############################################################################### ############################################################################### ############################################################################### #group regression ############################################################################### ############################################################################### ############################################################################### #test newlines-comment func = do abc <- foo --abc return () #test parenthesis-around-unit func = (()) #test let-defs indentation func = do let foo True = True foo _ = False return () #test record update indentation 1 func = do s <- mGet mSet $ s { _lstate_indent = _lstate_indent state } #test record update indentation 2 func = do s <- mGet mSet $ s { _lstate_indent = _lstate_indent state , _lstate_foo = _lstate_foo state } #test record update indentation 3 func = do s <- mGet mSet $ s { _lstate_indent = _lstate_indent lkasdlkjalsdjlakjsdlkjasldkjalskdjlkajsd , _lstate_foo = _lstate_foo lkasdlkjalsdjlakjsdlkjasldkjalskdjlkajsd } #test record construction 1 func = Foo { _lstate_indent = _lstate_indent state } #test record construction 2 func = Foo { _lstate_indent = _lstate_indent lkasdlkjalsdjlakjsdlkjasldkjalskdjlkajsd , _lstate_fooo = _lstate_foo lkasdlkjalsdjlakjsdlkjasldkjalskdjlkajsd } #test record construction 3 func = do Foo { _lstate_indent = _lstate_indent lkasdlkjalsdjlakjsdlkjasldkjalskdjlkajsd , _lstate_foo = _lstate_foo lkasdlkjalsdjlakjsdlkjasldkjalskdjlkajsd } #test post-indent comment func = do -- abc -- def return () #test post-unindent comment func = do do return () -- abc -- def return () #test CPP empty comment case #pending CPP parsing needs fixing for roundTripEqual {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Test where func = do #if FOO let x = 13 #endif stmt x ## really, the following should be handled by forcing the Alt to multiline ## because there are comments. as long as this is not implemented though, ## we should ensure the trivial solution works. #test comment inline placement (temporary) func :: Int -- basic indentation amount -> Int -- currently used width in current line (after indent) -- used to accurately calc placing of the current-line -> LayoutDesc -> Int #test some indentation thingy func = ( lkjadljasldjalskdjaldjalsdjkalsdjlaksdjlasjdlajsaldskj $ abc $ def $ ghi $ jkl ) #test parenthesized operator buildG bounds0 edges0 = accumArray (flip (:)) [] bounds0 (map reassoc edges0) where reassoc (v, e, w) = (v, (e, w)) #test record pattern matching stuff downloadRepoPackage = case repo of RepoLocal {..} -> return () RepoLocal { abc } -> return () RepoLocal{} -> return () #test do let comment indentation level problem func = do let (primaryPkg, otherPkgs) = selectPrimaryLocalPackage pwd pkgs' (bproblems, x) = resolveBuildTargets primaryPkg otherPkgs utargets'' -- default local dir target if there's no given target utargets'' = "foo" return () #test list comprehension comment placement func = [ (thing, take 10 alts) --TODO: select best ones | (thing, _got, alts@(_ : _)) <- nosuchFooThing , gast <- award ] #test if-then-else comment placement func = if x then if y -- y is important then foo else bar else Nothing #test qualified infix pattern #pending "TODO" wrapPatPrepend pat prepElem = do patDocs <- layoutPat pat case Seq.viewl patDocs of Seq.EmptyL -> return $ Seq.empty x1 Seq.:< xR -> do x1' <- docSeq [prepElem, return x1] return $ x1' Seq.<| xR #test type signature multiline forcing issue layoutWriteNewlineBlock :: ( MonadMultiWriter Text.Builder.Builder m , MonadMultiState LayoutState m , MonadMultiWriter (Seq String) m ) => m () #test multiwayif proper indentation {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} readMergePersConfig path shouldCreate conf = do exists <- liftIO $ System.Directory.doesFileExist path if | exists -> do contents <- liftIO $ ByteString.readFile path -- no lazy IO, tyvm. fileConf <- case Data.Yaml.decodeEither contents of Left e -> do liftIO $ putStrErrLn $ "error reading in brittany config from " ++ path ++ ":" liftIO $ putStrErrLn e mzero Right x -> return x return $ fileConf Semigroup.<> conf | shouldCreate -> do liftIO $ ByteString.writeFile path $ Data.Yaml.encode $ cMap (Option . Just . runIdentity) staticDefaultConfig return $ conf | otherwise -> do return conf #test nested pattern alignment issue" func = BuildReport where convertInstallOutcome = case result of Left BR.PlanningFailed -> PlanningFailed Left (BR.DependentFailed p) -> DependencyFailed p Left (BR.DownloadFailed _) -> DownloadFailed Left (BR.UnpackFailed _) -> UnpackFailed Left (BR.ConfigureFailed _) -> ConfigureFailed Left (BR.BuildFailed _) -> BuildFailed Left (BR.TestsFailed _) -> TestsFailed Left (BR.InstallFailed _) -> InstallFailed Right (BR.BuildOk _ _ _ ) -> InstallOk #test nested pattern alignment issue" func = BuildReport where convertInstallOutcome = case result of Left BR.PlanningFailed -> PlanningFailed Left (BR.DependentFailed p) -> DependencyFailed p Left (BR.DownloadFailed _) -> DownloadFailed Left (BR.UnpackFailed _) -> UnpackFailed Left (BR.ConfigureFailed _) -> ConfigureFailed Left (BR.BuildFailed _) -> BuildFailed Left (BR.TestsFailed _) -> TestsFailed Left (BR.InstallFailed _) -> InstallFailed Right (BR.BuildOk _ _ _ ) -> InstallOk #test partially overflowing alignment issue" showPackageDetailedInfo pkginfo = renderStyle (style { lineLength = 80, ribbonsPerLine = 1 }) $ char '*' $+$ something [ entry "Synopsis" synopsis hideIfNull reflowParagraphs , entry "Versions available" sourceVersions (altText null "[ Not available from server ]") (dispTopVersions 9 (preferredVersions pkginfo)) , entry "Versions installed" installedVersions (altText null (if hasLib pkginfo then "[ Not installed ]" else "[ Unknown ]") ) (dispTopVersions 4 (preferredVersions pkginfo)) , entry "Homepage" homepage orNotSpecified text , entry "Bug reports" bugReports orNotSpecified text , entry "Description" description hideIfNull reflowParagraphs , entry "Category" category hideIfNull text , entry "License" license alwaysShow disp , entry "Author" author hideIfNull reflowLines , entry "Maintainer" maintainer hideIfNull reflowLines , entry "Source repo" sourceRepo orNotSpecified text , entry "Executables" executables hideIfNull (commaSep text) , entry "Flags" flags hideIfNull (commaSep dispFlag) , entry "Dependencies" dependencies hideIfNull (commaSep dispExtDep) , entry "Documentation" haddockHtml showIfInstalled text , entry "Cached" haveTarball alwaysShow dispYesNo , if not (hasLib pkginfo) then empty else text "Modules:" $+$ nest 4 (vcat (map disp . sort . modules $ pkginfo)) ] #test issue 7a isValidPosition position | validX && validY = Just position | otherwise = Nothing #test issue-6-pattern-linebreak-validity ## this is ugly, but at least syntactically valid. foo = Reflex.runSpiderHost $ ReflexHost.hostApp $ do (inputEvent :: Reflex.Event Reflex.Spider String, inputFire :: String -> IO Bool ) <- ReflexHost.newExternalEvent liftIO . forkIO . forever $ getLine >>= inputFire ReflexHost.performEvent_ $ fmap (liftIO . putStrLn) inputEvent #test issue 16 foldrDesc f z = unSwitchQueue $ \q -> switch (Min.foldrDesc (f unTaggedF) z q) (Min.foldrAsc (f unTaggedF) z q) #test issue 18 autocheckCases = [ ("Never Deadlocks" , representative deadlocksNever) , ("No Exceptions" , representative exceptionsNever) , ("Consistent Result", alwaysSame) -- already representative ] #test issue 18b autocheckCases = [ ("Never Deadlocks", representative deadlocksNever) , ("No Exceptions" , representative exceptionsNever) , ( "Consistent Result" , alwaysSame -- already representative ) ] #test issue 18c func = [ (abc, (1111, 1111)) , (def, (2, 2)) , foo -- comment ] #test issue 26 foo a b = g a b -- fooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo where g a b = b + b * a #test issue 26b foo a b = g a b where g a b = b + b * a -- fooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo #test aggressive alignment 1 func = do abc <- expr abcccccccccccccccccc <- expr abcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc <- expr abccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc <- expr #test example alignment 1 func (MyLongFoo abc def) = 1 func (Bar a d ) = 2 func _ = 3 #test listcomprehension-case-of parserCompactLocation = [ try $ [ ParseRelAbs (Text.Read.read digits) _ _ | digits <- many1 digit , rel1 :: Maybe (Either Int (Ratio Int)) <- optionMaybe [ case divPart of Nothing -> Left $ Text.Read.read digits Just ddigits -> Right $ Text.Read.read digits % Text.Read.read ddigits | digits <- many1 digit , divPart <- optionMaybe (string "/" *> many1 digit) ] ] ] #test opapp-specialcasing-1 func = fooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo $ foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo #test opapp-specialcasing-2 func = fooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo + foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo #test opapp-specialcasing-3 func = fooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo + foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [ foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo , foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo , foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ] #test opapp-indenting parserPrim = [ r | r <- [ SGPPrimFloat $ bool id (0 -) minus $ readGnok "parserPrim" (d1 ++ d2 ++ d3 ++ d4) | d2 <- string "." , d3 <- many1 (oneOf "0123456789") , _ <- string "f" ] <|> [ SGPPrimFloat $ bool id (0 -) minus $ fromIntegral (readGnok "parserPrim" d1 :: Integer) | _ <- string "f" ] <|> [ SGPPrimInt $ bool id (0 -) minus $ fromIntegral (readGnok "parserPrim" d1 :: Integer) | _ <- string "i" ] ] #test another-parspacing-testcase samples = (SV.unpackaaaaadat) <&> \f -> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa #test recordupd-singleline-bug runBrittany tabSize text = do let config' = staticDefaultConfig config = config' { _conf_layout = (_conf_layout config') { _lconfig_indentAmount = coerce tabSize } , _conf_forward = forwardOptionsSyntaxExtsEnabled } parsePrintModule config text #test recordupd-singleline-bug-left -- brittany { lconfig_indentPolicy: IndentPolicyLeft } runBrittany tabSize text = do let config' = staticDefaultConfig config = config' { _conf_layout = (_conf_layout config') { _lconfig_indentAmount = coerce tabSize } , _conf_forward = forwardOptionsSyntaxExtsEnabled } parsePrintModule config text #test issue 37 foo = ( a , -- comment1 b -- comment2 , c ) #test issue 38 {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} foo = bar @Baz #test comment-before-BDCols {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} layoutPatternBindFinal alignmentToken binderDoc mPatDoc clauseDocs = do docAlt $ -- one-line solution [ docCols (ColBindingLine alignmentToken) [ docSeq (patPartInline ++ [guardPart]) , docSeq [ appSep $ return binderDoc , docForceSingleline $ return body , wherePart ] ] | not hasComments , [(guards, body, _bodyRaw)] <- [clauseDocs] , let guardPart = singleLineGuardsDoc guards , wherePart <- case mWhereDocs of Nothing -> return @[] $ docEmpty Just [w] -> return @[] $ docSeq [ docSeparator , appSep $ docLit $ Text.pack "where" , docSetIndentLevel $ docForceSingleline $ return w ] _ -> [] ] ++ -- one-line solution + where in next line(s) [ docLines $ [ docCols (ColBindingLine alignmentToken) [ docSeq (patPartInline ++ [guardPart]) , docSeq [appSep $ return binderDoc, docForceParSpacing $ return body] ] ] ++ wherePartMultiLine | [(guards, body, _bodyRaw)] <- [clauseDocs] , let guardPart = singleLineGuardsDoc guards , Data.Maybe.isJust mWhereDocs ] ++ -- two-line solution + where in next line(s) [ docLines $ [ docForceSingleline $ docSeq (patPartInline ++ [guardPart, return binderDoc]) , docEnsureIndent BrIndentRegular $ docForceSingleline $ return body ] ++ wherePartMultiLine | [(guards, body, _bodyRaw)] <- [clauseDocs] , let guardPart = singleLineGuardsDoc guards ] #test comment-testcase-17 {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} func = do let foo = if | Constuctoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooor `elem` artics -- TODO -> max (defLen - 0.2) -- TODO (defLen * 0.8) | otherwise -> max (defLen - 0.05) (defLen * 0.95) -- TODO return True #test issue 49 foo n = case n of 1 -> True -1 -> False bar n = case n of (-2, -2) -> (-2, -2) #test issue 48 a foo = let a = b@1 cccc = () in foo #test issue 48 b {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} foo = let a = b @1 cccc = () in foo #test issue 52 a {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} v = A { a = 1, .. } where b = 2 #test issue 52 b {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} v = A { .. } where b = 2 #test issue 52 c {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} v = A { a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 } #test issue 63 a #pending fix does not work on 8.0.2 test :: Proxy 'Int #test issue 63 b #pending fix does not work on 8.0.2 test :: Proxy '[ 'True] #test issue 63 c #pending fix does not work on 8.0.2 test :: Proxy '[Bool] #test issue 64 {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, KindSignatures #-} func :: forall m str . (Str str, Monad m) => Int -> Proxy (str :: [*]) -> m (Tagged str String) #test issue 65 widgetsDyn = [ [ vBox [ padTop Max outputLinesWidget , padRight Max wid1 <+> flowWidget -- alignment here is strange/buggy , padBottom (Pad 5) help ] ] | wid1 <- promptDyn , (flowWidget, _) <- flowResultD , outputLinesWidget <- outputLinesWidgetD , help <- suggestionHelpBox , parser <- cmdParserD ] #test issue 67 fmapuv :: U.Unbox a => (a -> b) -> U.Vector a -> V.Vector b fmapuv f xs = G.generate (G.length xs) (f . (xs G.!)) #test parallellistcomp-workaround cs0 = 0 : [ c / Interval n | c <- cs | n <- [1..] ] #test issue 70 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} deriveFromJSON (unPrefix "assignPost") ''AssignmentPost #test issue 110 main = -- a let --b x = 1 -- x y = 2 -- y in do print x print y #test issue 111 alternatives :: Parser (Maybe Text) alternatives = alternativeOne -- first try this one <|> alterantiveTwo -- then this one <|> alternativeThree -- then this one where alternativeOne = purer "one" alternativeTwo = purer "two" alterantiveThree = purer "three" #test issue 116 {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} func = do let !forced = some pure () #test let-in-hanging spanKey p q = case minViewWithKey q of Just ((k, _), q') | p k -> let (kas, q'') = spanKey p q' in ((k, a) : kas, q'') _ -> ([], q) #test issue 125 a :: () ':- () #test issue 128 func = do createDirectoryIfMissing True path openFile fileName AppendMode #test hspar-comments alternatives :: Parser (Maybe Text) alternatives = -- a ( -- b alternativeOne -- c <|> alterantiveTwo -- d <|> alternativeThree -- e ) -- f #test issue 133 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} func :: forall a . () => aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa -> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa func :: () => aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa -> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa #test alignment-potential-overflow go l [] = Right l go l ((IRType, _a) : eqr) = go l eqr go l ((_, IRType) : eqr) = go l eqr go _ ((IRTypeError ps t1 t2, _) : _) = Left $ makeError ps t1 t2 go _ ((_, IRTypeError ps t1 t2) : _) = Left $ makeError ps t1 t2 #test issue 89 - type-family-instance type instance XPure StageParse = () type Pair a = (a, a) #test issue 144 -- brittany { lconfig_indentAmount: 4, lconfig_indentPolicy: IndentPolicyMultiple } dsfnjKeekbwwbosbOfakxqRsiyix cnehokzozwbVaguvu migbnaRwutbz = let eyuAfrarIso' :: (RveoexdxunuAafalm -> Axlau (Axlau (a, OinejrdCplle))) -> Gbodoy -> Axlau (Axlau OinejrdCplle, Gbodoy) eyuAfrarIso' = ulcPaaekBst cnehokzozwbVaguvu amkgoxEhalazJjxunecCuIfaw :: Axlau (Axlau OinejrdCplle, Gbodoy) -> Axlau RqlnrluYqednbCiggxi amkgoxEhalazJjxunecCuIfaw uKqviuBisjtn = do (sEmo, quc) <- uKqviuBisjtn pure (xoheccewfWoeyiagOkfodiq sEmo quc) xoheccewfWoeyiagOkfodiq :: Axlau OinejrdCplle -> Gbodoy -> RqlnrluYqednbCiggxi xoheccewfWoeyiagOkfodiq sEmo quc = case migbnaRwutbz of Afogmf -> xgeqe (OfBkkuih quc) (Ciitog quc) sEmo in QabqyilexuiNizzhsQuxxac migbnaRwutbz (hwaTihhjt lhowvscIiozgqe) #test issue 159 spec = do it "creates a snapshot at the given level" . withGraph runDB $ do lift $ do studentDiagnosticReadingLevel updatedStudent `shouldBe` Just 10 -- x elaSnapshotReadingLevel snapshot `shouldBe` 12 #test non-bottom-specialcase-altsearch jaicyhHumzo btrKpeyiFej mava = do m :: VtohxeRgpmgsu <- qloxIfiq mava case m of ZumnaoFujayerIswadabo kkecm chlixxag -> do imomue <- ozisduRaqiseSBAob btrKpeyiFej $ \s -> case MizA.pigevo kkecm (_tc_gulawulu s) of Ebocaba -> ( s { _tc_gulawulu = MizA.jxariu kkecm rwuRqxzhjo (_tc_gulawulu s) } , Gtzvonm ) Xcde{} -> (s, Pioemav) pure imomue #test issue 214 -- brittany { lconfig_indentPolicy: IndentPolicyMultiple } foo = bar arg1 -- this is the first argument arg2 -- this is the second argument arg3 -- this is the third argument, now I'll skip one comment arg4 arg5 -- this is the fifth argument arg6 -- this is the sixth argument #test issue 234 True `nand` True = False nand _ _ = True nor False False = True _ `nor` _ = False #test issue 256 prefix operator match f ((:) a as) = undefined #test issue 228 lambda plus lazy or bang pattern {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} a = \x -> x b = \ ~x -> x c = \ !x -> x d = \(~x) -> x #test type signature with forall and constraint {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} func :: forall b . Show b => b -> String #test issue 267 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} f :: ((~) a b) => a -> b f = id #test large record update -- brittany { lconfig_indentPolicy: IndentPolicyLeft } vakjkeSulxudbFokvir = Duotpo { _ekku_gcrpbze = xgonae (1 :: Int) , _oola_louwu = FoqsiYcuidx { _xxagu_umea_iaztoj = xgonae False , _tuktg_tizo_kfikacygsqf = xgonae False , _ahzbo_xpow_otq_nzeyufq = xgonae False , _uagpi_lzps_luy_xcjn = xgonae False , _dxono_qjef_aqtafq_bes = xgonae False , _yzuaf_nviy_vuhwxe_ihnbo_uhw = xgonae False , _iwcit_fzjs_yerakt_dicox_mtryitko = xgonae False , _ehjim_ucfe_dewarp_newrt_gso = xgonae False , _ogtxb_ivoj_amqgai_rttui_xuwhetb = xgonae False , _bhycb_iexz_megaug_qunoa_ohaked = xgonae False , _nnmbe_uqgt_ewsuga_vaiis = xgonae False , _otzil_ucvugaiyj_aosoiatunx_asir = xgonae False } , _iwsc_lalojz = XqspaiDainqw { _uajznac_ugah = xgonae (80 :: Int) , _qayziku_gazibzDejipj = xgonae DewizeCxwgyiKjig , _auhebll_fiqjxyArfxia = xgonae (2 :: Int) , _zubfuhq_dupiwnIoophXameeet = xgonae True , _oavnuqg_opkreyOufuIkifiin = xgonae True , _ufojfwy_fhuzcePeqwfu = xgonae (50 :: Int) , _mlosikq_zajdxxSeRoelpf = xgonae (50 :: Int) , _heemavf_fjgOfoaikh = xgonae (FyoVfvdygaZuzuvbeWarwuq 3) , _ohxmeoq_ogtbfoPtqezVseu = xgonae (EdjotoLcbapUdiuMmytwoig 0.7) , _omupuiu_ituamexjuLccwu = xgonae (30 :: Int) , _xoseksf_atvwwdwaoHanofMyUvujjopoz = xgonae True , _umuuuat_nuamezwWeqfUqzrnaxwp = xgonae False , _uuriguz_wixhutbuKecigaFiwosret = xgonae True , _betohxp_scixaLsvcesErtwItxrnaJmuz = xgonae False , _lchxgee_olaetGcqzuqxVujenCzexub = xgonae True , _egeibao_imamkuigqikhZdcbpidokVcixiqew = xgonae False } , _nloo_cfmrgZcisiugk = YuwodSavxwnicBekuel { _oebew_rrtpvthUzlizjAqIwesly = xgonae False , _blkff_Acxoid = xgonae False , _datei_YewolAowoqOpunvpgu = xgonae BeekgUzojaPnixxaruJehyPmnnfu , _ejfrj_eheb_justvh_pumcp_ismya = xgonae False } , _kena_uzeddovosoki = NyoRvshullezUpauud { _mtfuwi_TUVEmoi = xgonae RZXKoytUtogx , _larqam_adaxPehaylZafeqgpc = xgonae False } , _spob_qipaarx = KaxavsmOtoyeaq { _rusrirw_okx = Tajemkix [] } , _vmah_uivucnfka_ikaquebxay_gzcm = xgonae False , _qaqb_eykzuyuwi = xgonae False -- test comment } #test large record wildcard comment -- brittany { lconfig_indentPolicy: IndentPolicyLeft } vakjkeSulxudbFokvir = Duotpo { _ekku_gcrpbze = xgonae (1 :: Int) , _spob_qipaarx = KaxavsmOtoyeaq { _rusrirw_okx = Tajemkix [] } , _vmah_uivucnfka_ikaquebxay_gzcm = xgonae False , _qaqb_eykzuyuwi = xgonae False -- test comment , -- N.B. .. -- x } #test issue 263 func = abc + def -- a -- b -- comment where abc = 13 def = 1 #test AddBaseY/EnsureIndent float in effect zItazySunefp twgq nlyo lwojjoBiecao = let mhIarjyai = ukwAausnfcn $ XojlsTOSR.vuwOvuvdAZUOJaa $ XojlsTOSR.vkesForanLiufjeDI $ XojlsTOSR.vkesForanLiufjeDI $ XojlsTOSR.popjAyijoWarueeP $ XojlsTOSR.jpwuPmafuDqlbkt nlyo $ XojlsTOSR.jpwuPmafuDqlbkt xxneswWhxwng $ XojlsTOSR.jpwuPmafuDqlbkt oloCuxeDdow $ XojlsTOSR.jpwuPmafuDqlbkt (uwurrvoNnukzefuDjeh lwojjoBiecao nlyo) $ etOslnoz lwojjoBiecao in kucotg $ (bbbr, Yoxe.Dwzbuzi.zrLokoTnuy piv) #test module initial comment -- test module MyModule where #test issue 231 foo = [ ("xxx", "xx") , -- ("xx" , "xx") -- , ("xx" , "xxxxx") , ("xx" , "xx") ] #test issue 231 not foo = [ ("xx", "xx") , ( "xx" -- , "xx" ) , ("xx", "xxxxx") , ("xx", "xx") ] #test issue 281 module Main ( DataTypeI , DataTypeII(DataConstructor) -- * Haddock heading , name ) where #test type level list xeoeqibIaib :: ( KqujhIsaus m , XivuvIpoboi Droqifim m , IgorvOtowtf m , RyagaYaqac m , QouruDU m ) => MaptAdfuxgu -> Zcnxg NsxayqmvIjsezea -- ^ if Lvqucoo, opsip jl reyoyhk lfil qaculxgd -> QNOZqwuzg -> Eoattuq '[ XkatytdWdquraosu -- test comment , KyezKijim -- another test comment , DjmioeePuoeg , NinrxoiOwezc , QATAlrijacpk , TrutvotwIwifiqOjdtu , CoMmuatjwr , BoZckzqyodseZole , VagfwoXaeChfqe ] m () #test recordupd-overflow-bad-multiline-spacing createRedirectedProcess processConfig = do let redirectedProc = (_processConfig_inner processConfig) { std_in = CreatePipe , std_out = CreatePipe , std_err = CreatePipe } foo #test issue 282 instance HasDependencies SomeDataModel where -- N.B. Here is a bunch of explanatory context about the relationship -- between these data models or whatever. type Dependencies SomeDataModel = (SomeOtherDataModelId, SomeOtherOtherDataModelId) #test stupid-do-operator-combination func = do y >>= x