{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} import Control.Arrow import Control.Monad import Data.Fixed import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe import GHC.Records (HasField(..)) import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Debug.Breakpoint import qualified ApplicativeDo as ApDo import qualified OverloadedStrings as OS main :: IO () main = defaultMain testTree testTree :: TestTree testTree = testGroup "Tests" [ testCase "function args" functionArgs , testCase "where binds" whereBinds , testCase "args and where" argsAndWhere , testCase "let bindings" letBindings , testCase "nested in let" nestedInLet , testCase "let scoping" letScoping , testCase "nested in where" nestedInWhere , testCase "guard binding" guardBinding , testCase "pattern guard" patternGuard , testCase "lambda bind" lambdaBind , testCase "no let escape" noLetEscape , testCase "case pattern bind" casePatBind , testCase "monadic binds" monadicBinds , testCase "monadic binds scoped" monadicBindsScoped , testCase "do block let bind" doBlockLetBind , testCase "list comprehension" listComprehension , testCase "arrow notation" arrowNotation , testCase "record field bindings" recFieldBindings , testCase "record wild cards" recWildCards , testCase "do block in where bind" doBlockInWhereBind , testCase "don't capture do bind in its body" captureInBodyOfDoBind , testCase "Shows type that subclass for Show" showFixedPointNumber , testCase "exclude vars" excludeVarsTest , testCase "built-in instance subclasses" showBuiltinSubclass , ApDo.testTree , OS.testTree ] -- TODO -- Implicit Params -- Pattern synonyms -- recursive do -- qualified do functionArgs :: Assertion functionArgs = test1 1 True @?= M.fromList [("b", "True"), ("i", "1")] test1 :: Int -> Bool -> M.Map String String test1 i b = captureVars whereBinds :: Assertion whereBinds = test2 @?= M.fromList [("a", "1"), ("b", "True")] test2 :: M.Map String String test2 = captureVars where a = 1 :: Int b = True argsAndWhere :: Assertion argsAndWhere = test3 1 @?= M.fromList [("a", "1"), ("b", "2"), ("c", "3")] test3 :: Int -> M.Map String String test3 a = captureVars where b = 2 :: Int c = 3 :: Int letBindings :: Assertion letBindings = test4 @?= M.fromList [("a", "True"), ("b", "1")] test4 :: M.Map String String test4 = let a = True b = 1 :: Int in captureVars nestedInLet :: Assertion nestedInLet = test5 1 @?= M.fromList [("a", "1"), ("b", "2"), ("c", "3")] test5 :: Int -> M.Map String String test5 a = let x = let b = 2 :: Int c = 3 :: Int in captureVars in x noLetEscape :: Assertion noLetEscape = test6 @?= M.fromList [("a", "()")] test6 :: M.Map String String test6 = let a = let b = True c = False in () in captureVars nestedInWhere :: Assertion nestedInWhere = test7 @?= M.fromList [("a", "()")] test7 :: M.Map String String test7 = captureVars where a = () where b = True c = False guardBinding :: Assertion guardBinding = test8 @?= M.fromList [("a", "()"), ("b", "()")] test8 :: M.Map String String test8 | let a = (), let b = a = captureVars patternGuard :: Assertion patternGuard = test9 @?= M.fromList [("a", "()")] test9 :: M.Map String String test9 | Just a <- Just () = captureVars lambdaBind :: Assertion lambdaBind = test10 () @?= M.fromList [("a", "()")] test10 :: () -> M.Map String String test10 = \a -> captureVars letScoping :: Assertion letScoping = test11 @?= M.fromList [("b", "True"), ("c", "False")] test11 :: M.Map String String test11 = let b = True a = captureVars c = False in a casePatBind :: Assertion casePatBind = test12 @?= M.fromList [("a", "()")] test12 :: M.Map String String test12 = case Just () of Just a -> captureVars monadicBinds :: Assertion monadicBinds = test13 @?= M.fromList [("a", "True"), ("b", "False"), ("x", "5")] test13 :: M.Map String String test13 = fromMaybe mempty $ do a <- Just True b <- Just False let x = 5 :: Int pure captureVars monadicBindsScoped :: Assertion monadicBindsScoped = test14 @?= M.fromList [("a", "True")] test14 :: M.Map String String test14 = fromMaybe mempty $ do a <- Just True let m = captureVars b <- Just False pure m doBlockLetBind :: Assertion doBlockLetBind = test15 @?= M.fromList [("a", "True"), ("b", "False")] test15 :: M.Map String String test15 = fromMaybe mempty $ do let a = True b <- Just False pure captureVars listComprehension :: Assertion listComprehension = test16 @?= M.fromList [("a", "True"), ("b", "False")] test16 = head [ captureVars | let b = False, a <- [True] ] arrowNotation :: Assertion arrowNotation = test17 @?= M.fromList [("a", "2"), ("b", "0"), ("x", "1")] test17 :: M.Map String String test17 = go (1 :: Int) where go = proc x -> do a <- succ -< (x :: Int) let b = pred x returnA -< captureVars recFieldBindings :: Assertion recFieldBindings = test18 MkRec {fld=True} @?= M.fromList [("a", "True")] data Rec = MkRec { fld :: Bool } test18 :: Rec -> M.Map String String test18 MkRec { fld = a } = captureVars recWildCards :: Assertion recWildCards = test19 MkRec {fld=True} @?= M.fromList [("fld", "True")] test19 :: Rec -> M.Map String String test19 MkRec{..} = captureVars doBlockInWhereBind :: Assertion doBlockInWhereBind = do r <- test20 M.delete "whereDo" r @?= M.fromList [("x", "True")] test20 :: forall m. Monad m => m (M.Map String String) test20 = do x <- whereDo True pure captureVars where whereDo :: Bool -> m Bool whereDo y = do pure y captureInBodyOfDoBind :: Assertion captureInBodyOfDoBind = do r <- test21 M.delete "wb" r @?= M.fromList [("y", "True")] test21 :: IO (M.Map String String) test21 = do x <- wb $ \y -> do pure captureVars pure x where wb k = k True showFixedPointNumber :: Assertion showFixedPointNumber = do let m = test22 m @?= M.fromList [("x", "4.000000")] test22 :: M.Map String String test22 = let x = (4 :: Micro) in captureVars excludeVarsTest :: Assertion excludeVarsTest = do let m = test23 m @?= M.fromList [("x", "True")] test23 :: M.Map String String test23 = let x = True y = False in excludeVars ["y"] captureVars showBuiltinSubclass :: Assertion showBuiltinSubclass = do let m = test24 m @?= M.fromList [("x", "1"), ("y", "91.00")] test24 :: M.Map String String test24 = let x = HF $ FFF 1 y = 91 :: Fixed 91 in captureVars newtype HF a = HF a instance (HasField "fff" a b, Show b) => Show (HF a) where show (HF a) = show $ getField @"fff" a newtype FFF = FFF { fff :: Int }