cabal-version: 3.0 name: botan-bindings version: license: BSD-3-Clause author: Leo D. maintainer: build-type: Simple category: Cryptography synopsis: Raw Botan bindings description: Welcome to botan-bindings Raw bindings to the [Botan]( cryptography library. > Botan's goal is to be the best option for cryptography in C++ by offering the > tools necessary to implement a range of practical systems, such as TLS protocol, > X.509 certificates, modern AEAD ciphers, PKCS#11 and TPM hardware support, > password hashing, and post quantum crypto schemes. For more information, see the [README on Github]( extra-doc-files: tested-with: -- GHC == 9.0.2, GHC == 9.2.8, GHC == 9.4.7, GHC == 9.6.3, GHC == 9.8.1 source-repository head type: git location: flag pkg-config default: True manual: False description: Use @pkg-config(1)@ to locate foreign @botan-3@ library. -- TODO: Probably need a custom Setup.hs for building Botan's C++ / Makefile -- Would be good to tie this into the extended botan. -- SEE: -- flag bundled-c-botan -- default: False -- manual: True -- description: Use the bundled botan-3 C/C++ sources. -- For GHCJS and WASM this is the default. flag XFFI description: Enable experimental / upstream ffi support manual: True default: False library hs-source-dirs: src default-language: Haskell2010 default-extensions: DeriveDataTypeable DerivingStrategies GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving NoImplicitPrelude OverloadedStrings PatternSynonyms RoleAnnotations ScopedTypeVariables StandaloneKindSignatures exposed-modules: Botan.Bindings.Bcrypt Botan.Bindings.BlockCipher Botan.Bindings.Cipher Botan.Bindings.Error Botan.Bindings.FPE Botan.Bindings.Hash Botan.Bindings.HOTP Botan.Bindings.KDF Botan.Bindings.KeyWrap Botan.Bindings.MAC Botan.Bindings.MPI Botan.Bindings.Prelude Botan.Bindings.PubKey Botan.Bindings.PubKey.Decrypt Botan.Bindings.PubKey.DH Botan.Bindings.PubKey.DSA Botan.Bindings.PubKey.ECDH Botan.Bindings.PubKey.ECDSA Botan.Bindings.PubKey.Ed25519 Botan.Bindings.PubKey.ElGamal Botan.Bindings.PubKey.Encrypt Botan.Bindings.PubKey.KeyAgreement Botan.Bindings.PubKey.KeyEncapsulation Botan.Bindings.PubKey.RSA Botan.Bindings.PubKey.Sign Botan.Bindings.PubKey.SM2 Botan.Bindings.PubKey.Verify Botan.Bindings.PubKey.X25519 Botan.Bindings.PwdHash Botan.Bindings.RNG Botan.Bindings.SRP6 Botan.Bindings.TOTP Botan.Bindings.Utility Botan.Bindings.Version Botan.Bindings.View Botan.Bindings.X509 Botan.Bindings.ZFEC other-modules: Paths_botan_bindings autogen-modules: Paths_botan_bindings build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5, bytestring >= 0.11 && < 0.13, includes: botan/ffi.h -- TODO Pt2: Bundle a complete copy of the Botan C/C++ source. -- if flag(bundled-c-botan) || impl(ghcjs) || os(ghcjs) || arch(wasm32) -- c-sources: ... -- cxx-sources: ... -- include-dirs: ... -- else -- TODO: Indent after bundling Botan C/C++ source. if flag(pkg-config) -- NB: pkg-config is available on windows as well when using msys2 pkgconfig-depends: botan-3 >= 3.0.0 else extra-libraries: botan-3 -- END TODO: Indent -- cc-options: -Wall ghc-options: -Wall -Wno-name-shadowing if flag(XFFI) exposed-modules: Botan.Bindings.X509.CA Botan.Bindings.X509.CSR Botan.Bindings.X509.CRL Botan.Bindings.X509.DN Botan.Bindings.X509.Extensions -- Botan.Bindings.X509.OCSP Botan.Bindings.X509.Options Botan.Bindings.X509.Path Botan.Bindings.X509.Store cpp-options: -DXFFI