. data Form = Form { -- | The URL which should receive valid input from this form. action :: URI, -- | How to encode the data to be received by the URL. enctype :: Text, -- | Which HTTP method to use. method :: Text, -- | Whether to validate the form data before submitting it to the endpoint. validate :: Bool, -- | Where to display the response. target :: Text, -- | Which character sets to encode the data in. acceptCharset :: [Text], -- | Whether to offer autocompletions for all controls. autocomplete :: Bool, -- | The name of this form. formName :: Text, -- | The purpose of this form, typically using an external vocabulary. rel :: Text, -- | What data should be sent to the endpoint. inputs :: [Input] } -- | Individual piece of data to send to a webservice. data Input = Input { -- Core attributes -- | Human-legible yet brief description of this input. label :: Text, -- | Human-legible longer-form description of this input. description :: Node, -- | How this control should be presented to the user, supporting all the HTML5 input types. -- Support for more types may be added in the future, with any unsupported types -- fallingback to text entry. inputType :: Text, -- | In which query parameter should we store the text direction? dirname :: Text, -- | In which query parameter should we store this value? inputName :: Text, -- State -- | The user-provided value or caller-provided default to upload to the server. value :: Text, -- | Whether to autocomplete this input, if its enabled on the form. inputAutocomplete :: Text, -- | Whether this input has initial focus. autofocus :: Bool, -- | Whether (for certain types) to upload the data for this input. checked :: Bool, -- | Whether to temporarily-disallow users from editting this value. disabled :: Bool, -- | Whether to permanantly-disallow users from editting this value. readonly :: Bool, -- Input behaviour -- | Whether to allow entering multiple values. multiple :: Bool, -- | If this control is used to submit the form, where to upload it. formAction :: Maybe URI, -- | If this control is used to submit the form, which text encoding to use in the upload. formEnctype :: Maybe Text, -- | If this control is used to submit the form, which HTTP method to use. formMethod :: Maybe Text, -- | If this control is used to submit the form, whether to enforce validation. formValidate :: Bool, -- | If this control is used to submit the form, where to render the response. formTarget :: Maybe Text, -- | Suggests which keyboard to use for the input. inputMode :: Text, -- | Autocompletion values provided by caller. list :: [OptionGroup], -- Validation -- | The minimum & maximum values for the value of this input. range :: (Maybe Text, Maybe Text), -- | In which period from start do valid values occur? step :: Maybe Text, -- | The minimum & maximum lengths for the value of this input. lengthRange :: (Maybe Int, Maybe Int), -- | Optional regex to enforce on the value of this input. pattern :: Maybe Regex, -- | Whether this control must have a value for it to be considered valid. required :: Bool, -- Presentation -- | Sample value, often visual clarity of its role incurs inaccessibility. -- Make sure to communicate what's implied here elsewhere. placeholder :: Text, -- sort by tabindex? -- | Longform clarifications. title :: Text, -- | How wide the control should be. size :: Maybe Int, -- | Additional data for inputs of type "file". fileData :: FileSelector, -- | Additional data for inputs of type "image". imageData :: ImageData, -- | Additional data for inputs of type "textarea". textArea :: TextArea } -- | A labelled-group of options, that can be collectively disabled. data OptionGroup = OptGroup { -- | A brief human-legible description of the options on this group. optsLabel :: Text, -- | Whether these options can be selected. optsDisabled :: Bool, -- | The options in this group. subopts :: [Option] } -- | A possible value for an input. data Option = Option { -- | Human-legible text identifying this option. optLabel :: Text, -- | Machine-legible text identifying this option. optValue :: Text, -- | Whether the option is selected. optSelected :: Bool, -- | Whether the option can be selected. optDisabled :: Bool } -- | Data specific to "file" inputs. data FileSelector = FileSelector { -- | The MIMEtypes of the files which can be validly entered into this control. fileAccept :: [Text], -- | Whether options for capturing from a camera should be offered. fileCapture :: Text } -- | Empty values for file data. defaultFileData :: FileSelector defaultFileData = FileSelector [] "" -- | Data specific to "image" inputs. data ImageData = ImageData { -- | Text describing the image, in case the reader can't view it. imgAlt :: Maybe Text, -- | How much screenspace the image takes up. imgSize :: (Maybe Int, Maybe Int), -- | The link to the image. imgSrc :: Maybe URI } -- | Empty values for image data. defaultImageData :: ImageData defaultImageData = ImageData Nothing (Nothing, Nothing) Nothing -- | Data specific to textarea inputs. data TextArea = TextArea { -- | Whether to enable autocorrect. autocorrect :: Bool, -- | Number of rows to display. rows :: Maybe Int, -- | Whether to enable spellcheck. spellcheck :: Maybe Bool, -- | Whether to enable text-wrap. textwrap :: Maybe Bool } -- | Empty values for textarea data. defaultTextArea :: TextArea defaultTextArea = TextArea True Nothing Nothing Nothing -- | Helper for looking up attributes on a selected element, with fallback. attr :: Text -> Cursor -> Text -> Text attr n el def | [ret] <- n `laxAttribute` el = ret | otherwise = def -- | Helper for looking up attributes on a selected element, with fallback & callback. attr' :: Text -> Cursor -> (Text -> a) -> Text -> a attr' n el cb def = cb $ attr n el def -- | Variant of `attr'` which passes which unpacks the callback's argument to a string. attr'' :: Text -> Cursor -> (String -> a) -> Text -> a attr'' n el cb def = attr' n el (cb . Txt.unpack) def -- | Helper for checking whether an attribute is present. hasAttr :: Name -> Cursor -> Bool hasAttr n = not . null . hasAttribute n -- | Helper for looking up an attribute on a selected element if present. mAttr :: Text -> Cursor -> Maybe Text mAttr n = listToMaybe . laxAttribute n -- | Parse a form from the selected HTML element. parseElement :: Cursor -> Maybe Form parseElement el | _:_ <- laxElement "form" el = Just Form { action = attr'' "action" el (fromMaybe nullURI . parseURIReference) ".", enctype = attr "enctype" el "", method = attr "method" el "GET", validate = null $ hasAttribute "novalidate" el, target = attr "target" el "_self", acceptCharset = attr' "accept-charset" el Txt.words "utf-8", autocomplete = hasAttr "autocomplete" el, formName = attr "name" el "", rel = attr "rel" el "", inputs = mapMaybe parseInput $ queryInputs el } | otherwise = Nothing -- | Helper to retrieve the root node of a document. root :: Axis root = singleton . last . orSelf ancestor -- | Case-insensitive element selection. laxElements :: [Text] -> Axis laxElements ns = checkName (\x -> or [ on (==) Txt.toCaseFold n $ nameLocalName x | n <- ns]) -- | Retrieve all the inputs associated with a form element. queryInputs :: Cursor -> [Cursor] queryInputs form = (allInputs >=> inForm) form where allInputs = root >=> descendant >=> laxElements [ "input", "textarea", "button", "select"] inForm = check (\x -> laxAttribute "form" x == laxAttribute "id" form || nestedInForm x) nestedInForm x = listToMaybe ((ancestor >=> laxElement "form") x) == Just form -- | Parse an input from the selected element. parseInput :: Cursor -> Maybe Input parseInput el | _:_ <- laxElement "input" el = Just Input { label = fromMaybe -- Additional fallbacks are primarily for buttons (attr "name" el $ attr "value" el $ attr "alt" el $ attr "type" el "text") $ fmap text label', description = fromMaybe (mkEl $ attr "title" el "") $ fmap node $ elByID (attr "aria-describedby" el "") `orElse` label', inputType = attr "type" el "text", value = attr "value" el "", inputAutocomplete = attr "autocomplete" el "on", autofocus = hasAttr "autofocus" el, checked = hasAttr "checked" el, -- NOTE: No remaining harm in displaying hidden inputs, -- might be informative... disabled = hasAttr "disabled" el || attr "type" el "" == "hidden", readonly = hasAttr "readonly" el || attr "type" el "" == "hidden", multiple = hasAttr "multiple" el, dirname = attr "dirname" el "", inputName = attr "name" el "", formAction = if hasAttr "formaction" el then attr' "formaction" el (parseURIReference . Txt.unpack) "" else Nothing, formEnctype = mAttr "formenctype" el, formMethod = mAttr "formmethod" el, formValidate = not $ hasAttr "formnovalidate" el, formTarget = mAttr "formtarget" el, inputMode = attr "inputmode" el "text", list = fromMaybe [] $ fmap parseOptions (elByID =<< mAttr "list" el), range = (mAttr "min" el, mAttr "max" el), step = mAttr "step" el, lengthRange = (attr'' "minlength" el readMaybe "", attr'' "maxLength" el readMaybe ""), pattern = attr' "pattern" el (rightToMaybe . compile defaultCompOpt defaultExecOpt) ".*", required = hasAttr "required" el, placeholder = attr "placeholder" el "", title = attr "title" el "", size = attr'' "size" el readMaybe "", fileData = FileSelector { fileAccept = attr' "accept" el Txt.words "*", fileCapture = attr "capture" el "" }, imageData = ImageData { imgAlt = mAttr "alt" el, imgSize = (attr'' "width" el readMaybe "", attr'' "height" el readMaybe ""), imgSrc = attr'' "src" el (parseURIReference) "" }, textArea = defaultTextArea } | _:_ <- laxElement "textarea" el = Just Input { inputType = "