-- | Cardano Pools reponses module Blockfrost.Types.Cardano.Pools ( PoolEpoch (..) , PoolInfo (..) , PoolHistory (..) , PoolMetadata (..) , PoolRelay (..) , PoolDelegator (..) , PoolUpdate (..) , PoolRegistrationAction (..) , samplePoolRelay ) where import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..), object, pairs, withText) import Data.Text (Text) import Deriving.Aeson import Servant.Docs (ToSample (..), samples, singleSample) import Blockfrost.Types.Shared -- | Retirement epoch for pool data PoolEpoch = PoolEpoch { _poolEpochPoolId :: PoolId -- ^ Bech32 encoded pool ID , _poolEpochEpoch :: Epoch -- ^ Retirement epoch number } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via CustomJSON '[FieldLabelModifier '[StripPrefix "_poolEpoch", CamelToSnake]] PoolEpoch instance ToSample PoolEpoch where toSamples = pure $ samples [ PoolEpoch "pool19u64770wqp6s95gkajc8udheske5e6ljmpq33awxk326zjaza0q" 225 , PoolEpoch "pool1dvla4zq98hpvacv20snndupjrqhuc79zl6gjap565nku6et5zdx" 215 , PoolEpoch "pool1wvccajt4eugjtf3k0ja3exjqdj7t8egsujwhcw4tzj4rzsxzw5w" 231 ] -- | Detailed pool information data PoolInfo = PoolInfo { _poolInfoPoolId :: PoolId -- ^ Bech32 encoded pool ID , _poolInfoHex :: Text -- ^ Hexadecimal pool ID. , _poolInfoVrfKey :: Text -- ^ VRF key hash , _poolInfoBlocksMinted :: Integer -- ^ Total minted blocks , _poolInfoLiveStake :: Lovelaces , _poolInfoLiveSize :: Double , _poolInfoLiveSaturation :: Double , _poolInfoLiveDelegators :: Double , _poolInfoActiveStake :: Lovelaces , _poolInfoActiveSize :: Double , _poolInfoDeclaredPledge :: Lovelaces -- ^ Stake pool certificate pledge , _poolInfoLivePledge :: Lovelaces -- ^ Stake pool current pledge , _poolInfoMarginCost :: Double -- ^ Margin tax cost of the stake pool , _poolInfoFixedCost :: Lovelaces -- ^ Fixed tax cost of the stake pool , _poolInfoRewardAccount :: Address -- ^ Bech32 reward account of the stake pool , _poolInfoOwners :: [Address] , _poolInfoRegistration :: [Text] , _poolInfoRetirement :: [Text] } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via CustomJSON '[FieldLabelModifier '[StripPrefix "_poolInfo", CamelToSnake]] PoolInfo instance ToSample PoolInfo where toSamples = pure $ singleSample PoolInfo { _poolInfoPoolId = "pool1pu5jlj4q9w9jlxeu370a3c9myx47md5j5m2str0naunn2q3lkdy" , _poolInfoHex = "0f292fcaa02b8b2f9b3c8f9fd8e0bb21abedb692a6d5058df3ef2735" , _poolInfoVrfKey = "0b5245f9934ec2151116fb8ec00f35fd00e0aa3b075c4ed12cce440f999d8233" , _poolInfoBlocksMinted = 69 , _poolInfoLiveStake = 6900000000 , _poolInfoLiveSize = 0.42 , _poolInfoLiveSaturation = 0.93 , _poolInfoLiveDelegators = 127 , _poolInfoActiveStake = 4200000000 , _poolInfoActiveSize = 0.43 , _poolInfoDeclaredPledge = 5000000000 , _poolInfoLivePledge = 5000000001 , _poolInfoMarginCost = 0.05 , _poolInfoFixedCost = 340000000 , _poolInfoRewardAccount = "stake1uxkptsa4lkr55jleztw43t37vgdn88l6ghclfwuxld2eykgpgvg3f" , _poolInfoOwners = [ "stake1u98nnlkvkk23vtvf9273uq7cph5ww6u2yq2389psuqet90sv4xv9v" ] , _poolInfoRegistration = [ "9f83e5484f543e05b52e99988272a31da373f3aab4c064c76db96643a355d9dc" , "7ce3b8c433bf401a190d58c8c483d8e3564dfd29ae8633c8b1b3e6c814403e95" , "3e6e1200ce92977c3fe5996bd4d7d7e192bcb7e231bc762f9f240c76766535b9" ] , _poolInfoRetirement = [ "252f622976d39e646815db75a77289cf16df4ad2b287dd8e3a889ce14c13d1a8" ] } -- | History of a stake pool parameters over epochs data PoolHistory = PoolHistory { _poolHistoryEpoch :: Epoch -- ^ Epoch number , _poolHistoryBlocks :: Integer -- ^ Number of blocks created by pool , _poolHistoryActiveStake :: Lovelaces -- ^ Active (Snapshot of live stake 2 epochs ago) stake in Lovelaces , _poolHistoryActiveSize :: Double -- ^ Pool size (percentage) of overall active stake at that epoch , _poolHistoryDelegatorsCount :: Integer -- ^ Number of delegators for epoch , _poolHistoryRewards :: Lovelaces -- ^ Total rewards received before distribution to delegators , _poolHistoryFees :: Lovelaces -- ^ Pool operator rewards } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via CustomJSON '[FieldLabelModifier '[StripPrefix "_poolHistory", CamelToSnake]] PoolHistory instance ToSample PoolHistory where toSamples = pure $ singleSample PoolHistory { _poolHistoryEpoch = 233 , _poolHistoryBlocks = 22 , _poolHistoryActiveStake = 20485965693569 , _poolHistoryActiveSize = 1.2345 , _poolHistoryDelegatorsCount = 115 , _poolHistoryRewards = 206936253674159 , _poolHistoryFees = 1290968354 } -- | Stake pool registration metadata data PoolMetadata = PoolMetadata { _poolMetadataPoolId :: PoolId -- ^ Bech32 pool ID , _poolMetadataHex :: Text -- ^ Hexadecimal pool ID , _poolMetadataUrl :: Maybe Text -- ^ URL to the stake pool metadata , _poolMetadataHash :: Maybe Text -- ^ Hash of the metadata file , _poolMetadataTicker :: Maybe Text -- ^ Ticker of the stake pool , _poolMetadataName :: Maybe Text -- ^ Name of the stake pool , _poolMetadataDescription :: Maybe Text -- ^ Description of the stake pool , _poolMetadataHomepage :: Maybe Text -- ^ Home page of the stake pool } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via CustomJSON '[FieldLabelModifier '[StripPrefix "_poolMetadata", CamelToSnake]] PoolMetadata -- We need this more specific -- instance since API returns -- empty object if there's no metadata instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} ToJSON (Maybe PoolMetadata) where toJSON Nothing = object mempty toJSON (Just pm) = toJSON pm toEncoding Nothing = pairs mempty toEncoding (Just pm) = toEncoding pm instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} FromJSON (Maybe PoolMetadata) where parseJSON x | x == object [] = pure Nothing parseJSON x = Just <$> parseJSON x instance ToSample PoolMetadata where toSamples = pure $ singleSample samplePoolMetadata samplePoolMetadata :: PoolMetadata samplePoolMetadata = PoolMetadata { _poolMetadataPoolId = "pool1pu5jlj4q9w9jlxeu370a3c9myx47md5j5m2str0naunn2q3lkdy" , _poolMetadataHex = "0f292fcaa02b8b2f9b3c8f9fd8e0bb21abedb692a6d5058df3ef2735" , _poolMetadataUrl = Just "https://stakenuts.com/mainnet.json" , _poolMetadataHash = Just "47c0c68cb57f4a5b4a87bad896fc274678e7aea98e200fa14a1cb40c0cab1d8c" , _poolMetadataTicker = Just "NUTS" , _poolMetadataName = Just "Stake Nuts" , _poolMetadataDescription = Just "The best pool ever" , _poolMetadataHomepage = Just "https://stakentus.com/" } -- | Relays of a stake pool data PoolRelay = PoolRelay { _poolRelayIpv4 :: Maybe Text -- ^ IPv4 address of the relay , _poolRelayIpv6 :: Maybe Text -- ^ IPv6 address of the relay , _poolRelayDns :: Maybe Text -- ^ DNS name of the relay , _poolRelayDnsSrv :: Maybe Text -- ^ DNS SRV entry of the relay , _poolRelayPort :: Integer -- ^ Network port of the relay } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via CustomJSON '[FieldLabelModifier '[StripPrefix "_poolRelay", CamelToSnake]] PoolRelay instance ToSample PoolRelay where toSamples = pure $ singleSample samplePoolRelay -- | Example of `PoolRelay` samplePoolRelay :: PoolRelay samplePoolRelay = PoolRelay { _poolRelayIpv4 = Just "" , _poolRelayIpv6 = Just "https://stakenuts.com/mainnet.json" , _poolRelayDns = Just "relay1.stakenuts.com" , _poolRelayDnsSrv = Just "_relays._tcp.relays.stakenuts.com" , _poolRelayPort = 3001 } -- | Stake pool delegator data PoolDelegator = PoolDelegator { _poolDelegatorAddress :: Text -- ^ Bech32 encoded stake addresses , _poolDelegatorLiveStake :: Lovelaces -- ^ Currently delegated amount } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via CustomJSON '[FieldLabelModifier '[StripPrefix "_poolDelegator", CamelToSnake]] PoolDelegator instance ToSample PoolDelegator where toSamples = pure $ samples [ PoolDelegator { _poolDelegatorAddress = "stake1ux4vspfvwuus9uwyp5p3f0ky7a30jq5j80jxse0fr7pa56sgn8kha" , _poolDelegatorLiveStake = 1137959159981411 } , PoolDelegator { _poolDelegatorAddress = "stake1uylayej7esmarzd4mk4aru37zh9yz0luj3g9fsvgpfaxulq564r5u" , _poolDelegatorLiveStake = 16958865648 } , PoolDelegator { _poolDelegatorAddress = "stake1u8lr2pnrgf8f7vrs9lt79hc3sxm8s2w4rwvgpncks3axx6q93d4ck" , _poolDelegatorLiveStake = 18605647 } ] -- | Registration action of a pool data PoolRegistrationAction = PoolRegistered | PoolDeregistered deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) instance ToJSON PoolRegistrationAction where toJSON PoolRegistered = toJSON ("registered" :: Text) toJSON PoolDeregistered = toJSON ("deregistered" :: Text) toEncoding PoolRegistered = toEncoding ("registered" :: Text) toEncoding PoolDeregistered = toEncoding ("deregistered" :: Text) instance FromJSON PoolRegistrationAction where parseJSON = withText "action" $ \case "registered" -> pure PoolRegistered "deregistered" -> pure PoolDeregistered x -> fail ("Expected registration action got " ++ show x) instance ToSample PoolRegistrationAction where toSamples = pure $ samples [ PoolRegistered, PoolDeregistered ] -- | Certificate update to the stake pool data PoolUpdate = PoolUpdate { _poolUpdateTxHash :: TxHash -- ^ Transaction ID , _poolUpdateCertIndex :: Integer -- ^ Certificate within the transaction , _poolUpdateAction :: PoolRegistrationAction -- ^ Action in the certificate } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via CustomJSON '[FieldLabelModifier '[StripPrefix "_poolUpdate", CamelToSnake]] PoolUpdate instance ToSample PoolUpdate where toSamples = pure $ samples [ PoolUpdate { _poolUpdateTxHash = "6804edf9712d2b619edb6ac86861fe93a730693183a262b165fcc1ba1bc99cad" , _poolUpdateCertIndex = 0 , _poolUpdateAction = PoolRegistered } , PoolUpdate { _poolUpdateTxHash = "9c190bc1ac88b2ab0c05a82d7de8b71b67a9316377e865748a89d4426c0d3005" , _poolUpdateCertIndex = 0 , _poolUpdateAction = PoolDeregistered } , PoolUpdate { _poolUpdateTxHash = "e14a75b0eb2625de7055f1f580d70426311b78e0d36dd695a6bdc96c7b3d80e0" , _poolUpdateCertIndex = 1 , _poolUpdateAction = PoolRegistered } ]