{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Main where import Control.Exception (Exception) import Conduit import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Data.Text (pack, unpack, snoc, Text) import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8) import Options.Applicative import Brassica.SoundChange import Brassica.SoundChange.Frontend.Internal import Server main :: IO () main = execParser opts >>= \case Server -> serve Options{..} -> do changesText <- unpack . decodeUtf8 <$> B.readFile rulesFile case parseSoundChanges changesText of Left err -> putStrLn $ errorBundlePretty err Right rules -> withSourceFileIf inWordsFile $ \inC -> withSinkFileIf outWordsFile $ \outC -> runConduit $ inC .| processWords (incrFor wordsFormat) rules wordsFormat outMode .| outC where opts = info (args <**> helper) fullDesc args = batchArgs <|> serverArgs serverArgs = flag' Server (long "server" <> help "Run server (for internal use only)") batchArgs = Options <$> strArgument (metavar "RULES" <> help "File containing sound changes") <*> flag Raw MDF (long "mdf" <> help "Parse input words in MDF format") <*> asum [ flag' ReportRulesApplied (long "report" <> help "Report rules applied rather than outputting words") , flag' (ApplyRules NoHighlight MDFOutput) (long "mdf-out" <> help "With --mdf, output MDF dictionary") , flag' (ApplyRules NoHighlight MDFOutputWithEtymons) (long "etymons" <> help "With --mdf, output MDF dictionary with etymologies") , flag' (ApplyRules NoHighlight WordsWithProtoOutput) (long "show-input" <> help "Output an input→output wordlist") , flag (ApplyRules NoHighlight WordsOnlyOutput) (ApplyRules NoHighlight WordsOnlyOutput) (long "wordlist" <> help "Output only a list of the derived words (default)") ] <*> optional (strOption (long "in" <> short 'i' <> help "File containing input words (if not specified will read from stdin)")) <*> optional (strOption (long "out" <> short 'o' <> help "File to which output words should be written (if not specified will write to stdout)")) incrFor Raw = True incrFor MDF = False withSourceFileIf :: Maybe FilePath -> (ConduitM i B.ByteString IO () -> IO a) -> IO a withSourceFileIf = maybe ($ stdinC) withSourceFile withSinkFileIf :: Maybe FilePath -> (ConduitM B.ByteString o IO () -> IO a) -> IO a withSinkFileIf = maybe ($ stdoutC) withSinkFile data Options = Options { rulesFile :: String , wordsFormat :: InputLexiconFormat , outMode :: ApplicationMode , inWordsFile :: Maybe String , outWordsFile :: Maybe String } | Server deriving (Show) processWords :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => Bool -- split into lines? -> SoundChanges -> InputLexiconFormat -> ApplicationMode -> ConduitT B.ByteString B.ByteString m () processWords incr rules wordsFormat outMode = decodeUtf8C .| (if incr then linesUnboundedC else mapC id) .| mapC (processApplicationOutput . evolve . unpack . (`snoc` '\n')) .| throwOnLeft .| encodeUtf8C where evolve ws = parseTokeniseAndApplyRules rules ws wordsFormat outMode Nothing throwOnLeft :: (MonadThrow m, Exception e) => ConduitT (Either e r) r m () throwOnLeft = awaitForever $ \case Left e -> throwM e Right r -> yield r processApplicationOutput :: ApplicationOutput PWord Statement -> Either ParseException Text processApplicationOutput (HighlightedWords cs) = Right $ pack $ detokeniseWords $ (fmap.fmap) fst cs processApplicationOutput (AppliedRulesTable is) = Right $ pack $ unlines $ reportAsText plaintext' <$> is processApplicationOutput (ParseError e) = Left $ ParseException $ errorBundlePretty e newtype ParseException = ParseException String deriving Show instance Exception ParseException