# The BriDoc type and the to-BriDoc transformation The `BriDoc` type is the brittany equivalent of the `Doc` type from general-purpose formatting libraries such as the `pretty` package. It is specialized for this usecase: Representing a formatted haskell source code document. As a consequence, it is a good amount more complex than the `Doc` type (which has 8, not directly exposed, constructors): The `BriDoc` type has ~25 constructors. (26, but one for debugging, two deprecated and so on.) Examples are `BDEmpty`, `BDSeq [BriDoc]` (inline sequence), and `BDAddBaseY BrIndent BriDoc` (add a certain type of indentation to the inner doc). The main bulk of code that makes brittany work is the translation of different syntactical constructs into a raw `BriDoc` value. (technically a `BriDocF` value, we'll explain soon.) The input of this translation is the syntax tree produced by GHC/ExactPrint. The GHC API exposes the syntax tree nodes, and ExactPrint adds certain annotations (e.g. information about in-source comments). The main thing that you will be looking at here is the GHC API documentation, for example https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/8.0.2/docs/html/libraries/ghc-8.0.2/HsDecls.html Brittany has several flags for dumping intermediate values of the transformation process; relevant for the "input" syntax tree are the flags `--dump-ast-unknown` and `--dump-ast-full`, where the latter will print the whole ast of the input to stderr, the former will only do so for nodes where brittany falls back on the ghc-exactprint output (i.e. in those cases where we don't transform, but do a mere copy). See [this example ast output](output-example-01.md) (yeah, raw ASTs are ~~annoying large~~ fun!) ## Two examples of the process producing raw BriDoc 1. For example, `Brittany.hs` contains the following code (shortened a bit): ~~~~.hs ppDecl d@(L loc decl) = case decl of SigD sig -> [..] $ do briDoc <- briDocMToPPM $ layoutSig (L loc sig) layoutBriDoc d briDoc ValD bind -> [..] $ do briDoc <- [..] layoutBind (L loc bind) layoutBriDoc d briDoc _ -> briDocMToPPM (briDocByExactNoComment d) >>= layoutBriDoc d ~~~~ which matches on the type of module top-level syntax node and dispatches to `layoutSig`/`layoutBind` to layout type signatures and equations. For all other constructs, it currently falls back to using ExactPrint to reproduce the exact original. 2. Lets look at a "lower" level fragment that actually produces BriDoc (from Type.hs): ~~~~.hs -- if our type is an application; think "HsAppTy Maybe Int" HsAppTy typ1 typ2 -> do typeDoc1 <- docSharedWrapper layoutType typ1 -- layout `Maybe` typeDoc2 <- docSharedWrapper layoutType typ2 -- layout `Int` docAlt -- produce two possible layouts [ docSeq -- a singular-line sequence, with a space in between [ docForceSingleline typeDoc1 -- "Maybe Int" , docLit $ Text.pack " " , docForceSingleline typeDoc2 ] , docPar -- a multi-line result, with the "child" indented. typeDoc1 -- "Maybe\ (docEnsureIndent BrIndentRegular typeDoc2) -- Int" ] ~~~~ here, all functions prefixed with "doc" produce new BriDoc(F) nodes. I think this example can be understood already, even when many details (what is `docSharedWrapper`? What are the exact semantics of the different `doc..` functions? Why do we need to wrap the `BriDoc` constructors behind those smart-constructor thingies?) are not explained yet. In [this example output](output-example-02.md) the BriDoc tree produced in this fashion is shown for the trivial input `x :: Maybe Int`. Can you spot the `BDAlt` node that matches the above `docAlt` invocation? (hint: the node is used twice, so we can see two identical `BDAlt` nodes.) This leads directly to: ## Size of BriDoc trees, Sharing and Complexity In order to explain the `BriDocF` type and the reasoning behind smart constructors, we need to consider the size of the `BriDoc` tree produced by this whole process. As seen above, we can have multiple alternative layouts (`docAlt`) for the same node. This means the number of nodes in the `BriDoc` value we produces in general is exponential in the number for syntax nodes of the input. But we are aiming for linear run-time, right? So what can save us here? You might think: We have sharing! For `let x = 3+3; (x, x)` we only have one `x` in memory ever. And indeed, we do the same above: `typeDoc1` and `2` are used in exactly that manner: Both are referenced once in each of the two alternatives. Unfortunately this does not mean that we can forget this issue entirely. The problem is that the BriDoc tree (or maybe: rooted DAG, given that we share nodes) value will get transformed by multiple transformations. And this "breaks" sharing: If we naively traverse every path in a DAG and `fmap` some function `f` on it (think of some general-purpose tree/graph that is Functor) then `f` will be evaluated an exponential number of times, because our linear DAG still has an exponential amount of different paths. And worse, the output will have lost any sharing, so becomes a tree with an exponential number of nodes. Sharing is not automatic memoization. And this holds for BriDoc, even when the transformations are not exactly `fmap`s. So.. we already mentioned "memoization" there, right? 1. The bad news: Any existing memoization utilities/approaches didn't work for one reason or another. (I suspect that there is a bug in the GHC StableName implementation, or I messed up..) After trying several memoization approaches and wasting tons of time, I went with a manual approach, and it worked more or less instantly. So that is where we are at. Manual memoization means that we manually tag every node of the `BriDoc` with a unique `Int`. This is rather annoying at places, but then again we can abstract over that pretty well. 2. The good news: With manual memoization, we really work on rooted DAGs (with linear amount of nodes and edges) instead of trees, because we share nodes. Not messing up this property (that we always share nodes where necessary) can take a bit of consideration - but otherwise we are set. Transformations on this DAG can be expressed in such a way that they only require a linear amount of work, and our first transformation will output a (linear-sized) tree, so there is relatively little code that needs to handle a DAG. This property is the defining one that motivates the BriDoc intermediate representation. Lets have a look at this selection work! We saw at [the above example](output-example-02.md) how `x :: Maybe Int` had a non-trivial raw `BriDoc` representation, already with two nested `BDAlt` nodes and resulting four alternatives. Removing those nodes is the first step of the `BriDoc` transformation, and we can [observe the output after removing those nodes](output-example-03.md). Quite a bit shorter, the tree-printing-algorithm even thinks that it fits in a single line now. We will not go into detail about how this "alt-transformation" (the one doing the "selection work" works and what other transformations follow here. For this example not much happens; you can see so in the final `BriDoc` which you probably already noticed in the last example. But for the "alt-transformation" itself, lets at least consider what it does: We traverse the input BriDoc and whenever a `BDAlt` is encountered, one of the alternatives is chosen; the other alternatives and the `BDAlt` node itself are discarded. The choice is made in such a fashion that, well, the final output does not contain lines with more than 80 columns but otherwise relatively few newlines. Magic! (for now at least.) ## BriDocF The `BriDocF f` type encapsulates the idea that each subnode is wrapped in the `f` container. This notion gives us the following nice properties: `BriDocF Identity ~ BriDoc` and `BriDocF ((,) Int)` is the manual-memoization tree/DAG with labeled nodes. Abstractions, abstractions.. Lets have a glance at related code/types we have so far: ~~~~.hs -- The pure BriDoc: What we really want, but cannot use everywhere due -- to sharing issues. -- Isomorphic to `BriDocF Identity`. We still use this type, because -- then we have to unwrap the `Identities` only in once place after turning -- the DAG into a tree (and getting rid of any exponentiality in the process). data BriDoc = BDEmpty | BDLit !Text | BDSeq [BriDoc] | BDAddBaseY BrIndent BriDoc | BDAlt [BriDoc] .. [a good amount more] data BriDocF f = BDFEmpty | BDFLit !Text | BDFSeq [f (BriDocF f)] | BDFAddBaseY BrIndent (f (BriDocF f)) | BDFAlt [f (BriDocF f)] .. [a good amount more] type BriDocFInt = BriDocF ((,) Int) type BriDocNumbered = (Int, BriDocFInt) -- drop the labels unwrapBriDocNumbered :: BriDocNumbered -> BriDoc unwrapBriDocNumbered = .. ~~~~ And, because we will need it below: The monadic context that the creation of the BriDocF tree uses: ~~~~.hs -- If you are not familiar with the `multistate` -- package and RWS, this is somewhat similar to: -- ReaderT Config (ReaderT Anns (WriterT [LayoutError] (WriterT (Seq String) (State NodeAllocIndex)))) -- i.e. it is basically an environment allowing: -- a) read access to global program config `Config` and the exactprint -- annotations `Anns` of given input; -- b) write access of errors and "good" output; -- c) a local/"State" "variable" `NodeAllocIndex` -- (yep, for the manual memoization node labels). type ToBriDocM = MultiRWSS.MultiRWS '[Config, Anns] '[[LayoutError], Seq String] '[NodeAllocIndex] ~~~~ We don't use this directly, but the code below uses this, and if the type `ToBriDocM` scared you, see how mundane it is used here (`m` will be `ToBriDocM` mostly): ~~~~.hs allocNodeIndex :: MonadMultiState NodeAllocIndex m => m Int allocNodeIndex = do NodeAllocIndex i <- mGet mSet $ NodeAllocIndex (i + 1) return i ~~~~ ## The `doc..` smart constructors In most cases the smart constructors are fairly dumb: Their main purpose is to allocate the unique label for the current node, and return it together with the node itself. Lets look at two examples to get a feeling for the types involved: ~~~~.hs docEmpty :: ToBriDocM BriDocNumbered docEmpty = allocateNode BDFEmpty -- what a "smart" constructor, right? docSeq :: [ToBriDocM BriDocNumbered] -> ToBriDocM BriDocNumbered docSeq l = allocateNode . BDFSeq =<< sequence l -- this is a bit more elaborate: In order to allow proper -- composition of these smart constructors, we accept a list of -- actions instead of just `BriDocNumbered`s, and use `sequence` -- to make it work. Nothing unusual otherwise. ~~~~ There is one rather special `doc..` function: `docSharedWrapper`. Lets consider the code first: ~~~~.hs docSharedWrapper :: Monad m => (x -> m y) -> x -> m (m y) docSharedWrapper f x = return <$> f x ~~~~ How is this useful? Consider this: All the smart constructors expect as input actions returning (freshly labeled) nodes. But what if we want sharing? In those cases we do _not_ want fresh labels on multiple uses. Here `docSharedWrapper` comes into play: It executes the contained label-allocation once and returns a pure action via `return`; this pure action can then be passed e.g. to docSeq but does not do any new allocation. This gives us sharing in the cases where we want it. But wait, one more thing: Not all `BriDoc` constructors have an exactly matching smart constructor, and there are smart constructors that involve multiple BriDoc constructors behind the scenes. For this reason, we will focus on the smart constructors in the following, because they define the real interface to be used. You now might have a glance at [bridoc-api.md](bridoc-api.md).