{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
module Codec.BMP.BitmapInfoV3
        ( BitmapInfoV3  (..)
        , Compression (..)
        , sizeOfBitmapInfoV3
        , checkBitmapInfoV3
        , imageSizeFromBitmapInfoV3)
import Codec.BMP.Error
import Codec.BMP.Compression
import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Get  
import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.Int
import Debug.Trace

-- | Device Independent Bitmap (DIB) header for Windows V3.
data BitmapInfoV3
        = BitmapInfoV3                  
        { -- | (+0) Size of the image header, in bytes.
          dib3Size              :: Word32

          -- | (+4) Width of the image, in pixels.
        , dib3Width             :: Word32
          -- | (+8) Height of the image, in pixels.
        , dib3Height            :: Word32
          -- | If the height field in the file is negative then this is interpreted
          --   as an image with the rows flipped.
        , dib3HeightFlipped     :: Bool

          -- | (+12) Number of color planes.
        , dib3Planes            :: Word16

          -- | (+14) Number of bits per pixel.
        , dib3BitCount          :: Word16

          -- | (+16) Image compression mode.
        , dib3Compression       :: Compression

          -- | (+20) Size of raw image data.
          --   Some encoders set this to zero, so we need to calculate it based
          --   on the overall file size.
          --   If it is non-zero then we check it matches the file size - header
          --   size.
        , dib3ImageSize         :: Word32

          -- | (+24) Prefered resolution in pixels per meter, along the X axis.
        , dib3PelsPerMeterX     :: Word32

          -- | (+28) Prefered resolution in pixels per meter, along the Y axis.
        , dib3PelsPerMeterY     :: Word32

          -- | (+32) Number of color entries that are used.
        , dib3ColorsUsed        :: Word32

          -- | (+36) Number of significant colors.
        , dib3ColorsImportant   :: Word32
        deriving (Show)

-- | Size of `BitmapInfoV3` header (in bytes)
sizeOfBitmapInfoV3 :: Int
sizeOfBitmapInfoV3 = 40

instance Binary BitmapInfoV3 where
  = do  size      <- getWord32le
        width     <- getWord32le

        -- We're supposed to treat the height field as a signed integer.
        -- If it's negative it means the image is flipped along the X axis.
        -- (which is crazy, but we just have to eat it)
        heightW32 <- getWord32le
        let heightI32 = (fromIntegral heightW32 :: Int32)
        let (height, flipped)
                = if heightI32 < 0
                        then (fromIntegral (abs heightI32), True)
                        else (heightW32,                    False)

        planes  <- getWord16le
        bitc    <- getWord16le
        comp    <- get
        imgsize <- getWord32le
        pelsX   <- getWord32le
        pelsY   <- getWord32le
        cused   <- getWord32le
        cimp    <- getWord32le
        return  $ BitmapInfoV3
                { dib3Size              = size
                , dib3Width             = width
                , dib3Height            = height
                , dib3HeightFlipped     = flipped
                , dib3Planes            = planes
                , dib3BitCount          = bitc
                , dib3Compression       = comp
                , dib3ImageSize         = imgsize
                , dib3PelsPerMeterX     = pelsX
                , dib3PelsPerMeterY     = pelsY
                , dib3ColorsUsed        = cused
                , dib3ColorsImportant   = cimp }

 put header
  = do  putWord32le     $ dib3Size header
        putWord32le     $ dib3Width header
        putWord32le     $ dib3Height header
        putWord16le     $ dib3Planes header
        putWord16le     $ dib3BitCount header
        put             $ dib3Compression header
        putWord32le     $ dib3ImageSize header
        putWord32le     $ dib3PelsPerMeterX header
        putWord32le     $ dib3PelsPerMeterY header
        putWord32le     $ dib3ColorsUsed header
        putWord32le     $ dib3ColorsImportant header
-- | Check headers for problems and unsupported features.        
checkBitmapInfoV3 :: BitmapInfoV3 -> Word32 -> Maybe Error
checkBitmapInfoV3 header physicalBufferSize

        -- We only handle a single color plane.
        | dib3Planes header /= 1
        = Just  $ ErrorUnhandledPlanesCount $ dib3Planes header
        -- We only handle 24 and 32 bit images.
        | dib3BitCount header /= 24
        , dib3BitCount header /= 32
        = Just  $ ErrorUnhandledColorDepth $ dib3BitCount header

        -- If the image size field in the header is non-zero, 
        -- then it must be less than the physical size of the image buffer.
        --  The buffer may be larger than the size of the image stated
        --  in the header, because some encoders add padding to the end.
        | headerImageSize               <- dib3ImageSize header
        , headerImageSize /= 0
        , physicalBufferSize              < headerImageSize
        = Just  $ ErrorImagePhysicalSizeMismatch
                        headerImageSize physicalBufferSize

        -- Check that the physical buffer contains enough image data.
        --  The buffer may be larger than the size of the image stated
        --  in the header, because some encoders add padding to the end.
        | Just calculatedImageSize      <- imageSizeFromBitmapInfoV3 header
        , fromIntegral physicalBufferSize < calculatedImageSize
        = trace (show header)
        $ Just  $ ErrorImageDataTruncated 
                        (fromIntegral physicalBufferSize)

        -- We only handle uncompresssed images.
        |   dib3Compression header /= CompressionRGB
         && dib3Compression header /= CompressionBitFields
        = Just  $ ErrorUnhandledCompressionMode (dib3Compression header)

        | otherwise
        = Nothing

-- | Compute the size of the image data from the header.
--   * We can't just use the 'dib3ImageSize' field because some encoders
--     set this to zero.
--   * We also can't use the physical size of the data in the file because
--     some encoders add zero padding bytes on the end.   
imageSizeFromBitmapInfoV3 :: BitmapInfoV3 -> Maybe Int
imageSizeFromBitmapInfoV3 header
        | dib3BitCount    header == 32
        , dib3Planes      header == 1
        ,   dib3Compression header == CompressionRGB
         || dib3Compression header == CompressionBitFields
        = Just $ fromIntegral (dib3Width header * dib3Height header * 4)

        | dib3BitCount    header == 24
        , dib3Planes      header == 1
        ,   dib3Compression header == CompressionRGB
         || dib3Compression header == CompressionBitFields
        = let   imageBytesPerLine = dib3Width header * 3
                tailBytesPerLine  = imageBytesPerLine `mod` 4
                padBytesPerLine   = if tailBytesPerLine > 0
                                        then 4 - tailBytesPerLine
                                        else 0
          in    Just $ fromIntegral 
                     $ dib3Height header * imageBytesPerLine + padBytesPerLine

        | otherwise
        = trace (show header) $ Nothing