module Bookkeeper
  -- * Preamble
-- | The examples here presume the following setup:
-- >>> import Data.Char (toUpper)
-- >>> type Person = Book '[ "name" :=> String , "age" :=> Int ]
-- >>> let julian :: Person = emptyBook & #age =: 28 & #name =: "Julian K. Arni"
-- The OverloadedLabels and TypeOperators extensions are also required.
-- A word of warning: The signatures for most of the functions are quite
-- arcane, even though their behaviour is intuitive.

  -- * Initialization

  -- * Getters
  , Gettable
  , (?:)
  , get

  -- * Setters
  , Settable
  , set
  , (=:)

  -- * Modifying
  , Modifiable
  , modify
  , (%:)

  -- * Deleting
  , delete

  -- * Types
  , Book
  , (:=>)
  , Key

  -- * From Haskell record
  , fromRecord

  -- * Re-exports
  , (&)

  ) where

import Bookkeeper.Internal
import Data.Function