{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Main where import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Lens.Micro ((^.), (&), (.~), (%~)) import Lens.Micro.TH (makeLenses) import Control.Monad (void) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import qualified Graphics.Vty as V import qualified Brick.Types as T import Brick.AttrMap import Brick.Util import Brick.Types (Widget, ViewportType(Vertical)) import qualified Brick.Main as M import qualified Brick.Widgets.Edit as E import qualified Brick.Widgets.Center as C import qualified Brick.Widgets.Border as B import Brick.Widgets.Core import Data.Text.Zipper (moveCursor) import Data.Tuple (swap) data Name = Info | Button1 | Button2 | Button3 | Prose | TextBox deriving (Show, Ord, Eq) data St = St { _clicked :: [T.Extent Name] , _lastReportedClick :: Maybe (Name, T.Location) , _prose :: String , _edit :: E.Editor String Name } makeLenses ''St drawUi :: St -> [Widget Name] drawUi st = [ buttonLayer st , proseLayer st , infoLayer st ] buttonLayer :: St -> Widget Name buttonLayer st = C.vCenterLayer $ C.hCenterLayer (padBottom (T.Pad 1) $ str "Click a button:") <=> C.hCenterLayer (hBox $ padLeftRight 1 <$> buttons) <=> C.hCenterLayer (padTopBottom 1 $ str "Or enter text and then click in this editor:") <=> C.hCenterLayer (vLimit 3 $ hLimit 50 $ E.renderEditor (str . unlines) True (st^.edit)) where buttons = mkButton <$> buttonData buttonData = [ (Button1, "Button 1", "button1") , (Button2, "Button 2", "button2") , (Button3, "Button 3", "button3") ] mkButton (name, label, attr) = let wasClicked = (fst <$> st^.lastReportedClick) == Just name in clickable name $ withDefAttr attr $ B.border $ padTopBottom 1 $ padLeftRight (if wasClicked then 2 else 3) $ str (if wasClicked then "<" <> label <> ">" else label) proseLayer :: St -> Widget Name proseLayer st = B.border $ C.hCenterLayer $ vLimit 8 $ -- n.b. if clickable and viewport are inverted here, click event -- coordinates will only identify the viewable range, not the actual -- editor widget coordinates. viewport Prose Vertical $ clickable Prose $ vBox $ map str $ lines (st^.prose) infoLayer :: St -> Widget Name infoLayer st = T.Widget T.Fixed T.Fixed $ do c <- T.getContext let h = c^.T.availHeightL msg = case st^.lastReportedClick of Nothing -> "nothing" Just (name, T.Location l) -> show name <> " at " <> show l T.render $ translateBy (T.Location (0, h-1)) $ clickable Info $ withDefAttr "info" $ C.hCenter (str ("Last reported click: " <> msg)) appEvent :: St -> T.BrickEvent Name e -> T.EventM Name (T.Next St) appEvent st (T.MouseDown n _ _ loc) = do let T.Location pos = loc M.continue $ st & lastReportedClick .~ Just (n, loc) & edit %~ E.applyEdit (if n == TextBox then moveCursor (swap pos) else id) appEvent st (T.MouseUp _ _ _) = M.continue $ st & lastReportedClick .~ Nothing appEvent st (T.VtyEvent (V.EvMouseUp _ _ _)) = M.continue $ st & lastReportedClick .~ Nothing appEvent st (T.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KUp [V.MCtrl])) = M.vScrollBy (M.viewportScroll Prose) (-1) >> M.continue st appEvent st (T.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KDown [V.MCtrl])) = M.vScrollBy (M.viewportScroll Prose) 1 >> M.continue st appEvent st (T.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEsc [])) = M.halt st appEvent st (T.VtyEvent ev) = M.continue =<< T.handleEventLensed st edit E.handleEditorEvent ev appEvent st _ = M.continue st aMap :: AttrMap aMap = attrMap V.defAttr [ ("info", V.white `on` V.magenta) , ("button1", V.white `on` V.cyan) , ("button2", V.white `on` V.green) , ("button3", V.white `on` V.blue) , (E.editFocusedAttr, V.black `on` V.yellow) ] app :: M.App St e Name app = M.App { M.appDraw = drawUi , M.appStartEvent = return , M.appHandleEvent = appEvent , M.appAttrMap = const aMap , M.appChooseCursor = M.showFirstCursor } main :: IO () main = do let buildVty = do v <- V.mkVty =<< V.standardIOConfig V.setMode (V.outputIface v) V.Mouse True return v initialVty <- buildVty void $ M.customMain initialVty buildVty Nothing app $ St [] Nothing "Try clicking on various UI elements.\n\ \Observe that the click coordinates identify the\n\ \underlying widget coordinates.\n\ \\n\ \Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,\n\ \consectetur adipiscing elit,\n\ \sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore\n\ \et dolore magna aliqua.\n\ \ \n\ \Ut enim ad minim veniam\n\ \quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris\n\ \nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.\n\ \\n\ \Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit\n\ \in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.\n\ \\n\ \Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat not proident,\n\ \sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit\n\ \anim id est laborum.\n" (E.editor TextBox Nothing "")