blockfrost-client- basic client
Safe HaskellNone



Epoch queries



getLatestEpoch :: BlockfrostClient EpochInfo Source #

Get the information about the latest, therefore current, epoch.

getLatestEpochProtocolParams :: BlockfrostClient ProtocolParams Source #

Get the protocol parameters for the latest epoch.

getEpoch :: Epoch -> BlockfrostClient EpochInfo Source #

Get the information about specific epoch.

getNextEpochs :: Epoch -> BlockfrostClient [EpochInfo] Source #

Return the list of epochs following a specific epoch.

getNextEpochs' :: Epoch -> Paged -> BlockfrostClient [EpochInfo] Source #

Return the list of epochs following a specific epoch. Allows custom paging using Paged.

getPreviousEpochs :: Epoch -> BlockfrostClient [EpochInfo] Source #

Return the list of epochs preceding a specific epoch.

getPreviousEpochs' :: Epoch -> Paged -> BlockfrostClient [EpochInfo] Source #

Return the list of epochs preceding a specific epoch. Allows custom paging using Paged.

getEpochStake :: Epoch -> BlockfrostClient [StakeDistribution] Source #

Return the active stake distribution for the specified epoch.

getEpochStake' :: Epoch -> Paged -> BlockfrostClient [StakeDistribution] Source #

Return the active stake distribution for the specified epoch. Allows custom paging using Paged.

getEpochStakeByPool :: Epoch -> PoolId -> BlockfrostClient [StakeDistribution] Source #

Return the active stake distribution for the epoch specified by stake pool.

getEpochStakeByPool' :: Epoch -> PoolId -> Paged -> BlockfrostClient [StakeDistribution] Source #

Return the active stake distribution for the epoch specified by stake pool. Allows custom paging using Paged.

getEpochBlocks :: Epoch -> BlockfrostClient [BlockHash] Source #

Return the blocks minted for the epoch specified.

getEpochBlocks' :: Epoch -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [BlockHash] Source #

Return the blocks minted for the epoch specified. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getEpochBlocksByPool :: Epoch -> PoolId -> BlockfrostClient [BlockHash] Source #

Return the block minted for the epoch specified by stake pool.

getEpochBlocksByPool' :: Epoch -> PoolId -> Paged -> SortOrder -> BlockfrostClient [BlockHash] Source #

Return the block minted for the epoch specified by stake pool. Allows custom paging and ordering using Paged and SortOrder.

getEpochProtocolParams :: Epoch -> BlockfrostClient ProtocolParams Source #

Return the protocol parameters for the specified epoch.