# Revision history for brittany ## -- November 2020 * #207: Fix newtype indent in associated type family. * #231: Improve comments-affecting-layout behaviour for tuples. * #259: Data declaration for newtype and records. Thanks @eborden! * #263: Fix non-idempotent newlines with comment + where. * #273: Error handling. * #281: Fix moving comment in export list (haddock header). * #286: Fix comments in instance/type instances. * #287: Add support for pattern synonyms. Thanks @RaoulHC! * #293: Expose main function as a module. Thanks @soareschen! * #303: Readme: Supports 8.8. Thanks @andys8! * #311: Allows aeson-1.5.*. Thanks @jkachmar! * #313: Nondecreasing export list formatting. Thanks @expipiplus1! ## -- December 2019 * Bugfixes: - Fix layouting regression of record update for many/large fields - Fix whitespace regression on ExplicitForall notation (`foo :: forall a . Show a => a -> a`, note the double space) introduced in 0.12. (#264) - Fix roundtripping of type equality constraint `f :: ((~) a b) => a -> b` (#267) * One experimental feature addition: Turning brace notation semicolons into newlines when formatting (see #270) ## -- September 2019 * Support ghc-8.8 * Support for OverloadedLabels extension (thanks to Evan Rutledge Borden @eborden) * Support for Implicit Params extension (thanks to pepe iborra @pepeiborra) * Add flag `--no-user-config` to enable only using manually passed config * Disable the performance test suite by default to prevent spurious failures on certain CI setups. The github/travis brittany CI still has all tests enabled. See the `brittany-test-perf` flag in the cabal file. * Bugfixes: - Fix one wandering-comment bug for let-in expressions - Fix invalid result for prefix operator pattern matches - Fix lambda expression with laziness/strictness annotation - Fix parenthesis handling for infix pattern matches with 3+ arguments * Changes to layouting behaviour: - For pattern matching and data/instance definitions, the usage of parenthesis is now "normalized", i.e. superfluous parens are removed by brittany. ## -- June 2019 * Support for ghc-8.6 (basic support, not necessarily all new syntactic extensions) * Support -XExplicitNamespaces and -XPatternSynonyms * Allow a --dry-run sort of operation via flag "-c/--check-mode" (thanks to Doug Beardsley @mightybyte) * Include file name in errors about unsupported syntax nodes (thanks to @5outh) * Partially implement layouting class instances: Layouts children, but falls back on ghc-exactprint for the instance head (thanks to Rupert Horlick @ruhatch) * Implement layouting for type synonyms (thanks to Rupert Horlick @ruhatch) * Support -XMagicHash, -XUnboxedTuples (thanks to Sergey Vinokurov @sergv) * Support -XQuasiQuotes (no formatting applied to the splices; they are simply retained without causing the dreaded "Unknown construct: HsSpliceE{}") - `lconfig_allowHangingQuasiQuotes` controls whether multi-line QuasiQuotes are allowed to start at the end of the current line, or whether they are always placed in new lines. * Bugfixes: - Fix rare-case alignment bug with IndentPolicyMultiple (#144) - Make inline layout config apply to module header (#151) - Fix unaligned import-hiding layout (#150) - Fix idempotence violation for comments around if-then-else (#167) - Fix comments having an effect on far-away parent node's layout (#159) - Fix imports of type operators ("symbolic data types") (thanks to Phil Hazelden @ChickenProp) - Work around GHC and cabal-install misfeature ".ghc.environment files" that could break brittany in unexpected and hard-to-understand ways - Stop removing empty lines before `where` keyword in a couple of cases - Fix functions with mixing prefix/infix style causing error (#234) * Changes to layout: - Align usage of spaces for record update vs record construction (#126) - More indentation to import-hiding-paragraph (follow-up to #150 fix) - Record construction and update now are layouted in the same way (thanks to Evan Rutledge Borden @eborden) - Stop allowing single-line layout when there are comments between arguments (#214) (thanks to @matt-noonan) * Various build-instructions and editor integrations ## -- May 2018 * Support for ghc-8.4 * Implement inline-config e.g. "-- brittany --indent=4" respects the following comment forms as input: ~~~~ source comment affected target ====================================================== "-- brittany CONFIG" whole module "-- brittany-next-binding CONFIG" next binding "-- brittany-disable-next-binding" next binding "-- brittany @ myExampleFunc CONFIG" `myExampleFunc` ~~~~ multiline-comments are supported too, although the specification must still be a single line. E.g. > "{- brittany --columns 50 -}" CONFIG is either: 1) one or more flags in the form of what brittany accepts on the commandline, e.g. "--columns 50", or 2) one or more specifications in the form of what brittany accepts in its config files for the layouting config (a one-line yaml document), e.g. "{ lconfig_cols: 50 }" * Implement `IndentPolicyMultiple` (thanks to Bryan Richter @chreekat) Restrict indentation amounts to `n * indentAmount` * Implement `--obfuscate` that replaces non-keyword identifiers with random names * Do not write files unless there are changes (don't update modtime) (`--write-mode=inplace`) (#93) * Bugfixes: - Fix empty function constraints (`() => IO ()`) (#133) - Fix overflowing columns caused by aligning with surrounding lines for certain complex cases - Implement hacky workaround for `type instance`s (`-XTypeFamilies`) (#89) * Layouting changes: - On default settings, allow single-line module header `module MyModule where` when no exports - Fix one case of non-optimal layouting for if-then-else - Allow same-line let binding inside do-notation with `IndentPolicyLeft/Multiple` and `indentAmount>=4` ## -- March 2018 * Implement module/exports/imports layouting (thanks to sniperrifle2004) * Expose config paths/parsing functions (thanks to Alexey Raga) * Bugfixes: - Fix layouting of `NOINLINE` pragma - Fix ticked type operator (e.g. `':-`) losing tick (#125) - Fix alignment issue with cases involving operators (#65) - Fix comments in tuples being dropped (#37) - Fix comment placements with let-in (#110) * Layouting changes: - Align arguments only if it is the same function being called (#128) - Do not use single-line layout when infix operator expression contains comments (#111) * New layouting config items: - `lconfig_importColumn`/`--import-col`: column for import items - `lconfig_importAsColumn`/`--import-as-col`: column for the "as" name of a module - `lconfig_reformatModulePreamble`: controls module/export/import layouting (default True) - `lconfig_allowSingleLineExportList`: permit one-line module header, e.g. `module Main (main)` (default False) ## -- February 2018 * Support `TupleSections` (thanks to Matthew Piziak) * Bugfixes: - Fix Shebang handling with stdin input (#92) - Fix bug that effectively deleted strict/lazy matches (BangPatterns) (#116) - Fix infix operator whitespace bug (#101, #114) - Fix help command output and its layouting (#103) - Fix crash when config dir does not exist yet (#115) * Layouting changes: - no space after opening non-tuple parenthesis even for multi-line case - use spaces around infix operators (applies to sections and in pattern matches) - Let-in is layouted more flexibly in fewer lines, if possible (thanks to Evan Borden) ## -- December 2017 * Change default global config path (use XDG spec) Existing config should still be respected, so this should not break compatibility * Support per-project config * ! Slight rework of the commandline interface: - Support multiple inputs and outputs - Support inplace-transformation for multiple files via `--write-mode=inplace` * Implement `IndentPolicyLeft` - the indentation mode that never adds more than the base indentation for nested parts (no hanging indentation) (thanks to Evan Borden) * Fix bug that manifested in bad output for (top-level) template haskell splices * Extension support: - RecordWildCards - RecursiveDo (was only partially supported previously) * Layouting Bugfixes: - Properly reproduce parentheses around kind signatures - Fix issue around promoted lists (example good: `'[ 'True]` bad: `'['True]`) - Trim text from exactprint used as workaround for unknown nodes (unsupported extension workaround) * Layouting changes - Insert spaces around operator in sections ## -- September 2017 * Support for ghc-8.2.1 * Bugfixes: - Fix quadratic performance issue - Fix special "where" indentation with indentAmount /= 2 - Fix negative literals in patterns - Support type applications * Accept `-h` for `--help` and improve help layouting (via butcher- * Add continuous integration via travis (cabal, cabal-new, stack) (brittle due compilation time limit) * Reduce compilation memory usage a bit ## -- August 2017 * Add library interface, to be used by `haskell-ide-engine`. * Publish to hackage. ## -- May 2017 * Document the high-level design of the program * Improve layouting for many different cases, too many to list here. Brittany still does only reformat top-level type signatures and bindings. * Publish all dependencies on hackage; `ghc-exactprint ` adaptions got merged upstream as well. * Reduce the aggressiveness of horizontal alignment; this is configurable via the `lconfig_alignmentLimit` and `lconfig_alignmentBreakOnMultiline` values (config file only for now). * (!) Breaking change to the config file format: The keys previously contained underscore (e.g. `_econf_Werror`) but do not anymore (`econf_Werror`). Add config version; also * Move config value `conf_errorHandling.econf_CPPMode` to `conf_preprocessor.ppconf_CPPMode`. * Cope with unhandled syntactical constructs more gracefully by falling back on the ghc-exactprint output; Brittany simply won't touch certain subexpressions instead of aborting. This is further configurable via the `econf_omit_output_valid_check` config value. * Due to improvements to the `butcher` library: Accept `--key=value` on commandline (only `--key value` was supported previously). * Improve testsuite setup: The `tests.blt` file contains many different testcases that allow quick addition - feel free to report bugs directly by making PRs with additions to that file. * Release under the terms of the AGPLv3 ## -- 2016-09-06 * Support stack * Fix --ghc-options handling * Add commandline param to allow shortcut `brittany Foo.hs` meaning `brittany -i Foo.hs` ## -- 2016-09-04 * First official alpha release * Fix commandline flag parsing * Implement/Improve horizontal aligning * Various minor fixes and layouting improvements ## -- 2016-08-12 * Add check that output is syntactically valid * (!) Change config format, breaking previous configs * Various layouting additions/imporements * Various minor fixes ## -- 2016-08-08 * Support --ghc-options * Support user and local config files: Local config file is not mandatory anymore. ## -- 2016-08-06 * Make comment handling a bit more clever * Various layouting additions/imporements ## -- 2016-08-04 * Various layouting additions/imporements ## -- 2016-07-30 * Basic and partial implementation for expression/decl/statement/pattern layouting * Prevent exponential behaviour using manual stablenames ## -- 2016-06-05 * First working code for type signature layouting