{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module Brick.Types.Internal
  ( ScrollRequest(..)
  , VisibilityRequest(..)
  , vrPositionL
  , vrSizeL
  , Location(..)
  , locL
  , origin
  , TerminalLocation(..)
  , Viewport(..)
  , ViewportType(..)
  , RenderState(..)
  , Direction(..)
  , CursorLocation(..)
  , cursorLocationL
  , cursorLocationNameL
  , Context(..)
  , EventState(..)
  , EventRO(..)
  , Next(..)
  , Result(..)
  , Extent(..)
  , CacheInvalidateRequest(..)
  , BrickEvent(..)

  , rsScrollRequestsL
  , viewportMapL
  , clickableNamesL
  , renderCacheL
  , observedNamesL
  , vpSize
  , vpLeft
  , vpTop
  , imageL
  , cursorsL
  , extentsL
  , visibilityRequestsL
  , emptyResult

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Data.Monoid

import Lens.Micro (_1, _2, Lens')
import Lens.Micro.TH (makeLenses)
import Lens.Micro.Internal (Field1, Field2)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Graphics.Vty (Vty, Event, Button, Modifier, DisplayRegion, Image, emptyImage)

import Brick.Types.TH
import Brick.AttrMap (AttrName, AttrMap)
import Brick.Widgets.Border.Style (BorderStyle)

data ScrollRequest = HScrollBy Int
                   | HScrollPage Direction
                   | HScrollToBeginning
                   | HScrollToEnd
                   | VScrollBy Int
                   | VScrollPage Direction
                   | VScrollToBeginning
                   | VScrollToEnd
                   | SetTop Int
                   | SetLeft Int

data VisibilityRequest =
    VR { vrPosition :: Location
       , vrSize :: DisplayRegion
       deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Describes the state of a viewport as it appears as its most recent
-- rendering.
data Viewport =
    VP { _vpLeft :: Int
       -- ^ The column offset of left side of the viewport.
       , _vpTop :: Int
       -- ^ The row offset of the top of the viewport.
       , _vpSize :: DisplayRegion
       -- ^ The size of the viewport.
       deriving Show

-- | The type of viewports that indicates the direction(s) in which a
-- viewport is scrollable.
data ViewportType = Vertical
                  -- ^ Viewports of this type are scrollable only vertically.
                  | Horizontal
                  -- ^ Viewports of this type are scrollable only horizontally.
                  | Both
                  -- ^ Viewports of this type are scrollable vertically and horizontally.
                  deriving (Show, Eq)

data CacheInvalidateRequest n = InvalidateSingle n
                              | InvalidateEntire

data EventState n = ES { esScrollRequests :: [(n, ScrollRequest)]
                       , cacheInvalidateRequests :: [CacheInvalidateRequest n]

-- | An extent of a named area: its size, location, and origin.
data Extent n = Extent { extentName      :: n
                       , extentUpperLeft :: Location
                       , extentSize      :: (Int, Int)
                       , extentOffset    :: Location
              deriving (Show)

data EventRO n = EventRO { eventViewportMap :: M.Map n Viewport
                         , eventVtyHandle :: Vty
                         , latestExtents :: [Extent n]

-- | The type of actions to take upon completion of an event handler.
data Next a = Continue a
            | SuspendAndResume (IO a)
            | Halt a
            deriving Functor

-- | Scrolling direction.
data Direction = Up
               -- ^ Up/left
               | Down
               -- ^ Down/right
               deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | A terminal screen location.
data Location = Location { loc :: (Int, Int)
                         -- ^ (Column, Row)
                deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

suffixLenses ''Location

instance Field1 Location Location Int Int where
    _1 = locL._1

instance Field2 Location Location Int Int where
    _2 = locL._2

-- | The class of types that behave like terminal locations.
class TerminalLocation a where
    -- | Get the column out of the value
    locationColumnL :: Lens' a Int
    locationColumn :: a -> Int

    -- | Get the row out of the value
    locationRowL :: Lens' a Int
    locationRow :: a -> Int

instance TerminalLocation Location where
    locationColumnL = _1
    locationColumn (Location t) = fst t
    locationRowL = _2
    locationRow (Location t) = snd t

-- | The origin (upper-left corner).
origin :: Location
origin = Location (0, 0)

instance Monoid Location where
    mempty = origin
    mappend (Location (w1, h1)) (Location (w2, h2)) = Location (w1+w2, h1+h2)

-- | A cursor location.  These are returned by the rendering process.
data CursorLocation n =
    CursorLocation { cursorLocation :: !Location
                   -- ^ The location
                   , cursorLocationName :: !(Maybe n)
                   -- ^ The name of the widget associated with the location
                   deriving Show

-- | The type of result returned by a widget's rendering function. The
-- result provides the image, cursor positions, and visibility requests
-- that resulted from the rendering process.
data Result n =
    Result { image :: Image
           -- ^ The final rendered image for a widget
           , cursors :: [CursorLocation n]
           -- ^ The list of reported cursor positions for the
           -- application to choose from
           , visibilityRequests :: [VisibilityRequest]
           -- ^ The list of visibility requests made by widgets rendered
           -- while rendering this one (used by viewports)
           , extents :: [Extent n]
           deriving Show

suffixLenses ''Result

emptyResult :: Result n
emptyResult = Result emptyImage [] [] []

-- | The type of events.
data BrickEvent n e = VtyEvent Event
                    -- ^ The event was a Vty event.
                    | AppEvent e
                    -- ^ The event was an application event.
                    | MouseDown n Button [Modifier] Location
                    -- ^ A mouse-down event on the specified region was
                    -- received. The 'n' value is the resource name of
                    -- the clicked widget (see 'clickable').
                    | MouseUp n (Maybe Button) Location
                    -- ^ A mouse-up event on the specified region was
                    -- received. The 'n' value is the resource name of
                    -- the clicked widget (see 'clickable').
                    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

data RenderState n =
    RS { viewportMap :: M.Map n Viewport
       , rsScrollRequests :: [(n, ScrollRequest)]
       , observedNames :: !(S.Set n)
       , renderCache :: M.Map n (Result n)
       , clickableNames :: [n]

-- | The rendering context. This tells widgets how to render: how much
-- space they have in which to render, which attribute they should use
-- to render, which bordering style should be used, and the attribute map
-- available for rendering.
data Context =
    Context { ctxAttrName :: AttrName
            , availWidth :: Int
            , availHeight :: Int
            , ctxBorderStyle :: BorderStyle
            , ctxAttrMap :: AttrMap
            deriving Show

suffixLenses ''RenderState
suffixLenses ''VisibilityRequest
suffixLenses ''CursorLocation
makeLenses ''Viewport