# Brassica [![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/brassica.svg?logo=haskell)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/brassica) Brassica is a new sound change applier. Its features include: - Can be used interactively both [online](http://bradrn.com/brassica/index.html) and as a desktop application, or non-interactively in batch mode on the command-line or as a [Haskell library](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/brassica) - Natively supports the MDF dictionary format, also used by tools including [SIL Toolbox](https://software.sil.org/toolbox/) and [Lexique Pro](https://software.sil.org/lexiquepro/) - First-class support for multigraphs - Easy control over rule application: apply sound changes sporadically, right-to-left, between words, and in many more ways - Live preview and control over output highlighting let you try out sound changes quickly and easily - Highlight and visualise results in numerous ways - Category operations allow phonetic rules to be written in both featural and character-based ways - Support for ‘features’ lets rules easily manipulate stress, tone and other suprasegmentals - Comes with a paradigm builder for quickly investigating inflectional and other patterns - Rich syntax for specifying phonetic rules, including wildcards, optional elements and more And many more! See the [documentation](./Documentation.md) for details on Brassica usage. Download Brassica from the [releases page](https://github.com/bradrn/brassica/releases/latest). Alternately, try it online at http://bradrn.com/brassica. As of the time of writing prebuilt binaries exist for Windows and Linux. Instructions for building from source are available at [`BUILDING.md`](./BUILDING.md). ![Image of Brassica with some example sound changes](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bradrn/brassica/v0.1.0/gui-interface-example.png)