blockfrost-client- basic client
Safe HaskellNone



Blockfrost client



getRoot :: BlockfrostClient URLVersion Source #

Root endpoint has no other function than to point end users to documentation

getHealth :: BlockfrostClient Healthy Source #

Return backend status. Your application should handle situations when backend for the given chain is unavailable.

getClock :: BlockfrostClient ServerTime Source #

Get current backend time

getMetrics :: BlockfrostClient [Metric] Source #

Get Blockfrost usage metrics over last 30 days

getMetricsEndpoints :: BlockfrostClient [(Text, Metric)] Source #

Get Blockfrost endpoint usage metrics over last 30 days

getAccount :: Address -> BlockfrostClient AccountInfo Source #

Obtain information about a specific stake account.

getAccountRewards :: Address -> BlockfrostClient [AccountReward] Source #

Obtain information about the history of a specific account.

getAccountRewards' :: Address -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [AccountReward] Source #

Obtain information about the history of a specific account. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAccountHistory :: Address -> BlockfrostClient [AccountHistory] Source #

Obtain information about the history of a specific account.

getAccountHistory' :: Address -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [AccountHistory] Source #

Obtain information about the history of a specific account. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAccountDelegations :: Address -> BlockfrostClient [AccountDelegation] Source #

Obtain information about the delegation of a specific account.

getAccountDelegations' :: Address -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [AccountDelegation] Source #

Obtain information about the delegation of a specific account. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAccountRegistrations :: Address -> BlockfrostClient [AccountRegistration] Source #

Obtain information about the registrations and deregistrations of a specific account.

getAccountRegistrations' :: Address -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [AccountRegistration] Source #

Obtain information about the registrations and deregistrations of a specific account. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAccountWithdrawals :: Address -> BlockfrostClient [AccountWithdrawal] Source #

Obtain information about the withdrawals of a specific account.

getAccountWithdrawals' :: Address -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [AccountWithdrawal] Source #

Obtain information about the withdrawals of a specific account. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAccountMirs :: Address -> BlockfrostClient [AccountMir] Source #

Obtain information about the MIRs of a specific account.

getAccountMirs' :: Address -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [AccountMir] Source #

Obtain information about the MIRs of a specific account. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAccountAssociatedAddresses :: Address -> BlockfrostClient [AddressAssociated] Source #

Obtain information about the addresses of a specific account.

getAccountAssociatedAddresses' :: Address -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [AddressAssociated] Source #

Obtain information about the addresses of a specific account. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAccountAssociatedAssets :: Address -> BlockfrostClient [Amount] Source #

Obtain information about assets associated with addresses of a specific account.

getAccountAssociatedAssets' :: Address -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [Amount] Source #

Obtain information about assets associated with addresses of a specific account. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAddressInfo :: Address -> BlockfrostClient AddressInfo Source #

Obtain information about a specific address.

getAddressDetails :: Address -> BlockfrostClient AddressDetails Source #

Obtain details about an address.

getAddressUtxos' :: Address -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [AddressUtxo] Source #

UTXOs of the address. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAddressUtxosAsset :: Address -> AssetId -> BlockfrostClient [AddressUtxo] Source #

UTXOs of the address containing specific asset.

getAddressUtxosAsset' :: Address -> AssetId -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [AddressUtxo] Source #

UTXOs of the address containing specific asset. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAddressTransactions' :: Address -> Paged -> SortOrder -> Maybe BlockIndex -> Maybe BlockIndex -> BlockfrostClient [AddressTransaction] Source #

Transactions on the address. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder. Also allows support for limiting block ranges using from/to BlockIndexes.

getAssets' :: Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [AssetInfo] Source #

List all assets Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAssetDetails :: AssetId -> BlockfrostClient AssetDetails Source #

Information about a specific asset

getAssetHistory :: AssetId -> BlockfrostClient [AssetHistory] Source #

History of a specific asset

getAssetHistory' :: AssetId -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [AssetHistory] Source #

History of a specific asset Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAssetTransactions :: AssetId -> BlockfrostClient [AssetTransaction] Source #

List of a specific asset transactions

getAssetTransactions' :: AssetId -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [AssetTransaction] Source #

List of a specific asset transactions Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAssetAddresses :: AssetId -> BlockfrostClient [AssetAddress] Source #

List of a addresses containing a specific asset

getAssetAddresses' :: AssetId -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [AssetAddress] Source #

List of a addresses containing a specific asset Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getAssetsByPolicy :: PolicyId -> BlockfrostClient [AssetInfo] Source #

List of asset minted under a specific policy

getAssetsByPolicy' :: PolicyId -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [AssetInfo] Source #

List of asset minted under a specific policy Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getLatestBlock :: BlockfrostClient Block Source #

Return the latest block available to the backends, also known as the tip of the blockchain.

getLatestBlockTxs' :: Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [TxHash] Source #

Return the transactions within the latest block. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getBlock :: Either Integer BlockHash -> BlockfrostClient Block Source #

Return the content of a requested block.

getBlockSlot :: Slot -> BlockfrostClient Block Source #

Return the content of a requested block for a specific slot.

getBlockEpochSlot :: Epoch -> Slot -> BlockfrostClient Block Source #

Return the content of a requested block for a specific slot in an epoch.

getNextBlocks :: Either Integer BlockHash -> BlockfrostClient [Block] Source #

Return the list of blocks following a specific block.

getNextBlocks' :: Either Integer BlockHash -> Paged -> BlockfrostClient [Block] Source #

Return the list of blocks following a specific block. Allows custom paging using Paged.

getPreviousBlocks :: Either Integer BlockHash -> BlockfrostClient [Block] Source #

Return the list of blocks preceding a specific block.

getPreviousBlocks' :: Either Integer BlockHash -> Paged -> BlockfrostClient [Block] Source #

Return the list of blocks preceding a specific block. Allows custom paging using Paged.

getBlockTxs :: Either Integer BlockHash -> BlockfrostClient [TxHash] Source #

Return the transactions within the block.

getBlockTxs' :: Either Integer BlockHash -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [TxHash] Source #

Return the transactions within the block. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getLatestEpoch :: BlockfrostClient EpochInfo Source #

Get the information about the latest, therefore current, epoch.

getLatestEpochProtocolParams :: BlockfrostClient ProtocolParams Source #

Get the protocol parameters for the latest epoch.

getEpoch :: Epoch -> BlockfrostClient EpochInfo Source #

Get the information about specific epoch.

getNextEpochs :: Epoch -> BlockfrostClient [EpochInfo] Source #

Return the list of epochs following a specific epoch.

getNextEpochs' :: Epoch -> Paged -> BlockfrostClient [EpochInfo] Source #

Return the list of epochs following a specific epoch. Allows custom paging using Paged.

getPreviousEpochs :: Epoch -> BlockfrostClient [EpochInfo] Source #

Return the list of epochs preceding a specific epoch.

getPreviousEpochs' :: Epoch -> Paged -> BlockfrostClient [EpochInfo] Source #

Return the list of epochs preceding a specific epoch. Allows custom paging using Paged.

getEpochStake :: Epoch -> BlockfrostClient [StakeDistribution] Source #

Return the active stake distribution for the specified epoch.

getEpochStake' :: Epoch -> Paged -> BlockfrostClient [StakeDistribution] Source #

Return the active stake distribution for the specified epoch. Allows custom paging using Paged.

getEpochStakeByPool :: Epoch -> PoolId -> BlockfrostClient [StakeDistribution] Source #

Return the active stake distribution for the epoch specified by stake pool.

getEpochStakeByPool' :: Epoch -> PoolId -> Paged -> BlockfrostClient [StakeDistribution] Source #

Return the active stake distribution for the epoch specified by stake pool. Allows custom paging using Paged.

getEpochBlocks :: Epoch -> BlockfrostClient [BlockHash] Source #

Return the blocks minted for the epoch specified.

getEpochBlocks' :: Epoch -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [BlockHash] Source #

Return the blocks minted for the epoch specified. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getEpochBlocksByPool :: Epoch -> PoolId -> BlockfrostClient [BlockHash] Source #

Return the block minted for the epoch specified by stake pool.

getEpochBlocksByPool' :: Epoch -> PoolId -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [BlockHash] Source #

Return the block minted for the epoch specified by stake pool. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getEpochProtocolParams :: Epoch -> BlockfrostClient ProtocolParams Source #

Return the protocol parameters for the specified epoch.

getLedgerGenesis :: BlockfrostClient Genesis Source #

Get the information about blockchain genesis.

getTxMetadataLabels :: BlockfrostClient [TxMeta] Source #

List of all used transaction metadata labels.

getTxMetadataLabels' :: Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [TxMeta] Source #

List of all used transaction metadata labels. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getTxMetadataByLabelJSON :: Text -> BlockfrostClient [TxMetaJSON] Source #

Transaction metadata per label (JSON Value)

getTxMetadataByLabelJSON' :: Text -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [TxMetaJSON] Source #

Transaction metadata per label (JSON Value) Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getTxMetadataByLabelCBOR :: Text -> BlockfrostClient [TxMetaCBOR] Source #

Transaction metadata per label (CBOR ByteString)

getTxMetadataByLabelCBOR' :: Text -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [TxMetaCBOR] Source #

Transaction metadata per label (CBOR ByteString) Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getNetworkInfo :: BlockfrostClient Network Source #

Get detailed network information.

listPools :: BlockfrostClient [PoolId] Source #

List registered stake pools.

listPools' :: Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [PoolId] Source #

List registered stake pools. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

listRetiredPools :: BlockfrostClient [PoolEpoch] Source #

List retired stake pools.

listRetiredPools' :: Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [PoolEpoch] Source #

List retired stake pools. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

listRetiringPools :: BlockfrostClient [PoolEpoch] Source #

List retiring stake pools.

listRetiringPools' :: Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [PoolEpoch] Source #

List retiring stake pools. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getPool :: PoolId -> BlockfrostClient PoolInfo Source #

Get specific stake pool information

getPoolHistory' :: PoolId -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [PoolHistory] Source #

Get stake pool history Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getPoolRelays :: PoolId -> BlockfrostClient [PoolRelay] Source #

Get stake pool relays

getPoolDelegators' :: PoolId -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [PoolDelegator] Source #

Get stake pool delegators Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getPoolBlocks :: PoolId -> BlockfrostClient [BlockHash] Source #

Get stake pool blocks

getPoolBlocks' :: PoolId -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [BlockHash] Source #

Get stake pool blocks Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getPoolUpdates' :: PoolId -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [PoolUpdate] Source #

Get stake pool updates Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

listScripts' :: Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [ScriptHash] Source #

List scripts Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getScript :: ScriptHash -> BlockfrostClient Script Source #

Get specific script information

getScriptRedeemers :: ScriptHash -> BlockfrostClient [ScriptRedeemer] Source #

Get redeemers of a specific script

getScriptRedeemers' :: ScriptHash -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [ScriptRedeemer] Source #

Get redeemers of a specific script Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getScriptJSON :: ScriptHash -> BlockfrostClient ScriptJSON Source #

Get a JSON representation of a timelock script

getScriptCBOR :: ScriptHash -> BlockfrostClient ScriptCBOR Source #

Get a CBOR representation of a plutus script

getTx :: TxHash -> BlockfrostClient Transaction Source #

Get specific transaction

getTxDelegations :: TxHash -> BlockfrostClient [TransactionDelegation] Source #

Get transaction delegation certificates

getTxMirs :: TxHash -> BlockfrostClient [TransactionMir] Source #

Get transaction MIRs (Move Instantaneous Rewards)

getTxPoolUpdates :: TxHash -> BlockfrostClient [TransactionPoolUpdate] Source #

Get transaction stake pool registration and update certificates

getTxPoolRetiring :: TxHash -> BlockfrostClient [TransactionPoolRetiring] Source #

Get transaction stake pool retirement certificates

getTxMetadataJSON :: TxHash -> BlockfrostClient [TransactionMetaJSON] Source #

Get transaction metadata in JSON

getTxMetadataCBOR :: TxHash -> BlockfrostClient [TransactionMetaCBOR] Source #

Get transaction metadata in CBOR

submitTx :: CBORString -> BlockfrostClient TxHash Source #

Submit an already serialized transaction to the network.

ipfsAdd :: FilePath -> BlockfrostClient IPFSAdd Source #

Add a file or directory to IPFS

ipfsGetPin :: Text -> BlockfrostClient IPFSPin Source #

Get pinned object details

ipfsListPins :: BlockfrostClient [IPFSPin] Source #

List objects pinned to local storage

ipfsListPins' :: Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [IPFSPin] Source #

List objects pinned to local storage Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

ipfsRemovePin :: Text -> BlockfrostClient IPFSPinChange Source #

Remove pinned object from local storage

nutlinkListAddress :: Address -> BlockfrostClient NutlinkAddress Source #

List metadata about specific address

nutlinkListAddressTickers :: Address -> BlockfrostClient [NutlinkAddressTicker] Source #

List tickers for a specific metadata oracle

nutlinkListAddressTickers' :: Address -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [NutlinkAddressTicker] Source #

List tickers for a specific metadata oracle Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

nutlinkAddressTickers :: Address -> Text -> BlockfrostClient [NutlinkTicker] Source #

List of records of a specific ticker

nutlinkAddressTickers' :: Address -> Text -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [NutlinkTicker] Source #

List of records of a specific ticker Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

nutlinkTickers :: Text -> BlockfrostClient [(Address, NutlinkTicker)] Source #

List of records of a specific ticker

nutlinkTickers' :: Text -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [(Address, NutlinkTicker)] Source #

List of records of a specific ticker Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.