# Brassica changelog ## v0.1.1 - Rewrote executables with a client/server architecture for better Windows support. The library remains unchanged. ## v0.1.0 - Add new syntax with `#` in lexicon to create word boundaries which can be manipulated by sound changes - Web interface greatly improved using WebAssembly - Allow synchronising scroll positions in GUI between input and output textboxes - Add timeout to desktop GUI to abort long-running computations - Allow category backreferencing with `@n` before category - Allow forcing nondeterminism with `@?` before category - Add ‘input→output’ format for output words - Change default output format for MDF input to wordlist in CLI - Add ‘or environments’ with syntax ‘target / replacement / env1 / env2 / env3 / …’. Former rule exceptions with similar syntax have been changed to syntax ‘target / replacement / env // exception’. - Improve documentation