-- | Cardano Transactions responses module Blockfrost.Types.Cardano.Transactions ( Transaction (..) , TransactionUtxos (..) , UtxoInput (..) , UtxoOutput (..) , ValidationPurpose (..) , TransactionRedeemer (..) , TransactionStake (..) , TransactionDelegation (..) , TransactionWithdrawal (..) , Pot (..) , TransactionMir (..) , TransactionPoolUpdate (..) , PoolUpdateMetadata (..) , TransactionPoolRetiring (..) , TransactionMetaJSON (..) , TransactionMetaCBOR (..) ) where import Data.Aeson (Value, object, (.=)) import Data.Text (Text) import Deriving.Aeson import qualified Money import Servant.Docs (ToSample (..), samples, singleSample) import Blockfrost.Types.Cardano.Pools import Blockfrost.Types.Shared -- | Information about a transaction data Transaction = Transaction { _transactionHash :: Text -- ^ Transaction hash , _transactionBlock :: BlockHash -- ^ Block hash , _transactionBlockHeight :: Integer -- ^ Block number , _transactionSlot :: Slot -- ^ Slot number , _transactionIndex :: Integer -- ^ Transaction index within the block , _transactionOutputAmount :: [Amount] -- ^ Transaction outputs , _transactionFees :: Lovelaces -- ^ Fees of the transaction in Lovelaces , _transactionDeposit :: Lovelaces -- ^ Deposit within the transaction in Lovelaces , _transactionSize :: Integer -- ^ Size of the transaction in Bytes , _transactionInvalidBefore :: Maybe Text -- ^ Left (included) endpoint of the timelock validity intervals , _transactionInvalidHereafter :: Maybe Text -- ^ Right (excluded) endpoint of the timelock validity intervals , _transactionUtxoCount :: Integer -- ^ Count of UTXOs within the transaction , _transactionWithdrawalCount :: Integer -- ^ Count of the withdrawals within the transaction , _transactionMirCertCount :: Integer -- ^ Count of the MIR certificates within the transaction , _transactionDelegationCount :: Integer -- ^ Count of the delegations within the transaction , _transactionStakeCertCount :: Integer -- ^ Count of the stake keys (de)registration and delegation certificates within the transaction , _transactionPoolUpdateCount :: Integer -- ^ Count of the stake pool registration and update certificates within the transaction , _transactionPoolRetireCount :: Integer -- ^ Count of the stake pool retirement certificates within the transaction , _transactionAssetMintOrBurnCount :: Integer -- ^ Count of asset mints and burns within the transaction , _transactionRedeemerCount :: Integer -- ^ Count of redeemers within the transaction , _transactionValidContract :: Bool -- ^ True if this is a valid transaction, False in case of contract validation failure } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via CustomJSON '[FieldLabelModifier '[StripPrefix "_transaction", CamelToSnake]] Transaction instance ToSample Transaction where toSamples = pure $ singleSample Transaction { _transactionHash = "1e043f100dce12d107f679685acd2fc0610e10f72a92d412794c9773d11d8477" , _transactionBlock = "356b7d7dbb696ccd12775c016941057a9dc70898d87a63fc752271bb46856940" , _transactionBlockHeight = 123456 , _transactionSlot = 42000000 , _transactionIndex = 1 , _transactionOutputAmount = sampleAmounts , _transactionFees = 182485 , _transactionDeposit = 0 , _transactionSize = 433 , _transactionInvalidBefore = Nothing , _transactionInvalidHereafter = Just "13885913" , _transactionUtxoCount = 4 , _transactionWithdrawalCount = 0 , _transactionMirCertCount = 0 , _transactionDelegationCount = 0 , _transactionStakeCertCount = 0 , _transactionPoolUpdateCount = 0 , _transactionPoolRetireCount = 0 , _transactionAssetMintOrBurnCount = 0 , _transactionRedeemerCount = 0 , _transactionValidContract = True } -- | Transaction input UTxO data UtxoInput = UtxoInput { _utxoInputAddress :: Address -- ^ Input address , _utxoInputAmount :: [Amount] , _utxoInputTxHash :: Text -- ^ Hash of the UTXO transaction , _utxoInputOutputIndex :: Integer -- ^ UTXO index in the transaction , _utxoInputCollateral :: Bool -- ^ UTXO is a script collateral input , _utxoInputDataHash :: Maybe DatumHash -- ^ The hash of the transaction output datum } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via CustomJSON '[FieldLabelModifier '[StripPrefix "_utxoInput", CamelToSnake]] UtxoInput instance ToSample UtxoInput where toSamples = pure $ singleSample utxoInSample utxoInSample :: UtxoInput utxoInSample = UtxoInput { _utxoInputAddress = "addr1q9ld26v2lv8wvrxxmvg90pn8n8n5k6tdst06q2s856rwmvnueldzuuqmnsye359fqrk8hwvenjnqultn7djtrlft7jnq7dy7wv" , _utxoInputAmount = sampleAmounts , _utxoInputTxHash = "1a0570af966fb355a7160e4f82d5a80b8681b7955f5d44bec0dce628516157f0" , _utxoInputOutputIndex = 0 , _utxoInputCollateral = False , _utxoInputDataHash = Just "9e478573ab81ea7a8e31891ce0648b81229f408d596a3483e6f4f9b92d3cf710" } -- | Transaction output UTxO data UtxoOutput = UtxoOutput { _utxoOutputAddress :: Address -- ^ Output address , _utxoOutputAmount :: [Amount] -- ^ Transaction output amounts , _utxoOutputDataHash :: Maybe DatumHash -- ^ The hash of the transaction output datum , _utxoOutputOutputIndex :: Integer -- ^ UTXO index in the transaction } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via CustomJSON '[FieldLabelModifier '[StripPrefix "_utxoOutput", CamelToSnake]] UtxoOutput instance ToSample UtxoOutput where toSamples = pure $ singleSample utxoOutSample utxoOutSample :: UtxoOutput utxoOutSample = UtxoOutput { _utxoOutputAddress = "addr1q9ld26v2lv8wvrxxmvg90pn8n8n5k6tdst06q2s856rwmvnueldzuuqmnsye359fqrk8hwvenjnqultn7djtrlft7jnq7dy7wv" , _utxoOutputAmount = sampleAmounts , _utxoOutputDataHash = Just "9e478573ab81ea7a8e31891ce0648b81229f408d596a3483e6f4f9b92d3cf710" , _utxoOutputOutputIndex = 0 } -- | Transaction UTxOs data TransactionUtxos = TransactionUtxos { _transactionUtxosHash :: TxHash -- ^ Transaction hash , _transactionUtxosInputs :: [UtxoInput] -- ^ Transaction inputs , _transactionUtxosOutputs :: [UtxoOutput] -- ^ Transaction outputs } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via CustomJSON '[FieldLabelModifier '[StripPrefix "_transactionUtxos", CamelToSnake]] TransactionUtxos instance ToSample TransactionUtxos where toSamples = pure $ singleSample TransactionUtxos { _transactionUtxosHash = "1e043f100dce12d107f679685acd2fc0610e10f72a92d412794c9773d11d8477" , _transactionUtxosInputs = pure utxoInSample , _transactionUtxosOutputs = pure utxoOutSample } sampleAmounts :: [Amount] sampleAmounts = [ AdaAmount 42000000 , AssetAmount $ Money.mkSomeDiscrete "b0d07d45fe9514f80213f4020e5a61241458be626841cde717cb38a76e7574636f696e" unitScale 12 ] -- | Validation purpose data ValidationPurpose = Spend | Mint | Cert | Reward deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via CustomJSON '[ConstructorTagModifier '[ToLower]] ValidationPurpose instance ToSample ValidationPurpose where toSamples = pure $ samples [ Spend, Mint, Cert, Reward ] -- | Transaction redeemer data TransactionRedeemer = TransactionRedeemer { _transactionRedeemerTxIndex :: Integer -- ^ Index of the redeemer within a transaction , _transactionRedeemerPurpose :: ValidationPurpose -- ^ Validation purpose , _transactionRedeemerScriptHash:: ScriptHash -- ^ Script hash , _transactionRedeemerDatumHash :: DatumHash -- ^ Datum hash , _transactionRedeemerUnitMem :: Quantity -- ^ The budget in Memory to run a script , _transactionRedeemerUnitSteps :: Quantity -- ^ The budget in Steps to run a script , _transactionRedeemerFee :: Lovelaces -- ^ The fee consumed to run the script } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via CustomJSON '[FieldLabelModifier '[StripPrefix "_transactionRedeemer", CamelToSnake]] TransactionRedeemer instance ToSample TransactionRedeemer where toSamples = pure $ singleSample TransactionRedeemer { _transactionRedeemerTxIndex = 0 , _transactionRedeemerPurpose = Spend , _transactionRedeemerScriptHash = "ec26b89af41bef0f7585353831cb5da42b5b37185e0c8a526143b824" , _transactionRedeemerDatumHash = "923918e403bf43c34b4ef6b48eb2ee04babed17320d8d1b9ff9ad086e86f44ec" , _transactionRedeemerUnitMem = 1700 , _transactionRedeemerUnitSteps = 476468 , _transactionRedeemerFee = 172033 } -- | Information about (de-)registration of a stake address -- within a transaction data TransactionStake = TransactionStake { _transactionStakeCertIndex :: Integer -- ^ Index of the certificate within the transaction , _transactionStakeAddress :: Address -- ^ Delegation stake address , _transactionStakeRegistration :: Bool -- ^ Registration boolean, false if deregistration } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via CustomJSON '[FieldLabelModifier '[StripPrefix "_transactionStake", CamelToSnake]] TransactionStake instance ToSample TransactionStake where toSamples = pure $ singleSample TransactionStake { _transactionStakeCertIndex = 0 , _transactionStakeAddress = "stake1u9t3a0tcwune5xrnfjg4q7cpvjlgx9lcv0cuqf5mhfjwrvcwrulda" , _transactionStakeRegistration = True } -- | Information about delegation certificates of a specific transaction data TransactionDelegation = TransactionDelegation { _transactionDelegationCertIndex :: Integer -- ^ Index of the certificate within the transaction , _transactionDelegationAddress :: Address -- ^ Delegation stake address , _transactionDelegationPoolId :: PoolId -- ^ Bech32 ID of delegated stake pool , _transactionDelegationActiveEpoch :: Epoch -- ^ Epoch in which the delegation becomes active } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via CustomJSON '[FieldLabelModifier '[StripPrefix "_transactionDelegation", CamelToSnake]] TransactionDelegation instance ToSample TransactionDelegation where toSamples = pure $ singleSample TransactionDelegation { _transactionDelegationCertIndex = 0 , _transactionDelegationAddress = "stake1u9t3a0tcwune5xrnfjg4q7cpvjlgx9lcv0cuqf5mhfjwrvcwrulda" , _transactionDelegationPoolId = "pool1pu5jlj4q9w9jlxeu370a3c9myx47md5j5m2str0naunn2q3lkdy" , _transactionDelegationActiveEpoch = 210 } -- | Information about withdrawals of a specific transaction data TransactionWithdrawal = TransactionWithdrawal { _transactionWithdrawalAddress :: Address -- ^ Bech32 withdrawal address , _transactionWithdrawalAmount :: Lovelaces -- ^ Withdrawal amount in Lovelaces } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via CustomJSON '[FieldLabelModifier '[StripPrefix "_transactionWithdrawal", CamelToSnake]] TransactionWithdrawal instance ToSample TransactionWithdrawal where toSamples = pure $ singleSample TransactionWithdrawal { _transactionWithdrawalAddress = "stake1u9r76ypf5fskppa0cmttas05cgcswrttn6jrq4yd7jpdnvc7gt0yc" , _transactionWithdrawalAmount = 431833601 } -- | Pot from which MIRs are transferred data Pot = Reserve | Treasury deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via CustomJSON '[ConstructorTagModifier '[ToLower]] Pot instance ToSample Pot where toSamples = pure $ samples [ Reserve, Treasury ] -- | Information about Move Instantaneous Rewards (MIRs) of a specific transaction data TransactionMir = TransactionMir { _transactionMirPot :: Pot -- ^ Source of MIR funds , _transactionMirCertIndex :: Integer -- ^ Index of the certificate within the transaction , _transactionMirAddress :: Address -- ^ Bech32 stake address , _transactionMirAmount :: Lovelaces -- ^ MIR amount in Lovelaces } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via CustomJSON '[FieldLabelModifier '[StripPrefix "_transactionMir", CamelToSnake]] TransactionMir instance ToSample TransactionMir where toSamples = pure $ singleSample TransactionMir { _transactionMirPot = Reserve , _transactionMirCertIndex = 0 , _transactionMirAddress = "stake1u9r76ypf5fskppa0cmttas05cgcswrttn6jrq4yd7jpdnvc7gt0yc" , _transactionMirAmount = 431833601 } -- | Information about stake pool registration and update certificates -- of a specific transaction data TransactionPoolUpdate = TransactionPoolUpdate { _transactionPoolUpdateCertIndex :: Integer -- ^ Index of the certificate within the transaction , _transactionPoolUpdatePoolId :: PoolId -- ^ Bech32 encoded pool ID , _transactionPoolUpdateVrfKey :: Text -- ^ VRF key hash , _transactionPoolUpdatePledge :: Lovelaces -- ^ Stake pool certificate pledge in Lovelaces , _transactionPoolUpdateMarginCost :: Double -- ^ Margin tax cost of the stake pool , _transactionPoolUpdateFixedCost :: Lovelaces -- ^ Fixed tax cost of the stake pool in Lovelaces , _transactionPoolUpdateRewardAccount :: Address -- ^ Bech32 reward account of the stake pool , _transactionPoolUpdateOwners :: [Address] , _transactionPoolUpdateMetadata :: Maybe PoolUpdateMetadata , _transactionPoolUpdateRelays :: [PoolRelay] , _transactionPoolUpdateActiveEpoch :: Epoch -- ^ Epoch that the delegation becomes active } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via CustomJSON '[FieldLabelModifier '[StripPrefix "_transactionPoolUpdate", CamelToSnake]] TransactionPoolUpdate instance ToSample TransactionPoolUpdate where toSamples = pure $ singleSample TransactionPoolUpdate { _transactionPoolUpdateCertIndex = 0 , _transactionPoolUpdatePoolId = "pool1pu5jlj4q9w9jlxeu370a3c9myx47md5j5m2str0naunn2q3lkdy" , _transactionPoolUpdateVrfKey = "0b5245f9934ec2151116fb8ec00f35fd00e0aa3b075c4ed12cce440f999d8233" , _transactionPoolUpdatePledge = 5000000000 , _transactionPoolUpdateMarginCost = 0.05 , _transactionPoolUpdateFixedCost = 340000000 , _transactionPoolUpdateRewardAccount = "stake1uxkptsa4lkr55jleztw43t37vgdn88l6ghclfwuxld2eykgpgvg3f" , _transactionPoolUpdateOwners = [ "stake1u98nnlkvkk23vtvf9273uq7cph5ww6u2yq2389psuqet90sv4xv9v" ] , _transactionPoolUpdateMetadata = Just samplePoolUpdateMetadata , _transactionPoolUpdateRelays = [ samplePoolRelay ] , _transactionPoolUpdateActiveEpoch = 210 } -- | Information about stake pool retirements -- within a specific transaction data TransactionPoolRetiring = TransactionPoolRetiring { _transactionPoolRetiringCertIndex :: Integer -- ^ Index of the certificate within the transaction , _transactionPoolRetiringPoolId :: PoolId -- ^ Bech32 stake pool ID , _transactionPoolRetiringRetiringEpoch :: Epoch -- ^ Retiring epoch } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via CustomJSON '[FieldLabelModifier '[StripPrefix "_transactionPoolRetiring", CamelToSnake]] TransactionPoolRetiring instance ToSample TransactionPoolRetiring where toSamples = pure $ singleSample TransactionPoolRetiring { _transactionPoolRetiringCertIndex = 0 , _transactionPoolRetiringPoolId = "pool1pu5jlj4q9w9jlxeu370a3c9myx47md5j5m2str0naunn2q3lkdy" , _transactionPoolRetiringRetiringEpoch = 216 } -- | Transaction metadata in JSON data TransactionMetaJSON = TransactionMetaJSON { _transactionMetaJSONLabel :: Text -- ^ Metadata label , _transactionMetaJSONJSONMetadata :: Maybe Value -- ^ Content of the JSON metadata } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via CustomJSON '[FieldLabelModifier '[StripPrefix "_transactionMetaJSON", CamelToSnake]] TransactionMetaJSON instance ToSample TransactionMetaJSON where toSamples = let oracleMeta val = object [ "ADAUSD" .= [ object [ "value" .= (val :: Text) , "source" .= ("ergoOracles" :: Text) ] ] ] in pure $ samples [ TransactionMetaJSON "1967" (Just $ object [ "metadata" .= ("https://nut.link/metadata.json" :: Text) , "hash" .= ("6bf124f217d0e5a0a8adb1dbd8540e1334280d49ab861127868339f43b3948af" :: Text) ]) , TransactionMetaJSON "1968" (Just $ oracleMeta "0.15409850555139935") ] -- | Transaction metadata in CBOR data TransactionMetaCBOR = TransactionMetaCBOR { _transactionMetaCBORLabel :: Text -- ^ Metadata label , _transactionMetaCBORMetadata :: Maybe Text -- ^ Content of the CBOR metadata } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via CustomJSON '[FieldLabelModifier '[StripPrefix "_transactionMetaCBOR", CamelToSnake]] TransactionMetaCBOR instance ToSample TransactionMetaCBOR where toSamples = pure $ singleSample $ TransactionMetaCBOR "1968" (Just "a100a16b436f6d62696e6174696f6e8601010101010c") -- | Update of a pool metadata data PoolUpdateMetadata = PoolUpdateMetadata { _poolUpdateMetadataUrl :: Maybe Text -- ^ URL to the stake pool metadata , _poolUpdateMetadataHash :: Maybe Text -- ^ Hash of the metadata file , _poolUpdateMetadataTicker :: Maybe Text -- ^ Ticker of the stake pool , _poolUpdateMetadataName :: Maybe Text -- ^ Name of the stake pool , _poolUpdateMetadataDescription :: Maybe Text -- ^ Description of the stake pool , _poolUpdateMetadataHomepage :: Maybe Text -- ^ Home page of the stake pool } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via CustomJSON '[FieldLabelModifier '[StripPrefix "_poolUpdateMetadata", CamelToSnake]] PoolUpdateMetadata -- Note: Similar to PoolMetadata but w/o PoolId and Hex fields instance ToSample PoolUpdateMetadata where toSamples = pure $ singleSample samplePoolUpdateMetadata samplePoolUpdateMetadata :: PoolUpdateMetadata samplePoolUpdateMetadata = PoolUpdateMetadata { _poolUpdateMetadataUrl = Just "https://stakenuts.com/mainnet.json" , _poolUpdateMetadataHash = Just "47c0c68cb57f4a5b4a87bad896fc274678e7aea98e200fa14a1cb40c0cab1d8c" , _poolUpdateMetadataTicker = Just "NUTS" , _poolUpdateMetadataName = Just "Stake Nuts" , _poolUpdateMetadataDescription = Just "The best pool ever" , _poolUpdateMetadataHomepage = Just "https://stakentus.com/" }