{-# OPTIONS_GHC -optc-D__IOCTL_ #-}
{-# LINE 1 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 2 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
{- |
Module      : System.Linux.Btrfs

Stability   : provisional
Portability : non-portable (requires Linux)

Most functions in this module come in two flavors: one that operates on
file descriptors and another one that operates on file paths. The former
can be distinguished by the @Fd@ suffix in their names.


{-# LINE 16 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
#define FILEPATH RawFilePath
module System.Linux.Btrfs.ByteString

{-# LINE 22 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
    -- * Basic types
      FileSize, ObjectType, ObjectId, InodeNum, SubvolId
    -- * File cloning
    , cloneFd, clone, cloneNew
    , cloneRangeFd, cloneRange
    , CloneResult(..)
    , cloneRangeIfSameFd, cloneRangeIfSame
    -- * Subvolumes and snapshots
    , createSubvol
    , destroySubvol
    , snapshotFd, snapshot
    , getSubvolReadOnlyFd, getSubvolReadOnly
    , setSubvolReadOnlyFd, setSubvolReadOnly
    , getSubvolFd, getSubvol
    , lookupSubvolFd, lookupSubvol
    , resolveSubvolFd, resolveSubvol
    , rootSubvol
    , listSubvolsFd, listSubvols
    , listSubvolPathsFd, listSubvolPaths
    , childSubvolsFd, childSubvols
    , childSubvolPathsFd, childSubvolPaths
    , SubvolInfo(..)
    , getSubvolInfoFd, getSubvolInfo
    , getSubvolByUuidFd, getSubvolByUuid
    , getSubvolByReceivedUuidFd, getSubvolByReceivedUuid
    -- * Defragging
    , defragFd, defrag
    -- * Sync
    , syncFd, sync
    , startSyncFd, startSync
    , waitSyncFd, waitSync
    -- * Inspect internal
    , resolveLogicalFd, resolveLogical
    , resolveInodeFd, resolveInode
    , lookupInodeFd, lookupInode
    -- * Miscellaneous
    , getFileNoCOWFd, getFileNoCOW
    , setFileNoCOWFd, setFileNoCOW
    -- * Tree search
    -- | Low-level API for tree search using the @BTRFS_IOC_TREE_SEARCH@
    -- @ioctl@.
    , SearchKey(..)
    , defaultSearchKey
    , SearchHeader(..)
    , treeSearchFd, treeSearch
    , treeSearchListFd, treeSearchList
    , findFirstItemFd, findFirstItem
    ) where

import System.Posix.Types
import System.Posix.IO hiding (openFd)
import System.Posix.Files
import System.Posix.Signals
import System.IO.Error
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.IORef
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import Data.Monoid
import System.Linux.Btrfs.FilePathLike

import Foreign
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.C.String (CStringLen)
import Foreign.C.Error

import Data.Word.Endian
import System.Linux.Btrfs.Time
import System.Linux.Btrfs.UUID

{-# LINE 94 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 95 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 96 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 98 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}

foreign import ccall safe
    ioctl :: Fd -> CULong -> Ptr a -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "ioctl"
    ioctl_fast :: Fd -> CULong -> Ptr a -> IO CInt

type FileSize = Word64

type ObjectType = Word8

type ObjectId = Word64

type InodeNum = ObjectId

type SubvolId = ObjectId


cloneFd :: Fd -> Fd -> IO ()
cloneFd srcFd dstFd =
    throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "cloneFd" $
        ioctl_fast dstFd (1074041865) srcFdP
{-# LINE 120 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
    srcFdP = intPtrToPtr (fromIntegral srcFd)

-- | Clone an entire file to an existing file.
-- Note: calls the @BTRFS_IOC_CLONE@ @ioctl@.
    :: FILEPATH -- ^ The source file.
    -> FILEPATH -- ^ The destination file.
    -> IO ()
clone srcPath dstPath =
    withFd srcPath ReadOnly $ \srcFd ->
    withFd dstPath WriteOnly $ \dstFd ->
        cloneFd srcFd dstFd

-- | Like 'clone' except that it will create or truncate the destination
-- file if necessary. This is similar to @cp --reflink=always@.
-- Note: calls the @BTRFS_IOC_CLONE@ @ioctl@.
cloneNew :: FILEPATH -> FILEPATH -> IO ()
cloneNew srcPath dstPath =
    withFd srcPath ReadOnly $ \srcFd -> do
        stat <- getFdStatus srcFd
        let mode = fileMode stat
        bracket (openFd dstPath WriteOnly (Just mode) defaultFileFlags {trunc = True}) closeFd $ \dstFd ->
            cloneFd srcFd dstFd

cloneRangeFd :: Fd -> FileSize -> FileSize -> Fd -> FileSize -> IO ()
cloneRangeFd srcFd srcOff srcLen dstFd dstOff =
    allocaBytesZero ((32)) $ \cra -> do
{-# LINE 150 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 0)) cra (fromIntegral srcFd :: Int64)
{-# LINE 151 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 8)) cra (srcOff :: Word64)
{-# LINE 152 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 16)) cra (srcLen :: Word64)
{-# LINE 153 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 24)) cra (dstOff :: Word64)
{-# LINE 154 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "cloneRangeFd" $
            ioctl_fast dstFd (1075876877) cra
{-# LINE 156 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}

-- | Clones a range of bytes from a file to another file. All ranges must
-- be block-aligned.
-- Note: calls the @BTRFS_IOC_CLONE_RANGE@ @ioctl@.
    :: FILEPATH -- ^ The source file.
    -> FileSize -- ^ The offset within the source file.
    -> FileSize -- ^ The length of the range. A length of 0 selects the range
                -- from the source offset to the end.
    -> FILEPATH -- ^ The destination file.
    -> FileSize -- ^ The offset within the destination file.
    -> IO ()
cloneRange srcPath srcOff srcLen dstPath dstOff =
    withFd srcPath ReadOnly $ \srcFd ->
    withFd dstPath WriteOnly $ \dstFd ->
        cloneRangeFd srcFd srcOff srcLen dstFd dstOff

{-# LINE 175 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
data SameExtentInfoIn = SameExtentInfoIn
    Fd       -- file descriptor (stored as Int64)
    FileSize -- offset

instance Storable SameExtentInfoIn where
    sizeOf _ = ((32))
{-# LINE 181 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
    alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CInt)
    poke ptr (SameExtentInfoIn dstFd dstOff) = do
        memset ptr 0 ((32))
{-# LINE 184 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        let dstFd' = fromIntegral dstFd :: Int64
        ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 0)) ptr dstFd'
{-# LINE 186 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 8)) ptr dstOff
{-# LINE 187 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
    peek _ = error "not implemented"

data SameExtentInfoOut = SameExtentInfoOut
    Int32    -- status
    FileSize -- bytes deduped

instance Storable SameExtentInfoOut where
    sizeOf _ = ((32))
{-# LINE 195 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
    alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CInt)
    poke _ _ = error "not implemented"
    peek ptr = do
        status <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 24)) ptr
{-# LINE 199 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        bytes  <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 16)) ptr
{-# LINE 200 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        return (SameExtentInfoOut status bytes)

{-# LINE 202 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}

-- | The result of a 'cloneRangeIfSame' operation.
data CloneResult
    = CRError IOError    -- ^ Cloning failed because of an error.
    | CRDataDiffers      -- ^ No cloning was performed because the contents
                         -- of the source and the destination file differ.
    | CRSuccess FileSize -- ^ Cloning succeeded, the returned integer
                         -- indicates the number of bytes that were
                         -- deduped.
    deriving (Show, Eq)

cloneRangeIfSameFd :: Fd -> FileSize -> FileSize -> [(Fd, FileSize)] -> IO [CloneResult]

{-# LINE 218 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
cloneRangeIfSameFd srcFd srcOff srcLen dsts = do
    unless (dstCount <= maxCount) $
        ioError $ flip ioeSetErrorString ("too many destination files (more than " ++
                                          show maxCount ++ ")")
                $ mkIOError illegalOperationErrorType "cloneRangeIfSameFd" Nothing Nothing
    allocaBytes saSize $ \sa -> do
        memset sa 0 ((24))
{-# LINE 225 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 0)) sa srcOff
{-# LINE 226 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 8)) sa srcLen
{-# LINE 227 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 16)) sa dstCount'
{-# LINE 228 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        let info = ((\hsc_ptr -> hsc_ptr `plusPtr` 24)) sa
{-# LINE 229 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        pokeArray info (map (uncurry SameExtentInfoIn) dsts)
        throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "cloneRangeIfSameFd" $
            ioctl srcFd (3222836278) sa
{-# LINE 232 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        res <- peekArray dstCount info
        return $ flip map res $ \(SameExtentInfoOut status bytes) ->
            if status == 0 then
                CRSuccess bytes
            else if status == (1) then
{-# LINE 237 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
            else if status <= 0 then
                CRError $ errnoToIOError "cloneRangeIfSameFd"
                                         (Errno $ fromIntegral $ -status)
                                         Nothing Nothing
                error $ "unknown status value (" ++ show status ++ ")"
    saSize = ((24)) +
{-# LINE 246 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
             dstCount * ((32))
{-# LINE 247 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
    dstCount = length dsts
    dstCount' = fromIntegral dstCount :: Word64
    maxCount = fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word16)

{-# LINE 251 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}

-- | Similar to 'cloneRange' except that it performs the cloning only if
-- the data ranges contain identical data.
-- Additionally, it accepts multiple destination files. The same thing can
-- be accomplished with 'cloneRange' in conjunction with file locking but
-- this function uses in-kernel locking to guarantee that the deduplicated
-- data is identical at the time of the operation. On the other hand, this
-- function will not clone arbitrarily large ranges; the kernel has an upper
-- limit for the length and if cloning bigger ranges is desired then it
-- has to be called multiple times. Note that cloning may succeed for some
-- of the destination files and fail for others. Because of that, this
-- function returns a list of outcomes, one for each destination file, and
-- no exceptions will be raised for the failed files.
-- Note: calls the @BTRFS_IOC_FILE_EXTENT_SAME@ @ioctl@.
-- /Requires Linux 3.12 or later./
    :: FILEPATH               -- ^ The source file.
    -> FileSize               -- ^ The offset within the source file.
    -> FileSize               -- ^ The length of the range.
    -> [(FILEPATH, FileSize)] -- ^ The destination files and corresponding offsets.
    -> IO [CloneResult]
cloneRangeIfSame srcPath srcOff srcLen dstsP0 =
    withFd srcPath ReadOnly $ \srcFd ->
        loop srcFd (reverse dstsP0) []
    loop srcFd ((dstPath, dstOff) : dstsP) dsts =
        withFd dstPath WriteOnly $ \fd ->
            loop srcFd dstsP ((fd, dstOff) : dsts)
    loop srcFd [] dsts =
        cloneRangeIfSameFd srcFd srcOff srcLen dsts


simpleSubvolOp :: String -> FILEPATH -> CULong -> IO ()
simpleSubvolOp loc path req =
    withSplitPathOpenParent loc (4087) path $ \(cName, l) dirFd ->
{-# LINE 289 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        allocaBytesZero ((4096)) $ \iva -> do
{-# LINE 290 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
            let ivaName = ((\hsc_ptr -> hsc_ptr `plusPtr` 8)) iva
{-# LINE 291 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
            copyBytes ivaName cName l
            throwErrnoIfMinus1_ loc $
                ioctl dirFd req iva

-- | Create an (initially) empty new subvolume.
-- Note: calls the @BTRFS_IOC_SUBVOL_CREATE@ @ioctl@.
createSubvol :: FILEPATH -> IO ()
createSubvol path =
    simpleSubvolOp "createSubvol" path (1342215182)
{-# LINE 301 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}

-- | Destroy (delete) a subvolume.
-- Note: calls the @BTRFS_IOC_SNAP_DESTROY@ @ioctl@.
destroySubvol :: FILEPATH -> IO ()
destroySubvol path =
    simpleSubvolOp "destroySubvol" path (1342215183)
{-# LINE 308 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}

snapshotFd :: Fd -> FILEPATH -> Bool -> IO ()
snapshotFd srcFd dstPath readOnly =
    withSplitPathOpenParent "snapshotFd" (4039) dstPath $ \(cName, l) dirFd ->
{-# LINE 312 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        allocaBytesZero ((4096)) $ \iva -> do
{-# LINE 313 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
            let ivaName = ((\hsc_ptr -> hsc_ptr `plusPtr` 56)) iva
{-# LINE 314 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
            copyBytes ivaName cName l
            ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 0)) iva (fromIntegral srcFd :: Int64)
{-# LINE 316 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
            when readOnly $
                setFlags (((\hsc_ptr -> hsc_ptr `plusPtr` 16)) iva)
{-# LINE 318 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
                    ((2) :: Word64)
{-# LINE 319 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
            throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "snapshotFd" $
                ioctl dirFd (1342215191) iva
{-# LINE 321 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}

-- | Create a snapshot of an existing subvolume.
-- Note: calls the @BTRFS_IOC_SNAP_CREATE_V2@ @ioctl@.
    :: FILEPATH -- ^ The source subvolume.
    -> FILEPATH -- ^ The destination subvolume (must not exist).
    -> Bool     -- ^ Make the subvolume read-only?
    -> IO ()
snapshot srcPath dstPath readOnly =
    withFd srcPath ReadOnly $ \srcFd ->
        snapshotFd srcFd dstPath readOnly

getSubvolReadOnlyFd :: Fd -> IO Bool
getSubvolReadOnlyFd fd =
    alloca $ \flagsPtr -> do
        throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "getSubvolReadOnlyFd" $
            ioctl fd (2148045849) flagsPtr
{-# LINE 339 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        flags <- peek flagsPtr :: IO Word64
        return (flags .&. (2) /= 0)
{-# LINE 341 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}

-- | Is the subvolume read-only?
-- Note: calls the @BTRFS_IOC_SUBVOL_GETFLAGS@ @ioctl@.
getSubvolReadOnly :: FILEPATH -> IO Bool
getSubvolReadOnly path = withFd path ReadOnly getSubvolReadOnlyFd

setSubvolReadOnlyFd :: Fd -> Bool -> IO ()
setSubvolReadOnlyFd fd readOnly =
    alloca $ \flagsPtr -> do
        throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setSubvolReadOnlyFd" $
            ioctl fd (2148045849) flagsPtr
{-# LINE 353 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        if readOnly then
            setFlags flagsPtr ((2) :: Word64)
{-# LINE 355 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
            clearFlags flagsPtr ((2) :: Word64)
{-# LINE 357 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setSubvolReadOnlyFd" $
            ioctl fd (1074304026) flagsPtr
{-# LINE 359 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}

-- | Make a subvolume read-only (or read-write).
-- Note: calls the @BTRFS_IOC_SUBVOL_GETFLAGS@ and
setSubvolReadOnly :: FILEPATH -> Bool -> IO ()
setSubvolReadOnly path readOnly =
    withFd path ReadOnly $ \fd -> setSubvolReadOnlyFd fd readOnly

getSubvolFd :: Fd -> IO SubvolId
getSubvolFd fd = do
    (subvolId, _) <- lookupInodeFd fd 0 (256)
{-# LINE 371 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
    return subvolId

-- | Find the id of the subvolume where the given file resides. This is
-- merely a wrapper around 'lookupInode' provided for convenience.
getSubvol :: FILEPATH -> IO SubvolId
getSubvol path = withFd path ReadOnly getSubvolFd

lookupSubvolFd :: Fd -> SubvolId -> IO (SubvolId, InodeNum, FILEPATH)
lookupSubvolFd fd subvolId = do
    let sk = defaultSearchKey
            { skTreeId      = (1)
{-# LINE 382 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
            , skMinObjectId = subvolId
            , skMaxObjectId = subvolId
            , skMinType     = (144)
{-# LINE 385 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
            , skMaxType     = (144)
{-# LINE 386 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
    findFirstItemFd fd sk $ \sh rr -> do
        (dirId, name) <- peekRootRef rr
        return (shOffset sh, dirId, name)

-- | Given the id of a subvolume, find the id of the parent subvolume, the
-- inode number of the directory containing it, and its name. This is
-- a wrapper around 'treeSearch'.
    :: FILEPATH -- ^ The mount point of the volume (or any file in that volume).
    -> SubvolId -- ^ The id of the subvolume.
    -> IO (SubvolId, InodeNum, FILEPATH)
lookupSubvol path subvolId =
    withFd path ReadOnly $ \fd ->
        lookupSubvolFd fd subvolId

resolveSubvolFd :: Fd -> SubvolId -> IO FILEPATH
resolveSubvolFd fd subvolId
    | subvolId == rootSubvol = return mempty
    | otherwise = do
        (parentId, dirId, name) <- lookupSubvolFd fd subvolId
        parentPath <- resolveSubvolFd fd parentId
        if dirId == (256) then
{-# LINE 409 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
            return (parentPath </> name)
        else do
            (_, dirName) <- lookupInodeFd fd parentId dirId
            return (parentPath </> dirName </> name)

-- | Given the id of a subvolume, find its path relative to the root of the
-- volume. This function calls 'lookupSubvol' recursively.
    :: FILEPATH -- ^ The mount point of the volume (or any file in that volume).
    -> SubvolId -- ^ The id of the subvolume.
resolveSubvol path subvolId =
    withFd path ReadOnly $ \fd ->
        resolveSubvolFd fd subvolId

-- | The id the root subvolume.
rootSubvol :: SubvolId
rootSubvol = (5)
{-# LINE 427 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}

listSubvolsFd :: Fd -> IO [(SubvolId, SubvolId, InodeNum, FILEPATH)]
listSubvolsFd fd = do
    let sk = defaultSearchKey
            { skTreeId      = (1)
{-# LINE 432 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
            , skMinObjectId = (256)
{-# LINE 433 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
            , skMaxObjectId = (18446744073709551360)
{-# LINE 434 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
            , skMinType     = (144)
{-# LINE 435 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
            , skMaxType     = (144)
{-# LINE 436 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
    treeSearchListFd fd sk unpack
    unpack sh rr
        | shType sh /= (144) =
{-# LINE 441 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
            return Nothing
        | otherwise = do
            (dirId, name) <- peekRootRef rr
            return $ Just (shObjectId sh, shOffset sh, dirId, name)

-- | Find all subvolumes of the given volume. For each subvolume found, it
-- returns: its id, the id of its parent subvolume, the inode number of the
-- directory containing it, and its name. This is a wrapper around
-- 'treeSearch'.
listSubvols :: FILEPATH -> IO [(SubvolId, SubvolId, InodeNum, FILEPATH)]
listSubvols path =
    withFd path ReadOnly listSubvolsFd

listSubvolPathsFd :: Fd -> IO [(SubvolId, SubvolId, FILEPATH)]
listSubvolPathsFd fd = do
    subvols <- listSubvolsFd fd
    forM subvols $ \(subvolId, parentId, _, _) -> do
        path <- resolveSubvolFd fd subvolId
        return (subvolId, parentId, path)

-- | Find all subvolumes of the given volume. For each subvolume found, it
-- returns: its id, the id of its parent subvolume, and its path relative
-- to the root of the volume. This is a wrapper around 'treeSearch' and
-- 'resolveSubvol'.
listSubvolPaths :: FILEPATH -> IO [(SubvolId, SubvolId, FILEPATH)]
listSubvolPaths path =
    withFd path ReadOnly listSubvolPathsFd

childSubvolsFd :: Fd -> SubvolId -> IO [(SubvolId, InodeNum, FILEPATH)]
childSubvolsFd fd subvolId = do
    let sk = defaultSearchKey
            { skTreeId      = (1)
{-# LINE 473 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
            , skMinObjectId = subvolId
            , skMaxObjectId = subvolId
            , skMinType     = (156)
{-# LINE 476 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
            , skMaxType     = (156)
{-# LINE 477 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
    treeSearchListFd fd sk unpack
    unpack sh rr
        | shType sh /= (156) =
{-# LINE 482 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
            return Nothing
        | otherwise = do
            (dirId, name) <- peekRootRef rr
            return $ Just (shOffset sh, dirId, name)

-- | Find all child subvolumes of the given subvolume. For each child,
-- returns its id, the inode number of the directory containing it, and its
-- name. This is a wrapper around 'treeSearch'.
    :: FILEPATH -- ^ The mount point of the volume (or any file in that volume).
    -> SubvolId -- ^ The id of the subvolume.
    -> IO [(SubvolId, InodeNum, FILEPATH)]
childSubvols path subvolId =
    withFd path ReadOnly $ \fd ->
        childSubvolsFd fd subvolId

childSubvolPathsFd :: Fd -> SubvolId -> IO [(SubvolId, FILEPATH)]
childSubvolPathsFd fd subvolId = do
    childs <- childSubvolsFd fd subvolId
    forM childs $ \(childId, dirId, name) ->
        if dirId == (256) then
{-# LINE 503 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
            return (childId, name)
        else do
            (_, dirName) <- lookupInodeFd fd subvolId dirId
            return (childId, dirName </> name)

-- | Find all child subvolumes of the given subvolume. For each child,
-- returns its id and its path relative to the root of the parent.
-- This is a wrapper around 'treeSearch' and 'lookupInode'.
    :: FILEPATH -- ^ The mount point of the volume (or any file in that volume).
    -> SubvolId -- ^ The id of the subvolume.
    -> IO [(SubvolId, FILEPATH)]
childSubvolPaths path subvolId =
    withFd path ReadOnly $ \fd ->
        childSubvolPathsFd fd subvolId

-- | Information about a subvolume.
data SubvolInfo = SubvolInfo
    { siGeneration :: Word64
        -- ^ The generation when the subvolume was last modified.
    , siLastSnapshot :: Maybe Word64
        -- ^ The generation when the most recent snapshot of this subvolume was taken.
    , siParSnapGen :: Maybe Word64
        -- ^ The generation of the snapshot parent at the time when the snapshot
        -- was taken. Defined if only if this is a snapshot.
    , siReadOnly :: Bool
        -- ^ Is this a read-only subvolume?
    , siUuid :: Maybe UUID
        -- ^ The UUID of the subvolume.
    , siPUuid :: Maybe UUID
        -- ^ The UUID of the snapshot parent.
    , siReceivedUuid :: Maybe UUID
        -- ^ The UUID of the source subvolume that this subvolume was
        -- received from. This is always defined for received subvolumes.
    , siCTransId :: Maybe Word64
        -- ^ The generation when an inode was last modified.
    , siOTransId :: Maybe Word64
        -- ^ The generation when the subvolume was created.
    , siSTransId :: Maybe Word64
        -- ^ The generation of the source subvolume that this subvolume was
        -- received from. This is always defined for received subvolumes.
    , siRTransId :: Maybe Word64
        -- ^ The generation when the subvolume was received. This is always
        -- defined for received subvolumes.
    , siCTime :: Maybe UTCTime
        -- ^ The time when an inode was last modified.
    , siOTime :: Maybe UTCTime
        -- ^ The time when the subvolume was created.
    , siSTime :: Maybe UTCTime
        -- ^ The timestamp that corresponds to 'siSTransId'.
    , siRTime :: Maybe UTCTime
        -- ^ The time when the subvolume was received. This is always
        -- defined for received subvolumes.
  deriving (Show, Eq)

getSubvolInfoFd :: Fd -> SubvolId -> IO SubvolInfo
getSubvolInfoFd fd subvolId
    | subvolId /= rootSubvol &&
        (subvolId < (256) || subvolId > (18446744073709551360)) =
{-# LINE 563 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
          ioError $ mkIOError doesNotExistErrorType
                              Nothing Nothing
    | otherwise = do
        let sk = defaultSearchKey
                { skTreeId      = (1)
{-# LINE 569 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
                , skMinObjectId = subvolId
                , skMaxObjectId = subvolId
                , skMinType     = (132)
{-# LINE 572 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
                , skMaxType     = (132)
{-# LINE 573 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        findFirstItemFd fd sk unpack
    unpack sh ri = do
        LE64 generation <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 160)) ri
{-# LINE 578 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        LE64 lastSnapshot <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 200)) ri
{-# LINE 579 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        LE64 flags <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 208)) ri
{-# LINE 580 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        LE64 generationV2 <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 239)) ri
{-# LINE 581 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        let nv2 = generationV2 < generation -- not version 2
        uuid <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 247)) ri :: IO UUID
{-# LINE 583 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        pUuid <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 263)) ri :: IO UUID
{-# LINE 584 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        receivedUuid <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 279)) ri :: IO UUID
{-# LINE 585 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        LE64 cTransId <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 295)) ri
{-# LINE 586 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        LE64 oTransId <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 303)) ri
{-# LINE 587 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        LE64 sTransId <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 311)) ri
{-# LINE 588 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        LE64 rTransId <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 319)) ri
{-# LINE 589 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        BtrfsTime cTime <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 327)) ri
{-# LINE 590 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        BtrfsTime oTime <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 339)) ri
{-# LINE 591 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        BtrfsTime sTime <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 351)) ri
{-# LINE 592 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        BtrfsTime rTime <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 363)) ri
{-# LINE 593 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        return $ SubvolInfo
            { siGeneration = generation
            , siLastSnapshot = nothingIf (lastSnapshot == 0) $ lastSnapshot
            , siParSnapGen = nothingIf (shOffset sh == 0) $ shOffset sh
            , siReadOnly = flags .&. (2) /= 0
{-# LINE 598 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
            , siUuid = nothingIf nv2 uuid
            , siPUuid = nothingIf (nv2 || shOffset sh == 0) pUuid
            , siReceivedUuid = nothingIf (nv2 || sTransId == 0) receivedUuid
            , siCTransId = nothingIf nv2 cTransId
            , siOTransId = nothingIf (nv2 || oTransId == 0) oTransId
            , siSTransId = nothingIf (nv2 || sTransId == 0) sTransId
            , siRTransId = nothingIf (nv2 || rTransId == 0) rTransId
            , siCTime = nothingIf nv2 cTime
            , siOTime = nothingIf (nv2 || oTransId == 0) oTime
            , siSTime = nothingIf (nv2 || sTransId == 0) sTime
            , siRTime = nothingIf (nv2 || rTransId == 0) rTime

-- | Retrieve information about a subvolume.
    :: FILEPATH -- ^ The mount point of the volume (or any file in that volume).
    -> SubvolId -- ^ The id of the subvolume.
    -> IO SubvolInfo
getSubvolInfo path subvolId =
    withFd path ReadOnly $ \fd ->
        getSubvolInfoFd fd subvolId

searchByUuidFd :: ObjectType -> Fd -> UUID -> IO SubvolId
searchByUuidFd typ fd (UUID hBE lBE) = do
    let sk = defaultSearchKey
            { skTreeId      = (9)
{-# LINE 624 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
            , skMinObjectId = hLE
            , skMaxObjectId = hLE
            , skMinType     = typ
            , skMaxType     = typ
            , skMinOffset   = lLE
            , skMaxOffset   = lLE
    findFirstItemFd fd sk $ \_ ptr ->
        liftM fromLE64 $ peek ptr
    -- UUID is stored as two big-endian integers
    -- but in the UUID tree, little-endian integers are used
    lLE = invert64 lBE
    hLE = invert64 hBE

getSubvolByUuidFd :: Fd -> UUID -> IO SubvolId
getSubvolByUuidFd =
    searchByUuidFd (251)
{-# LINE 642 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}

-- | Find the id of a subvolume, given its UUID.
-- /Requires Linux 3.12 or later./
    :: FILEPATH -- ^ The mount point of the volume (or any file in that volume).
    -> UUID     -- ^ The UUID of the subvolume.
    -> IO SubvolId
getSubvolByUuid path uuid =
    withFd path ReadOnly $ \fd ->
        getSubvolByUuidFd fd uuid

getSubvolByReceivedUuidFd :: Fd -> UUID -> IO SubvolId
getSubvolByReceivedUuidFd =
    searchByUuidFd (252)
{-# LINE 657 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}

-- | Find the id of a subvolume, given its 'siReceivedUuid'.
-- /Requires Linux 3.12 or later./
    :: FILEPATH -- ^ The mount point of the volume (or any file in that volume).
    -> UUID     -- ^ The 'siReceivedUuid' of the subvolume.
    -> IO SubvolId
getSubvolByReceivedUuid path uuid =
    withFd path ReadOnly $ \fd ->
        getSubvolByReceivedUuidFd fd uuid


defragFd :: Fd -> IO ()
defragFd fd =
    throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "defragFd" $
        withBlockSIGVTALRM $ -- this is probably a bad idea
            ioctl fd (1342215170) nullPtr
{-# LINE 676 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}

-- | Defrag a single file.
-- Note: calls the @BTRFS_IOC_DEFRAG@ @ioctl@.
defrag :: FILEPATH -> IO ()
defrag path = withFd path ReadWrite defragFd


syncFd :: Fd -> IO ()
syncFd fd =
    throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "syncFd" $
        ioctl fd (37896) nullPtr
{-# LINE 689 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}

-- | Sync the file system identified by the supplied path.
-- The 'FilePath' can refer to any file in the file system.
-- Note: calls the @BTRFS_IOC_SYNC@ @ioctl@.
sync :: FILEPATH -> IO ()
sync path = withFd path ReadOnly syncFd

startSyncFd :: Fd -> IO ()
startSyncFd fd =
    throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "startSyncFd" $
        ioctl_fast fd (2148045848) nullPtr
{-# LINE 701 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}

-- | Initiate a sync for the file system identified by the supplied path.
-- Note: calls the @BTRFS_IOC_START_SYNC@ @ioctl@.
startSync :: FILEPATH -> IO ()
startSync path = withFd path ReadOnly startSyncFd

waitSyncFd :: Fd -> IO ()
waitSyncFd fd =
    throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "waitSyncFd" $
        ioctl fd (1074304022) nullPtr
{-# LINE 712 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}

-- | Wait until the sync operation completes.
-- Note: calls the @BTRFS_IOC_WAIT_SYNC@ @ioctl@.
waitSync :: FILEPATH -> IO ()
waitSync path = withFd path ReadOnly waitSyncFd


resolveLogicalFd :: Fd -> FileSize -> IO ([(InodeNum, FileSize, SubvolId)], Int)
resolveLogicalFd rootFd logical =
    allocaBytes inodesSize $ \inodes ->
    allocaBytesZero ((56)) $ \lia -> do
{-# LINE 725 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 0)) lia logical
{-# LINE 726 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 8)) lia (fromIntegral inodesSize :: Word64)
{-# LINE 727 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 48)) lia inodes
{-# LINE 728 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "resolveLogical" $ ioctl rootFd (3224933412) lia
{-# LINE 729 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        elemMissed <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 12)) inodes :: IO Word32
{-# LINE 730 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        count      <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 8)) inodes :: IO Word32
{-# LINE 731 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        let val = ((\hsc_ptr -> hsc_ptr `plusPtr` 16)) inodes :: Ptr Word64
{-# LINE 732 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        vals <- peekArray (fromIntegral count) val
        return (extractTriplets vals, fromIntegral elemMissed)
    inodesSize = 64 * 1024 + ((16))
{-# LINE 736 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
    extractTriplets (x1 : x2 : x3 : xs) = (x1, x2, x3) : extractTriplets xs
    extractTriplets [] = []
    extractTriplets _ = error "extractTriplets: The length of the list must be a multiple of 3"

-- | Given a physical offset, look for any inodes that this byte belongs
-- to. For each inode, it returns the inode number, the logical offset
-- (i.e. the offset within the inode), and the subvolume id. If a large
-- number of inodes is found, then not all of them will be returned by this
-- function. This is due to a current limitation in the kernel. The integer
-- returned along with list of inodes indicates the number of inodes found
-- but not included in the list.
-- Note: calls the @BTRFS_IOC_LOGICAL_INO@ @ioctl@.
    :: FILEPATH -- ^ The mount point of the volume (or any file in that volume).
    -> FileSize -- ^ The physical byte offset in the underlying block device.
    -> IO ([(InodeNum, FileSize, SubvolId)], Int)
resolveLogical rootPath logical =
    withFd rootPath ReadOnly $ \fd ->
        resolveLogicalFd fd logical

resolveInodeFd :: Fd -> InodeNum -> IO ([FILEPATH], Int)
resolveInodeFd subvolFd inum =
    allocaBytes fspathSize $ \fspath ->
    allocaBytesZero ((56)) $ \ipa -> do
{-# LINE 761 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 0)) ipa inum
{-# LINE 762 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 8)) ipa (fromIntegral fspathSize :: Word64)
{-# LINE 763 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 48)) ipa fspath
{-# LINE 764 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "resolveInode" $ ioctl subvolFd (3224933411) ipa
{-# LINE 765 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        elemMissed <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 12)) fspath :: IO Word32
{-# LINE 766 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        count      <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 8)) fspath :: IO Word32
{-# LINE 767 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        let val = ((\hsc_ptr -> hsc_ptr `plusPtr` 16)) fspath :: Ptr Word64
{-# LINE 768 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        vals <- peekArray (fromIntegral count) val
        paths <- mapM (peekCString . plusPtr val . fromIntegral) vals
        return (paths, fromIntegral elemMissed)
    fspathSize = 2 * 1024 + ((16))
{-# LINE 773 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}

-- | Find the file path(s) given an inode number. Returns a list of file paths
-- and an integer indicating the number of path found but not included in
-- the resulting list. This is because of a limitation in the kernel (it
-- will not return an arbitrarily large list). The paths returned are
-- relative to the root of the subvolume.
-- Note: calls the @BTRFS_IOC_INO_PATHS@ @ioctl@.
    :: FILEPATH -- ^ The path to the subvolume (or any file in that subvolume).
    -> InodeNum -- ^ The inode number.
    -> IO ([FILEPATH], Int)
resolveInode subvolPath inum =
    withFd subvolPath ReadOnly $ \subvolFd ->
        resolveInodeFd subvolFd inum

lookupInodeFd :: Fd -> SubvolId -> InodeNum -> IO (SubvolId, FILEPATH)
lookupInodeFd fd treeId inum =
    allocaBytesZero ((4096)) $ \ila -> do
{-# LINE 792 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 0)) ila treeId
{-# LINE 793 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 8)) ila inum
{-# LINE 794 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "lookupInodeFd" $
            ioctl_fast fd (3489698834) ila
{-# LINE 796 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        treeId' <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 0)) ila :: IO Word64
{-# LINE 797 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        let cName = ((\hsc_ptr -> hsc_ptr `plusPtr` 16)) ila
{-# LINE 798 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        name <- peekCString cName
        return (treeId', dropTrailingSlash name)

-- | Find the path of a file given its inode number and the id of the
-- subvolume. If multiple files share the same inode number, only one of
-- them is returned. The id of the subvolume is also returned. This is
-- useful when 0 is given for the 'SubvolId' argument (also see
-- 'getSubvol' for this case).
-- Note: calls the @BTRFS_IOC_INO_LOOKUP@ @ioctl@.
    :: FILEPATH -- ^ The path to any file in the volume. The subvolume where
                -- this file resides is ignored unless no 'SubvolId' is
                -- provided (see below).
    -> SubvolId -- ^ The id of the subvolume. Can be 0. In that case, the
                -- subvolume of the 'FilePath' is used (see above).
    -> InodeNum -- ^ The inode number.
    -> IO (SubvolId, FILEPATH)
lookupInode path treeId inum =
    withFd path ReadOnly $ \fd -> lookupInodeFd fd treeId inum


getFileNoCOWFd :: Fd -> IO Bool
getFileNoCOWFd fd =
    alloca $ \flagsPtr -> do
        throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "getFileNoCOWFd" $
            ioctl fd (2148034049) flagsPtr
{-# LINE 826 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        flags <- peek flagsPtr :: IO CUInt
        return (flags .&. (8388608) /= 0)
{-# LINE 828 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}

-- | Determine whether the NOCOW flag is enabled for the specified file.
-- Note: calls the @FS_IOC_GETFLAGS@ @ioctl@.
getFileNoCOW :: FILEPATH -> IO Bool
getFileNoCOW path =
    withFd path ReadOnly getFileNoCOWFd

setFileNoCOWFd :: Fd -> Bool -> IO ()
setFileNoCOWFd fd noCOW = do
    alloca $ \flagsPtr -> do
        throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setFileNoCOWFd" $
            ioctl fd (2148034049) flagsPtr
{-# LINE 841 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        if noCOW then
            setFlags flagsPtr ((8388608) :: CUInt)
{-# LINE 843 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
            clearFlags flagsPtr ((8388608) :: CUInt)
{-# LINE 845 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setFileNoCOWFd" $
            ioctl fd (1074292226) flagsPtr
{-# LINE 847 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}

-- | Set or clear the NOCOW flag for the specified file. If the file is not
-- empty, this has no effect and no error will be reported.
-- Note: calls the @FS_IOC_GETFLAGS@ and @FS_IOC_GETFLAGS@ @ioctl@s.
setFileNoCOW :: FILEPATH -> Bool -> IO ()
setFileNoCOW path noCOW = do
    withFd path ReadOnly $ \fd ->
        setFileNoCOWFd fd noCOW


data SearchKey = SearchKey
    { skTreeId      :: ObjectId
    , skMinObjectId :: ObjectId
    , skMinType     :: ObjectType
    , skMinOffset   :: Word64
    , skMaxObjectId :: ObjectId
    , skMaxType     :: ObjectType
    , skMaxOffset   :: Word64
    , skMinTransId  :: Word64
    , skMaxTransId  :: Word64
  deriving (Show, Eq)

defaultSearchKey :: SearchKey
defaultSearchKey = SearchKey
    { skTreeId      = 0
    , skMinObjectId = minBound
    , skMinType     = minBound
    , skMinOffset   = minBound
    , skMaxObjectId = maxBound
    , skMaxType     = maxBound
    , skMaxOffset   = maxBound
    , skMinTransId  = minBound
    , skMaxTransId  = maxBound

data SearchHeader = SearchHeader
    { shTransId  :: Word64
    , shObjectId :: ObjectId
    , shOffset   :: Word64
    , shType     :: ObjectType
    , shLen      :: Word32
  deriving (Show, Eq)

treeSearchFd :: Fd -> SearchKey -> Int -> (SearchHeader -> Ptr i -> IO ()) -> IO ()
treeSearchFd fd sk maxItemCount0 callback =
    allocaBytesZero ((4096)) $ \saPtr -> do
{-# LINE 897 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        let skPtr = ((\hsc_ptr -> hsc_ptr `plusPtr` 0)) saPtr
{-# LINE 898 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
        pokeSearchKey skPtr sk
        loopSingleSearch saPtr skPtr maxItemCount0
    loopSingleSearch saPtr skPtr maxItemCount
        | maxItemCount <= 0 = return ()
        | otherwise = do
            let nrItems = fromIntegral (min 4096 maxItemCount) :: Word32
            ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 64)) skPtr nrItems
{-# LINE 906 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
            throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "treeSearchFd" $
                ioctl fd (3489698833) saPtr
{-# LINE 908 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
            itemsFound <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 64)) skPtr :: IO Word32
{-# LINE 909 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
            when (itemsFound > 0) $ do
                let shPtr = ((\hsc_ptr -> hsc_ptr `plusPtr` 104)) saPtr
{-# LINE 911 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
                lastSh <- loopItems shPtr itemsFound
                case nextKey (shObjectId lastSh, shType lastSh, shOffset lastSh) of
                    Nothing -> return ()
                    Just (objectId, iType, offset) -> do
                        ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 8)) skPtr objectId
{-# LINE 916 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
                        ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 56)) skPtr (fromIntegral iType :: Word32)
{-# LINE 917 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
                        ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 24)) skPtr offset
{-# LINE 918 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
                        loopSingleSearch saPtr skPtr (maxItemCount - fromIntegral itemsFound)
    -- itemsFound must be at least 1
    loopItems shPtr itemsFound = do
        (sh, itemPtr) <- peekSearchItem shPtr
        callback sh itemPtr
        if itemsFound <= 1 then
            return sh
        else do
            let shPtr' = itemPtr `plusPtr` fromIntegral (shLen sh)
            loopItems shPtr' (itemsFound - 1)
    -- items are index by keys which are (objectId, iType, offset)
    -- they are returned in lexicographical order wrt the keys
    nextKey (objectId, iType, offset)
        | offset   < maxBound         = Just (objectId, iType, offset + 1)
        | iType    < skMaxType sk     = Just (objectId, iType + 1, skMinOffset sk)
        | objectId < skMaxObjectId sk = Just (objectId + 1, skMinType sk, skMinOffset sk)
        | otherwise                   = Nothing

treeSearch :: FILEPATH -> SearchKey -> Int -> (SearchHeader -> Ptr i -> IO ()) -> IO ()
treeSearch path sk maxItemCount callback =
    withFd path ReadOnly $ \fd ->
        treeSearchFd fd sk maxItemCount callback

treeSearchListFd :: Fd -> SearchKey -> (SearchHeader -> Ptr i -> IO (Maybe a)) -> IO [a]
treeSearchListFd fd sk unpack = do
    res <- newIORef []
    treeSearchFd fd sk maxBound $ \sh itemPtr -> do
        r <- unpack sh itemPtr
        case r of
            Nothing -> return ()
            Just x -> modifyIORef' res (x :)
    liftM reverse $ readIORef res

treeSearchList :: FILEPATH -> SearchKey -> (SearchHeader -> Ptr i -> IO (Maybe a)) -> IO [a]
treeSearchList path sk unpack =
    withFd path ReadOnly $ \fd ->
        treeSearchListFd fd sk unpack

findFirstItemFd :: Fd -> SearchKey -> (SearchHeader -> Ptr i -> IO a) -> IO a
findFirstItemFd fd sk unpack = do
    res <- newIORef Nothing
    treeSearchFd fd sk 1 $ \sh ptr -> do
        r <- unpack sh ptr
        modifyIORef' res (`mplus` Just r)
    resV <- readIORef res
    case resV of
        Just x -> return x
        Nothing ->
            ioError $ mkIOError doesNotExistErrorType
                                Nothing Nothing

findFirstItem :: FILEPATH -> SearchKey -> (SearchHeader -> Ptr i -> IO a) -> IO a
findFirstItem path sk unpack =
    withFd path ReadOnly $ \fd ->
        findFirstItemFd fd sk unpack

-- does not initialize nr_items
pokeSearchKey :: Ptr a -> SearchKey -> IO ()
pokeSearchKey ptr sk = do
    ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 0)) ptr (skTreeId      sk)
{-# LINE 979 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
    ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 8)) ptr (skMinObjectId sk)
{-# LINE 980 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
    ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 56)) ptr (fromIntegral (skMinType sk) :: Word32)
{-# LINE 981 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
    ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 24)) ptr (skMinOffset   sk)
{-# LINE 982 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
    ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 16)) ptr (skMaxObjectId sk)
{-# LINE 983 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
    ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 60)) ptr (fromIntegral (skMaxType sk) :: Word32)
{-# LINE 984 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
    ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 32)) ptr (skMaxOffset   sk)
{-# LINE 985 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
    ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 40)) ptr (skMinTransId  sk)
{-# LINE 986 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
    ((\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 48)) ptr (skMaxTransId  sk)
{-# LINE 987 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}

peekSearchItem :: Ptr a -> IO (SearchHeader, Ptr i)
peekSearchItem shPtr = do
    transId  <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 0)) shPtr :: IO Word64
{-# LINE 991 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
    objectId <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 8)) shPtr :: IO Word64
{-# LINE 992 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
    offset   <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 16)) shPtr :: IO Word64
{-# LINE 993 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
    iType    <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 24)) shPtr :: IO Word32
{-# LINE 994 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
    len      <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 28)) shPtr :: IO Word32
{-# LINE 995 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
    let itemPtr = shPtr `plusPtr` ((32))
{-# LINE 996 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
    return (SearchHeader transId objectId offset (fromIntegral iType) len, itemPtr)

peekRootRef :: Ptr a -> IO (InodeNum, FILEPATH)
peekRootRef rrPtr = do
    LE64 dirId   <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 0)) rrPtr
{-# LINE 1001 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
    LE16 nameLen <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 16)) rrPtr
{-# LINE 1002 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
    let cName = rrPtr `plusPtr` ((18))
{-# LINE 1003 "System/Linux/Btrfs/ByteString.hsc" #-}
    name <- peekCStringLen (cName, fromIntegral nameLen)
    return (dirId, name)


withFd :: FILEPATH -> OpenMode -> (Fd -> IO r) -> IO r
withFd path openMode action =
    bracket (openFd path openMode Nothing defaultFileFlags {nonBlock = True})
            closeFd action

withSplitPathOpenParent :: String -> Int -> FILEPATH -> (CStringLen -> Fd -> IO r) -> IO r
withSplitPathOpenParent loc maxLen path action =
    unsafeWithCStringLen name $ \cName @ (_, l) -> do
        unless (l <= maxLen) $
            ioError $ flip ioeSetErrorString "the subvolume name is too long"
                    $ mkIOError illegalOperationErrorType loc Nothing (Just (asString name))
        withFd dir ReadOnly $ action cName
    (dir, name) = splitFileName (dropTrailingSlash path)

withBlockSIGVTALRM :: IO a -> IO a
withBlockSIGVTALRM =
    bracket_ (blockSignals s) (unblockSignals s)
    s = addSignal sigVTALRM emptySignalSet

nothingIf :: Bool -> a -> Maybe a
nothingIf f v = if f then Nothing else Just v
{-# INLINE nothingIf #-}

modifyPtr :: Storable a => Ptr a -> (a -> a) -> IO ()
modifyPtr ptr f = do
    peek ptr >>= (poke ptr . f)

setFlags :: (Storable a, Bits a) => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
setFlags ptr flags =
    modifyPtr ptr (.|. flags)

clearFlags :: (Storable a, Bits a) => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
clearFlags ptr flags =
    modifyPtr ptr (.&. complement flags)

allocaBytesZero :: Int -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
allocaBytesZero size action =
    allocaBytes size $ \ptr -> do
        memset ptr 0 size
        action ptr

memset :: Ptr a -> Word8 -> Int -> IO ()
memset p b l = do
    _ <- c_memset p (fromIntegral b) (fromIntegral l)
    return ()
{-# INLINE memset #-}

foreign import ccall unsafe "string.h memset"
    c_memset :: Ptr a -> CInt -> CSize -> IO (Ptr a)