{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Database.Bolt.Protocol.Ver1.Graph
 ( Node(..)
 , Relationship(..)
 , Path(..)
 , UnboundedRelationship(..)

import           Data.Int
import           Data.PackStream

import           Database.Bolt.Protocol.Ver1.Types

data Node = Node
    { nodeIdentity      :: Identity
    , nodeLabels        :: [Label]
    , nodeProperties    :: Properties
    } deriving (Show, Eq)

data Relationship = Relationship
    { relIdentity       :: Identity
    , startNodeIdentity :: Identity
    , endNodeIdentity   :: Identity
    , relType           :: Type
    , relProperties     :: Properties
    } deriving (Show, Eq)

data Path = Path
    { pathNodes         :: [Node]
    , pathRelationships :: [UnboundedRelationship]
    , pathSequence      :: [Int64]
    } deriving (Show, Eq)

data UnboundedRelationship = UnboundedRelationship
    { urelIdentity      :: Identity
    , urelType          :: Type
    , urelProperties    :: Properties
    } deriving (Show, Eq)

instance ToPackStream Node where
    toPackStream (Node nodeid labels props) = Struct 0x4e [toPackStream nodeid, toPackStream labels, toPackStream props]

instance FromPackStream Node where
    parsePackStream s = do
        struct <- parsePackStream s
        case struct of
            (Struct 0x4e [nodeid, labels, props]) -> Node <$> parsePackStream nodeid <*> parsePackStream labels <*> parsePackStream props
            _                                     -> error "Invalid Node"

instance ToPackStream Relationship where
    toPackStream (Relationship relid start end ty props) = Struct 0x52 [ toPackStream relid, toPackStream start, toPackStream end
                                                                       , toPackStream ty, toPackStream props ]

instance FromPackStream Relationship where
    parsePackStream s = do
        struct <- parsePackStream s
        case struct of
            (Struct 0x52 [relid, start, end, ty, props]) -> Relationship <$> parsePackStream relid <*> parsePackStream start <*> parsePackStream end
                                                                         <*> parsePackStream ty <*> parsePackStream props
            _                                            -> error "Invalid Relationship"

instance ToPackStream Path where
    toPackStream (Path nodes rels seqn) = Struct 0x50 [ toPackStream nodes, toPackStream rels, toPackStream seqn]

instance FromPackStream Path where
    parsePackStream s = do
        struct <- parsePackStream s
        case struct of
            (Struct 0x50 [nodes, rels, seqn]) -> Path <$> parsePackStream nodes <*> parsePackStream rels <*> parsePackStream seqn
            _                                 -> error "Invalid Path"

instance ToPackStream UnboundedRelationship where
    toPackStream (UnboundedRelationship relid ty props) = Struct 0x72 [toPackStream relid, toPackStream ty, toPackStream props]

instance FromPackStream UnboundedRelationship where
    parsePackStream s = do
        struct <- parsePackStream s
        case struct of
            (Struct 0x72 [relid, ty, props]) -> UnboundedRelationship <$> parsePackStream relid <*> parsePackStream ty <*> parsePackStream props
            _                                -> error "Invalid UnboundedRelationship"